
关键词: 客舱 广播




1、登机广播„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5

2、舱门关后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5

3、致词„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 A. 正常情况(鞠躬)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 B. 正常情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 C. 短时间延误„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 6 D. 长时间延误„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 6 E. 支线航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 6

4、安全演示„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7 A. 安全演示录像„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7 B. 安全演示示范„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7

5、起飞前安全检查„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 8 A. 白天„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 B. 夜间„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8


7、起飞后广播„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„9 A.国内航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„9 B.国际/地区航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„9 C.短程航线„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10

8、电影节目„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 A. 可选择频道飞机„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11 B. 不可选择频道飞机„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„11






14、颠簸„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 A. 颠簸„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 B. 持续颠簸„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13

15、预报到达时间(回收毛毯、耳机)„„„„„„„„„„„„„13 A. 国内航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13 B. 国际航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13




19、驾驶舱发出着陆信号后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„14 20、中途落地„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„14 A. 国内航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„14 B. 国际航班(国内经停)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 15 C. 国际航班(国际经停)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„

21、终点站落地„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 17 A. 国内航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 17 B. 国际/地区航班„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 17

22、首尔(汉城)落地„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 18

23、广州---洛杉矶起飞后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 18

24、洛杉矶---广州起飞后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 19

二、特殊情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 20


25、等待旅客等机„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 20 a. 旅客已办完手续„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„20 b. 旅客未办完手续„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„20 c. 等待中转旅客„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„20




29、清点旅客„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„21 30、等待随机文件„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„21









39、货物超载、卸货„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„23 40、配平不好/调整座位„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„24


(二)关门后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 24







(三)落地前„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 25


49、空中盘旋„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„25 50、备降(降落站天气不好)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„26




(四)落地后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 27 2

54、旅客下机广播„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„27 A. 女士们先生们:„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„27 B. 女士们先生们:„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„27





59、临时着陆„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„28 A. 到候机厅等待„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„28 B. 机上等待„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„60、航班取消(过夜)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„28 61、备降后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„29 62、延误后对转机旅客广播„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„29 63、安抚旅客广播(航班延误时)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„29 64、填写旅客意见卡„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„29 65、救生衣的管理„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„30 66、禁烟告示„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„30 67、机组休息区„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„30 68、停止销售免税品(美国)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„30 69、广播找人„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„31 70、失物招领„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„31 71、生日祝词„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„31 72、关于使用卫星电话„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„31 73、公安人员上机执行公务„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„31 74、升舱„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„32

三、专机„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„32 75、专机起飞广播„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„32 76、专机落地广播„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„32 77、各国使节„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„33 78、劳务专家„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„33 79、春运欢迎词„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„33 80、两会代表欢迎词„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„34 81、运兵„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„34 82、元旦„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„35 83、春节期间„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„35 84、“三.八”妇女节„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„35 85、“五.一”劳动节„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„35 86、“六.一”儿童节„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„35 87、“八.一”建军节„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„35 88、教师节(9月10日)„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„36 89、中秋节„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„36 90、国庆节„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„36

四、紧急情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„36 91、客舱起火„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„36 92、灭火后„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„36 93、客舱释压„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„36 94、有准备的陆上迫降„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„37 95、有准备的水上迫降„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„37



亲爱的旅客朋友们,欢迎来到南航“空中之家”。当您进入客舱后,请留意行李架边缘的座位号码对号入座。您的手提物品可以放在行李架内或座椅下方。请保持过道及紧急出口通畅。如果有需要帮助旅客,我们很乐意协助您。南方航空愿伴您度过一个温馨愉快的空中之旅。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome abroad China Southern Airlines.As you enter the cabin, please take your seat as soon as possible.Your seat number is indicated on the edge of the overhead bins.Please put your carry-on baggage in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.If you need any assistance, we are glad to help you.We wish you a pleasant journey.Thank you!



飞机客舱门已经关闭。为了您的安全,飞行全程请关闭手提电话及遥控电子设备飞机平飞后,手提 电脑可以使用,下降前请关闭。在本次航班上请您不要吸烟。现在请确认您的手提电话已关闭。谢谢您的合作

Ladies and Gentlemen: The cabin door is closed.For your safety, please do not use your mobile phones and certain electronic devices on board at any time.Laptop computers may not be used during takeoff and landing.Please ensure that your mobile phone is turned off.This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.Thank you for your cooperation.3、致辞

A. 正常情况(鞠躬)尊敬女士们先生们:



Good(morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen: I am ___ , your(chief)purser.On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you.And to members of our Sky Pearl Club, it is a pleasear to see you again!Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one.Thank you!B.正常情况



我们的团队将精诚合作,为您带来轻松愉快的旅途!Good(morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen: I am ___ , your(chief)purser.On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you.And to members of our Sky Pearl Club, it is a pleasear to see you again!Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one.Thank you!C.短时间延误




Good(morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen: I am ___ , your(chief)purser.On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you.We are sorry for the brief delay due to ___(aircraft late arrival/ unfavorable weather conditions/ air traffic control/ airport congestion/ mechanical problems/ waiting for some passengers/ cargo loading/ catering).Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one.Thank you!D.长时间延误



Good(morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:

I am ___ , your(chief)purser.We sincerely apologize for the delay due to___(aircraft late arrival/ unfavorable weather conditions/ air traffic control/ airport congestion/ mechanical problems/ waiting for some passengers/ cargo loading).Together with my team, we will try our best to make the rest of your journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible.We thank you for your patience and understanding.E.支线航班


你们好!我是本次航班的乘务长——,今天很荣幸由我和我的组员——与您一起共度这段愉快的空中之旅,愿我们真诚的服务能为您 7 添上一份好心情谢谢

Good(morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen: I am ___ , your(chief)purser.Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one.Thank you!


