英语专业 翻译句子(精选6篇)
篇1:英语专业 翻译句子
1.In the case of a resistor(电阻), the voltage-current relationship is given by Ohm’s law, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance.就电阻而言,电压—电流的关系由欧姆定律决定,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。
2.the fundamental law that is applied in(被应用)this method is Kirchhoff’s first law, which states that the algebraic sum of the voltages(电压的代数和)around a closed loop is 0,or ,in any closed loop, the sum of the voltage rises must equal the sum of the voltage drops.这里用到的基本定理是基尔霍夫第一定理,这一定理指出:闭合回路电压代数和为0,在任何闭合回路中,电压增加总量与电压下降的总量相同。
3.Mesh analysis consists of assuming that currents—termed loop(回路)currents— flow in each loop of a network, algebraically summing(代数和)the voltage drops around each loop, and setting each sum equal to 0.网孔分析指的是:假设有一个电流—即所谓的回路电流—流过电路中的每一个回路,求每一个回路电压降的代数和,并令其为零。
4.One problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifiers is that the gains ,Au or Ai, depend upon internal properties of the two-port system.对应于像广义放大器这样的电子器件存在一个问题就是他们的增益Au or Ai取决于双端口系统的内部特征。
5.The operational amplifier, or Op-Amp, is designed to minimize this dependence and to maximize the ease of design.运算放大器被设计的使它尽可能的减少对其内部参数的依赖性,最大程度地简化设计工作。
6.The transistor amplifiers, which are the building blocks from which Op-Amp integrated circuits are constructed , will be discussed.作为构建运算放大器集成电路的基本模块,晶体管放电器,将会被讨论。
7.Integrated circuit technology allows construction of many amplifier circuits on a single composite “chip” of semiconductor material(半导体材料).集成电路技术使得在非常小的一块半导体材料的复合“芯片”上可以安装许多放大器电路。
8.One key to the success of an operational amplifier is the “cascading”(串联)of a number of transistor amplifiers to create a very large total gain.运算放大器的成功的关键是串联许多个晶体管放电器以产生非常大的总增益。
9.A second important factor is that these circuit can be built in such a way that the current flow into each of the inputs is very small.第二个重要因素是这些回路是按照流入的每一个输入电流都很小的原则来设计制作的。
10.This is one of the features of Op-Amp design –the action of the circuit on signals depends only upon the external element which can be easily varied by the designer and which do not depend upon the detailed character of the Op-Amp itself.这是运算放大器设计的重要特征之一—在信号作用下,电路的动作仅取决于能够容易被设计者改变的外部元件,而不取决于运算放大器本身的微观特性。
11.Note that if A=100000 and(R1 +R2)/R1=10, the prize we have paid for this advantage is that we have used a device with a voltage gain of 100000 to produce an amplifier with a gain of 10.注意,如果A=100000 而(R1 +R2)/R1=10,那么为此优点而付出的代价是用一个具有100000倍电压增益的器件产生一个具有10倍增益的放大器。
12.we shall now briefly discuss the relevance of such terminology(术语),and in so doing we shall bring out the special aptness of the designation “true” and “false” to identify the possible values of a variable.现在我们将简要讨论一下这些术语之间的联系,并在此过程中我们应该阐明用特殊标示“真”和“假”来识别一个可能值的变量。
13.Finally let us connect the inputs to the devices on the chairs of pilots A and B and arrange that an alarm bell, connected to the output Z, respond when the output is V2(“true”)and not otherwise.最后,让我们把输入和 飞行员A和B座位下的装置联接起来,并安装一个与输入Z相连的警铃,当输出是V2(”真“)时响应,否则不响应。
14.Just as other algebras deal with variable which have a numerical significance, Boolean algebra deal with proposition and is an effective tool for analyzing the relationships between propositions which allow only two mutually exclusive alternative.和其他处理有数字意义变量的代数一样,布尔代数处理的是命题,而且布尔代数对于分析仅有两个互反变量的命题之间的关系是一种有效的工具。
