· Read the article below about meetings.
· For each question 31 - 40 write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
How to make more of meetings
You should know what ends you want to achieve in a meeting before it starts and prepare for it (0)……reading any papers circulated beforehand, and carefully thinking about (31)…… you want to say. This may sound rather boring, but solid preparation is the key to successful meetings: A great (32)……of time and energy can be wasted through simple lack of planning.
The most important issues are not always given the most time in the general running of meetings. People are often unwilling (33)…… discuss important budgetary matters because they do not fully understand them, but (34)…… becomes an expert when it comes to discussing the colour of the new curtains, or what type of coffee to buy The discussion of (35)…… trivial matters as these, therefore, should be saved until the end of the meeting.
During the meeting it is essential to stick to the agenda so (36)……to avoid the common problem of repetition. At the same time you (37)…… to be sensitive to other people s ideas and feelings, and never lose your temper. Be prepared to accept (38)…… implement a suggestion that is contrary to (39)…… own ideas if it is an improvement on them; such honesty and flexibility are signs of good leadership and earn respect.
Finally, remember that when a decision is made it is important to act (40)…… it and to honour all the commitments you have made in the meeting.
Questions 41 - 50
· In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.
· For each numbered line 41 - 50, find the unnecessary word and then write the word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Some lines are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. The exercise begins with two examples (0) and (00).
Customer care
0 Apart from ensuring that an efficient electricity supply for our
00 customers, NatElectric provides an invaluable service in other areas
41 as well. While our Customer Helpline (charged at local rates) is the
42 first point of contact with when you want to make an enquiry and
43 we receive a huge number of calls from customers - on
44 average, there are 50 000 calls a one week. Available 24 hours
45 a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, our Helpline on advisors
46 aim at to answer 95 per cent of all calls within 15 seconds. There
47 are more than 200 advisors, working in around the clock to
48 provide for this service, backed by a further 80 support staff
49 who do handle any necessary paperwork. Although our target
50 is to reply to letters within 10 working days, NatElectric regularly responds within
three to four days, and we are especially proud of the standards achieved by our
customer relations team.
· For each question 31 - 40 write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
How to make more of meetings
You should know what ends you want to achieve in a meeting before it starts and prepare for it (0)……reading any papers circulated beforehand, and carefully thinking about (31)…… you want to say. This may sound rather boring, but solid preparation is the key to successful meetings: A great (32)……of time and energy can be wasted through simple lack of planning.
The most important issues are not always given the most time in the general running of meetings. People are often unwilling (33)…… discuss important budgetary matters because they do not fully understand them, but (34)…… becomes an expert when it comes to discussing the colour of the new curtains, or what type of coffee to buy The discussion of (35)…… trivial matters as these, therefore, should be saved until the end of the meeting.
During the meeting it is essential to stick to the agenda so (36)……to avoid the common problem of repetition. At the same time you (37)…… to be sensitive to other people s ideas and feelings, and never lose your temper. Be prepared to accept (38)…… implement a suggestion that is contrary to (39)…… own ideas if it is an improvement on them; such honesty and flexibility are signs of good leadership and earn respect.
Finally, remember that when a decision is made it is important to act (40)…… it and to honour all the commitments you have made in the meeting.
Questions 41 - 50
· In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.
