《伟大的盖茨比》是美国二十世纪著名作家弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的不朽名作, 它以当时的时代为背景, 描述人们对美国梦的追寻以及最后梦想的幻灭。正如陈爱华所说, 这是“源于他对自己悲剧人生的独特体验, 以及对他所处时代的思考和理解” (陈爱华, 2010) 。《伟大的盖茨比》就描写的是所谓的“爵士乐时代”期间盖茨比追求理想及理想最终的破灭。盖茨比在服兵役期间结识了漂亮迷人的黛西, 但此时盖茨比只是一个普通的士兵。当他从战场上回来之后, 他发现黛西已经嫁给了家世显赫的纨绔子弟汤姆。盖茨比痛苦万分, 决定不惜一切代价发财以赢回黛西, 所以他贩卖私酒、贿赂政府官员。黛西也真的因为盖茨比的挥金如土而与他在一起。一次黛西与丈夫争吵, 精神恍惚下驾驶盖茨比的车撞死了丈夫汤姆的情人莱特尔·威尔逊。盖茨比主动替为保护黛西而承担罪责, 威尔逊不明真相, 急于为妻子报仇的他开枪打死了盖茨比。小说是以盖茨比的葬礼结尾的, 而黛西却与汤姆去了欧洲。他们的冷漠与无情通过尼克的话表现得淋漓尽致:“他们砸碎了东西, 毁灭了别人, 然后就退缩到自己的金钱或者麻木不仁或者不管什么使他们留在一起的东西之中, 让别人去收拾他们的烂摊子” (巫宁坤, 1999, 第173页) 。盖茨比的死亡标志着他“美国梦”的彻底破碎。结合该小说和其“美国梦”破碎这一主题, 本文着重讨论小说中色彩形容词的意义。
在这部小说中, 色彩形容词的巧妙运用是作者刻画人物、深化主题的主要艺术手法之一。
(一) 盖茨比——绿色、蓝色、黄色 (金色、银色) 、粉红色
在刻画小说主人公盖茨比时, 作者首先选用了绿色这个基本色调。绿色代表希望与活力, 但与此同时, “绿色还带有虚幻的象征意义, 正好用来表现盖茨比充满希望与梦想的一生” (李希, 2002) 。盖茨比家境贫寒, 那时他“身穿一件破旧的绿色的运动衫” (第95页) , 年轻而充满活力, 并对未来充满信心。此外, “绿灯” (the Green Light) 也贯穿着整个文本, 它共出现了三次。第一次是盖茨比在黑暗中向黛西家的方向伸出双臂, 仿佛是要拥抱这盏绿灯。这盏绿灯就像是盖茨比心中的“女神”, 也是他的梦想、未来和希望。第二次是盖茨比和黛西的一次幽会, 盖茨比对黛西说, “如果没雾的话, 我们就能看见河湾对岸你的家。你家码头上有盏绿灯整夜都在闪烁” (第90页) 。此时, 他以为自己已经拥有了黛西, 实现了梦想, 但这一切却是暂时的、虚幻的, 正是黛西——盖茨比为之苦苦奋斗的“绿灯”带领他走向了生命的终结。在文章结尾, 盖茨比死后, “绿灯”又一次出现了, “盖茨比信奉这盏绿灯, 这个一年年的在我们眼前渐渐远去的极乐的未来。它从前逃脱我的追求……把胳臂伸得更远一点……总有一天……” (第175页) 。这盏“绿灯”若隐若现、若即若离, 但盖茨比却对此不离不弃, 因为这是他的梦想、希望。
