
关键词: 连接词 逻辑 理论 连接




o …,therefore… 因此

o …,which … 引导定语从句,修饰前面的主句

o Eventhough…,… 尽管… , …

o Since/as… 因为...,...

o …instead of… ...而不是...


o As amatter of fact = in fact 事实上

o Indeed确实, ... ...

o Obviously/ apparently 显而易见的,...

o Evenif 即使

o Accordingly, ... 相应


o Otherwise ...否则...

o ...Ratherthan ... 而不是...

o Regardlessof ...不管

o Similarly类似地




o Although…,…

o Eventhough…,… 一定没有but

o Evenif …, …

o …aslong as… (只要,如果,既然)


——Admittedly / Undoubtedly / There is no denying that / It cannot be denied that

——May / might / possibly / probably

——One / one or two / a couple of / minor / several


连接词是一种重要的衔接手段, 对文章形式上与逻辑上的连贯性、完整性起着举足轻重的作用, 是语篇能力的体现。笔者对同济大学英语专业二年级一个班的七名学生一学期下来的共77篇听力概要写作 (summary) 中连接词的运用情况, 特别是使用错误的情况进行分析, 发现某些问题不仅是由于学生对连接词的掌握欠缺, 还因为受到汉语思维的负迁移影响。由母语思维负迁移造成的错误是不易察觉的, 也较难纠正。国内对中国学生就英语逻辑词的使用情况的研究, 多为现象描述, 错误归类, 很少对连接词使用不当的原因进行深入分析。本文试图从汉语逻辑思维负迁移的角度对语料中连接词的使用情况进行分析, 帮助英语学习者有意识地避免这些错误, 以提高英语写作应用水平。

2 汉语思维在英语逻辑连接词运用上的体现

逻辑连接词, 是实现语篇连贯的重要手段, 有助于理解句子间或句子内的语义关系。语言的逻辑关系体现的是语言单位在语义上与人类思维规律的一致性。连接词便是表示各种逻辑意义的连句手段, 其形式标记明显, 使句间的连接关系清晰明确。从形式上来看, 连接词可以由三种语言单位来充当 (黄国文, 1988) :1) 词 (包括连词和副词) ;2) 短语;3) 小句。从意义上看, 连接词是实现语篇连贯的主要方式, 反映语篇前后的语义关系 (Halliday and Hasan, 1976) 。连接词的语义关系主要可分为四类:增补关系、因果关系、转折关系与时间关系学生在对逻辑连接词的运用中容易犯以下四类错误。

2.1 汉语中的连接词很多时候是成对出现的

如“因为...所以...”, “虽然...但是...”, “与其...不如...”, “如果...就...”等。与之相反, 英语的连接词通常单独使用即能完整表达句子成分间的一类语义关系。受汉语表达习惯的影响, 学生的听力概要中, 会出现多余的表相同逻辑语义的连接词, 造成语句语法错误, 如:

1) *As a result, their strength and energy may decline desperately since they cannot find enough food. (本文中, “*”表示语法上错误的语句, 本文侧重分析错误表达中体现的逻辑思维, 因此对句中同时出现的其他错误类型不作分析, 笔者会对部分错误例句在“ () ”内注上正确的表达形式。)

在此句中, “they cannot find enough food”表原因, 而“their strength and energy may decline desperately”表结果。“as a result”一般放在原因之后, 引出结果, 而“since”通常置于结果之后, 引出原因。因此, “as a result”和“since”的一并存在导致了该句的语义逻辑不清。

2) *Although there are few differences between ancient comedy and the modern one in clothing and appearance, but something traditional and essential is still kept.

3) *Although Amazon River is the second longest river following the Nile, but it's far more interesting than the Nile.

以上两句中, “although”和“but”两个连接词中的一个即可表达以上句子中所含的转折关系

汉语连接词成对出现的情况从某种角度反映了汉民族“成双、成对”的思维特征, 追求一种均衡、呼应的效果, 以及对“对称美”的认可, 这在文学、艺术、生活等各个方面都有所体现。而西方人则更欣赏“独一无二”, 强调个人、个性。

2.2 学生在一个句子中运用多个表示不同逻辑语义的连接词

彼此交织在一起, 造成语义混乱。如:

4) *Though, the US military has still moved away from the area, because they detected the low-level radiation was about100 miles offshore.

这里, “detected the low-level radiation (which) was about100 miles offshore”是美军撤离的原因。但该句所要表达的更深层的意思是“尽管测出的辐射很低, 美军还是撤离了”。因果关系和转折关系两层逻辑含义在同一句子中杂糅在一起, 造成语句错误。

5) *Besides, Wordsworth live in a lake area, as a result Wordsworth can tell much of nature.

