
关键词: 剑桥 阅读 试题 商务英语







Questions 1-7

Look at the sentences below and the job advertisements on the opposite page.

Which job does each sentence 1-7 refer to?

For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

You will need to use some of these letters more than once.

1 You will be responsible for the operation of a computer system.

2 You must be able to forecast what people will want to wear.

3 You will be able to work with people from many different countries and backgrounds.

4 You will have a qualification which covers two subject areas.

5 It is necessary to have worked in this sector before.

6 You will need to keep in contact with the headquarters of the organization.

7 The advertisement emphasises the need to have a suitable approach to important people.



You will be responsible for our global business within specific countries and will have a good understanding of international distribution, possibly based on previous experience, plus the ability to work in markets that are highly varied in their culture. You will be fluent in a second language, be willing to travel extensively, and preferably have a degree.



Based at our head office in London, you will selec


Questions 8-12

Read the extract below from an article about the coffee industry.

Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

For each gap8-12, markoneletter (A-I)on your Answer Sheet.

Do not use any letter more than once.

Coffee is worth approximately $50-60bn per annum in terms of world sales. It is a truly international commodity, and today more than 50 countries in the world grow coffee beans. (example) ______I_____. ICO organization helps coffee producers and promotes coffee conumption worldwide.

ICO estimates that world production next year will reach 97.5 million bags.11.3 million bags higher than the current year. (8) ____________. As the largest producing country, Brazil is particularly important in the coffee world. In 1994 Brazil was responsible for 25% of world production, Colombia was next with 13.4%, Indonesia had 7.5%, Mexico 4.7%, Guatemala 3.8% and Ethiopia and Vietnam were equal with 3.4%.

Coffee is a tough crop, and can be grown in areas where it is difficult or impossible to grow other crops. (9) However, disease is always problem for coffee production, as we can see in some parts of South America at the moment.ICO is active in educating farmers about avoiding disease and dealing with problems when they occur.

The distribution chain varies from country to country, explains Pablo Dubois. In most countries the smaller farmers sell their crop to a local trader, who then sells it on to exporters. There are, however, other distribution systems. (10) ____________. Some countries, like Vietnam, have special government marketing organizations for coffee.

Coffee prices often vary greatly from one year to the next. In , for example, there was a large rise in the world price, which was immediately felt by the consumer. Rising prices always result in a drop in sales, which will have a bad effect on those developing countries, which are highly dependent on foreign exchange from coffee exports. (11)____________.

In the opinion of Pablo Dubois, the biggest problem for his organisation is to create greater consumer awareness of the different varieties of coffee and different ways of preparing it. (12)____________. ICO is therefore concentrating its promotional activities on Russia and China. It is also encouraging environmentally friendly coffee production, and last year’s seminar on coffee and the environment created a lot of interest.

The future looks bright for the coffee industry. It is estimated that consumption over the next few years will continue to rise steadily. New markets like Eastern Europe and China are expected to develop fast.

A. As a result, the membership now represents 94% of all exporters and 60% of all importers.

B. In some of these countries, this can amount to as much as 50% of all export earning.

C. In North America, most consumers already have above average knowledge of the range available.

D. For example, frost and wind are particularly damaging to coffee crops.

E. Larger coffee growers, for example, frequently export directly.

F. The main reason for this is higher Brazilian output as production recovers from weather damage to crops.

G. It is cultivated in mountain regions which can only be reached by animal transport, and in other difficult areas where modern agricultural equipment cannot be used.

H. This is because there is a demand for coffee in Germany, and it is also sold in the UK and in the US.

I.e Organisation (ICO), based in London.











随着经济全球化的不断发展, 国家之间商务经贸往来变得愈加频繁。越来越多的中国企业拥有了涉外业务, 越来越多的外企和跨国公司进入中国市场。作为国际普通话的英语正发挥着巨大的不可替代的作用, 商务英语作为ESP (English for Specific Purpose) 专门用途英语更是得到前所未有的重视。此外, 政府的商务部门也更青睐商务英语水平高的求职者, 在这种背景下, 具有极高含金量的BEC (Business English Certificates) 考试受到中国大学生的热捧。该证书可对商务英语水平提供权威性认证, 被各用人单位认可。

剑桥商务英语证书 (BEC) 考试于1993年由中国教育部考试中心引进, 是其与英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办的权威性考试, 分为BEC Preliminary (初级) 、BEC Vantage (中级) 和BEC Higher (高级) 三个等级。根据商务工作的实际需要, 从听说读写四个方面对考生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力进行全面考查。无论级别, BEC考试都由写作、听力、阅读、口试四个部分构成且四部分分值均等, 这体现了该测试的设计科学性。以BEC中级为例, 考试成绩分三个合格等级 (A、B或C) 和两个不合格等级 (D和E) , 考生要达到合格等级C至少应得到总分的60%。除等级以外, 考生还会得到一份说明他们在每份试卷成绩的能力描述。

中国传统英语教育仅限于阅读、写作和听力的培养与测试, 忽视口语能力, 口语成为中国大学生的软肋, 是通过BEC考试的一大障碍。笔者数年来一直教授《BEC剑桥商务英语 (中级) 》课程, 多数学生反映商务英语说的能力最重要但该项自己却最弱。可见找准大学生商务英语口语症结之所在, 进而对症下药找到提高对策已刻不容缓。


