
关键词: 精选



letter of financial support november 2007 dear uk visa officer, we are the applicant,________’s supporters.we are happy to support the applicant to go to study in uk and willing to take the responsibility of sponsor to pay tuition fee, life expense and travel fee during his/her study in uk.we will provide him/her with enough money by bank remittance every year for any possible use in uk.we will increase the sum of guarantee money if necessary.she/he is not expected to repay the money.thank you for your assessment.yours sincerely, signature of support/s:篇二:经济担保书英文翻译


financial support statement 我愿做__________国(地区)学生______________在南京大学学习期间的经济担保人,保证该生按时缴纳各种费用,该生不能支付有关费用时,由我负责支付。i am willing to be the financial supporter of mr./ms._________________________, a citizen of_____________________, during his /her stay at nanjing university as a student.i will make sure that he /she pay all the fees on time, and i will pay all the fees which he /she would fail to pay.姓名/name:_______________ 国籍/nationality:_______________ 证件号码/identification number:____________________ 与申请关系

/relationship with the application:_______________________ 住址/address:____________________________________________________ 单位 /name of employer:_______________________________________________ 电话(住宅)/telephone number(home):__________________(单位/office):_________________ 担保人签字/signature:__________________________ 日期/date:_______________________篇三:中英文担保

担 保 书

美利坚合众国驻 领事馆:

我们的孩子,男/女,出生于 年 月 日,护照号

码:,就读于 学校。参加 活动。我们保证他/她遵守一切规定,听从领队老师的命令,不私自离队,不单独行动,按时回国,他/她在美期间的一切费用由我们承担,如出现滞留不归的现象,我们愿意承担由此引起的一切经济后果和法律责任。



日期: 年 月 日 letter of guarantee signed by father: singed by mother: date:篇四:证件翻译之经济担保书英译样本


北京福瑞传翻译有限公司 提交于:2008-7-18 证件翻译之经济担保书英译样本

经济担保书是经济担保人为了对他人在国外留学期间所需要的费用进行担保而出具的一份带有声明性质的函件。取得合格的经济担保书,首先要确定有经济能力且自愿为申请人进行担保的合理的人选(如亲朋好友等), 其次必须由担保人出具经济担保的正式函件(包括自愿提供申请人在国外学习期间的学费、生活费等一切相关的费用)并签字, 三是须由担保人提供其本人的银行存款证明、收入证明或纳税证明等。对于经济担保证明书, 一般由担保人本人签字即可, 但最好经过其所在国家或地区的公证机关公证。经济担保书英文翻译(样本)financial support statement 我愿做__________国(地区)学生______________在南京大学学习期间的经济担保人,保证该生按时缴纳各种费用,该生不能支付有关费用时,由我负责支付。i am willing to be the financial supporter of mr./ms._________________________, a citizen of_____________________, during his /her stay at nanjing university as a student.i will make sure that he /she pay all the fees on time, and i will pay all the fees which he /she would fail to pay.姓名/name:_______________ 国籍/nationality:_______________ 证件号码/identification number:____________________ 与申请关系/relationship with the application:_______________________ 住址/address:____________________________________________________

单位/name of employer:_______________________________________________ 电话(住宅)/telephone number(home):__________________(单位/office):_________________ 担保人签字/signature:__________________________ 日期/date:_______________________ 证件翻译之经济担保书英译样本

经济担保书是经济担保人为了对他人在国外留学期间所需要的费用进行担保而出具的一份带有声明性质的函件。取得合格的经济担保书,首先要确定有经济能力且自愿为申请人进行担保的合理的人选(如亲朋好友等), 其次必须由担保人出具经济担保的正式函件(包括自愿提供申请人在国外学习期间的学费、生活费等一切相关的费用)并签字, 三是须由担保人提供其本人的银行存款证明、收入证明或纳税证明等。对于经济担保证明书, 一般由担保人本人签字即可, 但最好经过其所在国家或地区的公证机关公证。经济担保书英文翻译(样本)financial support statement 我愿做__________国(地区)学生______________在南京大学学习期间的经济担保人,保证该生按时缴纳各种费用,该生不能支付有关费用时,由我负责支付。











