distinguished;honorable;honored;respected …
at the(gracious)invitation of …
to take this opportunity to;to avail myself this opportunity to 代表
on behalf of …
to extend;to express;to convey
值此……之际 on the occasion of…
in the name of …;in one’s name 进行国事/友好访问
to pay a state/goodwill visit to …
heartfelt thanks;sincere thanks
在……的气氛中 in a/an … atmosphere
looking back;a review of the past;in retrospect
looking ahead;looking into the future 最后
in closing;in conclusion;finally;before I conclude, …
开幕/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 开幕词 opening speech/address 致开幕词 make an opening speech 友好访问 goodwill visit 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 贵宾 distinguished guest 尊敬的市长先生 Respected Mr.Mayor 远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific 东道国 host country 宣布……开幕 declare……open 值此之际 on the occasion of 借此机会 take this opportunity to 以……名义 in the name of 本着……精神 in the spirit of 代表 on the behalf of 由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks 友好款待 gracious hospitality 正式邀请 officioa invitation 回顾过去 look back on 展望未来 look ahead/look into the future 最后 in closing 圆满成功 a complete success 提议祝酒 propose a toast 第二部分 词语扩展
亚太地区 Asian-Pacific region 建交 establishment of diplomatic relations between 互访 exchange of visit 外交政策 foreign policy 一贯奉行 in persistent pursuit of平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 双边关系 bilateral relations 持久和平lasting peace
贸易额 trade volume 商业界 business community 跨国公司 transnational corporation 经济强国/经济大国/经济列强(视具体情况翻译)economic power 第三部分 例句
On the behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation.2.现在,我愉快地宣布第二十二届万国邮政联盟大会开幕。
Now, I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.3.我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向来自联合王国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。I have the honor to express this warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.4.我谨向各位表示最热烈的欢迎。
I would like to extend my warmest welocme to all of you.5.我预祝大会圆满成功!
(一)Words and sentences:
1.国际社会 the international community 2.国务院港澳办公室 Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council 3.过境签证 transit visa 4.和睦相处 to live with each other in harmony 5.互访 exchange of visits 6.即兴讲话 off-the-cuff speech 7.记者招待会 press conference 8.经济合作会议 economic cooperation conference 9.经济技术交流 economic and technical exchanges 10.军事交流 military exchange 11.考察团 survey group 12.客套话 polite formulas 13.跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication 14.礼宾处 the Protocol Office 15.贸易关系 trade relations 16.美国驻华大使馆 The U.S.Embassy in China 17.民间交往 non-governmental contact 18.民间组织 non-governmental organization 19.民族文化 national culture 20.批判地吸收 to assimilate critically
Sentences: 1.现在,我提议为我们两家公司友谊和合作的新阶段干杯!May I now propose a toast to this new stage in the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.2.最后,敬请各位为我们日益增进的友谊和商业往来而干杯!In conclusion, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to our growing friendship as well as commercial ties.3.中国经济将进一步同亚洲经济走向融合,形成互利、互补、互助的新型合作关系。China’s economy will integrate still more closely with Asian economy, giving rise to a new type of partnership characterized by mutual benefit, mutual complement and mutual assistance.4.随着中国的发展,中国的市场规模、对外投资等必将进一步扩大,会有更多的中国人到亚洲旅游、经商、访问。With China’s development, the size of its market and its overseas investment will grow even larger and still more Chinese will travel to the other parts of Asia for sightseeing, business and visit.5.热忱地欢迎远道而来的朋友们。I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you who have traveled from far and wide.6.本周,我非常高兴欢迎10个新成员国加入欧盟委员会。这10个成员国及其国民带来了不同的文化,使欧盟变得更加多姿多彩,因为这些国家各自都有着独特而悠久的历史。This week, I will have the enormous pleasure of welcoming 10 new member countries into the European Commission.They and their fellow citizens bring to the Union the cultures and diversity of 10 countries with distinct historical roots stretching back through the centuries.7.感谢总统先生的邀请。我怀着愉快的心情对美国进行正式访问,我带来了伟大的中国人民对伟大的美国人民的良好祝愿。I wish to thank you, Mr.President, for your kind invitation.It is with pleasure that I’m paying an official visit to the United States.I have brought with me the good wishes of the great Chinese people to the great American people.8.今天,我很高兴与新老朋友们一起,参加对外经济贸易大学和中国国际贸易学会联合举办的中欧经济论坛。Today, I’m very pleased to join with my new and old friends to attend the Sino-European Economic Forum jointly hosted by the University of International Business and Economics and the China Association of International Trade.9.我首先要感谢美印商务委员会主办了这次研讨会和午餐会。I want to begin by thanking the U.S.-India Business Council for hosting this workshop and luncheon.10.真诚地希望我们彼此之间继续密切合作,发展我们的友好关系。It is our sincere wish that we continue to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship.国际交流
