
关键词: 贪欲 代价 立足本职 村官















第二,要自觉接受党和人民的监督。权力不受监督,就将导致腐败;干部拒绝监督,就会出现问题;权力暗箱操作,往往弊案丛生;权力阳光运行,就是最有效的监督。警示教育片中列举的案件,虽然情节不同、手段各异,但缺乏有效监督而导致滥用公共权力,是一些 干部走向犯罪的重要因素。领导干部大都掌握着一定的权力,求你办事的人多,诱惑和陷阱也多,腐败的危险性更大,只有主动地接受各个方面的监督,既严格“自律”,又接受“他律”,才能拒腐蚀、永不沾。














为了进一步加强对全体党员干部反腐倡廉的宣传教育,实现自我教育,自我提高,做到警钟长鸣,不断筑拒腐防变的思想道德防线。2014年12 月9日,全体党员及行政人员共同参加了“以案为戒,警钟长鸣”朝阳区教育系统警示教育活动。活动中全体参会人员观看了《贪欲的代价》警示片,该片将原孙河乡党委书记因不能抵制权力、金钱、美色的诱惑,而堕入犯罪深渊的违纪违法案例展现出来,剖析了他走上违纪违法道路的思想根源,提醒广大党员干部要认真吸取教训,深刻反思,引以为戒,在思想上牢固树立反腐败意识,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,自觉遵守党的纪律,自觉拒腐防变,筑牢思想防线,清清白白做人,干干净净做事。





什么?不信?瞧, 政坛有王弼、何晏、夏侯玄、山阳。我最近所读的竹林七贤, 还有后来的陶渊明、王羲之之流, 当然那是后话了。

他们是一群“另类”的人;他们是时代的叛逆者;他们是中国人文的觉醒;他们第一次喊出了“人要为自己活”;他们和严酷的政治发生了惊心动魄的撞击;他们是魏晋风流的先驱者, 他们在中国历史上划出了一笔绝无仅有的“人”的时代。

打开中国历史, 许多文人都有一个共识“人生无乐, 唯独爱这杯中之物”。那么谁是它虔诚的信徒呢?陶潜?李白?不, 是刘伶。那些嗜酒的骚人墨客, 比刘伶酒量大得多, 但是他们大多是境遇不佳, 满腹牢骚无处宣泄, “借酒浇胸中块垒”不过是一种消愁的手段罢了。刘伶则不同, 酒是他灵魂的主宰;是他人生的目标;是他的最高信仰。“天生刘伶, 以酒为名”完全可以证明他已与酒浑然一体了。他当过官, 也爱好玄学, 但他不愿与他人争论, 也不愿写文章。为什么呢?因为刘伶认为有那时间和心情, 还不如去喝酒, 就连他唯一的留世之作也是为酒而写的, 就是《酒德颂》了。这哪是寻常酒徒能达到的境界啊!也许刘伶就是因为竹林没有规矩, 还有人一起喝酒才来竹林的。那也说不定呢?

说到喝酒, 竹林里总和刘伶一起泡酒缸的还有王戎, 阮籍和阮咸。先说说这中国的葛朗台吧。他, 就是王戎, 七贤中最吝啬, 最奸诈的非他莫属了, 他也是最英勇的, 竹林里只有他一人驰骋过沙场, 不像阮籍做了一辈子的燕然梦。但他从来不为朝廷办一件正直的事, 当竹林之士纷纷落难, 他的官场之旅也不亦乐乎地开始了。随着一路的顺利升迁, 他对钱财的爱好也逐渐超过了一切。望着那半辈子都数不完的家产, 他一定每晚都睡得很香吧!无论天下发生什么, 王戎始终是快乐的。仿佛人生的意义只在眼前, 除此之外再无其他留恋。

阮籍, 虽然他是竹林的支柱之一, 是一代名士, 但我对他只有同情。他胆小、懦弱, 最终还是向权势低下了头, 所以阮籍不过是一只在暗流涌动的政坛上苟且偷生的寄生虫罢了。反抗却不能站起来, 只是默默练着他的“青白眼”。他仿佛一辈子都被别人利用着, 至死还为司马昭写下了《劝进文》。他也喝酒, 喝得也不比刘伶少。如果说刘伶是酒仙, 他则是个十足的酒鬼。妄想从酒中挣脱现实的牢笼, 回到那“昔年十四五, 尚志好读书”的光阴。但那可能吗?可怜之人必有可恨之处, 他好像一个空壳公司, 扛着名士的大旗, 却帮着那些谋权篡位的佞臣为事。总觉得他还不如他侄儿洒脱。