A. 安全演示录像



Ladies and Gentlemen: May we please have your attention for the safety demonstration? If you have any questions after the safety video, please contact the flight attendants.Thank you!B.安全演示示范

现在客舱乘务员将为您介绍机上应急设备使用方法及紧急出口的位置。Ladies and Gentlemen: We will now take moment to explain how to use the emergency equipment and locate the exits.● 救生衣在您座椅下面的口袋里(座椅上方),仅供水上迫降时使用。在正常情况下请不要取出。Your life vest is located(under/ above)your seat.It may only be used in case of a water landing.Please do not remove it unless instructed by one of your flight


To put your vest on, simply slip it over your head.Then fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.当您离开飞机时,拉动救生衣两侧的红色充气手柄,但在客舱内请不要充气。充气不足时,请将救生衣上部的两个充气管拉出,用嘴向里充气。

Upon exiting the aircraft, pull the tabs down firmly to inflate your vest while inside the cabin.For further inflation, simply blow into the mouth pieces in either side of your vest.夜间迫降时,救生衣上的指示灯遇水自动发亮。For water landing at night, a sea –light will be illuminated.● 氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方。发生紧急情况时,面罩会自动脱落。

Your oxygen mask is above your head.It will drop down automatically in case of


When it does so, pull the mask firmly towards you to start the flow of oxygen.Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head.Please put your own mask on before helping others.● 在您座椅上有两条可以对扣的安全带。当“系好安全带”灯亮时,请系好安全带。解开时,将锁扣打开。拉出连接片。

When the Fasten Seat Belt sign is illuminated, please fasten your seat belt.To fasten your seat belt, simply place the metal tip into the buckle and tighten the strap.To release, just lift up the top of the buckle.● 本架飞机共有——个紧急出口,分别位于客舱的前部、中部和后部。

There are ___emergency exits on this aircraft.They are located in the front, the

middle and the rear of the cabin respectively.Please note your nearest exit.在紧急情况下,客舱内所有的红色出口指示灯和白色通道指示灯会自动亮起,指引您从最近的出口撤离。

In case of an emergency, Track Lighting will illuminate to lead you to an exit.White lights lead to red lights which indicate the nearest exit.● 在您座椅前方的口袋里备有《安全须知》,请您尽早阅读

For additional information, please review the safety instruction card in the seat pocket.谢谢您的留意!

Now ,please sit back and enjoy your flight.Thank you!


A. 白天




Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be taking off shortly.Please be seated, fasten your seat belt and make sure that your tray table is closed, your seat back is in upright position.If you are sitting in a window seat, please help us by opening the sunshade.Thank you!B.夜间


我们的飞机很快就要起飞了,请您配合客舱乘务员的安全检查,系好安全带,收起小桌板,调直座椅靠背,靠窗边的旅客请您协助将遮光板拉开。同时,我们将调暗客舱灯光,如果您需要阅读,请打开阅读灯。谢谢您的合作!祝您旅途愉快!Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be taking off shortly.Please be seated, fasten your seat belt and make sure that your tray table is closed, your seat back is in upright position.If you are sitting in a window seat, please help us by opening the sunshade.We will be dimming the cabin lights.If you wish to read, please turn on your reading light.Thank you!



飞机很快就要起飞了,请您再次确认是否系好安全带。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen: Our aircraft will be taking off shortly.Please make sure that seat belts are securely fastened.Thank you!乘务员各就各位。


A. 国内航班




沿着这条航线,我们将飞经——(省/ 自治区),经过的主要城市有——,我们还将飞越(海洋、山脉、河流、湖泊)。


旅途中,我们为您准备了(正餐/ 点心/ 小吃)及各种饮料。(为了丰富您的旅途生活,我们还将为您播放机上的娱乐节目。)如果您需要帮助,我们很乐意随时为您服务

“心飞白云深处,爱在天上人间。”能为您提供最优质服务,伴您度过轻松愉快的旅程,是我们全体机组成员的荣幸。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome you aboard China Southern flight CZ___.(This is the code-share flight with___Airlines.)We have lelt ___ for ____(via____).The distance between _____and ____is _____kilometers.Our flight will take ____hours and _____minutes.We expext to arrive at ____airport at______.Along this route, we will be flying over the provindes of ____, passing the cities of___, accrossing over the _____(river, lake, mountain and ocean).For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times whether seated, as there may be unexpected turbulence in flight.Breakfast(lunch, dinner/ refreshments/ snack and beverages have been prepared for you.We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programmes.)If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of us.We wish you a pleasant journey.Thank you.B. 国际/ 地区航班 尊敬女士们先生们:




旅途中,我们为您准备了(正餐/ 点心/ 小吃)及各种饮料。(为了丰富您的旅途生活,我们还将为您播放机上的娱乐节目。)在供餐之后,有免税商品(和卫星电话卡)出售,欢迎选购。如果您需要帮助,我们很乐意随时为您服务

“心飞白云深处,爱在天上人间。”能为您提供最优质服务,伴您度过轻松愉快的旅程,是我们全体机组成员的荣幸。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome you aboard China Southern flight CZ___.(This is the code-share flight with___Airlines.)We have lelt ___ for ____(via____).The distance between _____and ____is _____kilometers.Our flight will take ____hours and _____minutes.Along this route, we will be flying over the provindes of ____, passing the cities of___, accrossing over the _____(river, lake, mountain and ocean).For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times whether seated, as there may be unexpected turbulence in flight.Breakfast(lunch, dinner/ refreshments/ snack and beverages have been prepared for you.We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programmes.)If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of us.We wish you a pleasant journey.Thank you.C. 短程航线




沿着这条航线,我们将飞经——(省/ 自治区),经过的主要城市有——,我们还将飞越(海洋、山脉、河流、湖泊)。

旅途中,我们为您准备了(正餐/ 点心/ 小吃)及饮料。



Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome you aboard China Southern flight CZ___.(This is the code-share flight with___Airlines.)We have lelt ___ for ____(via____).The distance between _____and ____is _____kilometers.Our flight will take ____hours and _____minutes.Along this route, we will be flying over the provindes of ____, passing the cities of___, accrossing over the _____(river, lake, mountain and ocean).For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times whether seated.Refreshments/ snack and beverages have been prepared for you.We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programmes.)If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of us.We wish you a pleasant journey.Thank you!


A. 可选择频道飞机 女士们先生们:


请您使用耳机,并调节座椅扶手上的音频系统选择您所喜爱节目。如需协助,我们十分乐意帮助您。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen: We are pleased to offer you our Southern Comfort in-flight entertainment program.We hope you will enjoy it.Please put on your headsets and select the channel which corresponds with the programming that you wish to view.If you have any question, please call your flight attendant for assistance.Thank you!B.不可选择频道飞机 女士们先生们:



Ladies and Gentlemen: We are pleased to offer you our Southern Comfort in-flight entertainment program.We hope you will enjoy it.Headsets will be available from your flight attendants.If you have any queations, please feel comfortable to tell us.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen: In a few moments, the flight attendants will be serving meal(snacks)and beverages.We hope you will enjoy them.For the convenience of the passenger seated behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during our meal service.If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact us.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen: China Southern Airlines’ Sky Pearl Club offers you numerous opportunities for free travel, free upgrades and additional bonuses.The more you fly – the more you earn.We invite you to become a member of the Sky Pearl Club today.Membership application forms are available from your flight atteddant.Thank you!





Ladies and Gentlemen: In order to speed up your arrival formalities at ____Airport, all passengers, including minors(who are not local citizens), are advised to complete all entry forms for Customs, Immigration and Quarntine before landing.If you have any questions, please contact the flight attendant.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen: For passengers interested in purchasing Duty Free items, we have a wide selection for sale on this flight.All items are priced in US dollars.Please check with the flight attendant for prices in other currencies(We also accept major International credit cards as well as U.S.traveler’s cheques).Detailed information can be found in the Duty Free Catalog in the seat pocket in front of you.Thank you!