作为我校的一门重要商务英语课, 高级商务英语阅读课是针对完成通用英语课程的经贸相关专业的大三学生开设的, 其首要教学目的是培养学生对西方报刊经贸文章的阅读力。
笔者在商务英语阅读教学和实践中不断摸索, 形成了自己的见解和风格。
1. 教材的编写
目前, 市面上关于商务英语阅读的教材并不少, 但或多或少都存在一些问题。有的书出版日期较早, 里面的例子已不再鲜活, 不能紧跟时代的潮流; 有的书过于强调理论, 读起来枯燥乏味, 不能激发学生的兴趣; 等等。针对此种情况, 我校外国语系六名有外贸实际工作经验的老师依照商务英语教学大纲的有关要求, 自编、出版了一本案例集, 内容覆盖了整个商务领域并紧跟时代潮流。
课文的选材来自国外主流经济学和管理学刊物, 如《彭博商业周刊》《哈佛商业评论》等权威刊物, 既为学生提供了最新的专业研究动态和实践案例, 也为全面提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力提供了优秀的原始素材。
本套教材突出自主学习的教学功能, 突破以教师为中心的教材编写模式, 强调学生与教师的互动和交流。在教材设计体系上, 编者在单元的导入、讨论、案例分析、写作、角色转换和辩论等部分有意识地增加学生的“戏份”, 强调学生为中心, 教师为主导。比如, 在写作方面, 要求学生做案例分析、写调研报告, 锻炼写作技能; 在口语方面, 要求学生作演示报告、锻炼演讲技巧、增强实际交流能力。本课程通过大量与专业相关的语言练习, 使语言练习具有目的性和针对性, 能有效提高学生的实际工作能力。
本教材充分强调了人文素养、思辨能力等可变通能力的培养。实际上, 商务英语并不是简单的“英语”+ “商务”, 还包括跨文化交际、人文素养等其他技能的训练。本教材在每个专题的后面都设有与课文内容相关的有一定深度的问题, 对学生思辨思维的培养起到了积极的作用。
2. 教学方式方法的改革
案例教学法能加强学生的兴趣以及解决问题的能力, 因此, 案例教学法在高级商务英语阅读教学中得到了普遍的使用。笔者选取了高级商务英语阅读里的一个专题“展会”来分析案例教学法的实施步骤。
( 1) 编选案例。“展会”选材于《参展商》杂志。该杂志系展会方面的专业杂志, 提供了大量营销者可立即付诸实施的信息, 并深度分析了美国最为成功的展会案例, 以提供经验给即将参展的人员。笔者从中选取了“OperationOrange”这一篇素材, 讲的是高尔夫工业展上, 并不具备优势的杰克森公司如何利用展会营销策略提高品牌知名度, 赢得市场份额的案例。此案例为经典商务案例, 与教学内容和教学进度相适应, 并具有一定代表性和针对性。
( 2) 描述案例。笔者在网上找到2013年美国高尔夫展的视频, 清楚地展现了展会时的实况。学生通过观看视频可以加深对展会的理解, 也更容易对展会所采取的营销策略进行描述。
( 3) 案例讨论。随后教师提出了以下问题供学生分组讨论: 1展会的营销策略表现在哪些方面? 2在展会中, 发放礼物或赠品为一个较好的宣传公司品牌的机会, 需要注意哪些事项? 3在展会营销中有哪些注意事项? 如何强化顾客对品牌的印象, 为其提供印象深刻的服务? 4分享更多的关于“游击营销”的例子。5除课文提到的展会营销策略以外, 你还知道哪些展会营销策略? 6假设你在一家儿童礼服公司工作, 公司打算到美国参加展会, 你有哪些好的营销策略? 教师将全班学生分为6个小组, 以小组为单位进行分析、讨论、辩论; 小组讨论结束后指派代表向全班对案例作分析, 阐述各自观点, 并作小结发言。
( 4) 教师总结。最后, 教师指出了本次案例的思路、重难点、主要解决的问题、如何运用理论知识, 并评价本次案例的成功之处与不足等。
案例教学法改变了传统的教学模式, 从基础知识的传授转移到运用基本知识分析解决实际问题的能力培养, 并且贯彻了学以致用的原则。
3. 自身的商务英语水平的提高
商务英语教师的商务实践能力体现为教师对商务英语语言应用环境的了解、对商务英语语言技能在商务环境中的需求及实际应用的熟谙。所有这一切的实现都要求商务英语教师不仅是学科骨干, 还应是商务社会活动的积极参与者。鉴于学校对商务英语的重视, 笔者2012年暑期在东莞一家外贸公司进行了为期一个月的学习, 2013上半年则在另一家公司进行了为期半年的顶岗实训。通过到企业学习, 笔者了解到公司的文化、外贸的操作流程, 加强了商务知识储备, 为日后的教学工作奠定了基础。
协调好教学和科研的关系, 在成功进行课堂教学的同时注意提高自身理论素养, 把教学过程变成科研过程。笔者通过参与本校商务英语实务精品课程的建设, 对商务英语有了更为直观深刻的体会, 科研能力得到了加强, 同时也提高了教学水平。
4. 实践机会的提供
我校开始了以技能水平提高为目的的实训活动, 由实训目标、实训项目内容、实训方式、实训效果以及评价标准等几个方面构成, 目的是培养学生独立第进行相关贸易操作等方面的能力, 并使其具备较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力。实训的项目内容包括单项训练和综合训练。单项训练包括如进出口实务与单证、国际支付与结算等。综合实训是将各单项的技能联系起来, 进行综合运用, 提高学生的综合应用能力。
在岗实训或顶岗实习是将学生的校内技能训练延伸到校外进行, 在实习基地或实习单位的具体工作岗位上检验学生在校学习和训练的技能和能力。