在该句中, “besides”引出起增补作用的句子, “as a result”引出结果从句, 两者应该隔断分别独立成句。

英语句界分明, 句法结构也较为严密。与英语不同的是, 汉语少形态变化, 句子结构较为松散, 看似是由一个个短句“拼凑”而成, 一个句子可以体现多层语义关系。正是汉语的这一特征, 使学生在英语句子写作中, 倾向于将尽可能多的信息, 包括多个逻辑语义关系融入到一个句子中。

2.3 中国学生对句间逻辑含义的理解、把握有时并不准确

在英文写作中, 学生在是否使用逻辑连接词以及运用哪一个上, 容易出现失误。例如:

6) People usually can't feel the secondary wave at the beginning and it can cause more serious destruction than primary wave.

在本句中, “and”连接的这两个分句实则包含了转折含义, 即“尽管人们通常一开始都感觉不到‘secondary wave’, 但它比‘primary wave’能造成更大的破坏”。因此, 仅用一个“and”表达的含义不够到位, 可以在其后加“yet”使表达的逻辑含义更明显、准确。

7) Because polar bears depend on their fat store to pass summer days, they need feed themselves with enough food in winter.

显然, 前后两个分句之间并没有因果关系

8) According to its name, polar bear is a kind of animal which is similar with (to) brown bears but is able to live under severe circumstance (circumstances) .

9) Despite its lower frequency and high enduration (longer duration) , surface wave is the most destructive one.

母语为英语的人将本句的内容表达为“They are usuallymore destructive than body waves because of their low frequen-cy”。该句所要表示的是因果关系, 而非转折关系, 因此逻辑连接词“despite”在本句中使用不当。

造成以上错误的原因可能是学生对英语中众多的连接词的涵义、用法掌握得不够透彻, 但同时这类错误也反映了学生在逻辑关系理解上的偏差。汉语中, 有时句子间的语义关系并不借助连接词等方式直接显示出来, 而是通过句子与句子间内部的语义关系以及语句的先后顺序间接表现出来。读者需要通过上下文, 具体语境, 甚至背景知识去揣摩。而在英语中, 句中各种意群成分的结合都是用适当的连接词和介词来表现相互之间的关系。必要的逻辑连接词的缺失常会造成病句, 逻辑语义必须得以清晰、正确地表达。受汉语逻辑语义常隐性表达这一特征的影响, 学生对句间逻辑关系理解能力较弱, 将逻辑语义通过连接词等手段显性表达的意识亦不够强烈。

2.4 学生在英文写作中, 存在滥用某些连接词的现象

特别是一些表时间关系的连接词, 如“then”, “and”, “later”等, 并常直接置于句首;语篇呈现流水式叙述模式。如:

10) Then he grow the seeds in the soil, mirecally (miraculously) , the seeds survived and grew into rice.

11) And when one's eyes focus on the distant subject, the ciliary muscle relaxes, then the suspensor ligament changes, and then the lens become thicker.

汉语民族偏重顺序思维, 语言上亦体现为句子以时间和事理为线索, 按照实际的“时序”及“事序”来安排。英语有着丰富的句式变化, 语序表现得更多样化。英语句子的主谓结构是全句的中心, 其它起修饰、补充、限制等作用的附加成分借助一些句法结构实现。汉语的这一思维特点致使学生在即使不是记叙文体的写作中, 亦大量使用“and”, “then”等表时间关系的连接词, 通篇显得沉闷单调, 毫无生趣。

3 教学建议

上文分析了受汉语逻辑思维影响, 学生在逻辑连接词使用过程中出现的问题, 继而提以下几点教学建议, 以帮助学生提高逻辑连接词的运用能力。

1) 在英语写作教学中, 教师在强调语篇通顺连贯的重要性的同时, 应教授学生英语中丰富的连接词的含义及用法, 及表同类逻辑语义可借助的不同连接词, 如表示因果关系的连接词除最常见的because, 还可以用as a result, result in, account for, give rise to, as a consequence等, 以提高写作中连接词使用的准确性和多样性, 令语篇更加流畅自然。

2) 教师可以引导学生有意识进行英汉逻辑思维、英汉语中逻辑连接词的对比。在比较中, 更好地认识两种语言各自的特点。

3) 翻译是解剖源语言, 用目的语重新组合排列的过程。学生在翻译过程中需要对源语言逻辑含义进行正确理解, 进而运用语言知识转换成目的语。这样的针对性训练对逻辑连接词的运用能起到强化作用。

4 结束语

逻辑思维没有具体物质形式, 可以通过语言的形式来体现, 同时也影响着语言的表达。

在英语的学习和运用过程中, 难免受到母语思维的影响, 在逻辑连接词的运用上亦是如此。通过对英汉思维进行对比分析, 英语学习者可以有意识地减少汉语思维在连接词运用上的负迁移, 提高语篇的整体效果。


[1]Halliday M A K, Hasan R.Cohesion in English[M].London:Longman, 1976.