为了您在旅途中得到良好的休息,我们将调暗客舱灯光。请保持客舱 16 安静。如果您需要阅读,请打开阅读灯。

我们再次提醒您,在睡觉期间请系好安全带。如果需要我们的帮助,我们很乐意随时为您服务谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

To ensure a good rest for you, we will be dimming the cabin lights.If you wish to read, please turn on the reading light.Because your safety is our primary concern, we strongly recommend you to keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight.Your cooperation in keeping the cabin quiet is appreciated.Should you need any assistance, please contact us!Thank you!


A. 颠簸 女士们先生们: 请注意

受航路气流影响,我们的飞机正在颠簸,请您尽快就座,系好安全带。颠簸期间,为了您的安全,洗手间将暂停使用,同时,我们也将暂停客舱服务。(正在用餐的旅客,请当心餐饮烫伤或弄脏衣物。)谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft is experiencing some turbulence.Please be seated as soon as possible, fasten your seat belt.Do not use the lavatories.And we regret that we are unable to serve you at this time.(Please watch out while taking meals).Thank you!B. 持续颠簸 女士们先生们: 请注意

我们的飞机正经过一段气流不稳定区,将有持续的颠簸,请您坐好,系好安全带。颠簸期间,为了您的安全,洗手间将暂停使用,同时,我们也将暂停客舱服务。(正在用餐的旅客,请当心餐饮烫伤或弄脏衣物。)谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen: Our aircraft is now passing through an area of rough air.The turbulence will last for some time.Please be seated, fasten your seat belt.Do not use the lavatories.And we regret that we are unable to serve you at this time.(Please watch out while taking meals).Thank you!


A. 国内航班 女士们先生们:

我们的飞机预计在——点——分到达——机场,根据现在收到的气象预报,当地的地面温度为——。(现在正在下雨/ 雪)。(由于温差较大,需要更换衣物的旅客,请提前做好准备)。飞机即将进入下降阶段,(我们将停止节目播放,谢谢您的欣赏。)请您将(耳机和)使用过的毛毯准备好,乘务员将前来收取。谢谢

Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing soon at ___airport at ___.The outside temperature is ___degree Celsius(or degrees Fahrenheit).(And it is raining/ snowing outside.)(Because of the temperature difference, those who wish to change clothes, please get yourselves ready.)We will start our final descent soon.(and we hope you have enjoyed our in-flight entertainment program.)Please have your(headsets and)blanket ready for collection by your flight attendant.Thank you for your assistance!B.国际航班


我们的飞机预计在当地时间——月——日——点——分到达——机场,当地时间北京时间早/ 晚——小时。根据现在收到的气象预报,当地的地面温度为——。(现在正在下雨/ 雪)。

(由于温差较大,需要更换衣物的旅客,请提前做好准备)。飞机即将进入下降阶段,(我们将停止节目播放,谢谢您的欣赏。)请您将(耳机和)使用过的毛毯准备好,乘务员将前来收取。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing soon at ___airport at ___.——of ___(date)by the local time ,which ____ hours ahead / behind Beijing time.The ground temperature is ___degree Celsius(or degrees Fahrenheit).(And it is raining/ snowing outside, please get your umbrella ready.)(Because of the temperature difference, those who wish to change clothes, please get yourselves ready.)We will start our final descent soon.(and we hope you have enjoyed our in-flight entertainment program.)Please have your(headsets and)blanket ready for collection by your flight attendant.Thank you for your assistance!



根据——(国)检疫规定,在——入境的旅客不能随身携带新鲜水果,肉类,植物及鲜花等。如果您已带上飞机,请您在着陆前处理完,或交给乘务员处理。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

According to the ___quarantine regulations, passengers may not bring in fresh fruits, cut flowers, plants or meat products.Passengers who are in possession of such items are kindly requested to dispose of them or present them to any flight attendant before landing.Thank you!



根据——政府要求,我们将对本架飞机喷洒药物。如果您对喷洒药物有过敏反应,我们建议您在喷药时用手绢捂住口鼻。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

As required by the ____government, we will be spraying the cabin against insects infestation.If you are sensitive to this non-toxic spray, we recommend that you place a handkerchief or napkin over your nose and mouth during the spraying.Thank you!

18、下降时安全检查 女士们先生们:


Ladies and Gentlemen: We are beginning our final descent.Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt.Seat backs and tray tables should be returned to upright position.If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by putting up the sunshades.All laptop computers and electronic devices should be turned off at this time and please make sure that carry-on items are securely stowed.And for your safety, we kindly remind you that during the landing and taxiing, please do not open the overhead bin.(We will be dimming the cabin lights for landing).Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen: Our aircraft will be landing shortly.Please make sure that your seat belts are securely fastened.Thank you!乘务员各就各位!


A. 国内航班





旅客下机):继续前往——的旅客,当您下机时,请带好您的机票/ 等机牌,向地面工作人员领取过站等机牌,到候机厅休息等候。我们的飞机将在这里停留——分钟左右,您的手提物品可以放在飞机上,但贵重物品请您随身携带。



Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just landed at ____airport.The temperature outside is _____degrees Celsius(or ______degrees Fahrenheit.)Please remain seated until our aircraft stops completely.Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead bin.Passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport, please take all your belongings when you disembark.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.(旅客下机):Those passengers continuing to_____, when you disembark, please take your ticket or boarding pass with you, and obtain a transit boarding card from the ground staff, then proceed to the waiting hall.We will be here for about ______ minntes.Your hand baggage may be left on board but take your valuables with you.(旅客不下机):Those passengers continuing to _____, please wait on board.We will take off in about _____minutes.(Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight).Thank you for flying with us.Have a pleasant day!B. 国际航班(国内经停)女士们先生们:




(我们将在——更换机组。)感谢您与我们共同度过这段好的行程!(我们再次感谢您在航班延误时对我们工作理解与配合。)Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just landed at ____airport.The temperature outside is _____degrees Celsius(or ______degrees Fahrenheit.)Please remain seated until our aircraft stops completely.Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead bin.(国内段):Passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport, please take all your belongings when you disembark.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.(国际段):Passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport, please take your passport and all your belongings to complete the entry formalities in the terminal.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.Passengers continuing to_____, attention please!The aircraft will stay here for about____hour(s).When you disembark, please get your transit card from the ground staff, and complete your entry formalities(exit formalities)and quarantine here.According to Customs regulations of the People’s Republic of China, please take all carry-on items with you when you go through Customs.Any baggage left on board will be handed by the Customs.(国际段 Formalities for checked baggage will be complete at _____.)(Your crew will be changing here.)(Once again, we apologize for the delay of your flight.)Thank you for flying with us.Have a pleasant day!C. 国际航班(国际经停)女士们先生们:




(我们将在——更换机组。)感谢您与我们共同度过这段好的旅程!(我们再次感谢您在航班延误时对我们工作理解与配合。)Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just landed at ____airport.It is ____of_____(date)by the local time.The temperature outside is _____degrees Celsius(or ______degrees Fahrenheit.)Please remain seated until our aircraft stops completely.Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead bin.Passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport, please take your passport and all your belongings to complete the entry formalities in the terminal.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.Passengers continuing to_____, attention please!The aircraft will stay here for about____hour(s).When you disembark, please get your transit card from the ground staff, and complete your entry formalities(exit formalities)and quarantine here.According to Customs regulations of the People’s Republic of China, please take all carry-on items with you when you go through Customs.Any baggage left on board will be handed by the Customs.Formalities for checked baggage will be completed at _____.(Your crew will be changing here.)(Once again, we apologize for the delay of your flight.)Thank you for flying with us.Have a pleasant day!

21、终点站落地 A. 国内航班







Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just landed at ____airport.It is ____of_____(date)by the local time.The temperature outside is _____degrees Celsius(or ______degrees Fahrenheit.)Please remain seated until our aircraft stops completely.Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead bin.When you disembark, please take all your belongings.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.(Passengers with connecting lights, please go to the transfer counter in the terminal.)(Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight.We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.)Thank you for choosing China Southern Airlines(and ______Airlines).It has been a pleasure looking after you and we hope to see you again.B. 国际/ 地区航班 女士们先生们:




Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just landed at ____airport.It is ____of_____(date)by the local time.The temperature outside is _____degrees Celsius(or ______degrees Fahrenheit.)Please remain seated until our aircraft stops completely.Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead bin.When you disembark, please take all your belongings.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.(Passengers with connecting lights, please go to the transfer counter in the terminal.)(Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight.We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.)Thank you for choosing China Southern Airlines(and ______Airlines).It has been a pleasure looking after you and we hope to see you again.22、首尔(汉城)落地








Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to Seoul Incheon International Airport.The local time is ____am(pm.).The temperature outside is ______degrees Celsius(or ____degree Fahrenheit.)Please remain seated until our aircraft stops completely.Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead bin.Passengers carrying any plants including seeds, seedlings, fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and bulls are required to declare them with the Airport Quarantine Office.Those who carry more than 10 Thousand U.S.dollars or equipment amount of foreign currencies are required to declare it with the Customs.When you disembark, please take all your belongings.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.(Passengers with connecting lights, please go to the transfer counter in the terminal.)(Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight.We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.)Thank you for choosing China Southern Airlines(and ______Airlines).It has been a pleasure looking after you and we hope to see you again.23、广州----洛杉矶起飞后










Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft has just left Guangzhou for Los Angeles, the distance between Guangzhou and Los Angeles is ____km with the flying time scheduled for ___hours and ____minutes.Along our route, we will fly over the Pacific Ocean directly to California.Within China, we will fly over the East China Sea, Japan, across the International Date Line and Aleutians, until we reach San Francisco, then turning south to Los Angeles.For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times when seated, as there may be unexpected turbulence in flight.Dinner, midnight snacks, breakfast and beverages have been prepared for you.We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programs.After the meal service, our in-flight sales service(and satellite phone cards sale)will be available.If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of us.We wish you a pleasant journey.Thank you!





在北大陆,我们将飞越加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州、华盛顿州和阿拉斯加州。经过的城市有旧金山、西雅图、温哥华和安克雷奇。我们还将穿 24 过国际日期变更线。





如果您需要帮助,我们将随时为您服务。“心飞白云深处,爱在天上人间。”能为您提供最优质服务,陪您度过轻松愉快的旅程。是我们全体机组成员的荣幸。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft has just left Los Angeles from Guangzhou, the distance between Guangzhou and Los Angeles is ____km with the flying time scheduled for ___hours and ____minutes.Along our route, we will be flying over United States, Canada, Russia and China.With North America, we’ll fly over California, Orego, Washington, and Alaska including the cities of San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver and Anchorage.As we proceed eastward, we will fly over the International Date Line.As we enter China, we will fly over the cities of Harbin, Beijing and continued south until we reach Guangzhou.For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times when seated, as there may be unexpected turbulence in flight.Dinner, midnight snacks, breakfast and beverages have been prepared for you.We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programs.After the meal service, our in-flight sales service(and satellite phone cards sale)will be available.If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of us.We wish you a pleasant journey.Thank you!




a. 旅客已办完手续



Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are waiting for ____passengers to join us.We expect to depart soon.Thank you!b. 旅客未办完手续



Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are waiting for some passengers to complete the boarding procedures.Our ground staff has advised us that these passengers will join us shortly.Thank you!c. 等待中转旅客



Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are currently waiting for several transit passengers from ____ to join us.During this short delay, please remain in your seat.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

_____ passengers have completed boarding prodedures, but they haven’t boarded this aircraft yet.For your safety, we must offload their checked baggage.Please be seated and wait for a moment.(And we kindly ask that you disembark and identify your own checked baggage.)Thank you for your cooperation!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

Attention please!

The immigration and customs now need to re-check passenger identification.Please be seated in your assigned seat and have your(passport and)tickets available for the officers’ review.Thank you for your cooperation.



由于现在有——名旅客登机后又决定退票(由于机上缺少——名旅客地面人员再三查寻仍未找到),为确保机安全,根据规定,我们必须对客舱进行全面的清理和检查。请全体旅客配合我们的工作,带好您的全部手提物品飞机。下机后,请听从地面工作人员安排(认领您 26 的托运行李),等待安全人员清舱工作结束后在重新登机。谢谢您的配合!

Ladies and Gentlemen:

There is/ are ____ passengers(leaving us without approval, the ground staff cannot find him/ them,)(decided to cancel the trip after he/ they boarded the plane).According to the regulations, we must make a thorough safety check of the cabin.Please carry all your belongings of our ground staff,(identify your checked baggage.)Sorry for the inconventience.Thank you for your cooperation.




Ladies and Gentlemen:

Now we need to recount the passengers.Please remain in your seat and do not use the lavetories.Passengers traveling with small children are kindly asked to hold them on your laps.Thank you for your cooperation.30、等待随机文件



Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are waiting for the flight documents to be sent onboard, please wait a moment.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will have a short wait due air traffic control, please wait for a moment.(We will wait here for about____ minutes.)Thank you for your understanding.



