精彩的范文、标准的发音加上自然的表情,满分唾手可得。所以,有些同学会拿来背诵,倘若真的考到此题便全然照搬。然而,这种做法是不完全赞成的,而且考官也很有可能识破这种“完美借鉴”,将其视为考试大忌。那么该如何轻松巧妙利用范文呢?“五步训练法”是针对口语范文而言的,下面我们以Describe your favourite restaurant一题的范文为例来进行详细论述:
Step1 找主旨大意(main idea)
显而意见本文的大意是a restaurant which specializes in Sichuan hot pot。一般而言主旨大意都会在第一句话或者最后一句话,这跟阅读有些相似。
Step2 积累词汇(lexical resources)
对于这一项而言,不同考生积累的词汇不一样。总之只要是陌生的,都是应该积累的,因为词汇是英语学习基础之基础。其实这里边有很多异于平常的词汇表达,比如 specialise in,有些考生可能这么表达:be good at或者do well in。这里我并不是说specialise in 就一定比be good at高级,而是说我们还可以这样去表达,这样就使我们的语言富于多样性,在词汇这一评分上争取得到更多。再比如我们平时很常见的一些吃饭动作“蘸”,在本文中就有这一动作的英文表达——dip。有很多同学甚至连汉字都不会写,这是不可原谅的。对于词汇,一定要细之又细,常言道“细节”决定成败。
Step3 分析结构 (structure)
点出主题(subject/Sichuan hot pot)——餐厅位置(location)——就餐频率(how often/frequency)——食品种类及吃法(kinds of food and how to eat)——价格和服务(price and service)。
Step4 复述(retell)
Step5 模仿(imitate)
1 背诵素材相似会受很大的影响
虽然口语不考task response,但是考官可以在lexical resources的评分部分打低分。
2 从你的回答的细节当中可以听出你是否是背的素材
特别是有一些表达,本身就很中式,譬如说speaking of traveling to another country… I want to talk about…(no body talks that way… it’s like you’ve written it on a piece of paper and reading it right off… Also, we’ve heard “speaking of blah blah blah, I want to talk about blah blah blah too many times)
如果考官本身不是很确定是否是背诵,一般会问一下follow up的问题,譬如说
Did you like traveling generally?
Have you travelled to this place with other people?
在此给出的建议:背诵一些优秀的答案的确是有助益的,但需要注意两点,一是尽量把memorized answer内化,即变成你思想的一部分或你自己平时讲话的一部分;二是在背诵之后,至少要能用三种不同的方式来复述一遍。能做到这两条的考生就能把memorization变作一件有意义的事情!
3 考官私下会互相交流最近学生使用的素材
但是British Council是密切注意中国考生的反常行为,譬如说集体去一个地方考试。
5 有时候奇怪的表达和单词会让考官知道你是背的
1 Sky/Watching stars
Do you like looking at the sky?
Do you often look at the sky?
Do you like looking at the sky in the morning or in the afternoon?
Did you learn about the stars (or, the planets in our solar system) in school?
Why did you learn astronomy?
What did you learn in astronomy?
Which is the best place to look at the sky near your home?
2 Pets
Are there many people keeping pets?
Did you keep a pet during childhood?
What kinds of animals are suitable to be pets?
What pets you like (the best)?
Is it important for children to keep pets?
3 Tea/Coffee
Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee?
What do you think about tea and coffee?
Which one is better for guests, tea or coffee?
When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?
If someone visit your home, will you serve tea or coffee to them?
4 Taking photos
When taking a photo, do you prefer using a mobile phone or a camera?
Do you always take photos?
Do you like taking photos?
Would you like to be a photographer?
What do you do after you take pictures?
What’s your favourite photo?
5 Sharing
Do you like sharing?
Do your parents ask you to share with others?
Is there anything you don’t want to share?
Have you ever learned how to share with others from your parents?
6 Patience
Do you have patience?
Do you think you’re more patient than before?
Do you think having patience is important for your study or work?
Are people patient in your city?
Will you feel impatient if your friends are late for an appointment?
