Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at ’Fashion Shenzhen’ During 2011
London Fashion Week
Grand Connaught Rooms, 19 September 2011
Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,伦敦是一座古老的城市,约有2千年的历史;深圳是一座年轻的城市,只有32年历史。今天,古老和年轻的两座城市再度相会,是由于一个令人,尤其是女士们心动的元素:时尚。
It‟s a great pleasure for me to join you tonight.The history of London stretches back over 2000 years.By contrast, Shenzhen is a young city whose history started a mere 32 years ago.Today, London and Shenzhen are coming together.What makes this possible is a shared big business interest.This is the fashion industry.伦敦是世界知名时尚之都,每年两次的伦敦时装周是世界四大时装展示会之一,以充满活力和创意而著称。
London is known worldwide as the fashion capital.Also London Fashion Week ranks as one of the „Big Four‟ fashion weeks worldwide.In creativity and fashion London never fails to impress people with its vitality and creativity.深圳是中国时装业特别是品牌服装最发达的城市之一,时装的总体研发、创意设计在中国居领先地位。现在,深圳有服装企业3000多家,自有品牌800多个,从业人员35万多,去年出口89亿美元。据说,在中国一线城市大商场销售的10件服装中,约有5至6件来自深圳。
Shenzhen is home to the most advanced sectors of the fashion industry in China.Shenzhen is where there is the biggest concentration of Chinese fashion brands and manufacturers.Shenzhen is leading the way in China for research, development and design in the fashion sector.If you visit Shenzhen – as I hope many of you will – you will find these strengths:
· Over 3,000 garment manufacturers.· More than 800 local brands.· There are around 350,000 people employed in the industry.· And last year, Shenzhen sold 8.9 billion US dollars worth of garment products.I can give you one measure of the strength of Shenzhen‟s fashion industry inside China.For every 10 clothing items on sale in high street department stores in Chinese major cities, 5 to 6 are made in Shenzhen.深圳成为中国的“时尚创意之都”,我想:
Shenzhen is well-positioned to be China‟s “fashion and creative capital”.Let me explain why:
First, Shenzhen is a young city.Just 32 years ago Shenzhen was a tiny fishing village.The transformation into an advanced modern metropolis is a most telling example of how China has been transformed by the reform and opening-up strategy.The phenomenal growth of Shenzhen has been driven by the strength, energy and spirit of a young population.In turn from that youth a creative zest has flourished and thus creativity is always the defining character of Shenzhen.This has produced a powerful foundation for fashion to evolve.The result is a fast developing global centre in Shenzhen of new exciting brands and design.二是开拓。深圳作为中国首批对外开放的城市之一,30多年来,始终“敢为天下先”,引领中国经济改革,创造了举世闻名的“深圳速度”,打造了全国领先的“效益深圳”,同时深圳也是最早在中国引进、传播和开创流行时尚。
Second, Shenzhen is a tireless pioneer.Here was the first city of China to open to the outside world over 30 years ago.So, Shenzhen has always been a trail blazer for China.The result of that pioneering means Shenzhen is at the forefront of China‟s economic reform.In China this leadership is recognized as „Shenzhen Speed‟!This speed of development and incredible growth are the trademark of the city.It is in Shenzhen that the Chinese people were first exposed to the fashions and dressing styles in the West.In turn Shenzhen absorbed these trends and spread these global fashion influences across China.三是包容。深圳是一座“国际化的移民城市”。深圳人,不仅来自中国的五湖四海,也来自世界的五大洲。各种文化、思想在这里兼收并蓄、交汇融合,深圳的时装也是中西合璧、多彩缤纷。
Third, Shenzhen is advancing as a highly cosmopolitan city.Shenzhen is now an international city of migrants.Its people come from all over China and many parts of the world.Here, eastern and western cultures and ideas blend and inspire each other.It is now a melting point of creativity that has formed a diverse and unique Shenzhen culture.今天的深圳其实就是当代中国的一个缩影。改革开放30多年,古老的中国不断焕发青春,经济社会取得了前所未有的发展,与世界的关系发生了历史性的改变,中华民族正在实现伟大复兴,同时为构建一个和平、繁荣、和谐的世界贡献自己的力量。
Shenzhen is a window into today‟s China.My country has reinvented herself through more than 30 years of reform and opening-up.China‟s social and economic development has been remarkable and the changes to her relations with the world truly historic.China is committed to continued national development and rejuvenation at home and helping create a more peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.现在,“时尚深圳”第四次走进“时尚伦敦”。我相信,它将继续充分展现深圳时装产业的实力和水平,获取国际市场信息,领略世界时尚风潮;同时,传播璀璨的中国文化并显示其开放包容,促进中英两国经贸关系发展,增进两国人民的理解和友谊。祝此次“时尚深圳”活动取得圆满成功!