BEC口语测试是一种交际口试, 把试题设置于真实的商务交际语境中, 它具有真实性、功能性、交互性、情景性和综合性, 是设计科学合理的口试形式。BEC中级口试大约持续十四分钟, 由三部分构成, 采取的形式有访谈、对有关商务话题的简短谈话以及讨论。标准测试的模式是, 考生两人一组, 两位考官, 一位提问, 一位评分。评分的考官依四个标准给分:语法和词汇、话语组织、发音、互动式交流。提问的考官给出总分。

考试第一部分约三分钟, 考官对两个考生轮流提问, 首先是一些基本问题, 如来自哪里、自我介绍、学习或工作情况等。最后可能会问有关商务的问题, 如商务会议、新产品推广、员工招聘、市场营销等。第二部分约六分钟, 考生均须就某个商务话题做“小演讲”。考官给考生每人一张印有三个话题的试题纸, 要求考生选择一个, 给一分钟准备时间, 可打草稿, 然后演讲一分钟。演讲结束后搭档须就演讲内容提一个问题。第三部分约五分钟, 考官给两位考生一个题目, 考生有三十秒时间快速阅读, 然后按题目下方的提示要点讨论三分钟左右, 最后考官提一些与主题有关的问题, 进一步询问考生的观点。

笔者多次将BEC中级口试搬入课堂, 对学生进行模拟测验。也多次与参加过BEC中级考试学生交流, 发现学生在口试环节普遍存在诸多问题, 很多学生也苦于口语能力无法提高, 这使得笔者意识到这项工作的重要性和紧迫性。


笔者基于教学实践, 通过归纳总结, 梳理出以下几点问题:

(一) 羞于开口, 唯恐出错

学生对说英语存在胆怯心理, 而课下讲汉语却滔滔不绝。按他们心理, 汉语是母语, 自己有发言权。英语是外语, 没有发言权。汉语即使用错, 也会一笑而过, 而英语一旦出错, 便脸红羞愧。别人讲他汉语不标准, 坦然视之, 但别人讲他英语不标准, 心理就会留下阴影。

笔者本科阶段一位老师曾戏称道:“要想学好外语, 首先做到不要脸!”他的意思是惟有不怕出错, 大胆说英语, 犯错及时改正, 这样才能滚雪球似地慢慢进步。况且, “英语在走向世界的同时, 自身也在不断被异化。各种英语变体, 以美国英语为首, 闯入了标准英语的世袭领地……再增加一个变体:‘中国’英语, 似乎也在情理之中, 用于表达主要属于中国的事物和概念。”潘文国先生在讨论典籍英译时提出上述观点, 对我们有所启发, 英语不是恒定不变的, 是不断变异且多样发展的, 中国因素也能合理进入英语。我们应端正心态, 科学地认识汉英两种语言, 对于二者都是学而知之, 规范即可用之。

(二) 发音重读, 一错再错

“语言首先是有声的, 学好语音是掌握语言的基础, 又是提高语言整体水平的关键。”语音对于口语的重要性不言而喻。然而大学生普遍存在英语单词发音错误、单词重读把握不准的问题。学生在学习单词时, 只记其拼写与汉语释义, 对发音缺乏关注。

在听说读写四项技能中, 说是唯一需要发声的, 发声即意味着要掌握单词的读法。由于大学生以往的应试型学习模式, 中学时为了高考, 大学时为了四、六级, 过多侧重听、读和写, 对说长期忽视。因而形成学习惯性, 很少去训练朗读英语。学习模式不能朝四项技能并重的方向转变, 英语发音、重读成为其难以提高的弱点。

(三) 口头语法, 不容忽视

同书面语一样, 口语也讲究语法。因为生活在汉语语言环境中, 汉语语法大学生思维里根深蒂固, 一张口就是汉式英语。例如某次学生对笔者说“My English has some Chinese accent”。他的语法错了, 明显受汉语影响, 地道的表达应是“There is some Chinese accent in my English”。与书面语不同, 口语有即时性特点, 即没有太多时间去思考就须脱口而出。也许在作文中, 该生不会犯这种错误, 但口语中却犯了。究其原因还是对英语口头语法不重视, 对英语口头训练不足够, 受英语语境熏陶太缺乏, 受汉语思维影响太深厚。

此外还有词汇搭配能力, Peter Newmark曾指出, 使用外语的非母语者每次被本族语者识别出来, 都不是因其语法不好, 也不是因其词汇量少, 而是因他的词汇搭配不能为本族语者所接受, 或根本就不存在。英语词汇搭配能力应引起重视, 平日多听多读原汁原味的英语, 多积累, 不主观臆造。

(四) 语速过快, 无视听者

许多学生语速过快, 含混不清, 句子无停顿, 一口气说完。结果是听者一头雾水, 不知所云。英语口语流利并不意味着语速一定要快, 相反很多英语为母语者更喜欢听到慢一点的英语, 但要字正腔圆, 错落有致, 意群间适当呼吸停顿, 重要信息须一个字一个字告诉听者。要清楚, 即使英语为母语者, 也不是每人都语速快, 也有说的慢的。不是语速越快口语就越好, 而是要看口语表达是否清楚, 传递信息效度是否高。

