
关键词: 英语词汇 金融 求职 银行




account number 帐目编号depositor 存户

pay-in slip 存款单

a deposit form 存款单

a banding machine 自动存取机

to deposit 存款

deposit receipt 存款收据

private deposits 私人存款

certificate of deposit 存单

deposit book, passbook 存折

credit card 信用卡

principal 本金

overdraft, overdraw 透支

to counter sign 双签

to endorse 背书

endorser 背书人

to cash 兑现

to honor a cheque 兑付

to dishonor a cheque 拒付

to suspend payment 止付

cheque,check 支票

cheque book 支票本

order cheque 记名支票

bearer cheque 不记名支票

crossed cheque 横线支票

blank cheque 空白支票

rubber cheque 空头支票

cheque stub, counterfoil 票根

cash cheque 现金支票

travelers cheque 旅行支票

cheque for transfer 转帐支票

outstanding cheque 未付支票

canceled cheque 已付支票

forged cheque 伪支票

Bandar s note 庄票,银票

balance sheet 资产负债表

cash flow 现金流转

glossary 术语表

money order 汇款单,汇票

letter of credit n.[商](银行发行的)信用证charge for 想...收费

overdraft n.透支, 透支之款项

endorse v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署

liability n.责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, [负债], 与assets相对asset n.[资产], 有用的东西

solvent adj.有偿付能力的 n.溶媒, 溶剂, 解决方法securities n.有价证券

time hull insurance 船舶定期保险

marine insurance 海损保险

maritime transportation insurance 海洋运输保险

fire insurance 火险

cargo insurance 货物保险



Bookbuilding 建立投资者购股意愿档案


Bookrunner 投资意愿建档人;帐簿管理人



Coupon frequency 派息频率

Due diligence 尽职调查



Unsecured debt backed only by the integrity of the borrower, not by collateral, and documented by an agreement called an indenture.凭借款人信誉而非抵押品作保的未担保债务, 用协议来为其作书面证明。是指只用公司信誉作担保, 而无任何抵押担保的债券

debenture stock[证]信用股票

Stock issued under a contract to pay specified amounts at specified intervals.The name is misleading, since it's more like preferred stock than a debenture.是指公司以其部分或全部资产作担保, 对外发行筹措资金的股票。


Entry on the left side of a double-entry bookkeeping system that represents the addition of an asset or expense or the reduction to a liability or revenue. (See credit.) 财务报表上的一个词条, 是指在一个账户的左方记一项分录, 表明扣减一定数目的资金, 与贷记相反。

debit balance[会]借方余额

Balance remaining after one or a series of bookkeeping entries.This amount represents an asset or an expense of the entity.企业或个人欠贷款人, 卖方或代理商的款额。

debit card[银]借记卡, 银行卡

A card which allows customers to access their funds immediately, electronically.Unlike a credit card, a debit card does not have any float.顾客可通过电子化手段立即获得资金的卡。与信用卡不同, 借记卡 (利率) 没有任何浮动。

debit note[银]欠条, 借据

A note indicating an amount owed by a person or company.Serves the same function as an invoice.表明个人或公司欠款的单据, 与发票功能相同。

debit spread[证]负债对敲

A spread option position in which the price of the option bought is greater than the price of the option sold.是指投资者看跌期权所得到的溢价低于看涨期权时所需支付的溢价。

debt[会]债券, 债务

General name for money, notes, bonds, goods or services which represent amounts owed.A liability or obligation in the form of bonds, loan notes, or mortgages, owed to another person or persons and required to be paid by a specified date (maturity) .亏欠的金钱。以债券、贷款证、抵押贷款等表示的债务或义务, 并要求将其在某特定日期 (到期日) 归还。

debt capital[证]债务资本

Capital raised through the issuance of bonds.通过发行债券筹集的资本。

debt consolidation[银]债务整合

The replacement of multiple loans with a single loan, often with a lower monthly payment and a longer repayment period.Also called consolidation loan.将多种贷款合并成为一个, 经常获得较小的每月偿还额和较长的偿还期。也叫贷款整合。