7 Sleeping
How long do you sleep every day?
Is it enough?
How many hours you wish you could sleep every day?
Compared to your childhood, do you sleep more or less?
Did you sleep longer when you were young
Do you often take a nap?
Do you think taking a nap is helpful?
Will you sleep when you are tired/sleepy?
8 Crowded places
Do you like crowded places?
When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
Is your city crowded?
Would you like to move to a place with fewer people?
Which place do you prefer to live in, a crowded place or a peaceful place?
9 Neighbours
Do you know all your neighbours?
Do you prefer to have young people or old people as neighbours?
Would you say you have a good relationship with your neighbours?
What activities do you do with your neighbours?
Do you think you’re a good neighbor?
Do you think it is important to have good neighbours?
2.Musical instrument
1.Describe someone in your family who you like.
2.Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.
3.Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.
4.Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.
1.Family similarities
2.Genetic research
3.Keeping fit and healthy
4.Health and modern lifestyles
5.Children’s games
6.Games and competition
7.Important choices
8.Choices in everyday life
1.Tell me about any traditional dancing in your country.
2.Which instrument do you like listening to most?
3.What do you like doing most with your friends?
4.What do most people do to keep fit in your country?
剑六又一次验证了雅思口语考试“日常生活化”这个命题趋势。比如在做第一题时,考生对于traditional Chinese dances的名称要有基本的认知。舞蹈名称其实是很生活化的东西,传统的中国舞蹈我们常在节日时见到,如Lion Dance,Fan Dance,Sword Dance,Ribbon Dance等,用词非常简单,若生活中注意积累,应该不是问题。其他几道题则分别涉及到了乐器、业余活动、健身等方面的词汇,这些词汇都与日常生活紧密相关,考生可以通过收集分类词的方法将其收集起来。收集的时候,不要求多,而在于精,每个话题准备4~5个名词足矣。但要熟练,讲的时候要做到能脱口而出。
Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future?
另外一个是探讨类话题children’s games中出现的fierce competition。实例如下:
1.Do you think competitive games are good or bad for children? In what ways?
2.How can games help to unite people?
3.Why is competition often seen as important in today’s society?
其实,dancing这个话题早在几年前就曾风靡一时,今年又在剑六里出现。这表明雅思出题人在流行话题方面的创意还是有限的,毕竟时髦话题出现得还不算太快。考生要多关注社会上的流行和热点现象,因为雅思的话题是“闻风而动”的。比如前几个月全国刚刚上映了《变形金刚》,雅思口语考试第二部分马上就出了一道新题:Describe your ideal robot.
Fierce competition也是一个热点话题。中国社会竞争日益激烈的状况已经引起国内外各界人士的关注,这其中当然也包括雅思考试的出题者。考生在考试中除了可以阐述自己对竞争的一般看法外,不妨和考官谈谈中国道家和儒家学说的一些内容,相信这会成为考生作答的亮点。
剑六的探讨话题涉及到了genetic research,实例如下:
1.Do you think that daughters are always more similar to mothers than to male relatives?
2.Where can people in your country get information about genetic research?
这两道考genes的题目很符合雅思一贯关注科学的原则。考科普知识,主要就是考两个问题:一是人与自然的和谐性问题;二是可持续发展问题。对于目前媒体上关注的热点科普话题,考生要密切关注。目前比较“热”的话题包括:genes(基因),human cloning(克隆),GM food/green food(转基因食品/绿色食品),robots(讨论机器与人类的关系)。另外,考生还要关注环境保护题材,比如animal poaching(动物偷猎),light pollution(光污染),noise pollution(噪音污染);以及自然灾害,比如flood(洪水),tsunami(海啸)等。
其一,健康生活方式(healthy lifestyles),见实例:
1.How important is it for people to do some regular physical exercise?
2.Why do some people think that modern lifestyles are not healthy?
3.Why do some people choose to lead unhealthy lives?
1.Should important choices be made by parents rather than by young adults?
2.Why do some people like to discuss choices with other people?