由于——(航路交通管制/ 机场跑道繁忙/ 机场天气不符和飞行标准/ 机械故障),目前我们暂时还无法确定起飞时间,(预计等待时间不会太长,)请大家在座位上休息等候,如有进一步的消息,我们会尽快通知您。(在此期间,我们将为您提供饮料服务/ 餐饮服务。)谢谢您的理解与配合!

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Due to ____(air traffic control /airport congestion /unfavorable weather conditions /mechanical problems), we haven’t been informed about the time of departure yet.Please wait for a moment until we have further information for you,(We will be serving food and beverages while we are waiting for departure.)Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain has informed us that due to a minor mechanical problem with this aircraft that our departure will be delayed.Our maintenance staff is working diligently to sovle this problem.As your safety is our primary concern, please remain in your seat.Further information will be provided as soon as possible.Thank you for your understanding and patience!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

With the excellent work of our crew and maintenance people, the mechanical trouble is solved.We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.Now please be seated and ready for a safe takeoff.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain has informed us that our flight will be delayed because of poor weather conditions(mechanical trouble).We ask that you wait in the terminal.Please take your ticket and boarding pass, and disembark.Your carry-on items may be left onboard, but be sure to carry the valuables with you.Our ground staff will keep you informed of the latest information.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.36、换乘飞机



Ladies and Gentlemen:

May I have your attention please!

We regret to inform you that due to mechanical problem we will have to change to another aitcraft.Please take all your belongings when you disembark and follow our ground staff to the new aircraft.We apologize for any inconvenience.Your understanding and cooperation will be very much appreciated.




Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are waiting for the local catering company to provide us with additional in-flight meals.We should be on our way very soon.Thank you for your understanding.




Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will have a short delay here as we are awaiting some cargo to be loaded.Please remain in your seat.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.39、货物超载、卸货



Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain has informed us that our flight will have a short delay as this aircraft is overloaded.We are working to solve this problem as soon as possible.During this short delay.Please remain in your seat.Thank you!

40、配平不好/ 调整座位


注意!为了飞机起飞时的配载平衡,确保飞行安全,请您按照等机牌上的座位号就座(请您在地面工作人员安排下在——排前/ 后就座)。谢谢您的合作

Ladies and Gentlemen:

For the balance of the aircraft, please take your assisgned seat(follow the instructions of our ground staff, sit after /before row____).Thank you for your cooperation!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain has informed us that this aircraft will need deicing prior to departure.Our ground staff is currently working on this and please remain in your seat.Thank you for your understanding.(二)关门后



我们刚刚接到机长的通知,由于飞机出现一点小故障/ 由于地面人员需要重新核对旅客飞机现在需要返回停机位。进一步的消息,我们将随时通知您。谢谢您的合作

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain has informed us that ——(there is a minor mechanical trouble with the aircraft/ we need to recheck the passenger manifest), we will return to the parking area.Further information will be provided as soon as possible.Thank you for your cooperation.43、录像系统故障



Ladies and Gentlemen:

We regret to inform you that the video system is not available on this flight.Only audio programs can be accessed.(Headsets may be obtained from your flight attendants.If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us!)Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

We regret to inform you that because of a problem with our on-board water system we are unable to serve you with hot drinks at this time.Gold beverages including soft drinks and bottled water is available.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!We appreciate your understanding.




Ladies and Gentlemen:

As the air conditioning system of this aircraft does not work well on the ground, you may feel a little hot at the moment.We are sorry for this inconvenience.After takeoff, the cabin temperature will get down.Your understanding will be much appreciated.




Ladies and Gentlemen:

May I have your attention please?

We have a passenger in need of medical attention.If you are a physician or medically trained person, please identify yourself to a flight attendant.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

May I have your attention please?

We have a passenger in need of urgent medical treatment.The Captain has decided to land immediately at _____airport.We expect to arrive there in about ____minutes.Thank you for your understanding!





Ladies and Gentlemen:

Due to the strong head winds, the estimated time of our arrival has pushed back an additional____ minutes.The new arrival time is _____.Thank you!



我们刚刚接到机长的通知,由于——机场——(天气不好/ 能见度较低/ 空中交通繁忙),我们将在空中盘旋等待。进一步的消息,我们将随时通知您。谢谢

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Due to____(unfavorable weather condition, low visibility, heavy traffic)at ____airport, we have been ordered by Air Traffic Control to hold over____(city)until we receive clearance to continue.Further information will be provided as soon as possible.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

Due to unfavorable weather conditions over ____airport, the Captain has decided to land at ____airport and remain there until weather conditions improve.We sincerely regret any inconvenience in this change.We expect to arrive there at_____.Further information will be provided as soon as possible.We appreciate your patience and understanding.Thank you!



非常抱歉地通知您,由于本次航班的中途站——机场因——(天气不符和飞行标准/ 特殊原因)已经关闭,飞机无法降落,机长决定直接飞往——(终点站)。预计到达机场时间是——。


Ladies and Gentlemen:

May I have your attention please?

Due to unfavorable weather conditions(some reason)over ____airport, the captain has informed us that we will be flying directly to airport.Estimated time of arrival at ___airport is ____.We sincerely regret any inconvenience in this change.For those passengers planned to disembark in____ airport, our ground staff will take care of your problem.We are sorry for this inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding.Thank you!



我们刚刚接到机长的通知,由于(飞机出现了一些机械故障/ 航路天气不符和飞行标准/ 降落站机场关闭),我们现在必须返回——机场飞机预计在——点——分到达。对于由此给您带来的诸多不便,请您予以谅解。返航后的有关事宜,我们会随时通知您。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Due to——(mechanical trouble /bad weather on the route/ destination airport closedown), the Captain has decided to return to airport.We expect to land there at_____.Further information will be provided as soon as possible.We sincerely regret any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.53、加降加油


我们刚刚接到机长的通知,由于航路有(较)强逆风,飞机油料消耗较大,机长决定将在——机场降落加油,到达——(终点站)的时间将会受到影响飞机将在——分钟后抵达——(加降)机场,对于由此给您带来的不便,请您予以谅解。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain has informed us that because of very strong head winds, our aircraft must make a special landing at ____airport for refueling.We

are sorry for this delay in our flight schedule and we will arrive at____in _____minutes.Thank you for your understanding.(四)落地后


A. 女士们先生们:

我们的飞机停靠廊桥/ 客梯车,请带好您的全部手提物品由前(中、后)登机门下飞机谢谢

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft will be parked with the boarding bridge/ boarding stairs, please disembark from the front(middle/ rear)entry door.Thank you!B. 女士们先生们:


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft will be parked in an outerbay and there will be buses to take you to the terminal.Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen:We are waiting for the stairs(passenger bus, customs officers, quarantine officers)to be brought up to the aircraft.Please remain in your seat.Thank you!