debt coverage ratio (DCR) [房]负债收益比率

A comparison of the net income of a property with the cost of payments (principal and interest) on the mortgage on the property, used to assess the ability of the property to generate enough income to pay for itself.物业净收入与付款成本 (本金加利息) 间的比较, 用以估计物业的自偿能力。

debt equity ratio[房]债务净值比, 债务股本比

A comparison of the amount owing on a property with the equity (value of property minus amount owing) .A measure of a company's financial leverage calculated by dividing long term debt by shareholders equity.It indicates what proportion of equity and debt the company is using to finance its assets.负债额与物业净值 (物业价值减负债额) 的比。衡量公司财务贡杆的指标, 计算方法为将公司的长期债务除以股东权益, 显示公司建立资产的资金来源中股本与债务的比例, 股东权益/总负债。

debt equity swap[证]债换股交易

A refinancing deal where a debt holder gets an equity position in exchange for cancellation of the debt.一种再融资安排, 债权人获得公司的股权, 因而注销该公司亏欠的债项。

debt financing[房]举债置产

Paying for the purchase of a property with credit.通过信用支付物业的购买费用。

debt financing[分]债务融资

Financing by selling bonds, bills or notes to individuals or institutions.通过销售债券给个人或机构来融资。是指为筹集资金而发行债券或期票。

debt instrument[银]债务票据

A written promise to repay a debt, examples include bills, bonds, notes, CDs, GICs, commercial paper, and banker's acceptances.还债的书面承诺。例如国库券、债券、票据、大额定期存单、商业票据和银行承兑。





这种词的几个不同的汉语含义之间的差别比较明显,比如“balance”一词,在“balance sheet”(资产负债表)中翻译为“资产负债”;而在“balance of payment”(國际收支平衡表)中则译为“平衡表”;在“the balance of account”(账户余额)中又译为“余额”。再比如“credit”一词,在“letter of credit”(信用证)中译为“信用”;而在“international credit”(国际信贷)中又译为“信贷”;而在“to credit the exporter’s account”(贷记出口方账户)中作动词用,译为“贷记”,意为“make an entry on the right side of a ledger”,其反义词是“debit”(借记);另在“sales on credit”(赊销)中译为“赊账”。(见表1)。


这类金融英语词汇的金融含义,形象地借用了其基本词义,如“balloon loan”中的“balloon”,其基本词义为“气球”。气球即是一个前边小、后边大的物体。因此,“balloon loan”就译为“后涨式分期偿还贷款”,其更确切含义是:债务人在债务期内只偿还少量贷款、到期后偿还的数量更多的分期偿还贷款。再比如,“face value”(面值)就是借用了“face”的“脸面、表现”等基本词义;而“hot money”(热钱,短期游资;非法所得钱财)是借用了“hot”的“热、烫手”等基本含义。(见表2)。

表2 金融英语词汇中的象形借用例表*



在金融英语课文和其他很多阅读材料中,还常常出现借用俚语的情况,比如,因为“一元美钞”的背后印有美国前总统的头像,同时又是绿颜色,所以称作“dead president”或“green back”。 再比如,用“fat snake”来表示原欧盟各国货币的汇率上下浮动空间;用“iron man”表示“银元”;用“juice man”表示“放高利贷者”;用“munis”表示“市政债券”;用“nest egg”表示“养老储蓄”;用“skyrocketing”表示“价格飞涨”。(见表3)。

表3 金融英语中的俚语借用例表





[3]The Chartered Institute of Bankers, Hong Kong Center 《GUIDE TO HONG KONG LAW》January 1994 By Marcus B Y Hung and Paul T P Kwan


