
关键词: 记录表 军训 评价



The rows of the team like a tree-like standing on the lawn, the voice of the loud reverberating in each of the students. The password has changed, the formation has changed, this is the military training, an organized activities.

Military training, is a test, hone, mature activities. Military training of childhood, purely a game; Junior military training, is just a kind of exercise; University of military training is very different, the nature can be sublimated.As long as 12 days of military training, so I understand too much life philosophy, only a word I feel the deepest, no pains, a harvest. Military training really feel it after the connotation.

Sunny, students are facing the sun in the station Junzi. North of the sun, the sun is dry on the skin, the students of the South is even more can not stand.Basking in the eyes are open. This is my deep feeling. But no matter who did not flinch, in the fight with the sun. In the station Junzi, the students pay the higher the effort to stand better. Qi step, running and other training are a lot of physical activity, as long as serious to do it will be able to Qi, run together.The same is true for house training. Take a stack, for example. It takes a long time to press and is thin. The buckle is detained for a long time and can be shaped.

No pain, a harvest, it is true Yeah, did not pay no gain. Twelve days of military training, for each student is how hard, pay less in training how can there be greater gains? I hope everyone in the world can realize the true meaning of this one, to do well, have to pay; to do better, have to pay more.

Military training, I believe experienced or not experienced people are tired of its reaction, bitter. Indeed, strict work and rest time, long training, hot dazzling sun ... ... This allows us to have been spoiled people who really can not bear to eat a bit. But experienced a military training in addition to the reaction bitter, tired, I believe there will be some feelings, I was like this.

I remember high school military training, we are more bitter than the military training of this university. At that time we are fifteen-year-old, every morning Meng Mengliang you have to grab to military training for an hour, and then eat breakfast, after dinner and began training. Morning to 12:00, 5:00 pm to the end of the evening but also study hall, do not say anything else on the military training time enough to drag people. Moreover, the temperature in our south is much higher than in the north, where it was the heat of September. Anyway, when you do not even want to wear military training dry clothes. Training process, from time to time someone down, crying more people. But the military training after the end of a whole year, we are particularly miss that life. Think, ah, and the new acquaintance with the students in the hot sweat, tears, and black, handsome instructors at rest, and from time to time to tease instructors: do not pay attention when the instructors do little tricks, and then in And instructors were crying when miles apart, pulling his hand would not let him go. Really very interesting, very moving!

And now experience the University of military training, people grow up the ability to endure the ability of the bar may be strong, in addition to the sun a bit violent feeling not tired before. But the military training time longer than before, and fellow students to establish the feelings of even more profound, especially as I am far away from the parents of students, military training really gave us a good adaptation process. In the process of military training, the tense and tense training not only reduced our homesickness, to eliminate our strangeness, but also exercise our ability to endure hardship and independent living. But also through the study of military theory also allows us to understand the significance of military training and enhance the patriotic consciousness, but also allow themselves more of a sense of responsibility, I feel a lot of maturity.


Military training days put themselves as soldiers of the troops, where the order is absolute obedience, here a kind of discipline called: absolutely strict. There is no personal charm, only the power of unity, where there is no mildly singing, there are singing the ileum of the soul-stirring.

Although the days of military training bitter, but like the coffee can taste the same deep taste. I thought it would not work, it tested me and told me to adhere to in the end, the victory will eventually belong to people with faith.Daily military posture standing, I feel the time is no longer a time, even if the legs sour but in exchange for a straight.

Each adhere to in the end will let me go beyond their own feelings. There was overcast rain drizzle shower without wet my red heart, there have been direct summer heat, but not as tanning the same skin, basking in my dedication. If there is no such training, I will not only rest for a moment will become a charity, compared with the usual leisure time, it is called the real “luxury.”

Junzi show is the military style, but also show the indignation of calm beauty, firm heart, hard bone proud sky, wind and frost of the wind, you will feel a sense of integrity and equity. If the youth is fine, then the military posture is beautiful.

But also military training so I realized the feelings of the soldiers, when the side sounded “tell the truth”, my eyes filled with tears, I would like to soldiers how many days and nights to hear the song will be sadly off Tears it. They gave up the warmth of their families, their loved ones.