This is the 4th time „Fashion Shenzhen‟ has been held in this world fashion city.I have confidence that this event will continue to be a showcase for Shenzhen‟s fashion industry.In turn it is a great opportunity for Shenzhen designers and manufacturers to be exposed to the influences of international markets and world fashion trends.I expect this event to show China‟s rich, inclusive cultural heritage.It will boost China-UK commercial relations.It is also a way to strengthen the understanding and friendship between our two nations.I wish „Fashion Shenzhen‟ a great success!
Thank you.
Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Chopsticks Club October 2010, Royal Society, London
Ms H-J Colston, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends from the Chopsticks Club, 我和我夫人很高兴首次参加筷子俱乐部的活动。童海珍主席,你刚赴北京参加了“记忆中国,难忘母校”活动,欢迎你满载美好的记忆归来。
It is a great pleasure for me and my wife to attend our first event with the Chopsticks Club.I know Ms Colston has just been invited to Beijing as a representative of the British students who studied in China.I hope she had an enjoyable visit.我今年初来到英国不久,就听说有“筷子俱乐部”这么别具一格的民间组织,在推崇中华美食,宣传中国文化,促进中英了解,因此,一直期待着有时间与大家见面交流。我也特别喜欢“筷子俱乐部”这个可谓“形神兼备”的名字:一是俱乐部活动形式上多借用聚餐安排演讲和交流;二是筷子作为餐具,尽管平常简单,但许多学者认为这是东方智慧的体现。
I got to know the “Chopsticks Club” soon after arriving in London.It is a unique non-governmental organisation committed to promoting Chinese food and culture in Britain and increasing mutual understanding between the two countries.And I have been looking forward to this opportunity to meet you.I like the name of your club, as “Chopsticks” for us are much more than just something we use everyday for eating.I was glad to know that you have a good tradition of networking over delicious food, as chopsticks are also believed by many scholars to embody oriental wisdom.我今天的演讲就想从筷子谈起。首先,我认为筷子是具有中国特色的一种餐具,是历史的选择和文化的反映。
Let me start my speech with the origin of chopsticks.关于筷子的起源,史无明确记载,只有各种传说或推测。文献中最早提到筷子的使用者是三千多年前的商纣王,当时他使用“象牙箸”。我个人比较倾向这么一种说法,中国的先民最初以树枝或细竹从陶锅中挟取热食,慢慢筷子就产生了。这情形就仿佛我们今天吃四川火锅,徒手不能,刀叉也不便,只能是借助筷子帮忙。
One story has it that King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty over 3,000 years ago was the first user of chopsticks, which were made of ivories.Personally, I tend to believe that chopsticks came about when ancient Chinese used tree branches or thin bamboo splits to pick up hot food from ceramic pots.Those of you who tried Sichuan hotpot would know that you could never take food from the hotpot with hand or a knife and fork;chopsticks seem to be the only practical choice.三千多年来,中国人为什么保留了使用筷子的习惯,我认为这与中国长期的农耕文明和饮食结构有关。中国人的饮食一直以谷物等种植物为主,即使食肉,也一直按孔子所说:“食不厌精,脍不厌细。”因此,餐桌上一双细细的筷子足矣。可见,使用筷子是中国的经济、历史和文化等多种因素决定的。
The 3,000-year tradition of using chopsticks has a lot to do with our farming culture.This meant that our diet has included grain as its mainstay, with meat being sliced or shredded.As Confucius said, “Eat no rice except when it is the finest and no meat except when finely minced”.So it seems that economic, historical and cultural factors have all contributed to the continued use of chopsticks.我由此想起有这么一句听来富有哲理的话,这个世界上没有什么是最好的,只有适合自己的才是最好的。筷子是这样,社会制度、经济发展模式也是这样。