[5]Jerry M. Rosenberg 《Dictionary of Banking》 1993 By John Wiley & Sons, Inc

[6]周丽娟王献编著:《金融英语口语与听力》1992年10月 外语教学与研究出版社




bourse 证交所

corporate champion 龙头企业 Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所 pension fund 养老基金

mutual fund 共同基金

hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金 share 股票

valuation 股价

underwriter 保险商

government bond 政府债券

saving account 储蓄帐户

equity market 股市

shareholder 股东

delist 摘牌

mongey-loser 亏损企业

inventory 存货

traded company, trading enterprise 上市公司 stakeholder 利益相关者

transparency 透明度

Msnbc: Microsoft national broadcast 微软全国广播公司 market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则 damage-contral machinery 安全顾问 efficient market 有效市场

intellectual property 知识产权 opportunistic practice 投机行为 WorldCom 世通公司

bribery 行贿

entrepreneur 企业家

cook the book 做假帐

regulatory system 监管体系

audit 审计

accounting firm 会计事务所

Great Depression 大萧条

portfolio 投资组合money-market 短期资本市场

capitual-market 长期资本市场 volatility 波动

diversification 多元化

commodity 期货

real estate 房地产

option 期权

call option 看涨期权

put option 看跌期权

merger 并购

arbitrage 套利

Securities&Exchange Commission 〈美〉证券交易委员会 dollar standard 美元本位制

flight 贬值

budget 预算

deficit 赤字

bad debt 坏帐

output 产值

macroeconomic 宏观经济

fiscal stimulus 财政刺激

a store of value 保值

transaction currency 结算货币

forward exchange 期货交易

intervention currency 干预货币

Treasury bond 财政部公债

currnt-account 经常项目

pickup in rice 物价上涨

Federal Reserve 美联储

inflation 通货膨胀

deflation 通货紧缩

tighter credit 紧缩信贷

monetary policy 货币政策

awash in excess capacity 生产力过剩

foreigh exchange 外汇

spot transaction 即期交易

forward transaction 远期交易

option forward transaction 择期交易

swap transaction 调期交易

quote 报价

settlment and delivery 交割

buying rate 买入价

selling rate 卖出价

spread 差幅

contract 合同

at par平价

premium 升水

discount 贴水

direct quoation method 直接报价

indirect quoation method 间接报价

dividend 股息

domestic currency 本币

floating rate 浮动利率

parent company 母公司

credit swap 互惠贷款

venture capital 风险资本

virtual value 虚拟价值

physical good 物质产品

abstract good 抽象产品

Patent&Trademark Office 专利与商标局

book value 帐面价值

physical capital 实际资本

IPO:initial public offering 新股首发

job machine 就业市场

welfare capitalism 福利资本主义

collective market cap 市场资本总值

golbal corporation 跨国公司

transnational status 跨国优势

transfer price 转让价格

General Accounting Office 〈美〉会计总会

consolidation 兼并

leveraged 杠杆



BBK 德国央行

BOE 英国央行

BOJ 日本央行

BRC 美国协会

CBI 英国工业联盟

CFTC 委员会


ECB 欧盟央行




FED美国联邦准备FOMC 美国联邦调查委员会

G7 美国、日本、德国、英国、法国、加拿大、意大利G8 G7+俄罗斯

G10 瑞典、荷兰、比利时+G7

G11 G10+瑞士

GMT →00:00+8小时=


IBCA 欧洲债信评等机构

IFO 商业景气调查机构

IMF 国际会(组织)

MOODY 债信评等公司

OECD 经济合作览发展组织〈或欧洲共同议会〉OPEC

SNB 瑞士央行


上装 TOP

1.领角左右不对称。Collar corner are not symmetrical.2.肩缝左右不一样大。Left hand side shoulder seam and right hand side shoulder seam uneven.3.袖子吃水量过大(过小)。Ease more(less)

4.袖口克夫上的不光标。Poor workmanship for the cuff

5.扣眼毛,刀切锁眼线。Button hole raw edge leans out of seam

6.扣眼露前身衬。Visible interlining on buttonhole of front part

7.扣眼数量搞错。Qty of buttonhole wrong

8.扣眼位置搞错。Position of button hole wrong

9.大口袋左右高低。Position of left pocket and right pocket uneven

10.口袋尺寸小(大)measurement of pocket missing(+ cm)