This can not be said to be a great performance, they are and the motherlands stars together, shining above the clouds above us. I have no reason to complain about the boring life and boring. To flatter every day meaningful, beneficial to others, beneficial to themselves. Because there is such a group shoulder a million times heavier than my responsibility.Because a kind of life than I am a hundred thousand times hard. I should also show the attitude of the soldiers in front of the poet.



现在, 绝大多数中学并没有建立学生的成长记录袋, 当然也就没有统一的学生成长记录了。学生们手头拥有的也是惟一的“成长记录”, 就是能够计入初高中三年考试成绩和由班主任所撰写的评语及操行等第的一本《学生素质报告册》。这个报告册完全是班主任填写的, 为了防止学生丢失, 基本上只有放暑假和寒假的时候让学生带回去给家长看一下, 开学了还是统一保管在班主任那里。当然, 对于初中学生来说, 录取高中仍然是以每年当地教育部门统一组织的中考考试分数为唯一的依据, 至于大学的录取, 仍然是以高考分数为唯一的依据。在这样的前提下, 学生的成长记录必然就成了“流产儿”。可以说, 现在几乎没有多少中学重视“学生成长记录”, 当然也就没有多少学生坚持做自己的成长记录了, 因为做与不做并不影响他们的升学。

由此可见, 造成学生没有成长记录的主要原因还是中、高考的指挥棒没指挥好, 当然也有其他的各种原因。比如, 各地教育行政部门的确没有高度重视起来, 或者是根本没有当作日常的工作布置下去, 当然也就无需检查验收了。即使布置了, 又没有一个比较成熟的、便于学生成长记录的统一操作模式;作为学校, 也没有多少精力投入到此项“软性”的可做可不做的工作中去, 因为它不涉及到升学质量, 更不会影响到学校的声誉;作为学校的教师, 尤其是班主任, 让学生做成长记录, 必然要进行指导、检查, 这无疑又增加了班主任的工作量;作为学生, 也没有时间和兴趣去做, 因为不与成绩挂钩, 不会影响升学。尽管大家都觉得让处于青春期的中学生做好成长记录对他们的成长具有重要的现实意义和长远的历史意义, 但中高考的“指挥棒”必然使人们投入到追求现实的升学率之中, “建立每个学生的成长记录”就成了一纸空文。


第一, 上级领导要高度重视。为了落实这次的“绿色评价”措施, 教育部有关负责人表示, “教育部基础教育质量监测中心和有关高校已经做好准备, 为《意见》的落实提供专业支持与技术指导”。教育部下一步将建立评价资源平台, 组织专业机构制定评价操作指南, 开发科学的评价工具, 促进评价资源共享。“目前推出的中小学教育质量综合评价指标框架, 只是迈出了第一步, 我们将在实践中不断探索完善。”虽然“教育质量评价是世界性难题, 但为了孩子们的全面发展、健康成长, 我们必须迎难而上”。

第二, 要有统一的操作模式。像上海市教委专门为不同年级的学生印制了《上海市中小学生成长记录册》, 并于2004年秋季在本市中小学试用。《记录册》分别从小学1~2年级、小学3~5年级、初中6~7年级、初中8~9年级和高中五个学段提出了具体的培养目标和要求。每一学段的培养目标包括了政治思想、道德品质与行为规范、学习兴趣和态度、生活态度与生存能力等多个方面。其中的内容更贴近时代要求和学生实际, 评价项目更为合理, 操作也更为方便。如今, 在试行“绿色评价”的上海, 成果正在凸显。其重要的原因就是有了可以让不同年级学生都便于操作的统一的成长记录册。