5. 商务英语证书考试的辅导
剑桥商务英语证书考试是根据英语为非母语国家的人员进行国际商务活动的需要而设计的。BEC考试从听、说、读、写四个方面全面考查学生在经济贸易和商务活动中使用英语的能力, 并颁发标准统一的权威证书。该证书可作为应聘各类涉外企业、部门、组织或机构的英语能力证明, 对即将进入就业领域的在校学生或已工作的青年来说, 它将是他们就业、求职的砝码。
就BEC考试阅读部分而言, 题型较多, 包括平时考生所熟悉的完形填空和四选一阅读理解, 同时还有三个不太常见的题型。所以, 教师应让学生在平时做多方面的练习, 如多阅读商务杂志, 增加商务常识等。
6. 结语
高等学校商务英语专业旨在培养具有扎实的英语基本功、宽阔的国际化视野、合理的国际商务知识与技能的复合型英语人才。英语教师一方面需要不断优化自己商科专业知识结构, 密切关注商业社会的发展和变化, 使自己在专业领域可以和学生平等对话, 积极参与到学生的讨论中, 成为复合型、实战型的英语教师; 另一方面, 教师也可以通过教授商务英语和商科融为一体的复合型教材, 进行ESP教与学两方面的研究工作, 以提高我国的ESP科研水平。
[1]金黎明.提高商务英语教学水平的初步探讨[J].南京工业职业技术学院学报, 2003 (02) :66.
《普通高中课程标准实验教科书教师教学用书》明确指出,阅读的基本技能主要指:掌握基本事实,抓住中心思想,了解时空顺序,理解文章内涵,从上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象,分析作者的观点、态度、意图,读懂图表和说明书等,分析语篇结构,获取语言和文化知识,综合评价文章等。根据语言学专家对于不同阅读目的的划分,在实际的教学过程中,我们可以采取四步训练法,即:reading for information, reading for structure, reading for ideas, reading for writing。具体步骤如下。
第一步:reading for information。通读全文,先不做题目,而是了解文本的主要意思。同时在有疑问和重要的地方标注记号,用简单的语句叙述大意,也可以直接用文章的主题句来概括。
第二步:reading for structure。对所有标注记号的部分仔细分析,可以借助词典或向老师同学求助,重点突破难词和难句,根据文章大意和上下文,联系构词法和句法,分析理解句子,做到词不离句、句不离段,在语境中强化词法和句法。这一阶段不能看文章的正确答案和解析,而是要自己去解释、分析。
第三步:reading for ideas。再重新阅读文章,经过对生词难句的处理,阅读已经顺畅了很多,但仍有一些看似简单、没有任何生词但意思却不容易理解的句子,需要在再通读中解决。可以结合文章的思路,分析语篇结构,对作者的写作手法、逻辑顺序和技巧以及思想进行整理归纳,以产生新的观点。
第四步:reading for writing。这是阅读比较高的境界,在一定量的语言输入基础上,结合读者的自身体验,选取文章的适当话题发表自己的看法,这样可以跨越时间和空间的限制与智者先人对话,并训练语言表达能力,是有意义的语言输出。
第一步:让学生阅读文章,了解文章大意,并将生词和重要词句画出来。这一步骤五分钟内完成。阅读后请了四个学生分别说出该文的大意:“When hearing bad news, some people will be very angry.”“We should receive it with a calm state of mind. When facing bad news, we should learn to accept it.”“Everyone will hear bad news. We should face it.”“Big winners know, when delivering any bad news,they should share the feeling of the receiver.”前面三个学生的回答差不多,都是从读者的角度来看待。第四个学生的回答直接引用了文章的句子。对于这四个答案,让学生讨论哪个比较接近文章的真正意思。对于理解的偏差,问题在哪里呢?带着这个问题,我们进入了第二步reading for structure。
首先是词汇问题。我们会碰到以下几种情况。第一,误看单词,如把poor看成pour, diner看成dinner, fist看成first;第二,单词掌握不牢固,如exhausted, broad, professionals, appreciated,还有对关键词deliver意思的不确定,在教材中学过的有“送报纸”“接生孩子”的意思,在这里“deliver bad news”学生有点转不过弯来;第三,不能利用构词法知识识别生词,如misfortune, employee, merrily,尤其是merrily,当提示“Merry Christmas”时,学生才知道它的含义。其中最重要的词就是文章中的unsympathetic, 文章用了“a smiling neighbor, with a broad smile, cheerfully, merrily”来衬托当事人沮丧、焦急的心情,从全文的理解不难猜出是“幸灾乐祸的,毫无同情心的”意思,但也有一些学生把握不到位。