11. 胸袋左右(高低)位置不对。Position of left selvage pocket and right selvage pocket uneven

12.拉练起浪,要根据不同情况,参照面料缩水率,来掌握大身面料吃量。Wrinkles at zipper, pls according to different situation and different shrinkage of fabric to control face fabric.13.衬脱落。Interlining missing

14.辅料 trims(拉练 zipper,纽扣 button)掉色(摩擦,温水 warm water,其他 other)。

15.滚条毛露。Piping raw edge leans out of seam

16.下摆不直(顺)。Bottom uneven.17.脏污 stain。(油 oil point,划粉 tailor’s chalk,其他 others)

17.开叉有长短(毛露)。Vent uneven(raw edge leans out of seam)

18.大身(袖子)里布紧(松)。Body lining(sleeve linig)is too tight!

19.大身起吊。Body hem line rides up

20.驳线不良bad join stitching,接线不良poor repair stitching

20.袖子起皱。armhole pucker

21.不对格checks not match

22.不对条stripes not match

23.领尖高低collar points high / low

24.领面起泡crumple at top collar

25.(较小的)污点dirty dot

26.(较大的)污点dirty spot

27,漏针,抽针,抽条,抽窿drop needle

28.边缘缺棉empty hem

29.多余的线头excessive thread end

30.布疵fabric defect

31.面布车得太贴近拉链fabric too close to zipper

32.前襟止口反吐facing leans out from front edge

33.起吊hiking up

34.错误的连接incorrect linking

35.驳口不直lapel roll line not straight

36.里布太多/太紧lining too full / tight

37.飞花织入loom fly

38.大疵,严重疵点major defect

39.小疵,轻微疵点minor defect



42.袋盖反翘pocket flap stick up

43.高低袋pockets high / low

44.回针不佳poor back-stitching

45.(车缝)下坑run off stitching

46.跳线skip stitching

47.裙浪不匀skirt flares uneven

48.袖子偏后sleeve leans to back

49.袖子偏前sleeve leans to front

50.露暗线stitching not in seam shadow

51.辅助线外露support stitching visible

52.粗纱thick yarn

53.线头thread end

54.领面紧top collar too tight

55.止口反吐under ply exposed/ under ply turn out

56.长短袖uneven length of sleeves

57.抽纱yarn drawn out

58.拉链难以开合zipper not movable

59.拉链起波浪zipper wavy

60.绣花emb.= embroidery


1. 腰头不直(顺)。Waistband uneven

2. 里禁过长(短)。Under fly too much(less)

3. 裤袢位置(数量)不对。Position(qty)of loops wrong

4. 裤腰宽度不对大(小)。Waistband width uneven

5. 裤钩牢固度不够。Hook lacks of fastness

6. 门禁明线宽度不对宽(窄),并且不美观。Stitching on fly uneven, and not so nice.7. 侧口袋高低(大小,开袋毛露)。Position of side pocket uneven(raw edge leans out of seam)

8. 后口袋高低(大小,开袋毛露)。Position ofBack pocket uneven(raw edge leans out of


9. 打结不美观,尺寸(位置)不对。Tack not so good, measurement(position)wrong

10.左右裤腿长短。Two legs are uneven

11.侧缝做缝不准确,造成侧面不顺。Side part is uneven because quality of side seam stitching is not good.12.脚口不直(顺),hem uneven/ bottom uneven