[2]黄国文.语篇分析概要[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1988.

[3]廖为应.论思维差异与中国学生英语写作中的负迁移[J].华东交通大学学报, 2004 (21) .


1先后关系 at this time; first; second; at last; next;previously;simultaneously;eventually;last but not least;to begin with;to start with;to end with;finally;since then;first of all;afterwards; following this; preceding this;prior to this

2因果关系 because;because of this;since;as;for;owing to;due to;for the reason that...;in view of;for such areas on; as a result of; therefore;consequently;as a result;thus; hence; so;so that...; in consequence; as a consequence;accordingly;inevitably;under these conditions

3转折关系 but;even so;however;though;even though;independent of;reckless of ;despite that;in spite of that;regardless of;while…yet…;unless...

4并列关系 and;also;too;as well as;either...,or...;both...and...;for one thing...,for another...; meanwhile;at the same time

5递进关系 furthermore;moreover;further;In this way;still; not only...but also...; not...but...;in addition (to);additionally, much more interesting;more specifically;next;besides; as far as... is concerned; moreover;in other words;on one hand...;on the other hand...;even; as a poplar saying goes...;in order to do it...; to make things better(worse);accordingly;

6比较关系(相同点) similarly; in like manner, in comparison with;when compared with;compared with;when in fact...; like...; likewise; similarly important; apart from(doing)...; ... rather than...,by doing so ;both…and...; in the same way;not only...but (also)

7对照关系(不同点) yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although;though; but; however; something is just the other way around(另一种方式);yet;conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast; by way of;on the contrary;different from this;nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while

8举例关系 for example; for instance; in this case; namely; as you know;like; such as; a case in point is...; in particular;including...; put it simply;stated roughly;as an illustration;a good example would be...;to detail this, I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...;as proof;take the case of;take…as example;as for;as regards;according to;on this occasion.

9强调关系 in fact;especially;particularly;moreover;naturally; what is particular;not to mention...;believe it or not;undeniably;it is certain/sure that...;by definition;definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth;in any event; without reservation;obviously;not only..

10条件关系 if;unless;lest;provided that(考虑到);if it is the case;in this sense;once...;if possible;if necessary;if so;if not all;if anything

11归纳总结 in other words;to put it in a nutshell; in sum; therefore;hence;in short;in brief;to sum up;in conclusion; in summary; to conclude;the conclusion can be drawn that...; in short

12方位关系 beyond; opposite to; adjacent to(毗邻的); at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above;below; at the right; between; on this side

13目的关系 with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way;since; so that; on that account;in case; with a view to; for the same reason.

14重申关系 in other words; that is to say; namely;to put it in another way;as I have said;again;once again.

15时间关系 at once; immediately; at length; in the meantime; meanwhile; at the same time;in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of a sudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once;since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly;whereupon; previously.


考生们都知道雅思考官在评判一篇大作文时,除了看文章的结构和语言之外,还很重视这篇文章的主体内容。而中国考生在写essay时常见的一个问题恰恰是考前准备了语言,临场读懂了题目,很快形成了观点,但是却不知该从哪些角度来支持自己的thesis statement。

所以主体段落观点单调,思维陈旧,内容空洞,为达到字数而把一个观点写了再写等问题常常会充斥在文章的body part。这极大地影响了考生的作文成绩。在此,笔者将多年积累的雅思大作文常见论点总结为一首打油诗,以飨读者。









Development of science and technology has given birth to materialism and capitalism which favor the research for economic growth and freedom of men. Consequently, no spiritual, moral, and traditional values are taken into account.



The availability of a great variety of high-tech recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families.

Developing countries lack sufficient numbers of qualified scientists and other skilled personnel to cope with the increasingly serious environmental problems, such as the ozone depletion, the marine pollution and the like.

The development of the telephone created a new market for the employment of women. The position of telephone operators was most often filled by women, creating a new world of opportunities for females to struggle for the equal rights to males.

Another common disadvantage is that playing too much on the computer can cause bad eyesight.


There is not deny in that with the advent of technology, our patience grows thin.

Media violence affects children by: increasing aggressiveness and anti-social behavior; intensifying their fear of becoming victims; making them less sensitive to violence and to victims of violence; encouraging their appetite for more violence in entertainment and in real life.