因为刘伶的酒, 竹林一下子热闹了起来;而后因为一个小朋友的到来, 竹林, 不, 是历史出现了一种乐器“阮”, 对, 他就是阮咸。他爱音乐, 在阴错阳差下他真正做到了以乐为名。

说完了几个小朋友, 再说说竹林里的长者吧。山涛, 山巨源, 因为一封名传千古的《与山巨源绝交书》使他倍受后人非议, 他是一个伟大的政治家与玄学家。五千年的历史长河中也只有他将玄学与政治融合得天衣无缝。他, 晋国的开国元老, 官告三公, 正直公正。真不知道竹林怎容得下同为三公, 却仕道相背的山涛与王戎。山涛是牛, 一只任劳任怨的老牛。他只为做好本职工作, 十余次的辞职, 却将官位越辞越高, 也不枉与之绝交的叔夜临死前却将爱子嵇邵托付与他了。

说到叔夜, 他是竹林真正的主人。他仿佛是画中人, 本不该存在于世。从山阳到洛阳, 谁人不知嵇康风流倜傥, 才华横溢。他的死也引起了当时文坛与政坛的一番动荡。广陵绝唱, 他真正升华到了天人。


《报任安书》是司马迁写给任安的一封书信。司马迁担任太史令十年, 《史记》尚未完成, 他就遭李陵之祸, 受刑入狱二年零两个月。出狱之后, 被汉武帝任命为中书令。这个官职看起来很容易接近皇帝, 其实是个通常由宦官担任的官职。和所遭受的宫刑一样, 是令人难堪的位置。就在这个时候, 司马迁写了这封书信。

杨恽是汉丞相杨敞的儿子, 他的母亲, 就是司马迁的女儿司马英。他以父荫得补常侍郎, 又因揭发霍氏谋反有功, 封平通侯, 迁中郎将。后被人上书告发诽谤朝廷, 无人臣之礼, 贬为庶人。这封信就写于他从大臣废为庶民之时。祖孙二人在朝在野都是落魄失意, 含垢蒙辱。

司马迁以“口语遭此祸”。当时被判死刑可以出五十万钱免于一死, 或者选择腐刑可以偷生。司马迁因为“家贫, 货赂不足以自赎, 交游莫救, 左右亲近, 不为一言”, 只能选择了腐刑。而受刑后处境艰难:“负下未易居, 下流多谤议, 重为乡党所笑, 以污辱先人”, 所以在书信中表达了他的愤怒:“祸莫惨于欲利, 悲莫痛于伤心, 行莫丑于辱先, 诟莫大于宫刑”, “虽累百世, 垢弥甚耳!”也表达了他悲愤的心情:“肠一日而九回, 居则忽忽若有所亡, 出则不知其所往”, “每念斯耻, 汗未尝不发背沾衣也”。杨恽被太仆戴长乐告发, “横被口语”, “身幽北阙, 妻子满狱”, 幸得“圣主之恩”, “得全首领”。看起来, 他似乎应该闭门思过, 以报不杀之恩, 不料他却“身率妻子, 戮力农桑, 灌园治产”, 生活得十分张扬。在书信中他不仅流露出对当今圣上的大不敬:“君父至尊亲, 送其终也, 有时而既”;更赋诗一首对朝政荒乱进行讽刺:“田彼南山, 芜秽不治。种一顷豆, 落而为箕。”

二人文章中都淋漓尽致地把自己心中的抑郁不平之气尽情宣泄, 不愧为“书愤之作”。

在中国文学史上, 纯粹的抒情散文, 是从私人书信这一体裁中开始形成的, 而司马迁的《报任安书》可以说直接启发了这一传统。这篇文章直抒胸臆, 悲愤满腔, 表现出一个具有高尚人格、独立个性的知识者在强大的专制制度迫害下巨大的内心痛苦, 是汉代散文中难得的抒发情感之作。杨恽的《报孙会宗书》亦颇有其外祖的遗风, 直抒胸臆, 率性为文, 喜怒哀乐, 都在笔间汩汩涌出。刘勰《文心雕龙·书记篇》说:“汉来笔札, 辞气纷纭。观司马迁之《报任安》……杨恽之《酬会宗》……志气槃桓, 各含殊采;并杼轴乎尺素, 抑扬乎寸心。”正是对这两封书信抒情特色的确当评价。