除了绿色, 作者还运用了蓝色、黄色 (金色、银色) 、粉红色来为读者刻画盖茨比的人物形象。蓝色代表大海, 而盖茨比曾在苏必利尔湖上工作过, 他勇敢、大度、具有奉献精神。因为他的忠实, 船长送他“一件蓝色海员服” (第69页) 。富有之后, 他在他蓝色的花园里举办豪华宴会, 肆意无度挥霍金钱, 通宵达旦举行舞会, 他完全无私地奉献金钱、奉献时间、奉献耐心, 只为了梦中情人黛西。当黛西开车撞了人, 他又义无反顾地替他顶罪。但同时大海是缥缈虚幻的, 所以蓝色也是忧伤的颜色。黛西虽与盖茨比幽会, 但那只是出于她对金钱的钟爱, 因为“她的声音充满了金钱” (第116页) , 但却在心里不愿离开地位比盖茨比高的汤姆, 因此蓝色也在一定程度上预示了盖茨比的悲剧。
黄色、金色和银色也被作者用来形容盖茨比的服装:银色的衬衫, 金色的领带。而且, 盖茨比的车是黄硬壳虫似的, 宴会上灯火辉煌, 餐桌上摆放着金黄的乳猪和火鸡, 演奏的也是黄色鸡尾酒会音乐, 这一切都赤裸裸地向我们展示了盖茨比的财富。而正是由于这些, 黛西才被吸引来了, 因为他们都相信金钱的力量。
此外, 代表爱情甜蜜、幸福的粉红色也与盖茨比有所联系。当黛西和盖茨比幽会被丈夫发现后, 与其吵架, 结果精神恍惚中开车撞死了丈夫的情人, 盖茨比为了替黛西顶罪, 深夜守在黛西家门外, 此时, 他身穿“粉红色衣服”。这粉红色表明了他的浪漫主义气质, 他对黛西爱情的忠贞不渝。然而不幸的是, 他的努力换来的却是黛西和汤姆的阴谋。
(二) 黛西——白色、黑暗色 (暮色、黑色)
在刻画盖茨比的所谓的“真爱”黛西时, 文章中先用到了白色——纯洁、美丽, 同时, 白色也是空洞、冷漠、无情、恐怖的代名词。黛西长得白白净净, 甚是美丽, 另无数男人为之倾倒。她的住宅很豪华, 连窗帘也是白色的, “一阵轻风吹过, 把窗帘从一头吹进来, 又从另一头吹出去, 好像一面面白旗。……留下一阵阴影有如风吹海面” (第8页) 。盖茨比第一次见黛西时, 她穿白色衣服、开白色小跑车。而尼克与黛西第一次见面是在夏天, 黛西仍旧穿着白色的衣裙窝在沙发里, 过着无聊、空洞的婚后生活, “老在找一年中最长的一天” (第13页) 。
而黑暗色是混沌、恐怖的颜色, 同时也是死亡的象征。尼克去黛西家, 黛西故意把蜡烛熄灭, 继而与汤姆争吵起来。后来黛西与盖茨比交往了, 第一次去盖茨比家里时, 他俩也是在黑暗中听钢琴师弹奏的。而后在暮色中黛西开车撞死了人, 为了保护黛西, 盖茨比在茫茫黑夜中等待黛西。这一切的一切都预示着盖茨比与黛西的交往只能在黑暗中进行, 并且会无疾而终。因为“黛西对财富的偏爱胜过对爱情的追求, 为保护自己, 她可以改弦易辙, 决不陷入感情的困扰和义务当中, 自私与无情是黛西的本性。作者对黛西性格的准确刻画, 进一步揭示了小说主题” (李希, 2002) 。
我们可以看出, 作者在运用色彩时, “并不是简单地把色彩堆在一起, 而是根据不同的人物性格运用不同的主色彩, 并随着人物心理和环境的变化相应地改变色彩” (汪海洁, 2003) 。
菲茨杰拉德在作品《伟大的盖茨比》中色彩形容词的娴熟运用赋予了小说独特的艺术魅力, 这有助于读者更好的理解二十世纪二十年代的美国社会境况和“美国梦”破灭这一主题。
[1]陈爱华.论菲茨杰拉德的悲剧意识[J].北京第二外国语学报, 2010. (3) :45.
[2]李希.论《了不起的盖茨比》中的色彩描写在刻画人物中的作用[J].外国文学研究, 2002. (3) :79-83.
[3]巫宁坤.菲茨杰拉德:《了不起的盖茨比》[M].译林出版社, 1999.