I remember a saying that makes sense to me: “Nothing is better than what suits one best.” Apart from chopsticks, this may well apply to other things, such as a country’s social system or model of economic growth.中国的社会制度是中国近代历史发展的必然结果,是中国人民的历史选择,也是中国对人类文明多样性所作的贡献。
The current social system in China, for example, came about as a natural outcome of the historical evolution in China and the choice of the Chinese people.It is also a contribution China has made to the diversity of human society.中国的经济发展模式,则是中国人民根据人口多、底子薄的国情,“摸着石头过河”,不断探索开辟出来的一条新型发展道路。大家可能听说过邓小平先生的名言:“实践是检验真理的唯一标准。”
China’s economic model, on the other hand, has been developed through experience.As Deng Xiaoping put it, “crossing the river by feeling for the stones”.For a country like China, with a large population and weak foundations, it has been a challenging task.You may have also heard another famous quote of Deng Xiaoping: “Practice is the only criterion for truth”.改革开放32年来,中国政治稳定、经济发展、文化繁荣、社会进步,这就从实践上充分证明了中国的社会制度、经济发展模式是行之有效的,符合中国的国情,有利中国的发展。
In the 32 years of reform and opening-up, China has achieved political stability, economic growth, cultural diversity and social progress.This has proved that the Chinese social system and economic model are well-suited to China’s national conditions and effective in meeting the aspirations of the Chinese people.谈到中国的发展,我最近一直与英国朋友们说,要全面看待和了解中国。比如,在经济上,不能仅看到中国已成为世界第二大经济体,中国东部沿海地区一派繁荣景象,也要看到中国仍是一个发展中国家,人均GDP只有3700美元左右,相当于英国的1/10,区域和城乡发展还很不平衡。
I have been telling my British friends that to gain a balanced understanding of China’s development, one needs to view China from different perspectives.Take China’s economy as an example;many tend to see China as the second largest economy in the world, as they pay more attention to the richer coastal areas in the east and fail to recognise the slower development in the larger rural areas and regions.Our per capita GDP was merely 3,700 US dollars in 2009, one tenth that of the UK.我曾经在处于中国大西北的甘肃省担任省长助理,所以我经常以甘肃为例,说明中国西部地区经济仍欠发达,不少地方人畜饮水都很困难。最近,甘肃的朋友碰到我开玩笑说:“刘大使,你能不能别再拿我们当典型了?”我对他们说:我这是给你们做广告啊!现在英国许多民众都知道了甘肃,知道你们那里自然条件恶劣,干旱少雨,但是你们发展经济、促进民生、保护文化的成绩非常显著,而且发展潜力很大,很多英国人现在都很想去甘肃看一看。
I used to work in China’s north-western province of Gansu as Assistant Governor.So I often use Gansu’s example to illustrate how much less developed western China is, with even access to drinking water being a problem for humans and animals sometimes.My friends in Gansu are now asking me not to use them as an example of poverty, but I’ve told them they should thank me for the free advertising.A lot of people in Britain now know about Gansu’s tough natural conditions and lack of rain.But they are also learning about what is being done to grow the economy, improve people’s livelihood whilst preserving their culture, to the point that many people are now very keen to visit Gansu.我想说的第二点是,筷子与刀叉并非水火不容,只是代表着两种不同的文化。
Chopsticks and knives and forks, rather than being incompatible, are just symbols of two different cultures.为什么西方人使用刀叉吃饭呢?这个问题我并没有考证过。但是直觉告诉我,当你面对盘子里的一大块牛排时,筷子尽管不能说完全没用,但肯定比不上使用刀叉的那份优雅。这是由于中西方饮食结构、食物制作方法不同,因而体现在餐具上的区别。但无论使用何种餐具,都不会妨碍我们享用本民族的美食。广而言之,只要东西方国家根据自身国情选择政治制度和经济模式,也就不会妨碍我们享用发展的盛宴。