Eco-criticism is a form of literary criticism based on an ecological perspective, which investigates the relation between humans and the natural world in literature (Wikipedia, 2011) .When it comes to the definition of eco-criticism, opinions vary among scholars in the academia.However, the oft-quoted version comes from Cheryl Glotfelty, who is a well-known professor of literature and environment in America.Glotfelty defines the term eco-criticism in The Eco-criticism Reader as follows:“eco-criticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment….takes an earth-centered approach to literary studies. (Glotfelty, 1996) ”Another defi nition is offered by Greg Garrard as“the ability to investigate cultural artifacts from an ecological perspective. (Garrard, 2004) ”Despite the disputes over a unifi ed standard definition, underlying the claims of eco-critics is the belief that human culture is interconnected with the physical world.This interconnectedness between the human and the nonhuman nourishes eco-critical studies.

The fundamental reason behind the emergence of eco-criticism is the deteriorating ecological crisis of the contemporary world.To counter this deepening trend of ecological crisis, swift responses have to be made politically, economically and culturally.Since the inception of this concept, eco-criticism has assumed the“problemsolving”role in redressing the grave ecological disorder and degradation.At the same time, eco-criticism bears an intense color of deconstructionism and seeks to smash into smithereens the dogged ideology of anthropocentrism.Thus the aims that eco-critics pursue are mainly three-fold (Chen&Qin, 2004) .First, by studying the ecological philosophy embodied in literary works, eco-critics seeks to reinterpre how nature is represented or oppressed in the works and to criticize the anthropocentric philosophy.Second, eco-criticism strives for a harmonious atmosphere in which man and nature can stay in compatibleness.Third, eco-criticism also pays attention to the social ecology and spiritual sphere of human beings themselves.As an integral part of the biological chain human beings also face the problem of ecological balance from within, which include both social ecology and spiritua ecology (Wang, 2005) .The progress of human civilization is more often than not achieved at the expense of the ruin of natural ecology, which in turn leads to the alienation among human beings due to survival rivalry under deteriorated natural conditions.Then, the collapse of natural and socia ecologies will inevitably cause spiritual alienation to human beings.Therefore, social ecology and spiritual ecology also belong to the realm of eco-critical studies.Based on the theoretical framework of eco-criticism, this paper attempts to give a reinterpretation of The Scarlet Letter with a view to unveiling the spirit of humanism in the novel.

2 An Eco-critical Interpretation of The Scarlet Letter

2.1 Criticism of Extreme Scientism

In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne harshly criticizes extreme scientism.The eco-critical theory maintains that the progress of human civilization is achieved at the cost of the degradation of the ecological environment.The ecological disturbance will in turn result in the disturbance of social ecology.Then, the collapse of natural and social ecologies will inevitably cause spiritual alienation to human beings, that is, the disturbance of the spiritual ecology.Hawthorne pays a great deal of attention to the harm caused by extreme scientism to human beings including those who uphold extreme scientism.As one of the leading characters in the novel, Roger Chillingworth is a typical man of extreme scientism, who believes in the omnipotent power of science.Roger Chillingworth, who immerses himself in academic knowledge, loses the ability to love.Being a man already in decay and misshaped from his birth hour, he marries Hester, a woman with youth and beauty, deluding himself with the idea that“intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girl’s fantasy” (Hawthorne, 1902:67) .He marries Hester not because he loves her but because he wants to light a household fire in his lonely and chilly heart.When he realizes that his wife has committed adultery with someone whom she refuses to identify, he begins his journey of discovery and revenge.He used to be a scholar, who has dedicated his best years“to feed the hungry dream of knowledge” (Hawthorne, 1902:67) , but he goes to every expedient to fi nd out the man who seduces his wife and whom he would take reprisals against.When he does discover the secret on Mr.Dimmesdale’s bosom, his abnormal psychology is impressively revealed to the fullest by the author:

“With what a ghastly rapture, as it were, too mighty to be expressed only by the eye and features, and therefore bursting forth through the whole ugliness of his figure, and making itself even riotously manifest by the extravagant gestures with which he threw up his arms towards the ceiling, and stamped his foot upon the floor!Had a man seen old Roger Chillingworth, at that moment of his ecstasy, he would have had no need to ask how Satan comports himself, when a precious human soul is lost to heaven, and won into his kingdom.” (Hawthorne, 1902:128)

Then, instead of making reconciliations with his wife Hester, Roger Chillingworth capitalizes on his so-called“knowledge and professional learning”to carry on his vicious revenge on Mr.Dimmesdale while disguising himself as one trust friend of the minister and attaching himself to him as a parishioner.Roger Chillingworth attempts to conquer his enemy resorting to extreme scientism but eventually becomes a martyr of it himself.This shows that the path shown by extreme scientism and anthropocentrism of conquering nature and other beings will lead to nowhere but an impasse.