第三, 要突出学生的主体地位。学生成长记录当然是学生拥有“成长记录”的第一记录权, 将主动权交给学生, 使学生在教师的指导下懂得自我操作、自我评价, 从中感悟体验, 实现自主管理, 使学生真正成为“成长记录”的主人, 看到自己的成长轨迹。翻开《中小学教育质量综合评价指标框架 (试行) 》可以看到, 珍爱生命、自尊自信、爱国情感、独立思考、批判质疑、师生关系、睡眠时间、学习状态等都纳入其中。即使是“学业发展水平”一项, 也重在考查学生对基本知识技能的理解掌握, 关注现实生活、解决实际问题的能力。这个新型“指挥棒”, 把“分数独大”的龙头, 换成了人的全面发展。因此, “成长记录”必须全面反映学生的成长进步, 真正体现“育人为本、德育为先, 以学生为主体”的评价宗旨。

第四, 要将“学生成长记录”与“绿色评价”统一起来。“学生成长记录”重视学生发展的全过程, 能记录学生成长的历程, 能提供相对真实的信息和证据, 能开放地、多层面地、全面地评价学生, 而且能够针对每一个学生进行评价, 使评价具有个性和针对性, 使学生体验成功、感受成长, 提高学生的自我反思能力等。“学生成长记录”可以说是记录了学生在成长过程中的一系列具体生动的“故事”, 也是评价学生进步过程、努力程度、反省能力及其最终发展水平的理想方式, 这对于学生信心、自我评价与自我反省能力的培养具有现实的意义。关于“绿色评价”, 教育部有关负责人引入了“效益”的概念:“学习不能不计成本”。为了高分, 中学生不仅学习压力沉重, 更是付出了高分低能、体质下滑、缺乏创新精神等惨重代价。笔者认为, 学生的成长记录应该与日前教育部正式启动“中小学教育质量综合评价改革”中的“绿色评价指标体系”相统一, 尤其是要与其中评价内容和评价指标相一致。绿色评价指标体系是这次改革的重点, 评价内容和指标包括学生品德发展水平、学业发展水平、身心发展水平、兴趣特长养成、学业负担状况等五个方面共二十个关键性指标。这套指标框架力图把党的教育方针的要求细化和具体化, 同时针对当前教育存在的突出问题和薄弱环节, 把重点放在综合考查学生发展状况上, 既关注学生的学业水平, 又关注品德发展和身心健康;既关注共同基础, 又关注兴趣特长;既关注学习结果, 又关注学习过程和学习效益, 由单一评价变为综合评价。如果在学生的成长记录里, 包含着以上的所有指标, 学生能够及时地把平时的表现与这些指标一一对应起来, 并用等第或是分数作一定的量化, 这样才能使学生的成长记录与绿色评价统一起来, 使我国的教育真正进入“绿色GDP”时代。

第五, 要鼓励学生、教师、学生家长积极参与, 形成多元评价体系。“成长记录”当然要改变单独由教师评价学生发展的现状, 鼓励学生本人、同学、教师、家长等共同参与评价活动, 将评价由单主体变为多主体, 这对于学生的素质发展是有利的。特别是学生在参与评价的过程中, 通过与其他同学的交流和沟通, 认清自己的长处与不足, 反思自身成长中存在的问题, 有利于全面地认识自我, 培养自主性与自我发展、自我成长的能力。但是, 在多元评价过程中, 教师有责任主动协调与其他主体的关系, 认真、细致地做好每一项学生成长记录工作, 共同对学生的成长负责。《上海市学生成长记录册》在评价方式上采取了在教师指导下学生自评与互评相结合, 教师评价与家长、社会参与评价相结合的方式, 强调对学生综合素质发展状况纵向比较的发展性评价。评价结果用等第制、百分制、描述性评价等定量与定性评价相结合的方式表示。这些实践经验都是值得借鉴和推广的。