3.Do you think that people have more choices to make today than in the past?
中国在发展,中国人对于健康生活方式(healthy lifestyles)的关注也在不断升温。雅思出题人已经很敏锐地观察到了这一点。关于健康的生活方式这个话题,包括现在流行的绿色食品、吃饭七分饱、荤素搭配、早睡早起、运动健身、瑜伽、宽容为人等,都属于生活常识,在居民小区招贴栏里就能得到不少知识,或者可以从网上搜索相关信息。另外,关于作选择(decision-making)的话题,考生除了关注中国社会父母和子女在这方面的互动,还可以看看关于人生抉择的文摘或名人名言,往往会有启发。
剑六在谈到genetic research的话题时,问到了如下问题:
1.Should genetic research be funded by governments or private companies? Why?
2.Should individuals or governments be responsible for making people’s lifestyles healthy?
3.What could be done to encourage people to live in a healthy way?
雅思口语考试对政府行为的关注一般有其固定的出题模式,即问政府在某个社会事件中是否应该出面引导,怎么引导。笔者建议考生回答问题时要从政府立场想问题,而不仅仅只是考虑部分民众的利益。什么是政府的立场?首先,达到本国社会和平与繁荣的目的(to keep peace and prosperity),这在任何时候都是政府必须有的立场;其次,节约开支和成本(to save cost),为国家增加收入(to increase income);再者,力求可持续发展(to facilitate sustained development),保护生态和环境(to protect the environment),造福子孙后代,这也是政府应持的立场。秉持这三点政府立场,应对考试中一般的政府问题的做题思路就有了。另外,关于政府如何主导社会问题,其实最主要的一点就是凭借政策宏观调控主导(by making policies)。
1.Describe someone in your family who you like.
2.Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.
3.Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.
4.Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.
对于这些“老瓶装新酒”的题目,考生要注意灵活变通,学会将已经准备好的内容代入由老题变种而来的新题目。考生在备考时不要把每道题目孤立开来准备,这样时间会比较紧张,因为第二部分的题目确实太多了。很多时候一道题的答案可以被代入很多道题做,考生要学会举一反三。比如,第一题就是老题“Describe someone in your family who is quite similar to you”的一个变种。你可以讲一个和你非常相似、同时你又很喜欢的人,将这两个特征关联起来。
接下来看第二题和第三题。你能发现这两题的相似性吗?运动和健康,是相关联的话题,这两道题完全可以合在一起准备。另外,去年的老题“Describe an outdoor activity”和“Describe a public event”也是与此相关联的话题,因而考生也可以照老题讲讲某个体育比赛的基本过程,然后将其代入新题目。
第四题令笔者想起以前考过的关于a piece of advice的题目。Advice和choice都是描述主观经历的抽象话题,这两个话题完全可以整合起来看。比如,choice可以作为听取advice的结果,无论你有没有选择这个advice,最后这都是你自己的choice。考生可以描述一下从听到advice到作出choice的整个过程,所以这两道题也可以联系起来准备。
雅思口语考试现场,考生会有1分钟时间准备,考官会提供纸币,考生可以记笔记,写提纲。但大部分考生还是会提前准备起来,到了考场上临时发挥几乎不可能。考生在备考期间要训练自己的口语话题反应能力,拿到话题第一反应是构架自己的口语话题思路体系,比如这个话题Describe an important tree or plant in your country.说到本土重要植物,考生要迅速反应到相关植物,种植地区,植物外貌及重要性。
1.special gift:
What is the gift? Who give it to you? What is it for? Try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift children received now. and just image the gift in the future children will receive. describe the gift u like most, an tell the reason, Who give u? and u can describe the ways people send others gift.
What is the interesting building in you country? What is it located? what is used for? Explain why you think it is the most interesting?
what is your best friend? and how you met and what do your think the difference between adult and children making friend? tell me the way u make friends with others. and u think what people should be your friends?