(五) 要求未懂, 张口即说

在与学生的口语练习中, 笔者还发现, 很多学生对题目条件和要求未读懂或听懂, 迫于时间压力, 开口即说。例如口试第二部分, 有的学生对问句中个别单词不懂。如“What is important when delegating”, 很多学生不认识“delegating”, 结果主观猜测, 乱说一气。据柯林斯词典, “delegate”意为“To give or commit duties, powers, etc to another as agent or representative”。指委任他人 (一般是下属) 去为自己做某事。学生的词汇量小直接导致了回答跑题。口试第三部分是一个小案例, 因时间紧迫, 很多学生未完全理解, 结果答非所问。在与考官的交谈中, 很多学生未听懂考官的话, 就凭感觉乱说, 这也不可取。

(六) 体验贫乏, 无从开口

商务英语属ESP专门用途英语, 与生活英语及校园英语不同, 与学生相距较远, 虽然BEC中级未涉及过多商务知识, 只是侧重听说读写的语言能力, 但这种语言能力的驾驭是在各商务话题之内的。所以, 对于大学生来说, 由于商务体验贫乏, 常常出现无从开口的局面。

以上便是笔者总结的学生商务英语口语普通存在的问题。针对这些问题, 笔者提出了几点对策。


在商务英语口语教学实践中, 笔者总结了如下几点对策:

(一) 口舌训练, 口音变得更清晰

汉语与英语属不同语系, 差异极大, 在发音方面差异尤为明显。中国学生说英语一大特点就是用舌太多, 导致口齿不清, 说出的英语带着汉语味。所以少用舌, 放松舌应是追求完美口语应首先做到的。具体如何训练呢?选一篇短文章, 然后张口舌头使劲向外伸, 上下齿咬住舌头, 越靠舌根越好, 然后牙齿不松大声朗读文章, 从头至尾朗读三遍。每天早晚坚持各做半小时, 口音就会变得清晰。

(二) 小段文章, 音节慢读声训练

起初训练不要贪多, 贪多嚼不烂。选一小段文章, 进行音节慢读声训练。即以音节 (syllable) 为单位, 放慢速度来朗读, 做到每个音节都发音饱满。如:

“As I left the restaurant, I reflexsively patted my pants pockets, checking for my car keys, and tried to recall where I’d parked.”



按这样的方法将文章朗读三遍, 读的时候, 口张幅大一点, 用夸张的口型来发每个音节, 这样不但训练了每个单词的发音, 还有效地放松了嘴的肌肉。这个练习可结合第一点一起做。

(三) 有效搭档, 找英语为母语者

中国学生生活在汉语言环境中, 英语很难达到英语为母语者那样的熟练程度, 这跟外国人学汉语是一个道理。苏州大学王宏教授曾撰文讲到一件趣事:“在中央电视台和地方电视台共同举办的一次文艺选拔节目中, 笔者曾听到特约评委加拿大籍‘中国通’大山在评论中央电视台选送的节目时称:‘这节目太好了!简直是鹤立鸡群!’此话当场让地方电视台的评委感到难堪, 而他自己却丝毫没有注意到。”即使汉语纯熟的大山, 在诸如习语之类的细微之处还跟母语使用者有差距, 对中国学生来说, 其难度可想而知了。遇到这种误用, 仅凭自己练习或与非母语搭档练习, 很难察觉, 这时应找一位英语为母语者。作为搭档交换学习 (exchange program) 。这样可查漏补缺, 英语口语慢慢会地道起来。

(四) 录音设备, 录音认真找不足

使用录音笔或手机, 将与搭档的口语练习录下来, 自己反复听, 从中认真找不足。将录下来的音频文件改成“年月日”文件名, 将不同日期的音频放在一个文件夹, 听不同时期自己的口语, 来检查有无进步。往往学生说英语, 自己很难当即觉察优劣, 也缺少与搭档比较的直观感。若将口语练习录下来, 自己以旁观者审视之, 即会直观地找到不足与差距。将有待提高之处记下来, 针对性练习, 效果很明显。

(五) 模仿能力, 标准发音来接近

模仿秀在各大综艺节目中上演, 其对于商务英语口语练习也有借鉴意义。即是, 将英语电台主持人比做明星, 通过平日大量听的输入来模仿其声音, 模仿得极接近之日, 即是口语有效提高之时。模仿的原则是:尽量做到形神兼备, 模仿清晰, 口型到位, 要更加注意细节的模仿, 如:语音语调 (升调还是降调) , 特别要注意“native speakers”是怎样进行表达的。笔者硕研阶段一位老师曾说过, “学好英语做到两点就成功了:一是有过目不忘的本领, 见到的英语表达, 词汇、搭配等都记住, 永不忘;二是有超强的模仿本领, 跟着英语电台来说英语, 跟其无限接近。”英语口语学习, 不就是模仿秀嘛!CNN电视节目是个不错的选择, 此外还可试一下英国广播公司 (BBC) 的全球服务 (World Service) 电台, 其中有许多播客 (Podcast) 音频节目, 都是即时更新的, 如新闻一小时 (Newshour) 。每日下载听可一举两得, 既了解了国际新闻, 又练习了模仿能力。