15.Similarly, if an effective is to be produced by a change in a logical variable , it is preferred that the logical variable so involved(有关的逻辑变量)be defined in such manner that the effect is achieved when the logical variable goes to logic 1.类似的,如果效果将通过逻辑变量的变化而产生的,那么最理想的是以这样的方式定义有关的逻辑变量,即当逻辑变量转到逻辑1时达到此效果。
16.control systems designed by humans are used to extend their physical capabilities, compensate for their physical limitations, to relieve them of routine or tedious tasks, or to save money.控制系统被人们用来扩展自己的能力,补偿生理上的限制,或把他们从规矩,单调的工作中解脱出来,或者用来节省开支。
17.The analysis phase is concerned with determination of the response of a plantthe controlled object)to commands, disturbances, and changes in the plant parameters.系统分析关注的是命令,扰动和系统参数的变化在被控对象响应中的决定性作用。
18.If the response is unsatisfactory and modification of the plant is unacceptable, a design phase is necessary to select the control elements(the controller)needed to improve the dynamic performance to acceptable levels.如果响应不满足要求且修改的参数不被接受,就需要进行系统设计,来选择使动态性能达到接受要求的控制元件。
19.In those more complex cases where it is not adequate, the classical approach solution may aid in applying the modern approach and may provide a check on the more complete and exact design.在那些更复杂的情况中,经典方法虽不能满足,但解决方法可以对应用现代方法起辅助作用,而且可以对设计进行更完整和准确的检查。
20.Modern control theory has arisen with the advent of high-speed digital computers and can be characterized by the states variable concept(状态变量的概念)with emphasis on matrix algebra and with analysis and design principally in the time domain.现代控制理论是随着高速数字计算机的出现而发展起来的,它以状态变量的概念为特征,重点在于矩阵代数,分析和设计主要是在实域中。
21.Intuitively, a stable system is one that remains at rest(or in equilibrium)unless excited by an external source and returns to rest if all excitation are removed.直观地说,一个稳定的系统是保持稳定的(或平衡),除非受到外部激励,并且如果所有的外部激励去除后回到稳定状态。
22.So, a necessary and sufficient conduction for the system to be stable is that the roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts.This ensures that the impulse response will decay exponentially with time.所有说,一个系统稳定的充要条件是特征方程有负实根。这确保脉冲响应随时间呈指数衰减。
23.The Routh criterion: All the roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts if and only if the elements of the first column(列)of the Routh table have the same sign.Otherwise, the number of roots with positive real parts is equal to the number of changes of sign.劳斯判据表明:特征方程的所有根有负实部,当且仅当劳斯表中第一列元素有相同符号。否则,正实部根的数量等于符号改变的数量。
24.time constant时间常数
Dominating pole主极点
Settling time调节时间
Maximum percentage overshoot最大超调量
Peak time峰值时间
Rise time上升时间
25.the section introduces the internal architecture of a computer and describes how instructions are stored and interpreted and explain how the instruction execution cycle is broken down into its various components.这个部分介绍了电脑内部的体系结构,描述指令是如何被储存,编译和解释指令执行周期怎么分解成几个部分。
26.For the Intel 8086/87 and Motorola MC68000 microprocessors, a word is 16 bits long, but each memory location has only 8-bit locations and thus two 8-bit locations must be accessed to obtain each data word.对于Intel 8086/87或者Motorola MC68000 微处理器,一个字节的长度为16位,但每一个内存单元只有8位,因此,两个8位单元必须被访问为得到每个数据字节。
27.Instruction stored in memory stored in memory are fetched by the CPU and unless program branches occur ,they are executed In the sequence they appear in memory.存储在存储器中的指令由CPU获取的并且除非程序跳转,它们仍然会按内存中出现的顺序被执行。