4.describe the festival in your country:
e.g: spring festival
Chinese New Eve:1.dinner(family gathering);2.special program on CCTV to welcome the CNY;
Chinese New Years Day:1.visiting relatives;2.friends visiting.(all ting/eating/drinking);
the rest of the days:
describe your latest travel in detail. with whom? and the destination, it take u how long to get to the destination. describe the natural scene. some interesting things happened during your travel? can u describe it for me? your reason to travel is what?
give me some opinion on the transportation in your city. compare the different transportation, such as between plane, train, car. can u just image the transportation in the future and describe it for me? just compare the transportation in the past and now. u like what transportation and why.
7.meaningful things:
Whendid you begin to learn mathematics?
Doyou like it?
Doyou need to use a calculator when you do maths?
Doyou think it is easy? important?
Forgetting things
Areyou forgetful?
Haveyou ever forgotten something important?
Howcan you remind yourself not to forget?
Areyou good at memorizing?
Howcan you improve your memory?
Doyou think we can improve our memory?
Doyou often make phone calls?
Doyou like to send a text or make a phone call?
What do you think of happiness?
Is it easy for you to be happy?
What makes you feel happy?
What kinds of things can make Chinese happy?
Doyou think parents should be strict with children?
Whatvaluable things can parents give to children?
Whatdo you think of the relationship between parents and children?
Do you want to go out alone or in agroup?
How often do you meet your friends?
What do you do when you are with friends?
How do you spend your holiday?
Do you think people need holidays?
When did you spend your last holiday?
What did you do during your last holiday?
Do you think that you have enough holidays?
Is weekend important to people?
What do people do on weekend?
Do you think people should be asked to work on weekends?
Do you think people should get more money if they work on weekends?
Which day do you like more on weekend?
What do you often do on that day?
Do you like travelling?
How often do you go travelling?
Did you go the museum when you were young?
When did you last go to the museum?
Is there any famous museum in yourcountry?
Many museums sell things to thevisitors. Do you think it is right?
Natural museum: see the evolution of human society
Science museum: know the latest development oftechnology
Art museum: appreciate the valuable paintings andcalligraphies
Military museum: know something about the weaponsused in wars
History museum
Do you like to live close to sea?
Why do people go to the sea?
What do people plant in park?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?
What do people do in the park?
What do you do with the internet?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?
Do you think that life is better with the internet?
When did you begin to use the internet?
What’s the influence of the internet on you?
Do you often write emails?
What are the advantages of writing emails?
What types of emails do you write,business or personal?
What’s the difference between letters and emails?
What kind of letter is hard to write?
In what kind of situation do you send emails to your family?
Do you often write letters?
Is the handwriting important nowadays?
What are the benefits of handwriting?
How do you get the news?
What kind of news are you interested in?
Is it the same for the old and young?
Is it important to know the news?
When did you begin to read newspaper?
What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?
Do you often drive?
Is it necessary to learn driving?
Is it important to drive well?
When would you allow your children to drive?
Do you like taking photos?
On what kind of situations do you take photos?
Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?
How many languages do you speak?
Did you learn other languages?
Do you think it’s necessary to learn other languages?
Living place
Do you live in a flat or a house?
What is there on the wall of your home?
What can be seen outside the windows of your place?
Do you like your living environment?
Is it good or bad for children?
Is there anything for improvement?
Do you like buying clothes?
What kind of clothes do you like?
What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?
Do you often wear formal or informalclothes?
Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?
What kind of food do you like?
Which is most important to you,breakfast, lunch or supper?
Do you think we should have more meals or have much at one meal?
What did you like to eat when you were young?
Do you still eat it now?
What would you give to your children in the future?
Do you like cooking?
Who does the cooking in your family?
What does he or she like to cook?
Would you cook more in the future?
Do you like fruit?
How often do you eat fruit?
What kind of fruit do you like best?Why?
What are the benefits of eating more fruit?
What do Chinese like to collect?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of collections?
What did you like to collect when you were young?
What music do you like? Why?
What musical instrument do you like?
Are there any friends around you playing some instruments, like piano or guitar?
Have you ever listened to someone playing a musical instrument?