(摘自《非洲奇遇记》 图/郭忠)
记得在一个寒冷的冬夜,我下楼梯的时候不小心走空了掉下来痛得我大声哭起来,妈妈吓坏了,只穿着一件单衣,就急急忙忙背我去医院。在医院里妈妈焦急地等待医生为我检查的结果。当医生说我并我大碍,只是扭筋了时,才放下心来。当医生给我开了药,打了针,妈妈又背着我回家。趴在妈妈的背上,我的心暖暖的,泪水浸湿了我的眼眶:妈妈呀!为了我您付出了多少心血:给我做饭,为我洗衣服,辅导我学习,背我去医院 ……妈妈,您的爱像春风,帮我吹去心灵的尘埃;您的爱像阳光,温暖了我的心;您的爱像甘露,滋润着我成长。回到家,妈妈坐在床边,,喂我吃药,看着我睡。第二天,我的脚又了好转,妈妈欣慰地笑了。我发现妈妈的眼圈黑黑的,我知道,那是因为担心我,所以没睡好。我说:“ 妈妈,您太累了,休息会吧。我帮您干会”。妈妈说:“宝贝,不用了,你进去躺会吧。妈妈一会为你吃药 ”。我看着妈妈忙碌的身影,眼泪又一次夺眶而出。我听了妈妈的话,回到了房间,躺在床上,心里想:以前妈妈说我的时候,我还不服气,理直气壮的和她辩论。想起妈妈说的话其实都是为我好,心我的,爱护我,教育我的。妈妈我不会在哭了,因为有您的爱陪伴着我,我不会“ 受伤 ”。妈妈,我以后一定好好听您的话,让你尝尝我的“ 爱” 。
The Great Gatsby is the representative work of F.Scott Fitzgerald, one that is marked by the profuse use of symbolic colors to depict different characters in different situations.The use of color symbolism not only enlivens the characters but also deepens the theme of the novel.In order to gain a deeper insight into the personality of individual characters in The Great Gatsby, we need to be acutely aware of the implications associated with the symbolic colors that Fitzgerald strews over his story and to which frequent allusions are made as the storyline evolves.The creative and tactical employment of color symbolism on the part of Fitzgerald serves to unveil the ins and outs of the personality of individual characters under his pen and to reinforce the theme of his novel.This unique application of color symbolism demonstrates the ingenuity of Fitzgerald in writing The Great Gatsby and making it appealing to readers.
2 Symbolic Colors in The Great Gatsby
In the field of literature, a thing that delivers itself of more than what it literally denotes is referred to as a symbol, be it animate or inanimate.As is noted by Richard (1909) a symbol is an object that transcends the“objective referent”by suggesting or implying a meaning in addition to its literal meaning.It goes without saying that literati tend to manipulate symbols to their own preference and in their own favor to accentuate the characterization and thematic delineation of their stories.Therefore, symbols must be interpreted contextually, that is, within the purview of a given work, and as such, the interpretation of symbolic colors in The Great Gatsby is a case in point.In the novel, there is a profuse use of symbolic colors by Fitzgerald, which help to explain the characters and events (Zhang, 1999) .Green, gray, white, yellow and blue are the most frequently used colors in the novel with different connotations attached.
2.1 Green
Green is the color of prosperity, and hope.This color is closely associated with the green light at the end of the dock.The end of the first chapter of The Great Gatsby brings to our attention the mysterious green light.That green light is the symbol of Gatsby’s great dream, his love for Daisy, and attempt to make that love real.To Gatsby, the‘green light’is a token of wealth and prosperity, something which Gatsby regards as fundamental to insinuating himself to Daisy’s favor.He is convinced that his dream of winning back Daisy will come true.Gatsby is even becoming so paranoia-like that he is confident that he can repeat the past.We find out later that this green light is at the end of Daisy’s dock, and is a symbol for Gatsby’s dream and the hope for the future.Green is the color of promise, hope, and renewal—so it is fitting that Gatsby’s dream of a future with Daisy be represented physically in the novel by this green light.Later, in the final chapter of this novel, Fitzgerald compares Gatsby’s green light to the“green breast of the new world” (Fitzgerald, Chapter IX) , comparing Gatsby’s dream of rediscovering Daisy to the explorer’s discovery of America and the promise of a new continent.However, Gatsby’s dream is tarnished by his material possessions.The means corrupt the end, and Gatsby’s dream dies because of Daisy, Gatsby, and Tom’s carelessness and superficiality, as does Gatsby for the same reasons.
