About The Diary of Anne Frank, war and peace are the leading topic we talked about all the time. For most people, we all felt leaden. We can’t imagine how we live to hide at a small attic. And at long day, they must be pretty quiet and even a little noise was forbidden. In addition, windows were just at there, but they couldn’t open the curtains to look outside and breathe fresh air. they must observe the orders every day : no taps to be turned on;therefore, no washing, silence, everything to be finished by eight o’clock and no lavatory. If we were them, we would have gotten crazy. In the book, a detail was impressive. When the families were going to move the new shelter, they did a lot of preparing work. They put on heaps of clothes as if they were going to the North Pole. For example, Anne, she had on two vests, there pairs of pants, a dress, on top of that a skirt, jacket, summer coat, two pairs of stocking, lace-up shoes, woolly cap, scarf ,and still more. She was nearly stifled but no one inquired about that. Everyone was busy at their own business. They had no time to care others. Only from the detail, we could find out the difficult circumvents. Jew at that situation wouldn’t have dreamed of going out with a suitcase full of clothing. If not, the Jew must want to end up his life or be foolish. In order to take the clothing as much as they could, there was no choice. For keeping living, it was only a little challenge. For continuing to stay at the world, nothing can not be overcome. Only a little hope, they tried to catch it. Except the tough living condition, they were all at the fear that they might be found out and they are forced to afford air attack now and then. Anne in her diary wrote, “We had a short circuit last evening, and on top of that the guns kept banging away all the time. I still haven’t got over my fear of everything connected with shooting and planes, and I creep into Daddy’s bed nearly every night for comfort.’ And the Mrs. Van Daan was nearly crying and said in a very timid little voice. Even as a adult, she still couldn’t stop expressing her dear. As a matter of fact, everybody were afraid that their only shelter was spotted. At another air attack, Anne said she clasped her “escape bag” close to me, more because she wanted to have something to hold than with an idea of escaping, because there was nowhere we can go. If ever they come to the extremity of fleeing home here, the street would be just as dangerous as an air raid. In general, facing the danger, we always make some treasures to save ourselves .But for them there was nothing they could do. They can only stayed at the shaking house, praying for God and fortune blessing them. It is a painful process both at physiology and psychology. However, if they had known the tragic ending, they would have done the same thing for surviving.(At the second point, I will put my own views.)
We are all known the Hitler’s violence, and the heavier was nearly abnormal. Anne said,” I’ve only got dismal and depressing news for you today. Our many Jewish friends are being taken away by the dozen. These people are treated by the Gestapo without a shred of decency, being loaded into cattle trucks and sent to Westerbork, the big Jewish camp in Drente. Westerbork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred people and not nearly enough lavatories.” We don’t experience it, so it’s really beyond our imagination. Like this, we always associate Nanjing massacre in China. So much atrocity happened. It was indelible shadow for sufferers.
However, kindness and humanism still exit. In the book, Elli and Miep helped the Anne’s family. They collected their rations for them and sent information. At the troublous surroundings, most people believe “the less trouble the better“。 But some others thought they should try their best to save Jews. Although many Jews were caught, saving a person even one was better. In the book, when Dussel, a new number came to the attic, they were all willing to welcome him. Anne’s father said” If we can save someone, then everything else is of secondary importance.” We must know the famous movie Schindler’s List. At first, Schindler was only a merchant who want to profit from the war. But at the ending, he changed his mind and save Jews. He would rather help others r than making money. It’s original humanity that makes he do it.
Anne is a distinctive girl. She had her own mind. Maybe in the views of others, she is a naughty girl. Especially, she has a quiet sister. Comparing with Margot, she was not favorable. At the beginning, her general appearance, her character, her manners were discussed from A to Z. But with the time going by, she were becoming sensible. One must apply one’s reason to everything, earning to obey, to hold our tongue, to help, to be good, to give in. Life has the great power to change us to adapt it. In addition, Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all. As she said, we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated. In our daily life, we often meet arguments with parents. We can stick to the Anne’s principle. If parents are wrong, we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we don’t succeed we shall stick to our own opinions and judgement. Although she lived in a small room, she still had a brightful heart. She believed that it was spiring within her, she felt that spring was awaking, she felt it in her whole body and soul. And in the book, she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive. For example, she described a lot about the affair with Peter. It’s normal for a teenager. I think parents should read this book, so they can regard this question correctly.
