安徒生童话 英文版
1.打火匣/ The Tinder-Box
2.小克劳斯与大克劳斯/ Great Claus and Little Claus 11
3. 豌豆上的公主/ The Princess on the Pea 23
4. 小 意达的花儿/ Little Ida誷 Flowers 25
5. 拇指姑娘/ Thumbelina 34
6. 顽皮的孩子/ The Naughty Boy 46
7. 旅伴/ The Travelling Companion 49
8. 海的女儿/ The Little Sea Maid 69
9. 皇帝的新装/ The Emperor誷 New Clothes 91
10. 幸运的套鞋/ The Goloshes of Fortune 97
11. 雏菊/ The Daisy 123
12. 坚定的锡兵/ The Hardy Tin Soldier 128
13. 野天鹅/ The Wild Swans 133
14. 天国花园/ The Garden of Paradise 149
15. 飞箱/ The Flying Trunk 163
16. 鹳鸟/ The Storks 170
17. 铜猪/ The Metal Pig 176
18. 永恒的友情/ The Bond of Friendship 188
19. 荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰/A Rose From the Grave of Homer 197
20. 梦神/ Ole Luk-Oie 199
21. 玫瑰花精/ The Rose-Elf 212
22. 猪倌/ The Swineherd 218
23. 荞麦/ The Buckwheat 224
24. 安琪儿/ The Angel 227
25. 夜莺/ The Nightingale 231
26. 恋人/ The Lovers 242
27. 丑小鸭/ The Ugly Duckling 245
28. 枞树/ The Fir Tree 255
29. 白雪皇后/ The Snow Queen 265
30. 接骨木树妈妈/ The Elder Tree Mother 295
31. 织补针/ The Darning-Needle 303
32. 钟声/ The Bell 307
33. 祖母/ Grandmother 313
34. 妖山/ The Elf-Hill 316
35. 红鞋/ The Red Shoes 323
36. 跳高者/ The Jumper 330
37. 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人/ The Shepherdess and
the Chimney- Sweeper 333
38. 丹麦人荷尔格/ Holger the Dane 339
39. 卖火柴的小女孩/ The Little Match Girl 344
40. 城堡上的一幅画/ A Picture From the Fortress Wall 347
41. 瓦尔都窗前的一瞥/ By the Almshouse Window 349
42. 老路灯/ The Old Street Lamp 352
43. 邻居们/ The Neighbouring Families 359 44. 小杜克/ Little Tuk 369
45. 影子/ The Shadow 374
46. 老房子/ The Old House 387
47. 一滴水/ The Drop of Water 395
48. 幸福的家庭/ The Happy Family 398
49. 母亲的故事/ The Story of a Mother 402
50. 衬衫领子/ The Shirt Collar 408
51. 亚麻/ The Flax 412
52. 凤凰/ The Phoenix Bird 417
53. 一个故事/ A Story 419
54. 一本不说话的书/ The Dumb Book 424
55. 区别/ 襎here Is a Difference 427
56. 老墓碑/ The Old Gravestone 431中 篇
57. 世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰花/ The Loveliest Rose
in the World 437
58. 一年的故事/ The Story of the Year 440
59. 最后的一天/ On the Last Day 449
THERE was once a Prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she was to be a real princess. So he travelled about , all through the world , to find a real one , but everywhere there was something in the way. There were princesses enough, but whether they were real princesses he could not quite make out : there was always something that did not seem quite right. So he came home again, and was quite sad; for he wished so much to have a real princess.
One evening a terrible storm came on. It lightened and thundered, the rain streamed down; it was quite fearful! Then there was a knocking at the town-gate, and the old King went out to open it .
It was a Princess who stood outside the gate . But , mercy! How she looked, from the rain and the rough weather! The water ran down her hair and her clothes; it ran in at the points of her shoes, and out at the heels; and yet she declared that she was a real princess .