2012年9月, 江苏省南通市“初中学生成长记录袋的构建研究”“十二五”规划立项课题正式开始实施。为了课题研究的需要, 本着操作方便、评价指标简明、方法易行的原则, 笔者结合多年做班主任的经验, 精心设计了八种不同的表格:表一, 入学时的情况统计;表二, 初一阶段的打算;表三, 学生每天每周在校表现及感受;表四, 平时表现情况统计;表五, 参加各种比赛、竞赛、社会实践等活动的情况统计;表六, 各科成绩记载统计;表七, 学生每月在家里的主要表现;表八, 班务日记等。这些表格体现了重视过程评价、重视非学业成就评价等最新的评价理念, 是学生真实生活的回归, 也是当前国内外得到广泛应用的一种学生评价方法。这种评价注重了学生综合素质的考察, 并贯穿于教育活动的每一个环节。它不仅关注对结果的评价, 同时也重视对过程的评价;不局限于学校的表现, 同时注重在家庭、社会活动中的表现。在设计这些表格时, 为了便于学生操作而又节约时间, 一般采用“ABC”的等级制形式呈现。之所以采用这种评价方法, 是因为随着素质教育的推进和课程改革的深入进行, 等级制逐渐受到人们的重视。其优点主要是评定方法简单、易于操作;可以缩小学生之间的差距, 在一定程度上减轻了学生的心理压力;适用范围较广, 不仅可以用来评价学生的认知发展情况, 还能够用于对学生的非认知领域的评价, 因此可以较有效、较准确地反映学生的整体发展情况。也可以说, 这种用表格形式来反映学生的成长过程就是一种发展性的评价方式, 其目的就是将学生成长的过程进行相对的量化, 使学生在各方面都能得到不断的进步。同时要求学生将自己所填写的各种表格按次序排放, 再用文件夹夹在一起, 就好似一个档案袋, 这样学生也能从中看到自己平时的表现和成长的过程, 留下一份初中阶段成长过程的宝贵档案。

北师大教授肖川在《教育的力量》一书中指出:“教育的第五种存在形式是评价。评价有过程性评价和终结性评价之分, 也有发展性评价与甄别性评价之别。”在如何对学生进行评价的问题上, 肖川明确指出:“在教育中, 评价有诊断甄别、反馈调节、激励、导向等功能。对学生的评价就意味着什么样的学生是好学生?在何种情况下学生就有可能受到奖励或惩罚?这就涉及评价标准是否合理?评价过程是否公平?评价究竟是导致学生之间的恶性竞争还是导向一个更好的生命状态?积极推行发展性评价, 让评价成为促进学生发展的有力杠杆, 是办好学校的重要策略。”肖川教授的这些话语, 使我对自己设计的学生成长记录的表格, 规范学生的评价充满了信心。目前, 新版《上海市中小学成长记录册》的评价标准也是以各种表格的形式呈现的, 表格设计上按照“德育为先”的顺序进行编排, 把“思想品德与行为规范情况记录表”列为每本记录册的第一张表格, 而且在“等第”的栏目旁增设“发展情况”一栏, 便于教师根据学生的表现填上“进步”、“保持”、“须努力”等评语, 以鼓励学生奋发向上, 更上一层楼。日前看到教育部启动的“绿色评价”, 其中的评价体系框架与自己一年实践的内容基本契合, 这就更坚定了我继续实践的信心, 今后要以教育部颁布的《关于推进中小学教育质量综合评价改革的意见》和《中小学教育质量综合评价指标框架 (试行) 》的内容为指导, 借鉴新版的《上海市中小学成长记录册》的内容, 重新设计和完善相应学生成长记录的各种表格, 使学生的成长记录更加符合教育部推行的“绿色评价指标体系”。