(二)Words and sentences:
1.签证有效期 validity of entry 2.切身利益 immediate interests 3.亲善代表团 good-will delegation 4.去粗存精 to discard the dross and select the essential 5.去伪存真 to eliminate the false and retain the true 6.人道主义干预 humanitarian intervention 7.入境日期及口岸 date and port of entry 8.文化交流 cultural exchange 9.文化侵略 cultural aggression 10.文化融合 acculturation 11.文化渗透 cultural infiltration 12.无形贸易项目 invisible trade items 13.英国驻上海总领事馆 British Consulate-general in Shanghai 14.原则性问题 a matter of principle 15.中国国际交流协会 The China Association for International Exchanges 16.中国人民对外友好协会 The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 17.国际监督 international supervision 18.内容与形式的统一 unity of content and form 19.文化事业 cultural undertaking 20.专门小组会议 panel meeting
Sentences: 11.这些成绩与我们致力于人才培养,引进优秀人才分不开,也与我们全面推进改革,促进科技、教学的创新分不开。The achievements are attributable to our efforts in fostering talents and recruiting elites, as well as in all-round reform and scientific, technological and educational innovation.12.中国将发展同亚洲各国全面的经济合作关系,加强贸易投资、资源、信息、扶贫、人力资源开发等领域的合作。China is ready to develop all-round economic cooperation with fellow Asian countries with emphasis on trade, investment, natural resources, information, poverty alleviation, and development of human resources.13.中国支持亚洲不同文化和宗教的对话,提倡理解和宽容。China supports inter-culture and inter-religion dialogues in Asia, and advocates greater understanding and tolerance.14.中国将以其丰富的科技和知识资源,更加广泛和深入地开展国际高新技术领域的交流与合作。China will bring into play its rich resources of science, technology and knowledge, conduct broader and deeper exchanges and cooperation in the international high-tech area.15.我们这次来是抱着积极参与、扩大共识、增进互信、加强合作的目的,与你们一起探讨双方未来的发展目标和指导方针。We have come here with the purpose of engaging active participation, broadening common ground, enhancing mutual trust and strengthening cooperation, to explore together with you the objectives and guidelines for the development of our future relations.16.不同的文化应该相互学习、取长补短。Different cultures should learn from each other’s strengths to offset their own weaknesses.17.文化交流不是让外来文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富各民族的文化。Culture exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture, but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures.18.在广泛的文化交流中,一个民族的文化必须保持本民族的鲜明特色,必须对人类文明的发展做出贡献。The culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures, and make contributions to the development of human civilizations.19.两国商界领导人之间的频繁互访不仅有助于我们两国之间经贸关系的改善,而且还有助于亚太地区乃至整个世界的经济发展。Frequent exchanges between the business leaders of the two countries are beneficial not only to the improvement of our economic and trade relations, but also to the economic development the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole.20.我们应该以长远的战略眼光审视和处理双方关系,尽力睦邻互信伙伴关系。We should approach and handle our bilateral relations from a long-range strategic perspective and forge a good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust.礼仪祝辞
(一)Words and Phrases:
1.百年庆典 centennial 2.本着……精神 in the spirit of 3.毕业典礼graduation ceremony 4.闭幕词 closing speech/address 5.陛下Your /His / Her Majesty 6.承蒙/应……的盛情邀请 at the gracious invitation of...7.诚挚的欢迎 earnest welcome 8.持续增长 sustained growth 9.崇高事业 noble cause 10.筹委会 the organizing committee 11.答谢宴会return banquet 12.代表…… on behalf of...13.我愿借此机会I would like to take this opportunity to 14.奠基典礼foundation laying ceremony 15.殿下Your / His / Her Highness / Excellency / Royal Highness 16.东道国host country 17.发表热情讲话 deliver/make a warm speech 18.峰会 summit 19.夫人Madam 20.富有成效的访问 a rewarding / productive visit 21.高层领导人 top government official 22.阁下Your / His / Her Honor / Excellency 23.共同繁荣 common prosperity 24.光辉里程碑 brilliant landmark 25.贵宾 distinguished guest 26.欢迎词 welcome speech / address 27.回顾过去 look back on / in retrospect 28.建交 establish diplomatic relations 29.开国大典founding ceremony of a state 30.开幕词 opening speech / address