(六) 英英词典, 义项读音都掌握

中国的英语学习者往往不注重词典的选用, 带有很大随意性, 随意买一本即用之, 且往往是英汉词典, 学习英语单词时, 是英语单词汉语单词配对背诵记忆法。严格地讲, 这种方法并不科学, 因为英语单词与汉语单词并不是这么简单的一一对应关系。例如“book”一词, 若只记它为“书”, 并不能说这个词已经掌握了。“book”除了指书, 还有很多的义项, 如“笔记本”“交易记录”“剧本”“一打票、邮票”等, 仅名词义项就有26个之多。

要掌握其最准确的意指, 非要查英英词典不可。Merriam-Webster与Collins是不错的选择, 其网上词典很便利, 上网即可查到单词的义项与发音。网上词典一般都有发音按钮, 查单词时, 要听一下发音并跟读, 两者都掌握才算完整。

(七) 商务素材, 大量输入与积累

如前所述, BEC中级口试虽然侧重考查英语语言能力, 但语言能力的驾驭是在商务话题之内的。若对最基本的商务知识一概不知, 语言能力再高, 其驾驭能力也会受限。因此, 商务素材, 包括文章和视听材料应大量接触, 有一定量的输入, 才会有料来输出。英美国家的商务类报纸网站电台节目, 如《华尔街日报》 (Wall Street Journal) 、《金融时报》 (Financial Times) 、英国广播公司全球服务电台的BBC Business Matters, BBC World Business Report, Peter Day’s World of Business等都是很好的选择。平日大量接触这类素材, 就会对之熟悉, BEC考试中才会轻车熟路, 游刃有余。


本文基于笔者商务英语实践教学经验, 指出大学生的口语短板问题。从助学生一臂之力通过BEC中级口试的角度出发, 简要分析了此种口试的内容与要求, 并从语言认识、单词发音、口头语法、语速听众、题目要求、体验贫乏等六个方面指出了大学生普遍存在的有待提高及须注意之处, 并基于笔者的经验与教学心得, 提出了七点对策。

在和平与发展为时代主题、全球一体合作为趋势的大背景下, 掌握国际普通话英语已成为每一个国际社会成员的必备技能。经济一直是也将长久是最受重视的发展领域, 涉外国内企业、跨国公司、外企、合资企业、政府商务部门都对有较高商务英语水平的人才伸出了橄榄枝, BEC剑桥商务英语证书正是这种水平的权威证明。提高大学生商务英语口语, 是顺利考下此证书的关键。有方法事半功倍, 否则埋头苦干却事与愿违。本文梳理的问题与总结的对策, 不可能面面俱到, 但可作引玉之砖, 在学习本文提出的建议之余, 大学生也应该摸索适合自己实际的更佳学习方法。

摘要:剑桥商务英语证书 (BEC) 具有很高的权威性, 被誉为外企及涉外企业的“求职通行证”, 受到中国大学生的热捧。然而口语能力低成为他们考下此证书的最大拦路虎。本文基于笔者在《BEC剑桥商务英语 (中级) 》课程的教学实践, 以BEC中级口试为例, 总结了大学生口语普遍存在的问题, 并对其原因进行了剖析。针对这些问题, 根据英语口语学习理论、实践与方法, 提出了几点提高对策。



[1]Hughes, John.新编剑桥商务英语[M].北京:经济科学出版社, 2008.10.

[2] (英) 剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部.剑桥BEC真题集第4辑 (中级) [M].北京:人民邮电出版社, 2009.9.

[3]文秋芳.英语口语测试与教学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.

[4]潘文国.译入与译出——谈中国译者从事汉籍英译的意义[J].中国翻译, 2004 (2) .

[5]汪文珍.英语语音[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.

[6]Newmark, Peter.Approaches to Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign languages Education Press, 2001.

[7]Collins Dictionary of the English Language[Z].William Collins Sons&Co.Ltd, 1979.

[8]王宏.汉译英能力构成因素和发展层次研究[J].外语研究, 2012 (2) .




Questions 1-7

Look at the sentences below and the job advertisements on the opposite page.

Which job does each sentence 1-7 refer to?

For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

You will need to use some of these letters more than once.

Example:0 This post involves some secretarial duties.

0 A B C D

1 You will be responsible for the operation of a computer system.

2 You must be able to forecast what people will want to wear.

3 You will be able to work with people from many different countries and backgrounds.

4 You will have a qualification which covers two subject areas.

5 It is necessary to have worked in this sector before.

6 You will need to keep in contact with the headquarters of the organization.

7 The advertisement emphasises the need to have a suitable approach to important people.


BUSINESS MANAGERYou will be responsible for our global business within specific countries and will have a good understanding of international distribution, possibly based on previous experience, plus the ability to work in markets that are highly varied in their culture. You will be fluent in a second language, be willing to travel extensively, and preferably have a degree.


DEPARTMENT STORE BUYERBased at our head office in London, you will select and order stock from our suppliers in Italy. You will need to predict fashion trends and build a strong relationship with our Italian office. You will have gained your buying experience in women s fashion and will hold a degree in design with a business studies component.


LEGAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATORAs head of the legal office, your work will include managing the office IT network, typing reports, diary maintenance and supervision of another staff member. You will need good organizational skills in order to keep ahead of a varied workload. You will be dealing with senior executives and government officials, so a mature and efficient manner is essential.