可喜的是, 我们已经从《初中学生成长记录袋的构建与研究》实验中尝到了甜头, 特别是翻开学生们一年所保存的一张张表格, 让我们看到了“绿色评价”的希望。当然, 表格的记载只是研究学生成长过程中的一个重要方面, 学生的成长还有大量的工作需要我们去发现、去研究, 所以, 在实施过程中还有必要根据学生的发展状况及时对表格进行调整、完善, 甚至重新创建新的表格, 更有必要围绕学生成长记录的操作问题作进一步的、深入的研究, 使之与课堂教学、学生成长、绿色评价的指标体系等有效地联系起来, 从而使“初中学生成长记录袋的构建研究”在新课程学生评价中发挥更大的作用, 真正为学生今后的成长提供一份有价值的档案。《教育部关于推进中小学教育质量综合评价改革的意见》明确指出:在评价方法上“要充分利用已有的学生成长记录、学业水平考试、基础教育质量监测等成果和教育质量监测和评价机构的评价工具。要科学设计评价流程, 有序开展评价工作。”在这些评价工具中, “学生成长记录”是最难做的。对学生来说:一是时间长, 需要坚持做;二是要经常做, 有的甚至是每天、每周、每月要做, 到了期中、期末还要集中做;三是要有具体的内容让学生好做等。对教师尤其是班主任来说, 一是要经常督促和指导学生做;二是要花一定的时间进行检查, 批阅学生的周记等。另外, 在绿色评价体系中, 评价指标的细化问题, 可以细到什么程度?成长记录如何避免千篇一律, 体现学生的个性?成长记录如何体现“一切为了学生发展”的教育理念?成长记录的发展性功能如何体现在“知识与能力”、“过程与方法”、“情感、态度、价值观”等“三维评价”的综合目标因素上?成长记录能否采用电子档案的形式进行操作?最关键的是学生的成长记录最后又怎样与升学考试挂钩?这些问题都需要思考。

如今, 基础教育教学体系是以中高考为龙头, 层层相连, 环环相扣, 在升学率的指挥棒下, 素质教育步履维艰, 学生成长记录和绿色评价当然也就难以落实了。“现在, 我们要打造以学生发展为龙头的教育体系。”教育部有关负责人介绍, “绿色评价”的变化体现在三个方面:一是将评价建立在大量数据的科学分析基础上, 改变主要依靠经验和观察进行评价的现状;二是注重考察学生进步和学校努力, 不再只看结果不看过程;三是注重促进学校质量内控机制, 不再过于依赖外部评价。我们要建立一套全新的“绿色评价”体系, 希望切实扭转评学生看分数、评学校看升学率的倾向。尽管问题很多, 难度很大, 但要想使“绿色评价”有个好的开头, 首先要求各个学校将学生成长记录做起来, 为绿色评价做好准备, 因为只有这项工作是最仔细的、最繁琐的, 当然也是最难造假的。总之, 学生的成长记录是一件十分重要、严肃的工作, 关系学生的健康成长。只有做好了学生的成长记录, 才能接轨教育部日前所推行的“绿色评价”体系。相信不久的将来, “学生成长记录”能够纳入各个学校的日常工作, “绿色评价”能够为学校和学生的发展指明前进的方向。

2009年教育部关于印发《中小学班主任工作规定》的通知以及《中小学班主任工作规定》明确要求班主任“组织做好学生的综合素质评价工作, 指导学生认真记载成长记录……”

学生成长记录当然是学生拥有“成长记录”的第一记录权, 将主动权交给学生, 使学生在教师的指导下懂得自我操作、自我评价, 从中感悟体验, 实现自主管理, 使学生真正成为“成长记录”的主人, 看到自己的成长轨迹。

教育的第五种存在形式是评价。评价有过程性评价和终结性评价之分, 也有发展性评价与甄别性评价之别。



“绿色评价”, 就是要改变单纯以学业成绩作为唯一标准的评价方式, 更加全面地对学生学业水平状况和各校课程标准的执行情况进行监控, 引导学校为实现“轻负担高质量”的教学而努力。



1.学生学业水平 (学生学业水平指数) ;

2.学生为取得成绩付出的代价 (学生学习动力指数、学生学业负担指数) ;

3.学校课程教学行为 (师生关系指数、教师教学方式指数、校长课程领导力指数) ;

4.各校均衡发展水平 (社会经济背景对学业成绩的影响指数) ;

5.学生品质和身心健康 (学生品德行为指数、学生身心健康指数、跨年度进步指数) 。






1. 家园互动,获取幼儿成长的全面资料,建立档案

















In the military training, very bitter tired, but this is a life experience, to overcome self, temper the will of the best opportunity. Although the heart can not tell the ups and downs, under the hot sun exposure, instructors over and over again patience and leadership to replace the strict rebuke. The training ground is not only our neat pace, but also our bursts of loud slogans, more of our songs that resounding camp.