其次是句型结构。在这篇文章中有两个句型值得一提。Its not the news that makes someone angry ... 这句很好地烘托了主题,但很多学生理解为定语从句,对典型的句型掌握不到位影响了整体的理解。另外是虚拟语气的倒装用法:Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warning. Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, “Oh, thats all right. Ill catch the next one.” 对于这块知识掌握不扎实的学生,在理解时会有云里雾里的感觉。
在reading for structure阶段,学生可以学习和巩固许多语言知识,如第二段中的“strike sb on the face”,第四段中的两个句子“A doctor advising a patient she needs an operation does it in a caring way ”和“A boss informing an employee he didnt get a job takes on a sympathetic tone”的结构完全一样,分词短语作定语来修饰主语。
第三步:在这步中,主要了解作者的写作手法、逻辑顺序和技巧以及思想。如文章的第一段用古埃及法老的故事引出作者的想法,很多学生在做第一道题目时对选项“introduce a topic”弄不清楚,这里的introduce仅仅理解成“介绍”,就很难选择了;第二、三段则是作者用亲身经历的两件事来说明第一段中法老的做法,表达了作者在接到坏消息时的愤怒心情,由此引出下段对于传递消息,尤其是坏消息时一种恰当态度的重要性。这样的写法让读者容易产生共鸣,易于接受作者的观点,文章的主题句“Big winners know, when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver”的出现就顺理成章了,形成了一篇很好的说理文章。接下来,作者用“unfortunately”作为关联词,谈到很多人在很多场合没有这种“share the feeling of the receiver”的意识,又是两个情景问句,让读者身临其境地感受对于幸灾乐祸的、毫无同情心的这种态度的愤怒,用“land your fist fight on their unsympathetic faces”来佐证了“Dreams of head-cutting”,这样第三个题目就迎刃而解了。最后,作者用了两个虚拟语气的句子,对前面谈到的两个例子进行了假设,一种恰当的态度可以改变很多事情,大家会心存感激,缓和气氛,首尾呼应,引出结束语:Delivering bad news properly is important in communication. 这也就是第四个题目“What is the main idea of the text?”的答案。
第四步:这是一篇很好的文章,尤其可以在学习语言之后学生可以学习一些为人处世、做人做事的道理,对于现在的学生有现实的教育意义。因此,在读完之后,可以让学生就“How to deliver bad news after reading this passage?”进行讨论。在讨论的基础上,让学生写一篇题为“What do you think of the passage? What can you learn from it?”的读后感。
1. 教师要积极研读高考阅读真题,利用精泛读结合的办法,选取一些文章给学生泛读,教师做简单的讲评,对于内容丰富、语言优美、底蕴深厚的文章进行精读,激发学生的兴趣,保持阅读的激情,可以使学生有很大的收获,从而提高学生的语言能力。
2. 在高考阅读真题教学中,要结合高考词汇表,对于高频词和常见的短语搭配、语言结构要做到落实,真正让学生掌握,做到在阅读中学习,在学习中巩固,在巩固中提高。
You will hear a spokesperson telling a group of business people about the Business Support Agency- an organisation which distributes business and research grants.
As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.
Now listen, and complete the notes.
Woman: Thank you everybody, thank you. The Business Support Agency or BSA are very proud of the part we play in the development of business success. Today I’ll give you a bit of background on the Agency, and then outline the steps involved in applying for support. OK?