我们的飞机还未到达预定停机位,仍将继续滑行一段时间,为了您和他人的安全,在飞机完全停稳之前,请不要离开座位,开启行李架。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft is still on an active runway.For your safety, please remain seated and do not open overhead bin until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.Thank you for your cooperation!



由于现在停机坪拥挤,暂无停机位,地面工作人员正在积极安排,请您回到座位上稍等片刻。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

The parking area has not been cleared for our aircraft arrival and we have been requeated by local Air Traffic Control to hold here.Our ground staff is working on a solution at this time.Please remain in your seat.Thank you for your cooperation!



外面刚刚下过雨(外面正在下雨,请您准备好雨具),下机时请当心滑倒。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is very slippery outside because of rain.Please watch your steps as you disembark.Thank you!


A. 到候机厅等待 女士们先生们:

我们的飞机已经降落在——机场,现在请带好您的机票及贵重物品(全部手提物品)到候机厅休息等候。进一步的消息地面工作人员会随时通知您。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft has landed at ____airport.Please gather your tickets, valuables(and all your personal belongings)with you when you disembark and wait in the terminal building.Further information will be provided as soon as possible.Thank you!B. 机上等待


本架飞机已经降落在——机场,根据机长的要求,我们将在机上等待。如需协助,我们将随时为您提供服务。如有进一步的消息,我们会随时通知您。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft has landed at ____airport.The Captain asked us to wait on board.If you need any assistance, please contact any flight attendants.Further information will be provided as soon as possible.Thank you!60、航班取消(过夜)


我们刚刚接到机长通知,由于——(天气尚未好转/ 机械故障尚未排除),我们将取消今天的航班。请您带好全部手提物品准备飞机地面工作人员安排有关事宜。由此给您带来的不便,请您予以谅解。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

We regret to inform you that due to the unfavorable weather conditions over____airport(mechanical trouble), the Captain has decided to cancel this flight.We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and ask that you gather all your carry-on baggage with you as you leave the plane.Our ground staff will give you further information.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!61、备降后



旅客,请务必与客舱乘务员或地面工作人员办理相关手续后再离开,以免给我们的后续工作及其他旅客带来不便。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft has landed at ____airport due to ____.Those who decided to disembark at this airport, please complete the relevant formalities with the flight attendants or ground staff.Thank you for your cooperation!62、延误后对转机旅客广播




Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are sorry for the delay of our flight due to ____.Those who planned to transfer at this airport, please approach the flight attendants.We will contact(the China Southern representative)our ground staff.After landing, they will help you with you connecting flight.If you require any further assistance, we’ d be glad to help you.63、安抚旅客广播(航班延误时)


现在是(主任)乘务长广播。今天我们的航班由于——(天气不符和飞行标准/ 航空管制/ 机械故障/ 个别旅客原因造成了延误,您急切的心情我们非常理解,但是,当安全和正点发生矛盾、不能兼顾时,我们会首选安全。我们感谢您的宽容和理解,您的耐心等候和积极配合是对我们工作的巨大支持。我们机组全体工作人员代表南方航空公司再次感谢您的理解与配合。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

This is your(chief)purser speaking.We are awfully sorry for the delay of our flight due to _____(bad weather conditions/ air traffic control/ mechanical trouble /passnger late arrival).Because your safety is our primary concern, safety first is our guideline.We thank you for your kind understanding, patience and cooperation.64填写旅客意见



Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you for flying with China Southern Airlines!

We are committed to providing the best in-flight service possible and we’d like to know how we are doing.We are working every day to make every flight the very best possible.Flight attendants are now circulating the cabin to hand out evaluation cards.Please take a moment to share with us your thoughts about out in-flight service.We will collect the completed forms later in this flight.Thank you for your assistance!65、救生衣的管理


机上救生衣属于飞机应急救生设备仅供紧急情况使用。在飞机正常运行中,任何随意移动、搬弄甚至带离飞机行为都将被视为违法行为,我们将依照有关规定要求相应赔偿。请大家遵守并配合客舱的安全工作谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

The life vest on board can only be used under emergency situation.Under normal situation, any action of removal, takeaway is forbidden.Your compliance of the rule is appreciated.Thank you!66、禁烟告示



为了您和他人的身体健康,同时为了确保飞行安全,请不要在机上任何区域吸烟。敬请各位合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

This is a non-smoking flight.Smoking onboard is an offence and is forbidden.Your cooperation is appreciated.Thank you!67、机组休息区


在本次航班中,客舱——排至——排机组休息区域仅供机组人员休息时使用谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Please be advised that from row___ to row____is a rest area for our crew members only.Thank you for your cooperation.68、停止销售免税品(美国



Ladies and Gentlemen:

According to U.S.Customs regulations, duty-free items may not be sold between___and ____.If you would like to purchase any duty-free items on this flight, please do so before we reach____ or after we leave ____.Thank you!69、广播找人


注意!现在广播找人,——旅客,当您听到广播后,请您到——有人找(与客舱乘务联系)。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

May I have your attention please?

Mr.(Mrs., Miss)____please go to____as someone is looking for you(please contact a flight attendant).Thank you!70、失物招领



Ladies and Gentlemen:

If there is passnger who has lost ___in ____, please notify a flight attendant by pressing the call button.Thank you!71、生日祝词


今天对于就坐于——排——座——(先生/ 女士/ 小朋友)来说是个特别的日子。今天是他/ 她的生日。

——(先生/ 女士/ 小朋友):我们非常高兴能够在您生日之际与您相会在万里蓝天,请接受我们全体机组人员的真诚祝福,(我们还特别为您送上一份小礼物希望这段旅途给您留下好的回忆。)祝您生日快乐,平安如意!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today is the birthday of Mr./ Mrs./Miss____, seated in Row No.____.On behalf of China Southern Airlines it is our great pleasure to offer birthday greetings to Mr./Mrs./Miss____(and we have a gift to him /her).To Mr./Mrs./Miss ____, a very Happy Birthday!72、关于使用卫星电话


本架飞机的前部(中、后部)设有国际卫星直拨电话,在您座位前面的口袋里备有说明书,请您阅读欢迎使用谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

This aircraft is equipped with satellite telephones located in the front(middle, rear)of the cabin.You will find an Operation International card in the seat pocket in front of you.If you have any questions, please contact your flight attendant.Thank you!



我们刚刚接到有关部门通知地面公安人员需要上机执行公务,为配合他们的工作,请您在座位上稍等片刻。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen:

Members of local law enforcement are currently on board our aircraft and we ask that all passengers remain in your seats.Thank you for your cooperation.74、升舱


本次航班的头等舱(和公务舱)还有部分空余座位。如您需要办理升舱服务,请与乘务联系谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are pleased to inform you that we have some First Class(and Business Class)seats available on our flight today.If you desire to upgrade, we will be pleased to assist you.Thank you!