For lack of face-to-face contact, modern children tend to be more introverted, unsocial, isolated and indifferent than those kids in last century.




All human beings have the fundamental right to an environment adequate for their health and well-being.




Young people’s inexperience and gullibility easily lead then into traps. (个人的原因)




Globalization might undermine cultural diversity. Multinational corporations promote a certain kind of consumerist culture, in which standard commodities, promoted by global marketing campaigns exploiting basic material desires, create similar lifestyles, which is so-called Coca-Colanization.

The dishonest practice of telling lies will produce a perverse impact on one’s personality.














根据同类话题的具体考题进行审题练习,区分出论述重点的差异性。雅思中国网海外考试研究中心的写作组专门进行过相似话题的不同点研究,例如,同样是环境话题,2月21日考题Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with. Others, however, think that each individual should take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.就要求既要讨论到个人能够采取何种行动解决一些环境问题,也要讨论为什么有些环境问题个人无法解决(即只有政府或公司才能解决),而非大而泛的怎样保护环境话题。




雅思写作常用逻辑连接词 在雅思写作中,不同逻辑关系的表达就意味着要使用不同的句式结构,不同的连接词。因此,连接词在写作中是否能正确的使用就决定着文章逻辑关系是否合理。笔者在多年的教学中发现,有的考生不明白在写作中该使用怎样的连接词,有的考生不知道连接词的使用是否正确。本文中,朗阁雅思培训中心的专家将总结一些写作中常用的连接词。


1.for one thing, for another, above all things;

2.to begin/start with, next/besides/moreover, last/finally;

3.in the first place, in the second, in the third,(and)best of/worst of all;

4.one of these, another,(there is)still another(reason/factor);







1.but, but on the contrary, but on the other hand, but then;

2.by contrast, in contrast, in contrast with/to, as a contrast to, as opposed to;

3.by contraries, on the contrary, to the contrary, contrary to(A), opposite to, in opposition to;

4.whereas, while, while on the other hand, while on the whole, yet, however;

5.(as)compared with/to, by comparison, in comparison with, by comparison to

6.First..., Next..., Last...;

7.In the first / early / initial / infant period / stage / phase(或In its infancy)..., In the second / middle / adult / ripe period / stage / phase..., In the third / last / closing / later / concluding period...;

8.One step(way/course/approach/secret/trick)..., Another step..., Still another step...;

9.The first measure/step/move..., Next to it comes..., And the last/final/the most important measure...;

10.The direct experience/lesson/factor/way(或One lesson)...The indirect experience/lesson/factor/way(或The other lesson)...上述词组的意思是:












1.But the obvious(fatal/serious)flaw(defect/drawback)in their argument

(attitude/idea/view/action/behavior)is that.../But the basic(main/great/key/ big)problem with their argument(...)is that...e.g....that they are ignorant of(blind to)a bare fact: Social changes have attached new meanings and values to the division between good and bad.2.But if...it is(not)easy(difficult/hard)to see(find/discover)that...e.g.But if they adjust their frame of mind a little in the other direction , it is not hard for them to find that life is just as promising as before.3.Too much emphasis(attention/stress/concern/significance)placed on(given to/focused on/attached to/paid to)the negative(sunny/gloomy/bright)side of the issue, however, may...(如mislead/confuse/cloud/bias/disturb our judgment of it.)A

e.g...., however, may mislead us to form a pessimistic estimate of current

situations.或..., however, may stop us from rendering(passing/forming/having)a fair(correct/clear/infallible/wise)judgment on it.4.But in most cases/from the point of view of justice(objectivity)/as a matter of fact/in a very true sense, their(public/general)satisfaction

(dissatisfaction/disillusionment/concern)with...(或their criticism of.../their argument for/against.../their objection to.../their approval for...)can not.../is..., for...e.g.But in an impartial sense, the public dissatisfaction can not hold every water, for our society is still abundant in goodness and beauty.5.As a result of..., however, things would/are bound to...e.g.As a result of such an utter indifference to vicious behavior, however , things would be past saving/mending/all the hope.上述句型的意思是:












1.when, if, the other day in a certain place, suppose/imagine/assume(that...), in(the)course/time of...for instance, in the event of等;

2.in the case of, as for/to, as far as...is/are concerned, The same is true of..., when compared with, in comparison with, by comparison等;

3.If there is anything that comes close to/is comparable to/with...,...there is hardly, a thing that compares favorable with/can rival...上述句型的意思是:




上一篇:史上最全雅思写作逻辑连接词 下一篇:逻辑连接词