2.2 Gray
Gray is another important color worth elaborating on in The Great Gatsby, which alludes to the spiritual and social wasteland engendered by the blind and unbridled human desire for wealth and comforts.The Valley of Ashes between West Egg and New York City, where George Wilson dwells, takes on the color of gray.Everything in and around the Valley of Ashes, houses, chimneys, furnaces, smoke and gases, passing vehicles, et cetera, is colored gray.None other than God is gazing commiseratively at this spiritually desolate valley, rife with ashes, debris, and trashes, and where dwellers are devoid of moral attainments and spiritual belief.The color gray may well enough gives expression to the overindulgence of the rich in purely corporeal pleasures with little regard for anything else.In this sense, gray epitomizes the corruption of the society.
In another sense, the color of gray also tokenizes the predicament of the poor and underprivileged, a predicament from which extrication is hard for them.They dwell in nasty living quarters, in close proximity to ashes and trashes, deprived of vigor and vitality, destitute of cheerfulness and morale.The gray atmosphere is what haunts them all the time and what reminds readers of the plight they are in.They are the ash-gray men“who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.” (Fitzgerald, Chapter II) Through the depiction of the gray land where Wilson dwells, Fitzgerald unfolds a sharp contrast between the upperclassmen and the underprivileged world.The gray and smothery atmosphere serves as a hint foreshadowing the negative burden on Wilson and his inevitable doom in the end.
2.3 White
White usually represents purity and innocence.It is a frequently used color in the novel which is associated mostly with Daisy and Jordan.In the beginning of the story, both Daisy and Jordan are dressed in conspicuous white, which imparts to readers such a feeling that Daisy and Jordan might be innocuous figures, innocent and ingenuous, who would not go beyond their bounds.However, as the story unfolds, we learn that our impression of the two women proves in the wrong direction;they are neither innocent nor ingenuous.They talk unobtrusively in a way“as cool as their white dresses and their impersonal eyes” (Fitzgerald, Chapter I) .The conspicuous color of white usually alludes to stylish or ornate appearances, suggesting the ostentatious luxury of the two women in stark contrast with their inner emptiness.Take Daisy as an example.She was known as the belle of society who lived a frivolous and wanton life even before her marriage.Daisy is quite reminiscent of her“white girlhood”times before she was forced into her marriage to Tom, and here the whiteness of her girlhood makes her an untouchable and unattainable stunner that never fails to tantalize Gatsby.Moreover, Daisy’s voice, as thought by Nick, is“full of money”and“inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it”and it sounds as if it is possessed by someone who lives“high in a white palace, the king’s daughter, the golden girl...” (Fitzgerald, Chapter VII) .Needless to say, Gatsby has always been hoodwinked by Daisy’s delusive‘whiteness’, which is roughly a synonym for hollowness, vacuity and superficiality.Similarly, Jordan is by no means an innocent woman, who is disgraced by having committed infractions in the tennis competition.In a word, most of the white items that relate to the two women are nothing more than clothes, ostentatious objects or other material things, which allude to the hollowness and superficiality of them.Therefore, white is actually a symbol of lack of morality and virtue.
2.4 Yellow
Yellow is another symbolic color, which stands out as a symbol of money and its destructive power.When Gatsby entertains his wealthy guests who come to attend his grand party, the author writes, “...now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music...” (Fitzgerald, Chapter III) .Gatsby is unshakable in his belief that he will be in Daisy’s favor by showcasing his lucre.Dressed in a‘caramel-colored’suit, that is, a moderate yellow brown suit, Gatsby’s image of being a money-worshipper looms large.Besides, the color of Gatsby’s gigantic car is yellow, giving people an impression of high social position and mammoth wealth.