28.In order to increase the number of memory location , the address fields and hence the instructions must be longer than 16 bits if we use the same approach.为了增加内存的内容,如果我们用相同的方法,地址段及指令必须比16位更长。
29.For efficient use ofthe memory space and processing time, most computers provide the capability of manipulating data of different lengths and representationin memory.为了有效的使用内存空间和处理时间,许多电脑提供了不同的长度和表示在内存中的数据操作的能力。
30.Decording means that the operation code is examined and used to determine the steps of the execution sequence.译码意味着操作码被检查和用于确定执行序列的步骤。
31.A total program cycle comprises(包含)many instruction cycles, each institution cycle can be divided into its component machine cycles, and each machine cycle comprises a number of clock cycles.一个程序包含许多指令周期,每一个指令周期分解为机器周期,并且每个机器周期包含许多时钟周期。
32.The third type of input is the bus request ,or direct memory access(DMA)request.It is possible to have a terminal interface that stores up all the characters in a line of text until it receives a “carriage return”.第三种类型的输入是总线请求,或直接存储器寻址请求。一个终端接口有可能用来储存正文的所有特征,直达接到一个“回车”。
33.Automation of many different processes, such as controlling machines or factory assembly lines, is done through the use of small computers called a programmable logic controller.自动化有许多过程,例如控制机器或工厂装配线,是通过用叫PLC的小型电脑控制的。
34.custom hardware can hardly be connected directly the PLC internal bus.A solution consists in integrating the custom hardware with a standard fieldbus interface by means of specific cards.自定义硬件很难直接连接到PLC总线内部。解决方案在于通过特定的卡来整合自定义硬件的标准现场总线接口。
35.the hardware configuration describes the modules and the order in which they are installed in the PLC, the address of the I/O are automatically generated according to this order.硬件配置描述了(输入/输出和通信)模块和他们安装在PLC中的顺序,输入/输出的地址是按照这个顺序自动生成的。
36.By using modularization and declaration of variables, each program is structured and simplified, increasing its reusability.采用模块化和声明的变量,每个程序被结构化和简化,增加重复性。
37.Today’s PLCs offer faster scan times, space efficient high-density input/output systems, and special interfaces to allow non-traditional devices to be attached directly to the PLC.现代的PLC提供更快的扫描时间,空间高效高密度输入/输出系统,和特殊接口允许非传统设备直接连接到PLC。
Network 网络,电路amplifier放大器
Resistor 电阻器integratedcircuit 集成电路 Inductor 电感器potential电势
Capacitor 电容器circuitry电路
flip-flop触发器= triggerloop current 回路电流 Boolean algebra 布尔代数voltage drop 电压降 Differential 微分的或微分variable 变量
Gate 门电路,门abound 大量存在Damp 阻尼,减幅,衰减dynamic response 动态响应‘ Disturbance扰动
Transfer function 传递函数
Open-loop 开环
Discrete离散的Resistance 阻抗
Probability theory 概率论
Hardware 硬件
Oscillation 震荡
Characteristic equation 特征方程
Rise time 上升时间
Processer 处理器
Central processing unit(CPU)中央处理器
Operand 操作数
I/O-mapped 输入/输出映射的Electric charge 电荷
parameter参数state variable 状态变量closed-loop 闭环lead 导线 uniform 一致的model 模型phase 状态,相位amplitude 振幅decay 衰减peak time 峰值时间 Instruction set 指令集 binary-coded 二进制 编码 opcode 操作码 decode 解码,译码 memory-mapped 存储器映射的
篇2:英语专业 翻译句子
2.On the Web explorations 网络资源 3.Tips 小贴士,小窍门
4.Making IT work for you 为你所用 5.Concept checks and review 检查 6.Key terms 核心词汇
7.Careers in IT 信息技术相关职业 8.Procedures(指令,操作说明)9.Software(软件)10.Hardware(硬件)
11.Blocking spam 垃圾邮件过滤软件 12.Speech Recognition 语音识别软件 13.Virus Protection and Internet Security 14.网络安全软件 15.TV Tuner Cards and Video Clips
1.Computer competency refers to acquiring computer-related skills-indispensable tools for today.2.Present an overview of an information system 概述信息系统