REGIONAL LEISURE SITES MANAGERYou will be responsible for budgetary planning, contract negotiations, local marketing and effective administration. You will communicate frequently with our main office using the latest technology. Your experience could be from any business sector but you should enjoy outdoor life and will ideally possess an estate management qualification.


Questions 8-12

稲ead the extract below from an article about the coffee industry.

稢hoose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

稦or each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-I)on your Answer Sheet.

稤o not use any letter more than once.

Coffee is worth approximately $50-60bn per annum in terms of world sales. It is a truly international commodity, and today more than 50 countries in the world grow coffee beans. (example) ______I_____. ICO organization helps coffee producers and promotes coffee conumption worldwide.ICO estimates that world production next year will reach 97.5 million bags.11.3 million bags higher than the current year. (8) ____________. As the largest producing country, Brazil is particularly important in the coffee world. In 1994 Brazil was responsible for 25% of world production, Colombia was next with 13.4%, Indonesia had 7.5%, Mexico 4.7%, Guatemala 3.8% and Ethiopia and Vietnam were equal with 3.4%.Coffee is a tough crop, and can be grown in areas where it is difficult or impossible to grow other crops. (9) However, disease is always problem for coffee production, as we can see in some parts of South America at the moment.ICO is active in educating farmers about avoiding disease and dealing with problems when they occur.The distribution chain varies from country to country, explains Pablo Dubois. In most countries the smaller farmers sell their crop to a local trader, who then sells it on to exporters. There are, however, other distribution systems. (10) ____________. Some countries, like Vietnam, have special government marketing organizations for coffee.Coffee prices often vary greatly from one year to the next. In 1997, for example, there was a large rise in the world price, which was immediately felt by the consumer. Rising prices always result in a drop in sales, which will have a bad effect on those developing countries, which are highly dependent on foreign exchange from coffee exports. (11)____________.In the opinion of Pablo Dubois, the biggest problem for his organisation is to create greater consumer awareness of the different varieties of coffee and different ways of preparing it. (12)____________. ICO is therefore concentrating its promotional activities on Russia and China. It is also encouraging environmentally friendly coffee production, and last year s seminar on coffee and the environment created a lot of interest.The future looks bright for the coffee industry. It is estimated that co




★ BEC中级情景口语

★ BEC口试全真试题(phase III)

★ BEC中级备考方法经验

★ BEC商务英语中级口语词汇

★ 商务英语BEC二级模拟试题五答案

★ BEC商务英语解题技巧:阅读

★ 5月28日BEC中级考试心得

★ 商务英语bec中级口语练习资料


A. As a result, the membership now represents 94% of all exporters and 60% of all importers.

B. In some of these countries, this can amount to as much as 50% of all export earning.

C. In North America, most consumers already have above average knowledge of the range available.

D. For example, frost and wind are particularly damaging to coffee crops.

E. Larger coffee growers, for example, frequently export directly.

F. The main reason for this is higher Brazilian output as production recovers from weather damage to crops.

G. It is cultivated in mountain regions which can only be reached by animal transport, and in other difficult areas where modern agricultural equipment cannot be used.

H. This is because there is a demand for coffee in Germany, and it is also sold in the UK and in the US.

I. This make the coffee industry fairly universal, according to Pablo Dubois, Head of the International Coffee Organisation (ICO), based in London.


Questions 13-20

Read the article below about stress management, and answer questions 13-20 on the opposite page.

A Lesson In Stress Management

Demands placed on us at work can often lead to considerable worry and discomfort. There are, however, ways of protecting ourselves from the stress we face at work. We interviewed Jane Collard, a consultant in stress management.

1. In Jane Collard’s opinion, stress is becoming an increasingly common feature of the workplace. Stress is a highly individual reaction, which varies considerably from person to person, and it is difficult for some employees to avoid it. Indeed, stress is regarded by many as part of the organizational culture of our institutions: it comes with the job. Recent figures indicate that time taken off work because of stress has increased by 500 per cent since the 1950s. Undoubtedly, changes in working conditions have led to greater pressure at work at all levels. With reductions in staffing, workloads for individual employees have increased. In addition, many employees are left worrying about the security of their jobs.

2. On the stress management courses that she runs, Jane Collard tries to make the trainees realise that stress in itself is not harmful. Everyone needs a certain level of stress to enable them to feel motivated and to perform effectively. A complete absence of stress can be as damaging as overstress, since it can make people lose interest in their work, and even lead to depression. The difficulties occur when the amount of stress rises above a level which is healthy for a particular individual. If this happens, the effects are very obvious and the trainees are taught to recognize the signs. Stress may be expressed physically, for example through headaches and tiredness, or through emotional problems such as depression. A person suffering from stress may also start to behave differently, and can be difficult to deal with.

3. While it may not always be possible to prevent stress, there are a number of ways in which it can be controlled. The first thing that the trainees learn is how to manage their time effectively. This involves, first of all, setting realistic goals for both the short and long term. Once this framework has been established, tasks are then prioritised on a daily basis. The trainees are also reminded that when they are under pressure the less important items should be left, and they should never hesitate to delegate. Everyone is encouraged to look at ways of reducing ‘wasted time ’, for example by grouping similar tasks together or dealing with items immedkiately.