13.脚口卷边宽度不对。width of turn up bottom is wrong/ width of turn up bottomuneven

14.脚口贴脚皮接头不对。stitching seam of binding uneven/ off stitching seam of binding

15.脚口贴脚皮外露量不对。visible of binding is wrong



1. 领子,肩。Collar, soulder

2. 袖子,袖口。Sleeve, cuff

3. 后背约克,开叉。Back yoke, vent

4. 胸袋,侧袋。Selvage pocket, side pocket

5. 拉练,隐形拉练,前身,侧缝,下摆 zipper, invisible zipper, front part , side seam, bottom

6.衬,线,纽扣。Interlining, thread, button

7.面料,里料。Fabric, lining



Panel, tack,/buttonhole overlock,/button/sewing buttong by hand

10. 手工,机器。Handwork, machine

11. 下摆ottom

12. 口袋pkt.= pocket

13.止口S.A.= seam allowance


1. 裤腰,裤袢。Waistband, belt loop

2. 门禁,里禁。Fly,under fly

3. 门禁明线,横裆。Visible stitching on fly ,thigh

4. 侧缝,前(龙门)裆缝,后(龙门)裆缝。Side seam(side length), front rise, back rise

5. 脚口,翻脚裤,贴脚皮。hem, turn up bottom, bottom binding


1. 极光。shining

2. 整烫不良。Poor Pressing

3. 蒸汽太多(太少)。steam treating too much / too less

4. 烫痕iron mark

5. 熨烫过度overpress

6. 熨烫不够under press

7. 烫工不良poor ironing

8. 烫痕,压痕pressing mark



1.色差Color Shade /color deviation,2.颜色偏浅(深)color is too light / dark ,3.褪色color fading

4.褪色问题color fastness problem

5.衣服裁片色差color shading within one garment

6.颜色完全不同total different color

7.颜色组合错误wrong color combo

8.图案错误wrong pattern


1. 装箱错误(数量,配比)。或者缺少东西(拷贝纸,垫箱板等)wrong packing for

(quantity,collocation,missing tissue paper

2. 麦头写错。Wrong shippingmark

3. 装塑料袋错误。Wrong polybag

4. 臭味,不可接受的气味 undesirable odor

5. 错码 wrong size indicated

6. 实际重量a/w., aw= actual weight

7. 走拼箱CFS.= container freight station

8. 原产唛 coo.label= country of origin label

9. 出货日期date of dispatch

10.离厂日期ex-factory date

11.唛头,商标lbl.= label

12.包装pkg.= package

13.件,个(复数)pcs.= pieces

14.外箱尺寸不合規格Incorrect carton size

15.外箱過重Carton over weight

16.價錢牌 / 挂牌 / 嘜頭位置錯誤Wrong placement of price ticket / hangtag / label


18.箱号carton number


1. 规格上(下)差。superior(down)tolerance


1. 规格上差,超过2CM甩出,不可出货。Superior tolerance, +2cm, reject ship out.2. 赃污(严重)必须处理。Must clean the spots(terrible)

3. 上述问题请及时改正,否则会影响出货。PLS revise these problems as above, or can not ship

out.4. 翻箱整改上述问题,重新整理好,请及时通知进行重验。Pls repack and revise all problems

as above, and notify re-inspection in time.5. 如果出货后,出现上述问题,则由供应商付全责,请确认签字。If these problems are exit


clockwise 顺时针balsamic香醋 drizzle细雨 hyperactive活跃的 fidgety烦躁 sweat汗水 homicide 杀人 heritage遗产 ballistic弹道导弹 porn色情 sherlock 福尔摩斯sore 疮 subtle 微妙的indeed 确实punchline 点睛之笔ridicule嘲笑 wack 调侃peachy桃色 diverse各种 obligation义务 benign良性 resist抵御 insist坚持 persist坚持, crawls,爬

quitter懒人 armpit腋窝diaper尿布respiration呼吸cellular 蜂窝sponger寄生虫sponge海绵 numb麻木puke呕吐circumstance情况,环境;情势prsto瞬间语法标注解释 curiosity好奇心nipple奶嘴乳头chump木头片,木瓜呆瓜trash垃圾decompose腐烂skeleton骷髅clue线索clueless无知的horn角 触须,paw爪子mascot吉祥物rhyme [ra?m]n.1.韵,韵脚,押韵crowd人群 拥挤hindsight事后诸葛亮 elbow手肘snout鼻孔prank开玩笑,恶作剧,戏谑

clown小丑buck美元 combination结合联盟 对号密码密码锁mink貂皮shoplifter偷窃商店货物的扒手perpendicular垂直的,成直角的, yell 叫嚷fraternize亲近



negotiator 磋商者;交涉者 2.出售者;交易者;转让者stink发臭


feud [fjud]n.1.(部落或家属间的)世仇 2.(个人或团体间的)仇恨;长期不和;争吵

clench捏紧loophole漏洞barfbag呕吐袋子tentacle 触须触手dabble嬉水,涉足浅尝,quail鹌鹑hilarious可笑的anchor主播burp打嗝[corruption 贪污pollute污染