What we do, basically, is distribute financial support from our funds, which come from the central government Department of Education on the one hand, and then that sum is matched - the amount fluctuates on a yearly basis – by contributions from a number of multinational companies. We then follow the procedures I’ll be outlining in a moment. Some examples of this work, if you’re interested, can be seen in our annual report - I’ll leave copies out for you to look at. Since we began, we’ve given out over three hundred grants. We made twenty awards last year alone, and expect that figure to rise to twenty-five next year. But we’re not simply giving this money away - our criteria are strict.
So, how do you apply? Well, there are four steps to making an application. In the first place, you should get in touch with our Project Coordinating Office. You can call them on 0188 45 45 45 and express your interest. They’ll then send you an application form. It’s quite a lengthy document, I must warn you, and you’ll need to fill in information about the history of your company, outline your requirements, and include the predicted benefits. That gives us the beginning of a picture and enables us to make an initial decision about whether to proceed any further. The third step would be having a meeting with one of our regional consultants. This involves talking through your ideas for development if you get the grant and should help you to focus clearly on your exact needs. And the fourth step is producing a full plan, which needs to include all costs and dates. By this time, both sides will have a very clear picture. Now, all this obviously takes up quite some time, and you need to think carefully about which personnel within your organisation are going to be available to put in the necessary work. OK, well that’s then your role finished for the time being.
Lydia Dishman
It was a big promise to build an entire business on. But for the last handful of years, both Uber and Lyft have capitalized on the notion that by providing rides to people on demand via an app, traffic and pollution would be mitigated – especially in major urban centers. New research from both the ride-hailing juggernauts now suggests that’s not the case.
A joint analysis led by transportation consultancy Fehr & Peers examined Uber’s and Lyft’s combined mileage in September in the metro areas of Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. New York City wasn’t studied because of its vast public transportation system.
The results (which include city centers and their surrounding suburbs) reveal that, overall, Uber and Lyft make up just 1% to 3% of vehicle miles overall in the six metro areas. However, in places like San Francisco county, Uber and Lyft account for as much as 13.4% of all vehicle miles. It’s 8% in Boston, and 7.2% in Washington, D.C.. On average, between the six cities, as much as 62% of miles driven had a passenger. The rest were drivers on their way to pick up someone or just driving around between getting booked for a ride.
However, both Uber and Lyft are justifiably pointing their fingers toward the biggest cause of traffic and emissions: privately owned and commercial vehicles. Those account for 87% to 99% of total miles in the six areas studied.
Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps .
For each gap 9– 14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet .
Do not use any letter more than once .
There is an example at the beginning .(0)
Your Career Path Can Lead You Anywhere
We used to be advised to plan our careers. We were told to make a plan during the later stages of our education and continue with it through our working lives.(0)_____ some people still see careers in this way. However, to pursue a single option for life has always been unrealistic.
Planning for a single career assumes that we set out with a full understanding of our likes and dislikes and the employment opportunities open to us. (9)____ For most people this degree of certainty about the future does not exist.
Our initial choice of career path and employer is often based on inadequate knowledge and false perceptions. But with age and experience, we develop new interests and aptitudes and our priorities alter. The structure of the employment market and, indeed of employment itself, is subject to change as both new technologies and new work systems are introduced (10) _____ We must face the uncertainties of a portfolio career.
It is clear from the recent past that we cannot foresee the changes which will affect our working lives. The pace of change is accelerating , as a result of which traditional career plans will be of very limited use. (11)_____ They will need updating to reflect changes in our own interests as well as in the external work environment. Flexible workers already account for about half the workforce. (12)______ We are likely to face periods as contract workers, self-employed freelances, consultants, temps or part-timers.
Many employers encourage staff to write a personal development development (PDP) (13)_____ Although some people use it only to review the skills needed for their job, a PDP could be the nucleus of wider career plan –setting out alternative long-term learning needs and a plan of self-development.
A report issued by the Institute of Employment Studies advises people to enhance their employability by moving from traditional technical skills towards the attainment of a range of transferable skills. (14)_____ Instead, special schemes should be established to encourage people to examine their effectiveness and to consider a wider range of needs.
0 A B C D E F G H
A This dual effect means that the relationship between employers and workers has evolved to such and extent that we can no longer expect a long-term relationship with one employer.
B. It carries an implicit assumption that we ourselves, and the jobs we enter, will change little during our working lives.
C. This growth suggests that a career plan should not be expressed only in terms of full-time employment but should make provision for the possibility of becoming one of the.