4. Jane feels that one of the most useful features of the course is that it enables trainees to deal with those demands or deadlines that they regard as unreasonable. They are encouraged to avoid being defensive, but at the same time they are advised not to be afraid of saying ‘no’. They are asked to give reasons only if necessary. The training helps them to foresee difficult situations or unwanted demands, and they learn how to prepare themselves mentally. Everyone is encouraged not to get stuck in negative thought patterns, where stress can feed a circular sense of helplessness. One solution they discuss is to think of a more encouraging alternative for each negative message. They learn, for example, to remind themselves that nothing terrible happens when a demand is refused or a deadline missed. Life goes on.

Questions 13-16

For questions 13-16, choose the best title for each numbered paragraph from the list below.

For each numbered paragraph 1-4, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

Do not use any letter more than once.

A Higher stress levels among top managers

B Coping with stress thr



Different aspects bring about different fields of vision. Different positions lead to different responsibilities. A large proportion of people, including me, are used to debasing China’s surpassing. However, China’s rapid development is an undeniable truth, regardless of our doubt. As mentioned above, foreigners are well aware of Chin’s real situation, and still they attempt to make China “developed”. Even though China is trying to evade the imposed title, it is inevitable for China to take on the responsibilities as a “great power”. That is China’s fate!




剑桥商务英语证书 (Business English Certificate, 简称BEC) 是由中国教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办的一种很具权威性的商务英语证书考试。它于1993年引进中国, 是在商务英语领域中最早进入中国的英语证书考试。BEC信函作为国际商务交际必不可少的手段之一, 既是商务活动的载体又是商务活动本身, 对国际商务活动的顺利进行和最终交易都发挥着不可替代的作用。BEC中级信函写作与四、六级英语写作不同。它以语言为载体, 在独特语境下以完成商务任务为目的。它需符合商务信函的写作规范, 其语域必须是正式的。因其独特性, BEC信函写作成为很多学生通过BEC考试的一大瓶颈或获得高分的瓶颈。

2 BEC中级信函写作概述

信函是BEC中级写作考试信函、报告和建议书三种大作文中考试频率最高的一种。这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文, 如书信、传真、便函、留言条 (电话留言条) 等, 撰写一封书信, 字数要求达到120—140词。BEC信函主要有询问类、投诉类、告知变化类、订单类、邀请类和感谢类。其中以询问类和投诉类居多。就结构而言, BEC中级信函主要由写信日期 (Date Line) 、称呼 (Salutation) 、正文 (Body of the Letter) 、结尾敬语 (Complimentary Close) 、署名 (Signature) 五部分组成。

3 BEC中级信函写作的瓶颈

3.1 写作内容要点不全或表达不准确

首先, 由于受写作时间的限制, 有些学生往往会匆匆看完题目要求后, 就赶紧撰写作文, 几乎没有留出审题、思考的时间, 更不要谈写作思路了。没有严谨的审题, 将会造成学生对写作题目要求的误解, 从而会导致文章遗漏重要信息, 或者信函内容与题目要求不相关, 进而出现文章不切题、偏题、跑题的现象。其次, 由于学生不够细心, 没有注意到题目要求的细微之处, 或者撰写结束后没有仔细地检查, 导致文章内容要点发挥不充分或会遗漏次要内容。以上两种问题都会使信函的重要信息不能准确有效地传达给目标读者, 甚至还有可能引起读者的误解。

3.2 写作思想组织不连贯

学生缺乏运用衔接词的意识, 往往只将要表达的主要信息单一罗列出来, 却没有明显的衔接连词来贯穿每个句子, 从而造成文章断断续续, 缺乏连贯性。多数学生会运用一些表示次序的简单的连接词, 却不懂对比、强调等衔接词的运用。思想组织的不连贯, 不仅导致文章层次不清晰、逻辑性不强, 而且文章思想表达也不够鲜明突出, 缺少了吸引读者的亮点, 更糟的是还可能造成读者理解困难。所以这也是写作得不了高分的一个重要原因。

3.3 词汇掌握范围非常有限

由于自身粗心, 出现单词拼写错误, 或本身词汇量匮乏而导致不会拼写。整篇作文用一些简单的词, 使句子结构过于简单。为了达到字数要求, 不得不重复一些词。

3.4 语法错误较多

学生写作中最容易忽略的就是主谓一致的问题。其次就是随意切换人称, 造成前后主语不一致。很多同学认为复合句会给自己的写作加分, 但殊不知插入的成分较多, 主谓宾之间的搭配关系就搞不清楚了, 则造成了句子语法错误。学生在写作时的通病还有就是漏掉介词、指示代词、形式宾语等, 从而导致句子残缺。由于学生语法知识的浅薄, 写作时还会出现短路句、宾语从句语序不正确等问题。

3.5 语域和格式不恰当

虽然很多学生具有一定的写作基础, 但却缺乏一定的语域意识, 几乎不能辨认出哪些是正式语, 哪些是非正式语、口语。此外, BEC中级信函写作中, 格式错误也占了相当大的比重。学生经常会把称呼、日期、结尾敬语和署名的书写位置按照中国信函的格式来写, 大多数学生不知称呼语与结尾敬语应对应的要求。

4 BEC中级信函作文实例分析


Dear sir or Madam,

I would like to thank you for your letter, dated 15.5.2013.

Firstly, unfortunately, we have an international conference on the 10th of June.

Therefore, this date is not convenient for us.Could you please start at the 11th of June?

