Pollution Haze Recently,the topic of air pollution has again aroused more and more attention since pollution haze,a kind of weather,has appeared increasing frequently in our cities.Just as the picture showed,when pollution haze comes,the whole city was covered with suspended particles which can breath into our body causing heavy problem to our health.Due to the bad effect from pollution haze,a green and clear environment,rather than anything else,turns to be an important role and a urgent issue in our daily lives.Meanwhile we just live in only an earth,if we didn’t try to protect our common hometown,we would have no place to settle.Thus,we should take effective measures to rebuild our beautiful environment of the cities from now on.In my opinion,law and regulations should be enforced by the government and authorities to control the emission of polluting gas.To ourselves,we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and choose a green lifestyle to make contribution to our earth day from day.
Open the window, first usher in a burst of biting cold wind, followed by a noisy voice and noise of the noise. The first breath of the air, neither fresh nor refreshing, it is with a thick smell of tobacco and oil, but also mixed with a rotten smell, almost my throat, I violently cough, heavy To close the window. So disgusting, blame it! Sitting on the window, watching the crowd on the street, each of their own cover their tightly, like a strange cloth wrapped. Outside the window, it is a gray, milky white fog to all the objects are shrouded up. Everything seems to be soaked in milk.
Did not go out, so look, but also awkward, but also uncomfortable, I angrily pulled the curtains. In the past, we Nanjing, blue sky is not much, but it is not so bad to the point! Step by step degradation, step by step to fall, irresponsible to human, irresponsible life, irresponsible to do all the activities, how can not be punished! Now many people, including our government, are already aware of this, and the theme of protecting the environment is already loud. But who really do it, and earnestly do it yourself Everyone wants others to do it, and on their own network open side. They thought it was hard to change. But I believe that as long as you do, there will be changes, it will be effective.
Haze, not a natural phenomenon, but entirely due to human hands caused by a very harsh ecological environment. Hate haze, hate haze, this is not appropriate. To curse, should curse human beings, is the human body so that the city was haze layers of the threat. Alas, who knows it, so that human beings in trouble, was actually human beings. Society forward, scientific progress, and can not be at the expense of the environment. And now, most of the real estate business regardless of the environment regardless, only catch the construction period, only catch the efficiency, just to make money. The city is a large site, flying around the dust. So PM2.5 this dangerous substances continue to produce, continue to manufacture. Fog, haze, haze, haze became our life in the accompanying line of the rejection of the frequent visitors. People are part of the biological chain, not because of human and all the biological coexistence of nature, human beings do not personally destroyed the nature!