D this is a summary of one’s personal learning needs and an action plan to meet them.
E Consequently, they must now accommodate a number of objectives and enable us to prepare for each on a contingency basis.
F However, it warns that employers often identify training needs through formal appraisals, which take too narrow a view of development.
G . Such a freelance of consultant would be constantly in demand.
在教学中, 英语阅读理解是考查和测试学生英语能力的一种主要形式, 高考阅读理解的题量逐年增加, 知识面逐年拓宽, 灵活度逐年增大。面对新的形势, 寻找即时的、地道的、活生生的、文化底蕴深厚的阅读材料是很有必要的。而每年的高考真题是不可多得的好材料。因为真题是经过命题专家认真研究分析决定的, 选取的材料也是最近最新的、原汁原味的, 题目的信度和效度也是非常高的。
英语真题中最有价值的部分是阅读理解篇章, 通过对真题的阅读, 可增加词汇量, 巩固语言结构, 提高对长难句的分析能力, 熟悉背景知识, 通晓文化习俗, 了解作者意图。同时也可以将阅读材料改编成完形填空和缺词填空, 还可以就文章的内容进行拓展, 写心得体会, 成为书面表达的写作训练。
《普通高中课程标准实验教科书教师教学用书》明确指出, 阅读的基本技能主要指:掌握基本事实, 抓住中心思想, 了解时空顺序, 理解文章内涵, 从上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象, 分析作者的观点、态度、意图, 读懂图表和说明书等, 分析语篇结构, 获取语言和文化知识, 综合评价文章等。根据语言学专家对于不同阅读目的的划分, 在实际的教学过程中, 我们可以采取四步训练法, 即:reading for information, reading for structure, reading for ideas, reading for writing。具体步骤如下。
第一步:reading for information。通读全文, 先不做题目, 而是了解文本的主要意思。同时在有疑问和重要的地方标注记号, 用简单的语句叙述大意, 也可以直接用文章的主题句来概括。
第二步:reading for structure。对所有标注记号的部分仔细分析, 可以借助词典或向老师同学求助, 重点突破难词和难句, 根据文章大意和上下文, 联系构词法和句法, 分析理解句子, 做到词不离句、句不离段, 在语境中强化词法和句法。这一阶段不能看文章的正确答案和解析, 而是要自己去解释、分析。
第三步:reading for ideas。再重新阅读文章, 经过对生词难句的处理, 阅读已经顺畅了很多, 但仍有一些看似简单、没有任何生词但意思却不容易理解的句子, 需要在再通读中解决。可以结合文章的思路, 分析语篇结构, 对作者的写作手法、逻辑顺序和技巧以及思想进行整理归纳, 以产生新的观点。
第四步:reading for writing。这是阅读比较高的境界, 在一定量的语言输入基础上, 结合读者的自身体验, 选取文章的适当话题发表自己的看法, 这样可以跨越时间和空间的限制与智者先人对话, 并训练语言表达能力, 是有意义的语言输出。
现以2009年浙江省高考英语阅读理解D篇文章为例, 采取四步训练法进行高考阅读真题教学。这篇文章选材地道、语言优美、有文化底蕴, 而且例子形象生动, 容易让人产生共鸣, 是很好的精泛读教学材料。
第一步:让学生阅读文章, 了解文章大意, 并将生词和重要词句画出来。这一步骤五分钟内完成。阅读后请了四个学生分别说出该文的大意:“When hearing bad news, some people will be very angry.”“We should receive it with a calm state of mind.When facing bad news, we should learn to accept it.”“Everyone will hear bad news.We should face it.”“Big winners know, when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver.”前面三个学生的回答差不多, 都是从读者的角度来看待。第四个学生的回答直接引用了文章的句子。对于这四个答案, 让学生讨论哪个比较接近文章的真正意思。对于理解的偏差, 问题在哪里呢?带着这个问题, 我们进入了第二步reading for structure。
