奥巴马2012大选胜选演讲文稿中英文(精选3篇) 奥巴马2012胜选演讲中英文全文Thank you so much.Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the ta......
奥巴马柏林演讲中英文对照视频(通用4篇) Hello,Chicago!If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if......
奥巴马胜选演讲中英文(精选6篇) Change Has Come To America If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who sti......
2008年奥巴马竞选总统演讲稿(中、英文对照)(通用3篇) Text of president Barack Obamas inaugural address on Tuesday, as prepared for delivery and released by the presidential Inaugural Commi......
奥巴马北京演讲稿(中英文对照)(通用4篇) 世纪金榜 圆您梦想 奥巴马北京演讲稿(中英文对照)奥巴马(欧巴马)和胡锦涛于11月17日在北京举行联合新闻记者会,分别发表讲话。奥巴马总统的讲话全文,英语演讲稿+翻译。PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon.I want to start by ......
奥巴马中英文介绍(精选6篇) 英文原文It’s good to be home.My fellow Americans, Michelle and I have been so touched by all the well-wishes we’ve received over the past f......
奥巴马北京演讲中英文对照稿 奥巴马(欧巴马)和胡锦涛于11月17日在北京举行联合新闻记者会,分别发表讲话。奥巴马总统的讲话全文,英语演讲稿+翻译。PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon.I want to start by thanking President Hu and......
奥巴马简介中英文对比(精选5篇) 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http://m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:奥巴马就职演讲稿(中英文对照)3 We, the people, still believe that our obliga......
奥巴马开学日演讲稿 奥巴马开学日演讲稿:为什么要上学(中英文)Hello, everybody!Thank you.Thank you.Thank you, everybody.All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat.How is eve......