3.Understand these basic parts and how
connectivity through the Internet.5大组成部分
4.Filled out computerized forms, took computerized tests 填写电脑化的表格和考试
5.People are surely the most important part
of any information system.人是信息系统中最重要的组成元素
6.Our lives are touched every day by
computers and information systems.1.Integrated Packages综合程序包 2.Software Suites软件套组 3.templates 模版
4.Thesaurus 同义词库 5.Word wrap 自动换行 6.Autocorrect: 自动更正
1.Integrated package: is a single program that provides the functionality of a word processor, spreadsheet, database manager and more.独立的集成软件包包括文字处理、表格和数据库管理等功能 ○1.Booting a system启动电脑 2.Mundane 常规的3.behind-the-scenes 幕后的4.Warm boot 热启动Cold boot 冷启动 5.Embedded OS 嵌入式OS 6.Network OS 网络OS
1.System software: works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.系统软件处理大多数技术细节
2.System software is collection that handle hundreds of technical details with little or no user intervention.少用户介入的技术细节 3.Managing resources 资源管理
4.Providing character-based or graphical user interface 提供人机界面接口
5.A platform for running applications and supporting multitasking 为应用软件的运行提供系统平台
6.Advanced system security to guard against malicious files and programs, including spyware.防恶意软件安全系统
7.Three-dimensional workspace capable of 1.Originally intended for voice communication 语音通讯
2.Widely used to support computer communication 计算机通讯
3.Allow a wide variety of nearby devices to communicate without physical connection 设备通讯
4.Allow individuals to connect to the Internet
5.Communication channel 信道 6.Connection devices 连接设备
7.Data transmission specifications 数据传输规则
8.Twisted-pair cable 双绞线 9.Made up of copper wires 铜线 10.Coaxial cable 同轴电缆
1.Computer communications: is the process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or more computers.计算机之间共享信息数据资源
2.Connectivity: is a concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources to the world of larger computers and Internet.3.Protocol: a set of communication rules for the exchange of information.协议是传输信息的规则
4.Network architecture: describes how a network is arranged and how resources are
16.Web Cams and Instant Messaging
17.Music from the Internet
18.Home Networking 家庭网络
19.Spyware Removal间谍软件移除工具 20.Job Opportunities网络就业机会搜索软件
21.Operation system 操作系统 22.Coordinate resources 协调资源 23.Interface 提供接口
24.Run applications 运行应用程序 25.Utilities 公共实用程序
26.Device drivers 设备驱动程序 27.Browser浏览器程序
28.Microsoft Office办公软件
我们的生活每天都要接触计算机、信息系统分不开 7.Making IT Work for You:present interesting and practical IT applications.实用的信息技术应用
8.Tips:suggestions ranging from the basics
ofkeeping your computer system running
smoothly to how to protect your privacy while
surfing the Web.关于计算机运用和网上冲浪安全的提示和建议
9.projectedCareersemploymentinIT:providesjob descriptions,demands,educationalrequirements, current salary ranges, and
advancementopportunities.信息技术相关的7.Header or Footer 页眉页脚 8.Footnote 脚注
9.Captions, Cross References题注,交叉引用
10.Table 表格
2.Presentation: programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive visually interesting presentations.利用可视化的图形,创造吸引人的演示效果。
3.Software suites: a collection of separate application programs bundled together and sold 7.Stand-alone OS 客户端OS 8.track 磁道
9.concentric ring同心圆 10.contiguous连续相邻的displaying transparent cascading windows.三维立体、玻璃、瀑布效果