This paper is a country research based on management point of view.So most of the information involved will be business related.It will be divided into four parts.The first part will be the general description of the country Germany using the PEST (political, economic environment, socio-cultural environment and technological) business analysis model.The second part would focus on the industries in Germany that drives the country's economy.The main industries in Germany are Machinery Manufacturing, Electronics industry, Automotive industry, Chemical industry and Iron and Steel industry.The third part would specify the companies and their “innovative” initials.Three companies will be discussed in depth: Siemens, Volkswagen and BASF.The last part would be a summary of the problems and opportunities in Germany.

Part One: PEST


International trade is essential for every country.Globalization is the result of the increasing trade (in all forms) activities among nations.Thus, government regulations on trade is very important to have the country's economy in control in order to avoid unexpected financial crisis.This part will talk about different government regulations on varies aspects such as import restrictions, tax controls and labour restrictions.

Import restrictions: All German importers must have a Customs Number on file.The exceptions to these requirements are individuals, military shipments (must be specifically noted on all documents) , Non-EU residents and importers who only receive 3 or less shipments per year.Customs clearance is generally done electronically through the ATLAS System by the broker performing the clearance.The general import entry types are high value clearance.Duties & tax (excise tax occur) ; manifest low value clearance (simplified procedure for import clearance) for goods under 25 euro; single low value clearance (For sample shipments exceeding 25 euro) ; Summary customs procedure (Simplified procedure for frequent importers) ; bonded shipments (shipments transiting un-cleared, in bond to final consignee) ; AE 302 clearance (shipments of official use for U.S.Millitary)

Market control: for regular importers, there’re a list of things that are restricted or need approval licenses for entry into Germany such as used agricultural machinery, animals, birds and other livestock, asbestos, bees and honey, insects, whale products, wood, hops and hops products or any food products containing meat or milk products for personal consumption is prohibited unless specified the use for individuals.

Tax control: there are many types of taxed exist in Germany.The most common two are Income Tax and VAT.Other tax are Corporation Tax, Trade tax, Real Property Tax, Inheritance and gift tax, Payroll Tax, Net worth Tax and so on.Germany has reached tax treaties with about 90 countries to avoid double taxation.These agreements fall under public international law and aim to avoid that one taxpayer is charged similar taxed more than once on the same income for the same period.The basic structure of the double taxation agreements is the “Model Tax Convention” drawn up by the OECD.Because of the financial crisis, a declining depreciation for movable assets has been reintroduced for two years (2009-2010) .Businesses are allowed to carry back losses and to claim refund of paid corporation/income tax.As a result they get liquidity improvement.

Labour restrictions: the country is uneasy with its central position in European integration and is struggling with integrating immigrants, mainly from Muslim and eastern Eurasian countries, and the continued gap between the wealthier former West Germany and the former East Germany.Germany have applied to the European Commission for an extension to lift the restrictions for workers from Central and Eastern Europe in 2009, arguing that it could do serious harm to their labour markets.However, any extensions have expired on 30 April 2011 and no possibility of renewal.

Economic environment:

The German federal government plays a crucial role in the German economy, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly through the effects of other policies on the economy.There are three principal figures responsible for economic policy are the chancellor, the minister for economics, and the minister of finance.The three positions have rarely been held simultaneously by members of a single party and are usually divided among two or sometimes three parties.Economic policy therefore has to reflect the interests of at least two political parties.

The German economy has its contradictions like other European countries on its domestic and EU policies.The economy is modern but old-fashioned.It is subject to national laws ad rules but is so closely tied into the EU that it is no longer truly independent.It has a central bank that controls European monetary policy and has a deepening impact on the global economy but that also insists on making its decisions mainly on the basis of domestic considerations.