Although I have not done any research on why Westerners use knives and forks, experience has taught me that if you have a large piece of steak in front of you, you had better use knife and fork, which would be much more elegant and effective than chopsticks.This is a reflection of our different ways of cooking and dietary structure.In a broader context, whatever political systems and economic models countries adopt, as long as the systems and models serve them well, they would be able to enjoy the feast of development.中国的社会制度、经济发展模式与西方不同,这是不争的事实,但并不影响中、西方的和平共存、共享繁荣。正如阳光因七色而斑斓,世界因多样而美丽。从人类历史上看,正是不同文明之间的相互接触和吸纳,才导致了新观念的萌芽,才产生了新思想的火花,才孕育了人类文明今天的成果。
China has a different social system and economic model from the West.But this does not mean that China and the West are not capable of living in peace with each other and sharing prosperity.Sunshine is made up of seven colours, and our world is beautiful for its diversity.Throughout history, dialogue and mutual learning between civilisations have always been a source of new ideas and progress.第三点,既会用筷子,又会用刀叉,世界将会更加和谐。
I noticed with pleasure that more and more foreigners are eating in Chinese restaurants with chopsticks.And many Chinese now seem to be at ease using knife and fork.As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “Food is the paramount want of the people”.Mr Zhang Guangzhi, a Chinese American anthropologist, pointed out that “one of the best channels to reach the heart of a culture is through its stomach”.So when every Chinese is able to use a knife and fork, and every Westerner can use chopsticks, our world will be a better place.处理好中西方关系,相互了解和尊重是关键。我一直认为,中国对西方的了解比西方对中国的了解,要多得多。这主要是因为,近现代一百多年来,中国一直在虚心地学习西方。今天,中国的孩子从小学一年级开始就学习英文。而西方有些人总是丢不掉“文明优越论”,总认为自己的政治、经济、社会制度和文化高人一等,视自己的价值观为普世价值观,总想把别人的文化变成自己的“亚文化”。他们不愿也不想正视中国的变化,对中国的发展和进步总是感到不适应、不舒服,总想把这种情绪发泄出来,不断给中国制造困难和麻烦,唯恐中国不乱。我确信,这些人不代表西方社会的主流,他们阻止不了东西方相互学习、共谋发展的大趋势,更阻挡不了中国人民前进的步伐。
Mutual understanding and mutual respect are the key to a better East-West relationship, and my impression is that China knows more about the West than the other way round.This is because China has been learning from the West for over a century.Today Chinese children start to learn English in the first year at primary school.Some people in the West, on the other hand, have been preoccupied by a sense of cultural superiority, believing that the West has the best political, economic, social and cultural system.They also tend to regard their own values as universal, expecting others to adapt their cultures according to Western culture.Some people are reluctant to see the changes in China and feel uneasy about the development and progress of China.Some go so far as to attempt to create problems or even chaos for China.I’m sure they do not represent the mainstream in the West.They can in no way prevent China and the West from learning from each other and engaging each other in the general trend of common development.Nor can they obstruct the Chinese people’s progress.我认为,实现文明和平共存、共同进步,需要承认不同文明的平等地位,要以开放、包容的态度对待其他文明,要相互理解、相互尊重和相互学习。因此,中国主张“和而不同”,主张“求同存异”,主张“取长补短”,主张“和谐世界”。和谐世界,这是充满东方智慧的词汇,同时这也是最符合世界根本利益的思想。