8.Filtering capabilities to provide convenient parental controls by blocking access of objectionable Web sites.滤能力,家长控制
9.Utilities: are designed to make computing easier.使用计算机更加简单的专业程序 10.Use for: avoid frustrating
11.Internal hard disks crashed 死机 12.Computers freeze up 锁定卡死 13.Operations slow down 系统慢
14.Troubleshooting programs: recognize and correct problems.自检程序
15.Antivirus programs: guard your computer system against viruses.防病毒程序 11.made up of a single solid-copper 12.Fiber-optic cable 光纤
13.Physical connections: 物理连接 14.Infrared: 红外线
15.Over short distances 短距离 16.Travel in a straight line 直线 17.In clear view of one another 18.Broadcast radio: 无线电通讯 19.Use radio signals 无线电信号 20.Follow standard Wi-Fi 无线保真 21.Microwave: 微波
22.Use high-frequency radio wave 23.line-of-sight communication
24.Be relayed by stations with dishes or antenna 天线接收传递 25.Bluetooth: 蓝牙技术
26.Pass through walls and nonmetal barriers coordinatedand shared.搭建,协调和共享 5.Terminal network: processing power is centralized in one large computer, other terminals connected to this host.计算机能力集中在中央主机上,即主机终端联机模式 6.Client/server networks: server nodes coordinate and supply specialized services, and client nodes request the services.客户端请求服务,服务器提供服务
7.Peer-to-peer networks: nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers.各节点角色相同
8.Intranets: a private network within an
29.Basic application 基础应用程序 30.Military or Government军事政府 31.Research institute 研究机构 32.Insurance companies 保险公司
33.Mainframe computers 大型机,主机 34.Supercomputers超级计算机 35.Minicomputers中型电脑
36.Microcomputers 微机 个人计算机 37.Desktop computer 台式电脑
38.Notebook computer, laptop computers
39.Tablet PC 支持手写的平板电脑 40.Handheld computer 掌上电脑 41.Windows mobile 操作系统 42.Electronic Dictionary 电子词典 43.Palm computer 掌上电脑 44.Handheld computer 手持电脑
10.Computing Essentials Web site:more information on the Web.本课本相关的网络资源
11.Software are the instructions that tell the computer how to process date into the form you want.软件就是指导计算机把数据转换成信息的指令
12.In the most case, the words software and programs are interchangeable.大多时候,软件和程序的概念是可以互换的13.系统软件是应用软件和计算机硬件的中间连接件。
14.The system software is just the mediator between application software and 12.Functions函数
13.Analytical graphs or charts 图表 14.What-if analysis 假设分析 15.Query: 查询
16.communicate a message 传递 17.persuade people 说服
as a group.捆绑一起售卖的多个应用程序 4.Good communication skills and teaching experience, though a teaching degree may not be required, it may be preferred.沟通技能和授课经验
5.Experience with the latest software and 11.wedge-shaped楔形的 12.sector扇区
13.Norton AntiVirus: 防毒
14.Norton CleanSweep: 系统清理 15.Web CleanUp: 上网痕迹清理
16.GoBack Personal Edition: 恢复设置 17.Norton Utilities: 实用工具
16.Uninstall programs: safely and completely remove unneeded programs.卸载程序
17.Backup programs: make copies of files.备份程序
18.File compression programs: reduce the size
of files.压缩程序
过19.Disk Cleanup: a troubleshooting utility that identifies and eliminates nonessential files, frees up valuable disk space.清理无用文件,释放磁盘空间
20.A track is a concentric ring.磁道,就是一个同心圆
21.Each track is divided into wedge-shaped sections called sector.磁道被分成的楔形,称为扇区
22.The operating system tries to save a file on a single track across contiguous sectors.具有穿透性
27.Satellite: 卫星通讯
28.Use satellites orbiting about 22000 miles above the earth
29.Offered by Intelsat通讯卫星协会
30.Rotate at a precise point and speed 位置和速度严格定位