One of the most important sectors for a country's economy development is the global trade.Germany has done a particular good job compared to other Europeans countries.It has maintained a good relationship with BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) by providing advanced technology to their manufactures.In 2010, the exports in Germany were 1.146 trillion dollars, a 12.6 billion dollars surplus.

Socio-cultural environment:

Different culture can affect the way people do business.Germans are famous for their integrity, preciseness and formality.The general business appearance in Germany is very conservative: Businessmen wear dark suits; solid, conservative ties, and white shirts; women also dress conservatively, in dark suits and white blouses.Germans are strongly individualistic; their thought process is extremely thorough, with each aspect of a project being examined in great detail.German citizens do not need or expect to be complimented.In Germany, it is assumed that everything is satisfactory unless the person hears otherwise.Punctuality is necessity in Germany.Arrive on time for every appointment, whether for business or social.Being late, even if for only a few minutes, is very insulting to a German executive.In business situations, shake hands at both the beginning and the end of a meeting.

German is the official language.Approximately ninety-nine percent of the population speaks German.However, there are several different dialects in the various regions.Quite a few Germans learn English from a very young age, but it is better if someone can learn some Germans before entering the country.


Technology is slightly mentioned in the economic environment session.Technology is a patent, it is crucial for a company's competiveness in global trade.According to the Technology Review published in 2005, Germany's greatest strength is its automobile industry (Vasek 2005) .In the years to come, many emerging technologies, from optical communication links to nanotech materials, will find their way into cars.Technological innovation will be critical to creating the opportunities that will lead German carmakers and their suppliers out of their current trouble.In particular, German carmakers are betting on computer-based assistance systems that could make driving safer and more comfortable.

Green technologies constitute a market that is growing globally.A wide variety of knowledge-based industries and services are setting standards to protect the environment.For this reason, Germany is presenting itself since May 2008 until October 2009 as a leading location for environmental technology within the context of the “German Initiative for Partnership in Green Technologies”.The aim is to increase co-operation between German and international research establishments and enterprises.Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds German research networks which are especially strong in fields such as: prevention/reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution control, waste management technologies, waste and recycling, secondary and renewable raw materials, land reclamation and land use management (Research in Germany 2010) .

In 1987-97 total research and development expenditures in Germany amounted to 2.4% of GDP; 2, 831 scientists and engineers and 1, 472 technicians per million people were engaged in research and development.In 1998, high-tech exports were valued at $63.7 billion and accounted for 14% of manufactured exports.The German national science and technology budget is applied to many areas like chemical, automotive and telecommunications.The current policy emphasis is on applying science and technology to enhance Germany's economic and competitive standing while protecting the nation's health and the environment.

Part Two: Leading Industries

According to the article “German Industries Rebuke Chancellor” from Wall Street Journal, manufacturing is the foundation of Germany's economy.Heavy Engineering industries are also prominent in the country.Germany is a member of the G-7 groups and is one of the richest countries in the world.The most important and prominent industrial region in Germany is Ruhr.Ruhr includes Dortmand, Duisburg, and the Dussel-dorf.It produces most the the nations iron and steel.Much of Germany's steel is used to make automobile, ships and tools.

West Germany has a high reputation in the world for the excellent design and fine workmanship of products such as the BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes-Benz cars.

The chemical industry is one of Germany's most important and includes companies like Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst.Machine and vehicle construction is another major industry, which includes aircraft manufacture, shipbuilding, plant machinery, and automobiles.

Electrical engineering, electronics, and office equipment are growing industries.While many industries are successful, traditional heavy industries like steel and shipbuilding are suffering a major decline.Competition from the Japanese and new technology are now reducing the profits from German production.The addition of the former East German population to the market economy has put the whole business in trouble.