雾霾, 简而言之就是雾与霾的混合体, 雾是由地表的微小水滴或一些冰晶体组成的。而霾则主要是由空气中二氧化硫、氮氧化物以及可吸入颗粒物等组成, 雾霾最早发生在美国的洛杉矶, 那是1943年7月26日清晨的事。1943年7月26日清晨, 当美国洛杉矶的居民从睡梦中醒来, 眼前的景象让他们惊呆了:空气中弥漫着浅蓝色的浓雾, 走在路上的人们闻到了刺鼻的气味, 很多人把汽车停在路旁擦拭不断流泪的眼睛。民众们以为受到了日本人化学武器的攻击, 产生了恐慌, 但政府很快出来辟谣, 这不是日本人的毒气, 而是大气中生成了某种不明的有毒物质。[1]
自从2013年1月28日我国第一次发布雾霾预警以来。雾霾问题就成为严重影响我国的重大环境问题, 2013年有关媒体报道, 我国一些城市连日受到雾霾雾气天气的严重影响, 雾霾面积高达130万平方千米, 对我国的各个方面都产生的巨大的影响。比如雾霾会引起酸雨、光化学烟雾现象, 造成大气能见度下降, 妨碍水、陆、空交通;由于光线不足影响植物的光合作用, 对农业生产造成危害。同时会造成很多疾病等等。在柴静的纪录片《穹顶之下》中我们得到一组数据。2014年部分城市污染天数:北京175天, 天津197天, 沈阳152天, 成都125天, 兰州112天, 石家庄264天, 杭州都有200多天。雾霾天气已经成为我国一个十分严重的环境问题。
刑事政策是指国家基于预防犯罪、控制犯罪以保障自由、维持秩序、实现正义的目的而制定、实施的准则、策略、方针、计划及具体措施的总称。[2]刑事政策的根本目的就是维护社会稳定、实现社会正义。因此为了应对我国日益严重的雾霾问题, 政府或社会必须制定出相关的法律法规和相关政策。
(一) 完善环境保护法律法规, 加强环境立法
我国目前关于大气污染的法律只有《刑法》、《环保法》和《大气污染防治法》, 中的极少法条。据笔者统计涉及到大气污染的在《刑法》中只有刑法分则第6章第6节的第338条即污染环境罪一条在2014年4月24日修订通过的并于2015年1月1日开始实施的新的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》中, 只有第2条和第24条涉及到了大气污染方面, 并且特别宽泛的一带而过。而我国的《大气污染防治法》虽然有不少大气污染的规定, 可是迄今为止, 《大气污染防治法》在我国几乎也没有被适用过。并且现行的法律《大气污染防治法》中, 政府宣示型条款较多, 但是实际操作的法条很少, 使得我国的法律责任机制不够完善。因此在这方面我们要借鉴英国治理雾霾的经验, 英国在1952年的雾霾事件后, 决心治霾, 从1956年开始陆续出台了《清洁空气法》、《污染控制法》、《汽车燃料法》、《空气质量标准》、《环境保护法》等等一系列的空气污染防法律法规, 并且不断根据现实情况进行完善。[3]目前英国的空气污染方面的法律法规已经相当完善。我国也必须向英国学习, 制定出完善的法律法规。在治理雾霾上做到“有法可依”。
(二) 完善法律责任追究制度
雾霾的出现已经严重威胁到人们的生活, 这就要求我国政府加大空气污染防治力度。针对我国目前空气污染违法成本偏低的漏洞, 应该加大企业违法排放污染物的处罚力度, 有效解决“违法成本低、守法成本高”的问题。首先, 采取按日处罚方式, 提升企业违法成本, 有效抑制企业污染物的排放。其次, 国家要加强查处企业的污染物排放情况。大气污染问题和水污染问题并不相同, 大气污染问题较为隐蔽。因此国家要加强执法机制的建设, 督促企业无法进行违法操作。[4]最后, 我国环境执法部门要强化空气环境的检察与检测力度, 同时行政执法机关要切实做到“执法必严, 违法必究”。随着新“污染环境罪”的重新设定, 有关机关要注意行政执法和刑事责任之间的衔接。一旦触犯了刑法第338条的规定及时的移交给司法机关进行处理。
总之, 雾霾天气给我国的居民的衣食住行都造成的很多不便, 同时威胁着人们的身体健康和国家经济发展。所以, 我们要提高“识霾、防霾、治霾”的意识, 同时不断的制定和完善我国的空气污染方面的法律法规, 加大惩治力度。争取早日让人民脱离“霾海”。
摘要:随着经济社会的发展以及人们生活水平的不断升高, 环境问题越来越受到人们的重视, 在21世纪今天, 我们不仅要实现经济快速发展, 更要处理好经济发展同环境保护的关系。而在众多环境问题中, 雾霾问题无疑是近两年来亟需解决的一个十分严重环境问题。本文通过介绍雾霾问题的现状及危害, 从刑事政策方面出发, 为解决雾霾问题提供几点意见和建议。
[1]吕炜.观美国雾霾之历史[J].世界环境, 2015 (3) :69.
[2]何秉松.刑事政策学[M].北京:群众出版社, 2002:12.
[3]杨拓, 张德辉.英国伦敦雾霾治理经验及启示[J].当代经济管理, 2014 (4) :50.
I’m glad to receive your letter. Thanks for your caring for the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog in Jiangxi.
Up to now, the smog has occurred many times, which has done great harm to our daily life. Many traffic accidents have happened.
Quite a lot of flights have to be put off. Many people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog.
People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.
People are taking measures to reduce the smog weather. The government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic. Also we should plant more trees.
As for me, I’ll go to school by bike or on foot.
In addition, I will tell people around to protect the environment as possible as they can. Would you like to tell me some good ideas?
Looking forward to your reply.
The haze problem is the result of people’s pursuit for the profit, what people did to the environment now has been paid back by the environment. Now people have realized the revenge from the nature is so huge, protecting the environment is the main task. No matter how bad the environment is, people still need to do something to fix their mistake.