In the perseverance of perseverance in sweat more training success: and in tears in exchange for the maintenance of the day will disappear with time.Like soldiers, I experienced the same iron toughness, temper the same will of steel. Although the clear tomorrow is still a fan, but the tough heart can see tomorrow more clearly. There are many hardships in my career that I want to come up with. As long as I have a strong will, firm confidence, we will be able to overcome their own.

In the military training process, I laugh, tears. Today, I experienced the wind and rain, suffered temper. Tomorrow, I welcome the magnificent rainbow.Bitter, I love the sweet now. Tired, I experience the pleasure beyond the limits of physical strength. Military training, let me learn how to face setbacks, how in the future path of life, how to overcome the ups and downs, so self-made, self-love, self-care, self-out of their own Sunshine Avenue, the first one of their own sky.

Station Junzi, gave me unlimited perseverance. Practicing turn, embodies the human lively and quick thinking, but also embodies the great collectivism.Not plot dripping, no to Jianghai. Without the best of each of us, it is impossible to have a complete, high-quality squad. Training every movement, let me deeply understand the unity of the effort, the strength of cooperation, and the team spirit of the main, I believe that it will enable me to benefit all my life, no matter in which position.

In their own life on the road, it should be printed on a full step of their own way, even if that road is full of thorns everywhere, even if that way each step is so muddy, as the rough, but also have to let their step, To explore, to march!

University military training personal self - identification

Waiting, waiting, long-awaited military training has finally begun. Green clothing, green hats, coupled with green shoes, we revel in a green sea.People say that military training will be bitter and tired, and the first class is the military training, for these children have been living under the wings of their parents, military training is a challenge - a self-challenge. In this short period of military training, they have to do with the students do not know each other know each other, and to help each other, unite, from the original lazy summer life out of, to participate in rigorous training, to accept the sunbaptism,

In the days of military training, we are happy. Tears. Huan. Military training days put themselves as soldiers of the troops, where the command is absolute obedience, here is a discipline called: absolutely strict. Although the rules,

But the strength of the unity, where there is no mildly singing, there is singing the soul-stirring ileum.

Although the days of military training bitter, but like a coffee can taste the same deep taste. I thought it would not work, it tested me and told me to adhere to in the end, the victory will eventually belong to people with faith.Daily military posture standing, I feel the time is no longer a time, even if the legs sour but in exchange for a straight. Each adhere to in the end will let me go beyond their own feelings. There was overcast rain drizzle shower without wet my red heart, there have been direct summer heat, but not as tanning the same skin, basking in my dedication.

Junzi show is the military style, but also show the indignation of calm beauty, firm heart, hard bone proud sky, wind and frost of the wind, you will feel a sense of integrity and equity. If the youth is fine, then the military posture is beautiful.

But also let me feel the military training to the feelings of soldiers, they gave up the warmth of home, family embrace. Day and night as shining above the clouds above us. I have no reason to complain about the boring life and boring. Because there is such a group shoulder a million times heavier than my responsibility. Because a kind of life than I am a hundred thousand times hard.

Military training is just a little bit of my youth, but gradually mature I am more eager to maintain a lasting military training experience. Military training hone my will, to push some of our lives to the limit, is my spirit followed a new look.It will be extended to my life every spring and summer and autumn and winter. Military uniform the most beautiful, the most loud and clear military songs, do the most proud of the military, and military training as the days after the storm of the soil, the ancestors scrub, and then humble until the precipitation into the bottom of my life.


First, the living environment does not adapt to change. For a freshman, came to a new living environment. The original home life or collective life style and the existing collective lifestyle and the daily code of conduct requirements there is a great distance. And thus the new school life environment had a strong fit.

Second, the role of the conversion does not meet. Some high school freshmen in the original junior high school is the “top students” strong opponents now suddenly increased the original advantage will no longer exist “conceited.” So the face of the new environment they will have lost, distressed, afraid of the psychological often miss the class before the collective rejection of the class.

Third, the new relationships brought about not suited. As the original study and living environment for the new students and teachers will have different expectations require an acceptance of the process. Some students will lack confidence in interpersonal communication often produce inexplicable sense of loneliness.





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