As a representative of extreme scientism, Roger Chillingworth is obsessed with the concept of the supremacy of science and thought that science as a rational tool could help one achieve whatever one desired.In this way, his more sophisticated and subtler spiritual instincts have been materialized.In other words, those people like Roger Chillingworth have gone too far from their moral senses.The result of such is“old Roger Chillingworth was a striking evidence of man’s faculty of transforming himself into a devil, if he will only, for a reasonable space of time, undertake a devil's offi ce.” (Hawthorne, 1902:158) Through the portrait of Roger Chillingworth, Hawthorne reaffi rms one of the themes of his novel:extreme scientism may lead to the spiritual alienation of human beings.Extreme scientism poses menaces to the entire humanity.

2.2 Condemnation over Human Beings’Unbridled Desires

In his novel, Hawthorne also condemns human beings’unbridled desires which might lead to disasters.Wild human desires will not only hurt natural surroundings but also damage human beings themselves, depriving them of their innocence and pure souls.

To illustrate, we shall examine the uncontrolled desires of two protagonists in the novel:Roger Chillingworth and Mr.Dimmesdale.Roger Chillingworth early characterized himself as“isolated from human interests” (Hawthorne, 1902:69) , and Hawthorne describs him as having chosen“to withdraw his name from the roll of mankind” (Hawthorne, 1902:108) .Chillingworth ignits his flames for revenge at the time he fi rst comes across Hester in his capacity as an onlooker in the scaffold.Chillingworth possesses in abundance the pride and the ambition of the man of science;we see his stark desire for revenge in his arrogant self-confidence during his first meeting with Hester when he tells her:

“I shall seek this man, as I have sought truth in books;as I have sought gold in alchemy.There is a sympathy that will make me conscious of him.I shall see him tremble.I shall feel myself shudder, suddenly and unawares.Sooner or later, he must needs be mine!” (Hawthorne, 1902:69)

Suspecting that the minister is Hester’s fellow sinner, Chillingworth attaches himself to the ailing minister, Mr.Dimmesdale, and eventually moves in with him so that he could provide his patient with“round-the-clock care”.When he proves that Mr.Dimmesdale is an accomplice in the adultery with Hester, he then keeps inventing tortures to add to Mr.Dimmesdale’s self-torment.The desire for revenge remains Chillingworth’s sole spiritual pursuit.However, Chillingworth’s revenge scheme not only ruins Mr.Dimmesdale but also leads to his own ruin in the end.Chilingworth neglects his responsibilities as a husband, a doctor, and a“friend”as he seeks vengeance.The man of science ultimately suffers direly as a consequence of his sin, but he clearly knows the cause of his own destruction.It is Chillingworth’s desire for revenge that consumes his life.Just as the saying goes, “A desire-goer will become his own gravedigger.”

For Mr.Dimmesdale, because of his inability to control his fl esh and blood, he goes against the severe doctrines and social ethics of that time and became an adulterate partner with Hester.He has to undertake all the responsibilities of his reckless corporeal desire.Mr.Dimmesdale is a coward and a masochist who tries to mortify his fl eshes to avoid humiliation being made public but ends in failure.Therefore, death is the right way for his final relief.We can see that it is also Mr.Dimmesdale’s unbridled desire that eventually drives him to doom.

2.3 Ideal for Harmony Between Man and Nature

Besides criticizing human beings’blinded scientism and unbridled desire, Hawthorne also extols the mysterious beauty of Mother Nature and shows his ideal for a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature, calling for returning to the original simplicity of nature.The work The Scarlet Letter is full of“green thinking”, which embodies Hawthorne’s ideology of the relationship between human and nature.Hawthorne maintains that nature is a free place for those who want to seek a peaceful state of mind away from the clamors of the temporal world, an asylum for those who want to shake off the shackles of social, legal and religious codes of conduct.