Part Three: Leading companies and leaders

This part will focus on the specific companies and their “innovative” leaders who manage the company so well that they become the flagship of the industry in Germany.According to the Special Report byForbes.com, the top ten companies are:

1.Mercedes Benz – Automobile

2.Allianz – Insurance

3.Volkswagen – Automobile

4.Siemens – Electro

5.Deutsche – Telekom

6.Metro – Trade

7.Deutsche Bank – Bank

8.Münchener Rück - Insurance

9.RWE – Energy

10.BMW – Automobile

From the rankings above, we can see that there are three out of the ten top companies are in Automobile sector, one in Electro and one in Energy sector. From the top companies, I would like to choose 3 companies and talk about the business strategy and innovation reformation within the company.

Siemens AG:

Siemens AG is a German engineering conglomerate, the largest of its kind in Europe (Siemens.com 2011) .Siemens has international headquarters located in Berlin, Munich and Erlangen.The company has three main business sectors: Industry, Energy, and Healthcare; with a total of 15 divisions.The productions include manufacturing IT, Industrial goods, Telecommunications, Transportation, Control Systems, Healthcare, Energy, etc.

Innovation has always been one of the most important elements in Siemens’ business strategy.Innovations help to cut costs, increase sales and achieve higher earnings.Nowadays, those who fail to launch the right new product on the market at the right time will be punished more severely than ever before.Siemens came up with five ways of being “innovative”:

1.A Trendsetter in innovation: Siemens thinks that there are three types of innovation: first movers, follower and the “trendsetter”.Trendsetters are companies that succeed in establishing a new technology, de-facto standard or indispensable feature on the market.In order to become trendsetters, they have to be in strong technological position, and they also need to be well-positioned in disruptive technologies that can revolutionize the market in the future.Companies like IBM, Microsoft and Intel are such trendsetters.

2.Exploiting synergies: Siemens has introduced the top+ Innovation program within the top+ Business Excellence program.This program focuses on further increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of R&D activities as well as exploiting synergy potential more consistently.There are various ways for doing this, including benchmarking and best practice sharing, active patent management throughout the entire company, and the joint development of multiple-impact technologies or platform strategies.For example, it is possible to develop software as modules in a manner that enables its use in diverse applications, such as security technology, voice recognition, and image processing.Materials research can also lead to similar cross-functional applications.There include intelligent sensors, new types of displays, piezo-controlled values, turbine coatings, and miniaturized laboratories on a chip.An example of a platform strategy was the development of the syngo operating interface for use in a variety of medical technology systems.

3.Global networks: Siemens likes to rely on a global knowledge network, hundreds of cooperative projects with universities, their own R&D laboratories are all around the world, multicultural innovation teams, and the extensive involvement of various departments, customers and suppliers.

4.Navigation system for the future: Siemens have developed a method – the Pictures of the Future – for obtaining a clear idea of the best way to move into the future.Pictures of the Future combine the road mapping activities of the Groups with a visionary approach in which holistic scenarios of the future are systematically developed.This combination of the two procedures makes it easier to identify technologies with high growth potential and broad scope as well as anticipate future customer expectations and business possibilities.The important thing in this regard is that the Pictures of the Future incorporate the wealth of experience possessed by those who conduct the business of today.Without this advantage, it would not be possible to competently assess possible future developments.


Volkswagen is the original and biggest-selling marque of the Volkswagen Group, which now also owns the Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, SEAT and Skoda marques and the truck manufacturer Scania.

“Innovation” is the core value of Volkswagen, in order to strengthen its brand value, they starts a country wide campaign titled “Innovations for Everyone”.The movement was initiated in India on August 18 and will run till November.“Innovation” happens to be one of the three main assets that the brand stands for; the other two are “responsibility” and “value”.