31.External modem 外置调制解调器 32.Internal modem 内置调制解调器 33.PC Card modem 卡式调制解调器 34.Wireless modem 无线上网卡
35.Use for converting the digital signals to analog signals 数字、模拟信号转换 36.Transfer rate: 传输率 37.Bandwidth带宽
38.Node: any device connected 节点 39.Client: a node uses resource 客户端
organization that resembles the Internet.企业内部网是一个私有网络
9.Extranets: a private network that connects more than one organization.企业间的外联网 10.Firewall: a security system designed to protect an organization’s network against external threats.防范外部威胁
11.Proxy server: a gatekeeper to monitor and evaluate all communication.代理服务器
45.Military PDA 军用PDA
46.System unit:microprocessor and memory
47.Input/output devices 输入和输出 48.Keyboard 键盘 49.Mouse 鼠标
50.Monitor 显示器 printer 打印机 51.Secondary storage 辅助存储器 52.Compact discs(CD)激光盘
53.Digital versatile or video discs(DVD)数字化视频光盘
54.High-definition discs(HDD)高清盘 55.Document files文字处理 56.Worksheet files工作表单 57.Database files数据库文件 58.Presentation files演示文件
hardware.15.you have to know to be considered computer competent.作为计算机能手必须具备
16.Wireless applications are just the beginning of the wireless revolution.无线应用开启了无线革命
17.Central to the concept of connectivity is the network.连接概念的中心是网络 ○
318.Professional 专业
19.Productivity suite 商务组件 20.Personal suite 家庭组件 21.Specialized suite 专业组件 22.Utility suite 实用工具组件
hardware is essential.熟悉最新的软件和硬件 6.Seek detail-oriented individuals with IT experience IT经验的细心人
18.Bachelor’s degree 本科学位 19.Practical experience 实战经验 20.Certification from training 认证
21.Good analytical and communication skills 社交技能
23.Disk Defragmenter: locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to optimize operations.去除无用的碎片,重新安排文件,优化磁盘空间
24.Device driver: work with the operating system to allow communication between the device and the rest of the computer system.用于设备和计算机其他组件通信
25.Windows supplies hundreds of different device drivers with its system software.自带驱动 ○
940.Server: a node sharing resources and performing specific task 服务器 41.Hub: the central node 集线器 42.Network interface cards: 网卡
43.Network operating systems: 网络OS 44.Distributed processing: 分布处理 45.Local Area Network: 局域网 46.Network gateway 网关 47.Ethernet: 以太网
48.Metropolitan Area Network: 城域网 49.Wide Area Network: 广域网
篇3:英语专业 翻译句子
1. 先确定主语和谓语
即,The children enjoyed the freedom of the holidays.
这句话的主语是“她”,谓语是“实现”,那么在翻译成英语时,同样把主语和谓语对应的词汇译出来即可。即,She real-ized her dream of being a pilot.
这句话的“话题主语”是“国际争端”,句子的其他部分对它进行了说明。那么在翻译成英语时,就很难找到它对应的逻辑的主语,这个句子如果重组,就变成“不得使用武力解决国际争端”。在英语当中,这是一个祈使句,句子可以写成“Don’t use force to settle international disputes.”,但是不能算作一个地道的英语句子,细看有发号指令之嫌。如果把宾语提前,用被动语态,即“Force should not be used to settle international disputes.”就符合汉语语意,而且是表示在道义上不应该采取武力解决。还有一点需要注意的是,英语的思维比较倾向于表达事物对人的影响,句子用被动语态表达的情况比汉语多。
这是一个地道的汉语句子,从字面上来看,严格说来,不合逻辑,但在意念上来看,明白易懂。在把此句翻译成英语时,需要找出它逻辑上的主语、谓语、宾语。翻译为:The weather in Chongqing is hotter than that in Beijing.
2. 再确定时态
翻译为:When you have finished the report, I will have waited for about 3 hours.在翻译的时候,判断这个句子,主句用将来完成时,从句用现在完成时。
3. 其他部分的翻译
汉语的定语不管多长,一般都前置。那么翻译成英语时,就要分情况而定。如果定语短的话,那么其对应的英语句子一般也前置,即放在名词前面。如“一件粉红色的羊绒大衣”就翻译为“a pink cashmere coat”。如果汉语的定语比较长,翻译成英语时,就可以将定语后置,用状语、定语从句等来表达。
译为:The young man who sat there quietly is my brother.汉语句子的定语是“安静地坐在那儿的”“年轻的”,英语中把“安静地坐在那儿的”这个定语置后,变成一个定语从句。
译为:I came across a friend who I hadn’t seen for years.