Sentences: 1.首先,请允许我代表在座的各位,向来自澳大利亚的尊贵客人们表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候。First of all, let me, on behalf of all present here, extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests from Australia.2.非常高兴能代表董事会向来访的英国代表团表示热烈的欢迎。It gives me such a great pleasure on behalf of the Board of Trustees to extend a warm welcome to all the members of the British delegation.3.首先,我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,对各位朋友的到来表示诚挚的欢迎,并向论坛主办方----美国时代华纳集团表示衷心的祝贺!Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and also in my own name, a warm welcome to all of you and sincere congratulations to the sponsor of the Forum, the Time Warner Inc.of the United States.4.主席先生,请允许我向三亚世界家庭峰会的组织者们致以问候,并表示诚挚的谢意,感谢你们给我机会在此作主题发言。Allow me, Chairperson, to convey greetings and express sincere gratitude to the organizers of this World Family Summit in Sanya, China for providing me the opportunity to make a keynote speech here.5.我很高兴受中华人民共和国国家主席胡锦涛的委托,本着坦诚、负责、信任、合作的精神,前来参加这次联大艾滋病高级别会议。Entrusted by His Excellency Mr.Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, I have the pleasure to attend this HIV/AIDS High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly in the spirit of candor, responsibility, trust and cooperation.6.非常欢迎总统先生的来访。感谢您的到来,祝您身体健康。相信您会受到我国人民的热烈欢迎,他们会以行动展示出他们对两国关系的重视。Mr President, you are greatly welcomed to our country.We thank you for coming;we wish you well;we know that you will receive a warm reception from the people in this country who will demonstrate their affection for the important relations between our two peoples.7.我想向大连人民和大连市政府表达深深的谢意,感谢你们的热情款待及为本次活动所做的精心安排。I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the people and Municipal Government of Dalian for their warm hospitality and excellent arrangements of this important event.8.我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and the gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.9.我非常高兴地欢迎并感激各位前来参加今天的晚宴。I take great pleasure to welcome you and thank you for attending tonight’s dinner.10.我为有机会就世界和平与发展问题进行发言,向主席先生致以深深的谢意!I’d like to express my deep appreciation to Mr.Chairman for this opportunity to address the topic of world peace and development.礼仪祝辞
(二)Words and Phrases:
31.开学典礼school’s opening ceremony 32.冷餐招待会buffet reception
33.平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 34.签字仪式 signing ceremony 35.热情洋溢的欢迎词 gracious speech of welcome 36.设宴招待 host a banquet for / in honor of 37.双边关系 bilateral relations 38.提议祝酒 propose a toast 39.外交政策 foreign policies 40.为展览会揭幕inaugurate an exhibition 41.相互促进 mutual promotion 42.携手合作 joint efforts 43.宣布闭幕 declare...the conclusion / closing of...44.宣布开幕 declare...open / declare the commencement of...45.研讨会 seminar
46.一贯奉行 be in persistent pursuit of...47.以……的名义in the name of 48.由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks 49.友好访问goodwill visit 50.友好合作 friendly cooperation 51.圆满成功 a complete success 52.在……的陪同下 in the company of
53.展望未来 look ahead / look into the future 54.招待会 reception 55.正式邀请 official invitation 56.值此……之际on the occasion of 57.致辞 deliver / make a speech 58.最后 in conclusion /closing 59.尊敬的市长先生 respected / respectable / honorable Mr.Mayor 60.作为贵国人民的友好使者As an envoy of friendship of your people
11.预祝研讨会取得圆满成功,并祝愿各位在华期间身体健康、生活愉快!I wish the workshop a great success and wish you all good health and a pleasant stay in China.12.希望出席本次大会的所有朋友合作努力,共同为推动中英友好合作关系的全面发展,不断做出新的贡献。I hope all our friends at this conference will make joint efforts, to continue to contribute to the comprehensive development of the Sino-UK relationship.13.真诚地希望我们彼此之间继续密切合作,以确保我们在经济、金融和贸易方面的合作持续增长。It is our sincere wish that we continue to work closely together to ensure a sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.14.希望即将来临的圣诞节能继续给你及家人带来健康和幸福。I hope that the upcoming Christmas will bring to you and your family continued good health and happiness.15.让我们在这年终岁末之际,共同举杯,祝贺这喜庆佳节。I would like to toast with you to this happy occasion at the end of the year.16.在向他道别之际,我们借此机会请他向美国人民转达我们深厚的友谊以及良好的祝愿。In bidding farewell to him, we take this opportunity to request him to convey our profound friendship to the American people, and also our best regards to them.17.现在,我提议为在座各位朋友的健康、幸福干杯!Now I would like to propose a toast to the health and happiness of all our friends present here!