Every year Volkswagen came up with new ideas and new models on vehicles.This year, Hannover Messe ’11 is another star on the automobile market.The GradCAD's Sales Director Lauri Poldre talked about the principles of innovation in Volkswagen, engineering trends and car design.He said that they focus on two sides of innovation, “on one side we show here our entire idea of an energy efficient production process, on the other hand we show a compact car which is a new small Builli, which is a concept car, electrically driven which we’ll present to the German public today here” Then he talked about Volkswagen's engineering trends in production.In production it's going in the direction of energy efficiency with a sustainable production process.Energy efficiency needs a lot of small steps and renovations.It starts with the building isolation and ends up the change from air power tools to electronic tools where the power that they need for these tools is produced b solar modules that mounted on the rooftop of the building.

BlueMotion technology is one of another innovations that Volkswagen comes up with.It is the label Volkswagen gives to the most fuel-efficient car model in each class.BlueMotion cars are the real benchmark in their respective segments.They achieve this through an intelligent engine management with the start-stop system, the brake energy recovery system based on energy recuperation, improved aerodynamics as well as low rolling resistance tyres.All these technologies have one aim: to reduce fuel consumption as much as possible.BlueMotion cars are also setting new aesthetic standards.The special design of the interior and exterior as well as the famous logo on the radiator grille and rear differentiate BlueMotion cars from the standard models.

Part Four: Problems and Future of Germany

Germany maintains one of the richest countries after WW2, it got its economy on track by expanding its GDP 3.6% in 2010.By several measures, including keeping unemployment down (it is at its lowest since 1992) and the prosperity reflected in the growth of GDP per head, Germany was the star performer among the rich G7 countries over the past ten years.Yet the German model remains flawed in two important ways.First, it is too dependent on foreign demand, reflected in an excessive current-account surplus of 5% of GDP last year, while consumer spending is weak.Instead, Germany needs to rebalance its growth, with greater efforts to boost demand at home.More spending in Germany would also help struggling economies elsewhere in Europe.The second problem is Germany's poor record in improving productivity.In contrast to Germany's industrial advantage, its bigger services sector remains overprotected and inefficient.More competition and fewer restrictions would help.A rise in domestic spending and progress in productivity would help Germany to continue succeed.It can start with the expand of consumer spending, then focus on productivity enhancing reforms of services.

It is also an opportunity for Germany when recently, in May 1st, Germany finally opened the doors to workers of eight eastern European nations.Since the employment has dropped low now, Germany welcomes people to boost its job markets.Economy Minister Rainer Bruderle told the media that Germany needs more than 66, 000 IT specialists to boost its leading industries.

But Germany needs to pay attention to the endangered countries like Spain, Greece.European Union tied European countries together in economy; it brings more flexibility but dependency with each other as well.Germany will have to learn to work with other countries for mutual maximum profits and prepare for any changes in the regulations of EU.Keeping the balances in terms of the international trade and current account surplus, inflation of the currency are crucial to Germany's future.


[1]Vaek, Thomas.“Germany-Technology Review.”Technology Review:The Authority on the Future of Technology.http://www.technologyreview.com/business/14297/





















Sex : female

Date of Birth : Nov 17th 1977 Health : excellent

Home Address : School Address :

room 404 , No. 3 building , P.O. Box 406

San Tang Yuan , Yangjiang City Guangdong Commercial College


51 510320

Tel of Dorm : Tel of the Department Office :

(020) 84097773 (020) 84099088-3206


To obtain a positon in the fields of Taxation , Finance Accounting , Management , Executive , Administration and Education , etc .


1.Sep , 1990 ~ June , 1992

Studied in the Yangchun No.1 Middle School

2.Sep , 1992 ~ June ,

Studied in the Yangjiang No. 1 Middle School

3.Sep,1996~June ,

Dept. Of Taxation , Guangdong Commercial College (GD , China )

Bachelor Degree in Economics , expected in June 1999 .