首先是词汇问题。我们会碰到以下几种情况。第一, 误看单词, 如把poor看成pour, diner看成dinner, fist看成first;第二, 单词掌握不牢固, 如exhausted, broad, professionals, appreciated, 还有对关键词deliver意思的不确定, 在教材中学过的有“送报纸”“接生孩子”的意思, 在这里“deliver bad news”学生有点转不过弯来;第三, 不能利用构词法知识识别生词, 如misfortune, employee, merrily, 尤其是merrily, 当提示“Merry Christmas”时, 学生才知道它的含义。其中最重要的词就是文章中的unsympathetic, 文章用了“a smiling neighbor, with a broad smile, cheerfully, merrily”来衬托当事人沮丧、焦急的心情, 从全文的理解不难猜出是“幸灾乐祸的, 毫无同情心的”意思, 但也有一些学生把握不到位。
其次是句型结构。在这篇文章中有两个句型值得一提。It’s not the news that makes someone angry...这句很好地烘托了主题, 但很多学生理解为定语从句, 对典型的句型掌握不到位影响了整体的理解。另外是虚拟语气的倒装用法:Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warning.Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, “Oh, that’s all right.I’ll catch the next one.”对于这块知识掌握不扎实的学生, 在理解时会有云里雾里的感觉。
在reading for structure阶段, 学生可以学习和巩固许多语言知识, 如第二段中的“strike sb on the face”, 第四段中的两个句子“A doctor advising a patient she needs an operation does it in a caring way”和“A boss informing an employee he didn’t get a job takes on a sympathetic tone”的结构完全一样, 分词短语作定语来修饰主语。
第三步:在这步中, 主要了解作者的写作手法、逻辑顺序和技巧以及思想。如文章的第一段用古埃及法老的故事引出作者的想法, 很多学生在做第一道题目时对选项“introduce a topic”弄不清楚, 这里的introduce仅仅理解成“介绍”, 就很难选择了;第二、三段则是作者用亲身经历的两件事来说明第一段中法老的做法, 表达了作者在接到坏消息时的愤怒心情, 由此引出下段对于传递消息, 尤其是坏消息时一种恰当态度的重要性。这样的写法让读者容易产生共鸣, 易于接受作者的观点, 文章的主题句“Big winners know, when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver”的出现就顺理成章了, 形成了一篇很好的说理文章。接下来, 作者用“unfortunately”作为关联词, 谈到很多人在很多场合没有这种“share the feeling of the receiver”的意识, 又是两个情景问句, 让读者身临其境地感受对于幸灾乐祸的、毫无同情心的这种态度的愤怒, 用“land your fist fight on their unsympathetic faces”来佐证了“Dreams of head-cutting”, 这样第三个题目就迎刃而解了。最后, 作者用了两个虚拟语气的句子, 对前面谈到的两个例子进行了假设, 一种恰当的态度可以改变很多事情, 大家会心存感激, 缓和气氛, 首尾呼应, 引出结束语:Delivering bad news properly is important in communication.这也就是第四个题目“What is the main idea of the text?”的答案。
第四步:这是一篇很好的文章, 尤其可以在学习语言之后学生可以学习一些为人处世、做人做事的道理, 对于现在的学生有现实的教育意义。因此, 在读完之后, 可以让学生就“How to deliver bad news after reading this passage?”进行讨论。在讨论的基础上, 让学生写一篇题为“What do you think of the passage?What can you learn from it?”的读后感。
学生的书面练习又是很好的改错训练材料。教师可以事先打印好, 让学生改错, 然后一起欣赏, 也可以让学生评分, 鼓励学生去发现文章中值得借鉴的地方, 丰富自己的表达, 从而提高自身的英语写作水平。
英语高考阅读真题教学是以高考真题为载体, 对阅读材料进行深入挖掘, 从而扩大词汇量, 巩固语言知识, 熟悉英语国家的文化背景, 深入了解英语国家人士的语言思维, 从而扩展学生的阅读思路, 训练学生的阅读技巧, 培养学生的思维能力, 进一步提高英语能力。教师在教学中也要注意以下一些问题。
1. 教师要积极研读高考阅读真题, 利用精泛读
结合的办法, 选取一些文章给学生泛读, 教师做简单的讲评, 对于内容丰富、语言优美、底蕴深厚的文章进行精读, 激发学生的兴趣, 保持阅读的激情, 可以使学生有很大的收获, 从而提高学生的语言能力。
2. 在高考阅读真题教学中, 要结合高考词汇
表, 对于高频词和常见的短语搭配、语言结构要做到落实, 真正让学生掌握, 做到在阅读中学习, 在学习中巩固, 在巩固中提高。
3. 在教学中, 不要急于做文章后的选择题, 要
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