Your Excellency President(Prime Minister /Premier)and all other members of the delegation: Ladies and Gentlemen:

Captain ____and your crew are pleased to welcome you aboard China Southern Airlines’ flight to _____and we are honored to be at your service.The entire in-flight crew is here for your safety and comfort.If there is anything we can do to make your flight more enjoyable, please call on us at anytime!

The distance between _____and______is _____ kilometers, the estimated flying time is ____.We ask that you sit back, relax and enjoy your journey!76、专机落地广播






感谢乘坐中国南方航空公司专机!祝您访问成功!谢谢!Your Excellency President(Prime Minister /Premier)and all other members of the delegation:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our plane has just landed at ____airport.It is ____(am/ pm)local time.The outside temperature is ____degrees Celsius(or_____degrees Fahrenheit).Thank you for flying with China Southern Airlines and we wish you a successful visit!






Good Morning(afernoon/ evening), Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain and your crew welcome you aboard China Southern Airlines’ flight to ____ and we are honored to be at your service.The distance between _____and______is _____ kilometers, and the flying time will be about _____.We will be taking off shortly.Please be sure that your seat belt is fastened, your tray is in upright position.This flight is a non-smoking flight.Please do not smoke onboard.The entire cabin crew is here for your safety and comfort.If there is anything we can do to make your journey more enjoyable, please don’t hesitate to call on us at anytime.78、劳务专家


早上(下午/ 晚上)好!欢迎乘坐中国南方航空公司飞机前往——。你们远离祖国亲人,在援外期间辛苦了!我代表——机组表示亲切的问候





Good Morning(afernoon/ evening), Ladies and Gentlemen:

The captain and your crew sincerely welcome you aboard China Southern Airlines’ flight to ____.We would like to extend our warmest greetings to all the experts on board our aircraft today and we are honored to be at your service.The distance between _____and______is _____ kilometers, and the flying time will be about _____.We will be taking off shortly.Please be sure that your seat belt is

fastened and your tray table is in upright position.This is a non-smoking flight.Please do not smoke onboard.The entire cabin crew is here for your safety and comfort.If there is anything we can do to make your journey more enjoyable, please don’t hesitate to call on us at anytime.79、春运欢迎











中国南方航空公司特为各位代表前往北京参加两会提供了本次专机航班,我们全体机组人员热烈欢迎您的到来并向您致以衷心祝愿,祝各位北京之行愉快并预祝两会 圆满成功!(下接《起飞后广播》:由——飞往北京距离是„„)

Your Excellency delegates, ladies and gentlemen:

Good afernoon!China Southern Airlines specially arranges this flight for you honorable guests to Beijing, the whole crew feel honored to be at your service.We woule like to extend best wishes to you.We wish you a pleasant stay in Beijing and wish the Copnference a great success!2)回程



欢迎各位代表乘坐中国南方航空公司专机航班返回——,我们全体机组人员非常荣幸能为您服务,并代表中国南方航空公司祝贺两会胜利闭幕。祝大家旅途愉快!(下接《起飞后广播》:由北京飞往——的距离是„„)Your Excellency delegates, ladies and gentlemen: Good morning!Welcome you honorable guests aboard China Southern Airlines special flight to ____.The whole crew feels honored to be at your service.We woule like to extend our warms congratulations to the successful close of the Copnference and wish you a pleasant journey!
















我是本次航班的乘务长。今天是大年,是中华民族传统新春佳节。在这个喜庆祥和、合家团圆的节日里,请允许我代表中国南方航空公司机组全体人员向您致以最真诚的问候!祝您——年吉祥,万事如意,身体健康!愿我们的祝福在新的一年里能给您带来好运!Good Morning(afernoon/ evening), Ladies and Gentlemen:

This is your(chief)purser speaking.It is Spring Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year day, on behalf of China Southern Airlines, the entire crew here extend sincere greetings to you, we wish you good health, a happy and prosperous New Year and a lucky New Year!Thank you!84、“三.八”妇女节
























现在客舱前(中、后)部起火,我们正在组织灭火,请大家不要惊慌,听从乘务指挥,我们将调整火源附近旅客的座位,其他旅客请不要在客舱内走动。严禁吸烟谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:

We have a minor fire in the front(center, rear)cabin and we are quickly containing this situation.Please remain calm and follow the directions from your flight attendants.We will relocate the passengers near the fire.All other passengers remain seated with your seat belts fastened.Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.92、灭火


我们已经结束了灭火工作飞机处于良好状态,但飞机仍需要尽快着 42 陆以便进一步检查。预计到达备降机场——的时间是——。感谢您给予我们的协助

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The fire in the cabin has been completely put down.Now we need to divert to ____ airport for ground staff assistance.The estimated arrival time is ____am(pm).We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.93、客舱释压




Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our airplane is now being depressurized.Please do not be panic.Remin in your seat with your seat belt fastened.Please pull down one of the oxygen masks which has dropped from the ceiling!Place it over your nose and mouth and breathe normally.If you are seated next to a small child or infant, please put on your mask first and then assist your child.The aircraft will have an emergent descent.Please follow the instructions of cabin crew.Thank you!94、有准备的陆上迫降

1)主任乘务长乘务长)向旅客广播迫降决定: “女士们先生们,我是本次航班的主任乘务长乘务长)。如机长所述,我们决定采取陆地紧急迫降,我们全体机组人员都受过良好的训练,有信心、有能力保证你们的安全。请听从乘务员的指挥。”

“ladies and gentlemen, it is necessary to make an emergency landing.The crew have been trained to handle this situation.We will do everything necessary to ensure your safety and keep calm, pay close attention to the cabin attendants and follow their directions.”



Please pass your food tray and all other service items for pick up.将高跟鞋、假牙、胸章、领带、项链、圆珠笔(钢笔)及小件物品放在行李箱内或交给乘务员。

Please put the high-heeled shoes, denture, necklace, tie, pens, watches and jewelry in the overhead bin or hand them to them to the flight attendants.系好安全带,调直座椅靠背,收起小桌板、脚蹬及座位上的录像装置”。Fasten your seat belt, bring seat backs to the upright position and stow all tray tables.Stow footrests and in-seat video units.Please put all of your baggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin.3)介绍应急出口位置,脱出区域划分


Now the flight attendants are pointing to the exits nearest to you.Please identify them and be aware your closest exit may be behind you.When evacuating Leave everything on board!4)示范防冲击安全姿势:


Now we will explain the bracing for impact position.根据实际情况选择一种:

● 两脚分开用力蹬地,手臂交叉抓住前方椅背,收紧下颚,头放


When instructed to brace for impact, put your legs apart, place your feet flat on the floor.Cross your arms like this.Lean forward as far as possible, and hold the seat back in front of you, rest your face on your arms.● 收紧下颚,双手虎口交叉置于脑后,低下头,俯下身。

When instructed to brace for impact, cross your hand and above your head, then bend over, keep your head down, stay down.5)选择救援者:


Ladies and gentlemen, if there are any airline employees, law enforcement, fire rescue or military personnel on board, please identify yourself to a flight attendant.We need your assistance.We will also be asking some of you to change seats to better help those needing assistance or to be closer to an exit to help evacuate.Please remain seated unless you are asked to move.6)准备撤离时携带的物品 7)再次进行安全确认:

“请乘务员再次进行安全确认。” [夜间] 调暗客舱灯光。8)自身确认,报告乘务长 9)报告机长“客舱准备完毕” 10)发出指令


“All attendants prepare yourself.”