Major in International taxation

Major Courses : Financial Accounting , Principles of Accounting ,Principles

of Public Finance , Principles of Taxation , Public Budgeting ,

Chinese Taxation System , International Taxation ,

Taxation Administration , Taxation Detection ,

Computer Application in Taxation Accounting ,

Computer Application in Taxation Management ,


During College :

1.Acted as secretary of Study Department of Student Council

2.The reporter of broadcasting station in school


1. Won the first-class Scholarship in 1996

2. Join the items of 4*100 race and 100 meters race of female in the match of department every year


1. Jan , Experiencing in the taxation bureau of Yangjiang

2. Aug , 1997 Joined the Summer Holiday activities held by the League Organization in Yangjiang

3. Jan , Studied computer operation in the propagandize bureau in Yangjiang .

4. Aug , 1998 Went to the taxation bureau in Yangjiang to see the network system of the taxation in GD .

5. Jan , 1999 Went to see the life in the country in GD

6. Aug , 1999 Studied audit skill in the Check Substation of Taxation Bureau in Yangjiang .


1. Language : English ( GET 4 of college English Test )

Fluently in Mandarin , Cantonese , and the local language of Hakka

2. Computer : Band Two of GD Computer Level Test

Experienced in Windows , Office 97 , Foxpro , Foxbase , Excel 7.0


Music , Dancing , Travel , Reading

Be good at Writing and Running



户口所在地:河南身材:160 cm? kg
婚姻状况未婚年龄:33 岁
培训认证 诚信徽章: 
个人工作经历:Fujian 2006.3-2008.2 10000 Wang Food Co., Ltd. Sales Manager

Their industry: fast-moving consumer goods (food, beverages, cosmetics)

Product positioning, market planning, launch new products and packaging of the recommendations and views of the established price system, team building and management, market analysis; sales plan formulation and implementation of steps to control the market, sales management and control costs.

Object report: the number of subordinates, general manager: 40

Proved by: Zhang Xiong leave technical reasons: different

Performance: as a sales manager in the period, the adjustment of the market direction and mode of operation; developed a performance assessment methods, and establish regular meetings on the system, to some extent, increased staff enthusiasm for the business; an effective solution to the problems left over by history; to reverse the shrinkage of the market situation and improve the distribution of customer enthusiasm; on sales rose to 2.6 million yuan from 3.9 million yuan.

Hengan International Group 1999.10-2006.2 Regional Manager Sales Department

Their industry: fast-moving consumer goods (food, beverages, cosmetics)

Layout from the market, sales network development, progressive sound, KA system of management and marketing program development and implementation of the implementation of the multi-level circulation distribution, distribution management and customer incentives, the establishment of the price system and control, product with a reasonable structure, the flow of market promotion and control measures, such as a theoretical basis and practical experience.

For different stages of development companies and the different characteristics of the local, the annual distribution plans, the work of promoting the quarter, and monthly tasks. Team building and management, how to mobilize the team, team spirit and individual initiative; the market direction for the development phase of the quantitative targets and the completion of steps to promote, market and competitive analysis of products, sales data collection and evaluation work, etc. There is a certain practical experience.

Object report: the number of affiliated regional manager: 60

Proved by:李昌耀reasons to leave: the search for greater development platform

Performance: I have several years working effectively completed the resource integration of regional markets, improve the layout of the distribution to end markets to reach more than 85% coverage of annual sales growth from 18 million to 32 million yuan.

受教育培训经历:1993.9-1996.7    河南财经学院      经济管理     大专

2001.11-2001.11    美国汤姆斯顾问公司    销售管理


外语:英语 一般  
    Well-known listed companies in China for many years, with annual sales of more than 3000 million. I do a conscientious and responsible, seeking truth from facts, pro-active; outgoing personality, good at teamwork, a certain degree of organization, coordination, communication and human love, dedication, focus, open, progressive, prudent and speculative.
 Wishing to engage in the industry: fast-moving consumer goods (food, beverages, cosmetics), office supplies and equipment


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