1.脆的,易碎的;娇贵的Take care with these delicate flowers.当心这些娇嫩的鲜花。

2.纤弱的,娇弱的She is in delicate health.她身体虚弱。

3.精美的,雅致的4.需要小心处理的;微妙的;棘手的In such a delicate situation I have to weigh my words.在这样微妙的情形下,我必须权衡一下我的话。

dummy 假人 木偶ventriloquistic腹语术eliminate淘汰

sneaky狡猾鬼祟 volcano 火山 floss牙线,线thread线cobweb蜘蛛网concede承认,认输

buffet自助 打人detour绕路

get even报复flirt调情lice虱子frame陷害

ticklish 痒痒


The capital a thrift is required to have in order to comply with the federal home loan bank's rules.

储蓄机构需持有的资本数额, 以满足联邦家庭贷款银行的规定。

core holding核心持有

A substantial long-term holding in a portfolio or fund.

投资组合和基金中被大量, 长期持有的部分。


Most commonly, the acute angle formed by intersecting streets or walls.

是指大量购买市场的某种商品, 从而达到控制这种商品价格的目的。


The illegal practice of attempting to purchase a sufficient amount of a commodity or security to manipulate its price.

指证券市场中以人为方法控制证券价格与某一水准, 使市场供需无法发挥自动调节作用的一种操纵行为。操纵者以高价连续购买某种证券, 直到卖空者无法从他人处借得证券补空时, 即可要挟卖空者以更高的价格向其购进同种证券;或以同样方式哄抬市价, 抑或连续地价跑出, 等大众盲目跟进以后, 在暗中逢高吐出或逢底补进以赚取暴利。

corporate bond公司债券

A bond issued by a corporation.

由公司发行的债券。是指公司为了兴建新厂或投资项目而发行的债券, 其典型付息方式是半年付息一次, 到期时按债券的面值还本。

corporate bond equivalent公司债券等同物

The semi-annual rate of return that would provide the same overall return as a given bond whose interest payments are not made semi-annually.

指把不是半年付息的债券, 折算成半年付息的等值报酬率。

corporate bonds公司债券

Bonds issued by a corporation.


corporate cannibalism企业自我竞争

An act of self-infringement upon market share by corporations through the issuance of new products.Also known as"market cannibalization."

企业的新产品造成自我竞争, 损害自身的市场份额。

corporate equivalent yield公司债券等值收益率

A comparison of the after-tax yield of government bonds selling at a discount and corporate bonds selling at par.


corporate fiduciary受托公司

A trust institution serving in a fiduciary capacity, such as executor, administrator, trustee or guardian.

作为受托人提供服务的信托机构, 如作为遗嘱执行人, 财产管理人, 受托人或监管人。

corporate finance企业融资

Any financial or monetary activity that deals with a company and its money.


corporate governance企业治理

The relationship between all the stakeholders in a company.This includes the shareholders, directors, and management of a company, as defined by the corporate charter, bylaws, formal policy, and rule of law.

一家企业所有权益方之间的关系, 包括股东、董事及管理层等, 原则根据企业章程、附则、正式政策及法规。

corporate income fund公司收益基金

A unit investment trust featuring a fixed portfolio of high-grade securities and other investments, usually with monthly distribution of income.


corporate tax公司税

A levy placed on the profit of a firm;different rates are used for different levels of profits.

因应公司利润征收的税项, 不同水平利润采用不同的税率。



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