译为:The cut in my hand bled a lot.用介词短语“in my hand”表达汉语的“手上的”定语。
译为:He designed a device to water the garden.用动词不定式左后制定语。
译为:The student dressed in white is my daughter.用分词作定语。
译为:The good news filled her with great joy.
译为:More contact exposed to you his good nature.
译为:You must take good care of the patient.
译为:He gave her a painting as a present, and she likes it very much.
[1]王恩科.文化视角与翻译实践[M].北京:国防工业出版社, 2007.
1. My ill prevents me from go to school.
2. I’m so serious ill that I can’t go to school.
3. Being ill, I will absent from school.
4. I’m seriously ill, thus making it impossible for me to go to school.
5. I’m seriously ill, that makes me unable to go to school.
6. It’s because I’m ill that I can’t go to school.
7. The reason why I can’t go to school is because I’m ill.
1. My illness prevents me from going to school.
2. I’m so seriously ill that I can’t go to school.
3. Being ill, I’ll be absent from school.
4. I’m seriously ill, thus making it impossible for me to school.
5. I’m seriously ill, which makes me unable to go to school.
6. It’s because I’m ill that I can’t go to school.
7. The reason why I can’t go to school is that I’m ill.
纠正之后,就给每句话点评打分。句1能使用短语prevent sb. from doing sth., 句2使用了so ... that ... 句型,句1、2属于平铺直叙的句式,所以都是1分。句3、4都用到了非谓语——分词做状语,句5用到了非限制性定语从句,均是较重要的语法现象,所以句3、4、5、都是2分。句6用到了it is ... that ... 的强调句型,句7既有定语从句又有名词性从句、表语从句,句式复杂,难度较大,学生能写出这样的句子,说明此学生的功底很深,所以得3分。
最后对此次翻译进行总结:任何句子都可以有多种翻译方法,可以从不同的理解角度进行翻译,只要短语、句式结构正确就可以。此次翻译我们把握了以下短语: prevent sb. from doing sth. /be absent from ... /make it impossible for sb. to do sth; 了解了以下句型: so ... that ... 句型、强调句型、名词性从句、定语从句、分词作状语;还注意到了以后不应当再犯的错误:修饰形容词需要用副词(seriously ill), 情态动词后跟动词原形(will be absent), the reason的定语从句用why引导,表语从句用that引导。
经过不停尝试,学生习惯后还可以试着翻译两句话,并学着如何把两句话用连接词连起来,使句子衔接紧凑,使得两句话不至于那么零散突兀。比如可以用到besides, moreover, furthermore, however, therefore, on the other hand, at the same time等。长期坚持这样做,就会为以后的写作打下坚实的基础。
First, I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia is a real testament of what a great well-rounded student you are. Your academic, artistic, and social skills have truly blossomed in the last few years. Whether it is getting the highest grade in Calculus, completing your elegant fashion design,successfully selling your painted running shoes, or becoming one ofthe top orators in Model United Nations, you have become a talentedand accomplished young woman. You should be as proud of yourself aswe are.
You have been a great kid ever since you were born, alwaysquiet, empathetic, attentive, and well-mannered. You were threewhen we built our house. I remember you quietly followed us every weekend for more than ten hours a day to get building supplies. Youput up with that boring period without a fuss, happily atehamburgers every meal in the car, sang with Barney until you fellasleep. When you went to Sunday Chinese school, you studied hard even though it was no fun for you. I cannot believe how lucky weare as parents to have a daughter like you.
You have been an excellent elder sister. Even though you twohad your share of fights, the last few years you have become bestfriends. Your sister loves you so much, and she loves to make youlaugh. She looks up to you, and sees you as her role model. As yousaw when we departed, she misses you so much. And I know that youmiss her just as much. There is nothing like family, and other thanyour parents, your sister is the one person who you can trust andconfide in. She will be the one to take care of you, and the oneyou must take care of. There is nothing we wish more than that yoursisterhood will continue to bond as you grow older, and that youwill take care of each other throughout your lives. For the nextfour years, do have a short video chat with her every few days, anddo email her when you have a chance.