Furthermore, we would like to know how long the work will take.

Concerning the numbers, the numbers you announced seems to be difficult.Is there an easier way to handle this problem with different numbers?

As for our further request, could we have a direct telephone number as well as the name of the person, dealing with us?

We are looking forward to paying the bill as soon as the work is successfully finished in case of any problems.We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Luisa Gambon


Dear Mr John,

Thank you for your letter dated on 5, 15, 2013.I’m writing to say some important points.

You say your company will begin to install the new telephone switchboard in June.I think it is not good, because at that time, our company is very busy so we have no time to deal with it.How many days can this work be finished?Time is important to us.

I would like to mention that the system of numbering an extension numbers is too complicated, and I hope that you can suggest me any other way to solve that problem, that you suggest me now.

Also, can you tell me the name of your technical representative?We can contact with him asap if we have any technical questions.

Finally, we will pay for it when the job is finished because we must ensure the system is in good condition.We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


以上两封信均是关于办公室安装分机询问信的回复函。一封是来自BEC真题集的范文, 一封是笔者学生的作文。其主要回复内容是修改安装日期, 安装需要的天数, 设置分机号码的简单方式, 技术安装员的姓名和手机号码及何时付款。

4.1 内容要点表达分析

显而易见, 例文一涵盖了题目要求的所有要点。例文二中涵盖的文章内容要点不完整, 遗漏了询问手机号码的问题, 也没有具体建议安装时间, 从而导致信息没能准确地传达给读者的问题。

4.2 组织连贯性分析

从内容连贯性来看, 例文一运用了一系列表示次序、增加、原因的连接词贯穿整篇文章, 如“Firstly, therefore, furthermore, concerning, as”等, 进而使文章条理更清晰, 逻辑关系更突出。而例文二只用了“also, finally”两个最简单的连接词, 从而使文章结构层次不够鲜明突出, 逻辑性也有待加强。

4.3 句子结构和用词分析

例文二中的句子“I think it is not good, because at that time, our company is very busy so we have no time to deal with it.”存在逻辑问题, 主要是“because”和“so”的连用导致的。另外, 该句中所用词全部为中性词, 不符合商务信函正式的语域。“Time is important to us.”一句, 句子结构太简单, 属非正式体。因此该句可改为“Due to busy work, time does not permit to deal with it.”。试比较以下两个句子:

(1) As I have no time, it may be difficult for me to reserve the hotel.Can you help me?

(2) I would be grateful if you do me a favor due to my tight schedule.

分析得出, (1) 句结构简单并口语化, 不符合BEC的写作规范。 (2) 句是一个复合句, 结构表达恰当, 并利用条件句, 使语气更加委婉礼貌, 而且句法较之 (1) 句的简单罗列更符合BEC写作规范。名词短语“tight schedule”代替短句“I have no time”, “do me a favor”代替“Can you help me?”, 不仅表达短小精悍、正式准确, 而且充分显示了作者深厚的词汇功底

另外, 不难发现例文二中的“We can contact with him asap”一句存在词汇用法错误。“contact”作及物动词时, 后面可以直接加宾语, 即“contact sb”而“asap”作为缩略语, 属非正式语, 不能出现在商务信函中。

4.4 语法错误分析

对大对数中国学生来说, 语法错误似乎不可避免。我们来看例句:

例句 (1) :We offer 300 cars parking space, good electricity is supplied, which has improved very well last year.

句中“which has improved very well last year”作“electricity”的定语, 但是电力设施是上年改善的, 所以定语中的谓语动词时态应为过去式, “has”应改为“was”。此外, 句中offer的搭配用法错误。“offer sb sth”或“offer sth to sb (for sth) ”, 所以此句应改为“We offer parking space for 300 cars, good electricity is supplied, which was improved very well last year.”

例句 (2) :The electricity supply have been improved.

句中明显的主谓不一致, 主语“electricity supply”为单数, 所以谓语动词也应该是单数, 则此句可改为“The electricity supply has been improved.”。如果将“supply”一词换成同义词“facilities”, 这样主语就为复数, 谓语动词也就是“have”复数形式。

例句 (3) :In the modern society has a lot of influence on the way people manipulate telecommunication equipments.

句中“has a lot of influence on”作谓语, “the way”作宾语, “people manipulate telecommunication equipments”作定语, “In the modern society”是状语成分, 不能作为句子主语, 所以此句缺少一个主语, 必须在“society”和“has”之间添加一个主语。

例句 (4) :a.The average units ordered in 2003 are twice in2002.

b.The average units ordered in 2003 are twice those ordered in 2002.

从以上两个句子我们可以看出, a句缺少指示代词, 造成句子短缺;b句中“those”作宾语, 指代2002年的平均订货量, 所以b句更加完整具体。

4.5 语域错误分析

1) 缩写

例文二中“I’m”为非正式语体, 例如“it’s, we’ll, they’re”等缩合形式均属口语, 即非正式语体, 此类表达更适合memo的语域。试比较以下两个句子:

非正式a.Can you let me know asap?

正式b.A reply would be highly appreciated on 1st June2013.

通过对比, 我们不难发现b为正式语体。首先a中“asap”缩合形式和“let...know”均是非正式语。而b句则用被动句代替主动句, 又加了一个确切的回复时间, 因而更加正式具体。因为被动语态是正式语体

2) 非正式词句

(1) Anyway, in the mean time, you need to fill in this business plan.Bring it to the meeting with you.