On the other hand, yellow in the novel is associated with doom and destruction.The yellow leaves, the yellow car, the‘yellow light in a swimming wire basket overhead’, et cetera, are prognostic signs foretelling what awaits the characters in the novel.In an oral testimony presented to the police who are carrying out an investigation into the cause of the tragic car accident, a Negro witness says, “It was a yellow car...big yellow car.New.” (Fitzgerald, Chapter VII) It is Gatsby’s yellow car that eventually terminates his life.Moreover, the yellowing trees the author mentions in Chapter VIII are probably another hint foreshadowing his impending demise.
2.5 Blue
Blue is symbolic of spiritual degradation and mistaken reality.The first striking reference to blue occurs at the beginning of Chapter II, where Fitzgerald describes the eyes of Doctor T.J.Eckleburg’s blue and gigantic eyes peering out over the Valley of Ashes, “above the gray land and the spasms of bleak dust.” (Fitzgerald, Chapter II) When, later in the novel, Wilson, staring at these same eyes, says, “God sees everything, ”and Michaelis contradicts him, “That’s an advertisement, ”it is clear that Fitzgerald wants us to view T.J.Eckleburg as a symbol of the corruption of spirit in the Waste Land—as if even God has been violated by materialism—reduced to an advertisement.This might suggest that blue symbolizes a certain ideality;but the meaning of the symbol is not defined until we reach Chapter III, which mentions hectic people walking to and fro in the‘blue gardens’like moths among the“whisperings and the champagne and the stars” (Fitzgerald, Chapter III) .The romantic blue is obviously associated with the promise, the dream, which Gatsby has mistaken for reality.Fitzgerald is even more explicit in Chapter VII as delineates the“blue cool limit of the sky”against which“the white wings of the boat moved”with“the scalloped ocean and the abounding blessed isles”stretching far beyond vision.Here blue and white become the symbols of the ultimate bliss, the ideal perfection which Gatsby’s parties in the blue gardens seem to promise.
3 Conclusion
Many factors such as natural and flowing style of writing, life-like characterization, realistic portrayal of the pursuit of and disillu-sionment with the American dream, meticulous employment of ar-tistic devices like color symbolism, et cetera, all help entrench The Great Gatsby as one of the most famous literary works in the twenti-eth century American literature and beyond.The reason for its pop-ularity among scholars and critics may be accounted for by the factthat the inherent antinomy and discrepancy of the novel forestallany attempts aimed at finding out an“ultimate and satisfactory in-terpretation of it” (Ren, 2008) .However, this paper, through theanalysis of Fitzgerald’s artistic adoption of symbolic colors, tries toreveal how Fitzgerald represents his abstract ideas and concepts.From the above analysis, we see that many colors are cleverly usedby the author to symbolize different intangible ideas.The combina-tion of different colors not only adds flavor to the developments ofcharacters and plots but also distinguishes Fitzgerald as a greatmaster in maneuvering color symbolism.In this sense, we can saythat the high artistic attainments and social acclamation of this nov-el are closely related with the profuse and ingenious use of colorsymbolism to enhance the thematic connotations of the novel andgive expression to the inevitable fate to which the main charactersare destined under Fitzgerald’s pen.
摘要:美国小说家斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的杰作《了不起的盖茨比》栩栩如生地运用了大量的象征主义手法, 尤其是通过对具有明显象征意义的颜色词的使用, 加深了故事的寓意以及小说对于人物形象的刻画。斯科特·菲茨杰拉德通过运用‘绿、灰、白、黄、蓝’等具有代表性的颜色来暗示小说中人物的性格, 而且这些颜色词贯穿于整个故事的叙述过程, 给读者留下很深的意蕴。该文通过分析作者对于颜色词的娴熟运用, 探讨其背后所隐含的寓意, 从而揭示颜色象征手法对于小说人物性格的塑造、故事脉络的发展以及故事主题的深化等方面所起的决定作用。
[1]弗·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德.灯绿梦渺[M].上海:上海译文出版社, 1982.
[2]Richard B.Masters of the English novel:a study of princi ples and personalities[M].New York:Henry Holt, 1909.
[3]张瑞华《.了不起的盖茨比》的象征意义[J].外国文学研究, 1999 (2) .