如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.背离传统It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去Tom used to be very shy,but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅名画Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?
如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.背离传统It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去Tom used to be very shy,but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅名画Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?
如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.背离传统It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.汤姆过去Tom used to be very shy,but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.很多教育家Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.假设那幅名画Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?
如果这些数据统计If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.该公司否认The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.每当他生气Whenever he was angry ,he would begin to stammer slightly.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?
Have scientist found proof of 计划委员会narrowed the nuclear power plant to two coastal down The planning committee has the possible locations for towns.山姆不仅also for the rest of his life.both Sam not only lost his job but legs;he had to live on welfare 由十二人voted in unison that Mary was guilty.A jury consisting of 12 members 听到有人talent being questioned.Sean felt humiliated to hear his 研究表明bring a lot of health benefits.Research shows that laughter can 互联网is really annoying.A show Internet connection speed 法someone commit suicide is a crime.律规定As the law stands ,helping 玛interpret 丽在In different angle.the her data report from ,Mary a completely tries to 苏是一个amazing memory sets her apart from her Sue is a girl of great talent.Her classmates.是工人和dedication It is the creativity and the that business.turned of the the company workers into and a executives profitable 食medicine have soared in the past three 品和医药The prices of food and months.我们打算floors of the office building.We plan to repaint the upper 他popularity and artistic merit sometimes 的成功His success shows that coincide.我不愿意grandmother lying in a hospital bed and I don’t want to see my beloved groaning painfully.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?
Have scientist found proof of 计划委员会narrowed the nuclear power plant to two coastal down The planning committee has the possible locations for towns.山姆不仅also for the rest of his life.both Sam not only lost his job but legs;he had to live on welfare 由十二人voted in unison that Mary was guilty.A jury consisting of 12 members 听到有人talent being questioned.Sean felt humiliated to hear his 研究表明bring a lot of health benefits.Research shows that laughter can 互联网is really annoying.A show Internet connection speed 法someone commit suicide is a crime.律规定As the law stands ,helping 玛interpret 丽在In different angle.the her data report from ,Mary a completely tries to 苏是一个amazing memory sets her apart from her Sue is a girl of great talent.Her classmates.是工人和dedication It is the creativity and the that business.turned of the the company workers into and a executives profitable 食medicine have soared in the past three 品和医药The prices of food and months.我们打算floors of the office building.We plan to repaint the upper 他popularity and artistic merit sometimes 的成功His success shows that coincide.我不愿意grandmother lying in a hospital bed and I don’t want to see my beloved groaning painfully.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?
Have scientist found proof of 计划委员会narrowed the nuclear power plant to two coastal down The planning committee has the possible locations for towns.山姆不仅also for the rest of his life.both Sam not only lost his job but legs;he had to live on welfare 由十二人voted in unison that Mary was guilty.A jury consisting of 12 members 听到有人talent being questioned.Sean felt humiliated to hear his 研究表明bring a lot of health benefits.Research shows that laughter can 互联网is really annoying.A show Internet connection speed 法someone commit suicide is a crime.律规定As the law stands ,helping 玛interpret 丽在In different angle.the her data report from ,Mary a completely tries to 苏是一个amazing memory sets her apart from her Sue is a girl of great talent.Her classmates.是工人和dedication It is the creativity and the that business.turned of the the company workers into and a executives profitable 食medicine have soared in the past three 品和医药The prices of food and months.我们打算floors of the office building.We plan to repaint the upper 他popularity and artistic merit sometimes 的成功His success shows that coincide.我不愿意grandmother lying in a hospital bed and I don’t want to see my beloved groaning painfully.教cherished tradition in our family.That育是我们Education is the most s ’at expensive restaurants,but sent me to why my parents never took me to dinner the best private school.手术康复the Shortly to surgery,he lost after his he job recovered and thus from had his life.go through another difficult phase of 与我们的neighbors,my In contrast to our affluent poor parents are our minimal needs.,but they have always tried to rather meet 科学家们water on Mars?