18.我们特别高兴能有机会招待我们的新加坡贵宾。It gives us a feeling of special joy to have the opportunity of entertaining our distinguished guests from Singapore.19.我们希望这次亚欧美大会成为促进人类文明、和平与进步的光辉里程碑。为此,我们热烈欢呼大会的召开,并预祝大会圆满成功!We hope that this Asia-Europe-America Conference will become a brilliant landmark of promoting the civilization, peace, and progress of humanity.For this, we warmly herald the opening of the Conference and wish the Conference a complete success.20.我非常自豪地宣布第十六届国际艾滋病大会正式开幕。It is with great pride that I now declare the XVI International AIDS Conference officially open.旅游观光
Words and Phrases: 1.避暑胜地 summer resort 2.出境游 outbound tourism / travel 3.出境游客 outbound tourist 4.单程旅行 outward journey 5.单程票 single ticket 6.观光旅游 sightseeing tour 7.海滨胜地 seaside resort 8.环程旅行 circular tour 9.疗养胜地 healing resort 10.旅行支票 traveller’s cheque
11.旅游定点餐馆 designated tourist restaurant 12.旅游服务等级 service grade in tourism 13.旅游服务质量标准 standards of service quality in tourism 14.旅游管理局 tourist administration bureau 15.旅游热点 tourist attraction 16.旅游散客 independent traveler 17.旅游投诉 tourist complaint 18.旅游团 tour group
19.旅游团队餐 meals for tour group 20.全由旅行社安排的旅行 package tour 21.商务旅行 commercial tour 22.团体旅游 group / party tour 23.往返旅行 return journey / round trip 24.往返票 round-trip ticket / return ticket 25.星级饭店 star-rated hotel 26.有向导的旅行 conducted / guided tour 27.中国国际旅行社,总社 China International Travel Service, Head Office 28.中国国家旅游局 China National Tourism Administration 29.中国旅行社 China Travel Service 30.中国青年旅行社 China Youth Travel Service
Sentences: 1. 这座寺庙历史悠久,可追溯到初唐时期。This temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the Tang Dynasty.2. 该市有全国规模最大、最负盛名的园林。The city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in the country.3. 这座殿堂的建筑艺术集中代表了我国宋朝时期的建筑风格。The architecture of this hall best represents the architectural style of China’s Song Dynasty.4. 韶山位于湖南中部,距长沙市约100公里,距湘潭市近40公里。Shaoshan is situated in central Hunan Province, about 100 kilometers from Changsha City and nearly 40 kilometers from Xiangtan City.5. 这里地处亚热带湿润气候区,冬冷夏热,年平均气温16-17摄氏度之间。历朝历代以来,韶山一直处于“世外桃源”的状态。Belonging to the humid subtropical region, the place is cold in winter and hot in summer, with an average annual temperature of 16-17 degrees Celsius.In the past dynasties, Shaoshan has always been “a retreat away from the world”.6. 作为一座历史文化悠久的沿海开放城市,上海已成为长江三角洲的门户。在中央政府的直接管辖下,上海逐渐发展为中国最大的经济贸易中心和工业基地。Shanghai, as a famous historical and cultural city and an open coastal city, is a gate to the Yangtze River Delta.Under the direct jurisdiction of the central government, it has gradually developed into the largest economic and trade center and industrial base in China.7. 壮观的自然风景以及不可计数的历史名胜,激发了古代文人墨客,为之舞文弄墨,创作了无数经典佳作。Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers.8. 这些迷人的建筑与上海的新建筑和谐地融为一体,散发出其特有的魅力,吸引着各国众多的旅游者。These fancy buildings stand in harmony with the latest establishments in Shanghai.They exude a special charm that attracts a large number of tourists from around the world.9. 这个休闲度假村集热带地貌、海滨风光、古典建筑、民俗风情、风味菜肴于一体,是游客的钟情之地。A combination of tropical landform, seascape, classic architecture, folk customs and local cuisine, this holiday village has become a tourist attraction.10. 无论是宁静的湖泊,还是飞泻的瀑布,都是那么的神奇迷人,令游人流连忘返。