I believe that peaceful coexistence between cultures requires a sense of equality and an open and accommodating approach based on mutual understanding and respect.That is why China stands for the principles of “harmony but not uniformity”, “seeking common ground and putting aside differences” and “drawing on the strong points of others to make up for one’s weak points”.This is also why China stands for building a harmonious world.We believe this term of harmony is full of oriental wisdom and best serves the fundamental interests of our world.朋友们,Dear friends, 我来英国后,曾对在英华人华侨说,英国的中餐在欧洲做得最为地道。其实,我还有后面半句话没有说,那就是,英国人用筷子在欧洲也最为熟练。我发现,在中餐馆里,很少有英国人用刀叉的,都是“入乡随俗”,而且“驾轻就熟”。
I told the Chinese community here that the UK has the best Chinese food in Europe.And I must add that the British are probably best at using chopsticks in Europe as well, as I have discovered that people here seldom use knives and forks when eating in a Chinese restaurant.中英关系是当今世界很重要的一组大国关系,我有时认为,中英关系就好比一双筷子。When it comes to describing the China-UK relationship, I think we can also use the chopsticks analogy.第一,筷子是没有长短、不分左右的,中英关系也是平等的。中英是合作伙伴,既然是伙伴,两国关系就应当建立在互相尊重、平等对话的基础上,就应当加强战略互信,妥善处理分歧。
Firstly, the two chopsticks are of equal length, just as China and the UK are equals in our relationship.This means that we should hold dialogues on an equal footing and with mutual respect, enhance mutual trust on strategic issues and properly handle differences.第二,筷子使用起来讲究协调,配合,中英关系也需要加强合作。今天的中英关系,早已超出了双边范畴,具有全球性和战略性。中英关系要想发展得好,双方一方面要加强在双边经济、教育、文化等各领域的务实合作,扩大利益基础,造福两国人民,另一方面应当在国际事务中携手合作,同舟共济,共同致力于促进世界的和平、稳定和繁荣。Secondly, just as it takes coordination of your fingers to use chopsticks properly;it takes cooperation for our relationship to grow stronger.Our relations have gone beyond being bilateral and become more global and strategic.A better relationship also calls for strengthened cooperation in areas such as the economy, education and culture, along with wider common interests in international affairs and a shared commitment to world peace, stability and prosperity.第三,筷子不只是用来夹食物的,关键是要把食物提起来送到嘴里,中英关系也不能满足于现状,要不断提升发展。过去十多年,中英关系取得了长足发展,两国建立了全面战略伙伴关系。今年5月英国联合政府执政以后,致力于发展“更紧密的英中关系”。中方也高度重视发展中英关系,愿与英方共同努力,推动中英关系朝着友好合作、互利共赢的方向不断迈进。下个月,卡梅伦首相即将对中国进行首次正式访问,这是中英关系发展的一个重要机遇,必将对双边关系起到进一步提升作用。
Thirdly, the most important function of chopsticks is not only to pick up food, but to bring food to your mouth.Similarly, we should seek to upgrade our relations instead of resting on past progress.China-UK relations have come a long way in the past decade and a comprehensive strategic partnership has been established.Since the British coalition government took office in May, it has been committed to developing “closer engagement” with China.We in China also give the same priority to our relations with the UK to ensure we achieve friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation.Prime Minister David Cameron’s first official visit to China next month will be an important opportunity for elevating China-UK relations to a new high.We will work closely with the British colleagues to make the visit a great success.朋友们,Dear friends, 今天是星期二,在 1993年的一个星期二,一个名叫“中国星期二”的团体在杜伦大学成立了,当时成员只有数十人。今天,“中国星期二”有了新的名字——“筷子俱乐部”,其注册会员也增加到500多人。借此机会,我要祝贺筷子俱乐部17岁生日快乐!我也衷心地希望“筷子俱乐部”不断成长,在促进中英了解和友谊方面发挥更大作用。