(2) Nevertheless, in the interim, you are required to complete the enclosed business plan, which should be brought to the meeting.

通过比较分析, 我们发现b句表达更佳。句子被动表主动, 并运用定语从句, “which should be brought to the meeting”作“business plan”的定语。“Nevertheless”与“Anyway”对应, “in the interim”与“in the mean time”对应, “complete”与“fill in”相对应。这些都说明了a句句子结构较为简单且词汇多为非正式, 而b句中被动句和正式语的使用, 使句子更加客观正式。

3) 称呼语和结尾敬语语域不统一

例文二中的称呼语“Dear Mr XX”是正式语, 则结尾敬语也应为正式语。所以“Best wishes”应改为“Yours sincerely”。

4.6 格式错误分析

(1) 关于“We are looking forward to hearing from you.”书写位置, 两篇例文都犯了同样的格式错误。“齐头式”是信函其中的一个特点, 所以希望寄语一般另起一行, 单独自成一段。 (2) 例文二中的称呼语“Dear Mr John”, 明显是严重错误。同样, 在英语表达中Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms后不可以直接加名字。所以在不知道收件人的具体姓名性别时, 我们可以像例文一样写成“Dear sir or madam”。 (3) (4) BEC信函是正式信函, 一般采用英式的日期书写格式, 即按日、月、年的顺序。例二中的日期“5, 15, 2013”应改为“15th, May, 2013”。

5 应对策略

5.1 培养审题能力

注重审题能力的培养。平时训练学生审题时重点考虑目标读者, 参考以往的交流、写作的目的, 所要处理的要点及每一要点要写的大致字数。教师可让学生养成对题中的关键词、关键句等作标记的习惯。另外, 教学生写作前留一点时间来审题, 用笔圈出重要信息, 以便理解题意, 也方便之后的检查。养成检查的习惯也很重要。写作完毕后, 利用剩余时间将所写内容与题中所涉及的要点一一对应检查, 以防漏掉内容要点

5.2 恰当使用衔接

衔接词可以使上下文之间连接自然、紧密, 从而使文章具有粘连性和连贯性。如果写作时忽视了句子的衔接, 不仅文章看起来缺乏条理性, 而且会使读者感到费解。在此笔者建议文章使用: (1) 表示次序的词, 如“first of all, then, next, after that, finally”等。 (2) 表示罗列增加的词, 如“also, as well, in addition, furthermore, moreover, besides, likewise, equally important”等。 (3) 表示比较对比的词, 如“similarly, likewise but, although, however, on the contrary, in contrast, compared with, after all, for all that, in spite of, nevertheless, on the other hand”等。 (4) 表示因果的词, 如“accordingly, as a result, consequently, otherwise, therefore, thus, hence”等。恰当地使用这些连接词会使文章内容逻辑关系更加明确, 内容更加突出, 达到意想不到的效果。其他的衔接词还包括指示代词、指示形容词等。

5.3 扩大词汇量

词汇是语言基本的建筑材料。首先, 进一步掌握普通词汇的确切用法。其次, 积累掌握大量的商务专业词汇。商务语言往往非常精确, 所以应鼓励学生花时间来研究不同类型的商务语篇中所使用的词汇。鼓励他们多听商务素材, 增加信息输入。也可让学生列一张词汇一览表, 鼓励他们在写作中积极运用新的词组。

5.4 加强语法训练、增加写作常识

可以系统地复习和巩固英语语法, 从九大词类的划分用法开始, 到时态、语态、语气、各类从句的用法。开设基础英语写作课, 使学生了解写作常识, 避免写残句、熔句和短路句, 避免代词所指不清、随意切换主语、修饰语垂悬等语法错误。最重要的是, 对大量的例文进行语法改错练习, 以提高对错误的敏感意识。

5.5 增强语域意识、掌握信函格式

养成查阅词典和资料的习惯, 培养有效查阅的能力, 以提高自己的语域意识。查阅词典时, 不要单一地注意词义、例句、及搭配用法, 更需要关注此词的语域标识 (register labels) 。实践证明, 提高学习能力有效的方法之一就是采用比较分析法。所以, 同学可以挑选最符合答题要求的范文和最不符合答题规范的作文, 对正式语和非正式语进行对比分析。也可挑选班里同学作文中的某些句子来全面比较。我们必须掌握、熟知写作的格式, 规范书写要求。

5.6 进行大量的实践练习

要想写出符合要求的BEC中级信函, 必须进行大量的实践活动。活动以小组协作的方式进行, 可遵照下面的程序: (1) 收集大量的范文和例文; (2) 按题目进行归类; (3) 按照BEC中级信函的评分标准鉴定等级, 做出评价; (4) 对范文或例文进行改进; (5) 对同一题目的例文进行比较, 找出差异。


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[3]胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1994.

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[5]剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部.剑桥BEC真题集 (中级) 第4辑[M].北京:人民邮电出版社, 2009.

[6]刘竹林.BEC写作教学的语域问题及应对策略[J].海外英语, 2011 (11) .

[7] (英) 伍德 (Wood, L.) .新编剑桥商务英语中级[M].北京:经济科学出版社, 2002.

[8]张振邦.新编英语语法教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.


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