“ladies and gentlemen, it is necessary to make an emergency ditching.The crew have been trained to handle this situation.We will do everything necessary to ensure your safety and keep calm, pay close attention to the cabin attendants and follow their directions.”



Please pass your food tray and all other service items for pick up.将高跟鞋、假牙、胸章、领带、项链、圆珠笔(钢笔)及小件物品放在行李箱内或交给乘务员。

Please put the high-heeled shoes, denture, necklace, tie, pens, watches and jewelry in the overhead bin or hand them to them to the flight attendants.系好安全带,调直座椅靠背,收起小桌板、脚蹬及座位上的录像装置”。

Fasten your seat belt, bring seat backs to the upright position and stow all tray tables.Stow footrests and in-seat video units.Please put all of your baggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin.” 3)示范救生衣的使用方法


Now the flight attendants will explain the use of life vest.Please take your life vest on and follow the instruction of your flight attendants.救生衣在您座位底下。

Your life vest is located under your seat.取出并撕开包装,将救生衣经头部穿好。

Pull the tab to open the pouch and remove the life vest.To put the vest on, slip it over your hand.将带子扣好,系紧。

The fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.当您离开飞机时,拉动救生衣两侧的红色充气把手,但在客舱内不要充气。

Upon leaving the aircraft, inflate your life vest by pulling down on the two red tabs.But do not inflate it while you are in the cabin.充气不足时,可将救生衣上部人工充气管拉出,用嘴向里吹气。If your life vest needs further inflation, you can pull the mouthpieces from the upper part of the vest and blow into them.现在,乘务员将协助任何需要帮助旅客穿上救生衣。Your flight attendants will help any passnger who needs assistance.4)介绍应急出口位置,脱出区域划分


Now the flight attendants are pointing to the exits nearest to you.Please identify them and be aware your closest exit may be behind you.When evacuating Leave everything on board!5)示范防冲击安全姿势:


Now we will explain the bracing for impact position.根据实际情况选择一种:

● 两脚分开用力蹬地,手臂交叉抓住前方椅背,收紧下颚,头放


When instructed to brace for impact, put your legs apart, place your feet flat on the floor.Cross your arms like this.Lean forward as far as possible, and hold the seat back in front of you, rest your face on your arms.● 收紧下颚,双手虎口交叉置于脑后,低下头,俯下身。

When instructed to brace for impact, cross your hand and above your head, then bend over, keep your head down, stay down.当你听到“抓紧,防撞!”或“抱紧,防撞!”时,采取这种姿势,直到您听见“解开安全带”为止。

When you hear “Brace!Brace!” take the position, and keep this position until you hear Open your seat belt!”


Now please take this position, so that the flight attendant can assist you.6)选择救援者:


Ladies and gentlemen, if there are any airline employees, law enforcement, fire rescue or military personnel on board, please identify yourself to a flight attendant.We need your assistance.We will also be asking some of you to change seats to better help those needing assistance or to be closer to an exit to help evacuate.Please remain seated unless you are asked to move.7)备撤离时携带的物品 8)再次进行安全确认:

“请乘务员再次进行安全确认。” [夜间] 调暗客舱灯光。9)自身确认,报告乘务长 10)报告机长“客舱准备完毕” 11)发出指令


“All attendants prepare yourself.”


Ladies and Gentlemen:

In order to ensure the normal operation of the aircraft navigation and communication system, all electronic devices such as mobile telephone, computers, radios and CD players must not be used on board at any time.According to the CAAC regulations, all the switches of these devices should be in OFF position.Thank you for your cooperation.2.Welcome

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome aboard Air China flight Chengdu to Guangzhou.The distance between Chengdu and Guangzhou is 1390 Kilometers.Our flight will take 2 hours and 10 minutes.We will be flying at an altitude of 10000 meters and the average speed is 900 kilometers per hour.3.Before landing

Ladies and Gentlemen:

• We will be landing at Shuangliu airport in about 20 minutes;the local temperature is 25 degrees centigrade.• We’d like to thank you for your support and cooperation during the flight.• We have now started our descent, so please fasten your seat belt.Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position.• Thank you!

4.After landing

Ladies and Gentlemen:

• We have just landed at Shuangliu airport, please keep your mobile phone still in the “off” position and do not unfasten your seat belt before the plane comes to a complete stop.• Please make sure to collect your belongs before you disembark.Your checked baggage may be claimed in the terminal building.• We thank you for flying with Shenzhen Airlines and hope to have the pleasure of being with you again.• Thank you and good-bye!


Ladies and Gentlemen:

We have met with some turbulence.Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt.(For the passengers having your meal, please take care your drinks.)Please do not use the toilets until the sign goes off.(Cabin service will be suspended during this period.)Thank you!

6.Delay(waiting for passengers to complete procedures)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

• We regret this delay in departure, but we are waiting for some passengers to complete boarding procedure.• Our ground staffs have advised that these passengers will join us soon.• Thank you!


Ladies and Gentlemen:

• We will be landing at Haikou in about 20 minutes.The temperature in Haikou is 33 degrees centigrade.• Haikou is a beautiful coastal city.Located in the north of Hainan.It is the center of the political, economy, and transportation of Hainan province.Haikou lies in the tropical zone, providing you beautiful scenery and pleasant weather condition year round.• Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Haikou.Wish you have a good time.• We have now started our descent, so please fasten your seat belt.Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position.• Thank you!


Ladies and Gentlemen:

• Our plane will be landing at Nanjing airport in about 20 minutes.The temperature in Nanjing is 28 degrees centigrade.• Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province as well as its economic and cultural center, occupying 4,500 square kilometers.• Nanjing is one of China’s four ancient capitals.The major tourist sites in Nanjing include the Sunyat-sen Mausoleum, the Bridge of Changjiang River, the Ming Tomb, Xuanwu Lake and Mochou Lake.• We have now started our descent, so please fasten your seat belt.Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position.• Thank you!


Ladies and Gentlemen:


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