In social realities, people have to abide by rigorous Puritanical laws and commandments, any violation of which is liable to severe punishments, even death.However, in nature, people can freely give vent to their pent-up emotions of whatever kind, disclosing their“true-self”, listening to their true voices and palpating their true desire, while at the same time neglecting the fetters that society has imposed upon them.Only in nature can people truly heal their traumatized hearts and purify their souls.Therefore, when describing the severe social oppressions imposed by the Puritanical authoritarianism, Hawthorne also synchronously creates a free and restful sphere for his protagonists to search and heal their souls, which, to a certain extent, reflects the author’s humanistic care.The protagonist, little Pearl, seems to be innately incompatible with the human world.Only in the forest can she behave like a jolly and care-free genie.She loves flowers, grasses, brooks…all the landscape endowed by nature.The forest, especially, is Pearl’s Garden of Eden, and she tends to blend perfectly with it as the author depicts:

“Pearl gathered the violets, and anemones, and columbines, and some twigs of the freshest green, which the old trees held down before her eyes.With these she decorates her hair, and her young waist, and became a nymph-child or an infant dryad, or whatever else was in closest sympathy with the antique wood.” (Hawthorne, 1902:194)

Similarly, nature also bestows Hester the privilege to present her true-self.Only in nature can the two spirits, Hester and the minister, intimately connect with each other, feeling“one another’s actual and bodily existence” (Hawthorne1902:178) .Social prejudices, Puritanical severities, status disparities, etc., all become null and void when they firs encounter each other in the forest.To Hester, the immense wilderness is where her happiness dwells on, as evidenced in her suggestion to Mr.Dimmesdale to fl ee Boston, the den of oppression:

“Deeper it goes, and deeper, into the wilderness, less plainly to be seen at every step;until, some few miles hence the yellow leaves will show no vestige of the white man's tread.There thou art free!So brief a journey would bring thee from a world where thou hast been most wretched, to one where thou mayest still be happy!” (Hawthorne, 1902185-186)

Pondering over Hester’s suggestions, the minister eventually makes up his decision to fl ee the Puritan Boston and he feels unprecedented joy and relief:

“Do I feel joy again?”cried he, wondering at himself“Methought the germ of it was dead in me!...” (Hawthorne1902:190)

Both Hester and Mr.Dimmesdale can find a balanced state of mind in nature under the circumstances of the alienation of both social and spiritual ecologies.By depicting the imagery of nature in his work, Hawthorne presents before us a harmonious scene of man and nature staying in peace Nature is no respecter of human beings.In the natural forest there are no government ordinances, no religious doctrines, no temporal pressures...Any species can pursue their own course of evolution in their distinct and natural ways.In nature, no one cares about what one is doing.Little Pearl can skip to the shades of sunshine;Hester can confide her souls to her beloved;Dimmesdale can give vent to his helplessness and sorrow…Only in nature can one feel the blessings of God and experience the pure pleasure of reincarnation.Even the vengeance-seeking fiend, Roger Chillingworth, can engage himself at leisure in gathering roots and herbs to concoct his medicines, thus having his temporary balanced state of mind amid the alienation of his spiritual ecology.What marvelous nature!

3 Conclusion

Though a new approach to literary criticism, ecocriticism is gradually grabbing the attention of literary critics Inspired by a range of ecological movements, eco-criticism explores the ways in which we imagine and portrays the relationship between humans and the environment in all areas of cultural production.In this paper, after combining the purports of eco-criticism with the analysis of the protagonists in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter with a view to unveiling Hawthorne’s humanistic care for his characters, his harsh criticism over extreme scientism, his condemnation over human beings’unbridled desires, and his lofty aspirations for harmony between human and nature, we come to understand that extreme scientism and human beings’unbridled desires will lead to a vicious circle of the alienation of natura ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology.We human beings should blend with and meditate upon our Mother Nature in order to achieve harmony between human and nature.Similarly, we should care, respect and protect our equal beings with a benevolent heart in order to gain a balanced state of mind in our alienated spiritual ecology.


[1]Garrard, G.Ecocriticism[M].New York:Routledge, 2004.

[2]Glotfelty, C.The Ecocriticism Reader[M].Athens:The University of Georgia Press, 1996.

[3]Hawthorne, N.The Scarlet Lette[M].New York:Thomas Y.Crowell&Co., 1902.

[4]Wikipedia.Eco-criticism[EB/OL].http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecocriticism, 2011.

[5]陈茂林, 秦志勇.生态批评研究综述[J].桂林师范高等专科学校学报, 2004 (2) :6-9.


上一篇:读《会计与经营》有感 下一篇:尝试人生 读《邱学华与尝试教育人生》有感