What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why?
Can you play any musical instrument?
Do you often go to the concert?
Do you like shopping?
Who does the shopping in your family?
What do you often buy when you go shopping?
What don’t you like when you go shopping?
Where do you like to go shopping?
What style of shopping do you like?
What sports are popular among Chinesepeople?
Should we teach sports to children? Why?
What is the role of sports?
Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?
Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?
Why do you like to watch films?
What kind of films do you like?
How often do you go to the cinema?
What do you like to read best?
What kind of readings do people like to read?
What other readings do you like?
TV vs Radio (最喜欢的节目)
Do you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?
When do you watch TV?
What’s your favorite program?
What TV program did you watch ten years ago?
What weather do you like?
What is the weather like today?
Do you think that weather may affect people’s mood?
Did you like climbing the trees when you were young?
What kind of trees do you like?
Have you ever been to the forest?
What benefits can trees bring to the environment?
When do you go to sleep?
What is your sleeping habit like?
Is it good for us to take a nap?
What are the benefits for old people or young people to sleep more?
What is the importance of concentration?
On what occasions will people be distracted?
What factors may influence your concentration?
How can people get focused?
Do you buy shoes online?
Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?
Do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes?
Are there any teachers that you like very much?
What have you learnt from this teacher?
Would you like to be a teacher in the future?
Do you still have contact with your teacher?
How do teachers give lectures in your country?
Do you like looking into the sky? Why?
What’s the best spot to watch stars?
Do you prefer the sky in daytime or night time?
Have you learned anything about stars or planets from school courses?
Do you like watching advertisements?
What types of advertisements are there? Which one do you like?
Where can you usually see advertisements?
Have you bought anything because of the advertisements?
What do you think of advertisements during TVprograms?
part2 准备汉语思路
a change that would improve your local area
an educational trip that you took at school
a person who dresses well
a person who is good at a foreign language
a picture of your family in your home
a piece of electronic equipment you would like to buy
a gift which took you a long time to choose
educational program
a child who made you laugh
a restaurant
a change you experienced
a place which makes your relax
a place where you can read and write (not your home)
some paid work you did with others
a time you disagreed with someone
a time you need to get up early
a time you did something with a team
a time you felt surprised to meet someone
good news from TV or internet
family member you would like to work with
vehicle you would like to buy
happy family event from your childhood
exciting sport
friend who you think is a good leader
a childhood song
a pleasant surprise you got
an ambition you haven’t achieved
a person who is good at cooking
a long journey
a movie you enjoyed and would like to watcha gain
a time you got lost
a waste of time
a special toy
a subject you didn’t like but like now
a place full of color
a building
a situation that others didn’t tell you the truth
a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
something you made by hand
traffic jam
a time you waited for somebody
a handsome or beautiful person
something you want to learn
something good for health
a book
I can still remember allmy favorite toys as a little kid. My favorites were my Star Wars figures. Icould play with them for hours. I would imagine that they were real and hadadventures when I wasn’t at home. As with most people, I grew up and my toysfound new homes in the attic or in a yard sale. When 1995 rolled around, I was21 years old and living the good life in college. This is when Toy Storydebuted in theatres. I was drawn to this film. My inner child demanded I seethis. This tale of a boy and his toys had brought back a part of my childhoodthat had long faded into the background of my memory. Yet, as soon as the moviestarted, those long forgotten memories rushed to the foreground and demanded myfull attention. When you look at Woody, you don’t see a toy; you feel that heis alive. I hugged them when I slept.
Examiner:What’s the difference between the toys girls like and boys like?
Candidate:Most girls like dolls, while most boys like toy guns.
Examiner:Why should children play with games?
Candidate:Playing games can help children develop their intelligence.
Examiner:What’s the difference between the toys played in the past and now?
Candidate:In the past, often many families couldn’t afford toys, while nowchildren can ask their parents to buy some interesting toys for them.
Examiner:Do you think that playing with toys will affect children in theirstudies?
小学科学老师的工作总结 小学科学老师学期工作总结(五篇)01-25