Anne said, “One certainly could not call us rich now, but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world, hope is full of our life. So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams, we should treasure everyone, everything, every moment that we have.
The Diary of A Young Girl
Anne Frank
I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.Is it because I haven’t been outdoors for so long that I’ve become so mitten with nature? I remember a time when a magnificent blue sky, chirping birds, moonlight and budding blossoms wouldn’t have captivated me.Things have changed since I came here.One night during the Pentecost holiday, for instance, when it was so hot, I struggled to keep my eyes open until eleven-thirty so I could get a good look at the moon, all on my own for once.Alas, my sacrifice was in vain, since there was too much glare and I couldn’t risk opening a window.Another time, several months ago, I happened to be upstairs one night when the window was open.I didn’t go back down until it had to be closed again.The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the racing clouds, had me spellbound;it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face-to-face.After that evening my longing to see it again was even greater than my fear of burglars, a dark rat-infested house or police raids.I went downstairs all by myself and looked out the windows in the kitchen and private office.Many people think nature is beautiful, many people sleep from time to time under the starry sky, and many people in hospitals and prisons long for the day when they’ll be free to enjoy what nature has to offer.But few are as isolated and cut off as we are from the joy of nature, which can be shared by rich and poor alike.It’s not just my imagination---looking at the sky, the clouds, the moon and the stars really does make me feel calm and hopeful.It’s much better medicine than valerian or bromide.Nature makes me feel humble and ready to face every blow with courage!As luck would have it, I’m only able---except for a few rare occasions---to view nature through dusty curtains tacked over dirt-caked windows;it takes the pleasure out of looking.Nature is the one thing for which there is no substitute!
“1944年7月15日,这真是一个奇迹,至今我还坚持我的信仰:尽管人们都有这样那样的荒谬和缺陷,但我坚信人们内心的最深处都是真正善良而美好的……” 自百度}
《安妮日记》是安妮写了自己从十三岁到十五岁时自己对生活的感受与思考,对周围事物的观察与分析,记录自己的理想与追求,自己的喜怒哀乐,连她自己也没想到的是这些日记却震撼了世界的良知,成为了纳粹灭绝人性行为的罪证, 向世界展示了在纳粹的铁蹄下善良的民众所遭受的苦难与残害,以及他们对和平的期盼与渴望。
许多人都会有写日记的习惯,但这些日记都只是记录着每天平凡而快乐的生活,都是千篇 一律。但是安妮的日记却不一样,这本日记记录着每天都处在死亡的威胁下的犹太小女孩儿的生活。在这本日记中,她自然、透明地分析这自己和同伴的本性。在这种压抑的环境下,她表现出了一种从容和淡定。她的日记十分坦率,她会把许多问题握在手中,自己慢慢反复掂量,所以仅仅一两年的时间里,他在内心成长的路上走得很遥远,并且用日记将自己的成长丰富地表现出来。
安妮是一个犹太人,希特勒上台后,她们一家就流亡到了荷兰。“二战”以后,德国占领了荷兰,为了逃避纳粹的迫害,全家躲进了父亲公司大楼的几间密室里。他们在密室里必须保持绝对安静,因为楼下每天都有人工作。安妮就是在这种暗无天日的情况下成长起来,并用日记记录了下来。密室里有两户人家和一位牙医,他们全都是犹太人,他们从此整天提心吊胆,轻言慎行。这种日子对于安妮来说比白天逼她上床都要难,更何况还要将本来各自生活的两家人扯到一起,日子就更难过了。 读完这本书我觉得安妮是个天生的作家。她可以生动的勾勒出几间无趣的房间,表现出夜里几小时的恐怖,和房间里的氛围,这些描绘都透露出她的从容和天性的活泼。她还跟我们分享了她聪明的父亲,没有耐心的母亲和善良的姐姐等在密室里的人,她把他们都看得很清楚,并且总是带着成年人的公正。她的日记没有无病呻吟,也没有装腔作势,给人一种真实的感觉。 安妮走的不远,她只活了十五年多,并且是在16岁生日的不久前才去世的。在这两年多的时间里这个女孩儿将快乐、耐心、真诚播种在了自己身上,并且幸福地微笑着。我深深的体会到她说的:“我想活下去,即使在我死后。”。