“Yes , we will soon find that out , ” thought the old Queen. But she said nothing, only went into the bedchamber, took all the bedding off, and put a pea on the bottom of the bedstead ; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them upon the pea, and then twenty eider-down quilts upon the mattresses . On this the Princess had to lie all night . In the morning she was asked how she had slept .
“Oh, miserably!” said the Princess. “I scarcely closed my eyes all night long. Goodness knows what was in my bed . I lay upon something hard , so that I am black and blue all over . It is quite dreadful ! ”
Now they saw that she was a real princess, for through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down quilts she had felt the pea. No one but a real princess could be so tender-skinned.
So the Prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a true princess and the pea was put in the museum, and it is still to be seen there, unless somebody has carried it off .
儿童阅读童话的心理图示研究是儿童在阅读童话时, 围绕着童话故事中所讲述的故事内容为主线, 以知识的储存为目标, 通过有序的组织和积极的引导, 能够有效地透过故事的表面抓住故事的本质, 实现童话故事的升华。以此, 来帮助儿童树立正确的是非观, 形成知识体系网络图示构筑的现象, 有效地塑造儿童健康向上的人格特征, 进行思想启蒙。
1. 童话心理图示, 让儿童了解童话故事的本身, 实现社会知识的积攒
童话, 以儿童作为主要的受众, 其语言通俗直白, 易理解, 极具生活哲理和处事原则。童话故事一般具有浓厚的幻想色彩, 跌宕起伏的情节设置中, 针对儿童阅读童话时的心理图示显示, 融入了夸张、象征、拟人的写作手法, 塑造鲜活的人物形象, 赋予动物等以人的生命, 满足儿童的好奇心, 走进儿童的心灵。安徒生童话以其独特的艺术风格成为童话文学中的佼佼者, 歌颂世间美好事物, 但又独具讽刺意味, 对比鲜明, 效果显著, 教会儿童那颗懵懂的心灵分辨善恶, 辨别真伪, 形成健康向上的价值观和人生观, 儿童在阅读安徒生童话时的心理图示有着不可忽视的思想启蒙意义。也正是因为安徒生童话的此种意义, 它才成为床头书籍的首选, 成为广大的家长朋友们教育孩子的蓝本。
2. 童话心理图示, 让儿童紧握童话故事的本质, 实现精神情感升华
童话是一种社会性的文学表现形式, 儿童阅读童话所形成的童话心理图示能够让儿童锻炼抽象思维能力, 剖开浮华的表象, 紧紧握住童话的本质, 实现精神情感升华。瑞士心理学家维雷娜·卡斯特在其《童话的心理分析》中指出“较之神话、传说, 童话因其不涉地域政治和意识形态, 具备人类共有的经验框架而受到不同国界的人们的欢迎”。根据心理图示的理论依据, 儿童阅读童话的心理图示研究主要是关于儿童对于童话知识的综合性概括理解, 是对于童话故事的全方位的认知, 同时更是深刻地把握童话故事背后潜在的意义和价值。针对儿童阅读童话的心理图示研究讲究的不仅仅是童话故事的本身, 更是在某一个童话故事能够带给儿童的那种精神意义, 主要呈现出递增的关系, 是实现由浅易深, 由表象转化为本质, 由具体到抽象的延伸和发展的重要研究, 从而使得童话故事能够充分地发挥其自身的教育价值, 对儿童起到启蒙作用。《安徒生童话》中的经典之作《丑小鸭》, 在苛刻地以外貌看人的环境下, 丑小鸭受到了来自各方面的嘲笑和欺负, 成为了一只可怜的“鸭子”, 但丑小鸭没有因此而自卑, 没有自暴自弃, 在历经了困苦之后, 丑小鸭悄然间变成了美丽的天鹅。丑小鸭的经历告诉儿童, 生活中难免有困难, 难免有不如意, 但是只要坚定信念不放弃, 风雨之后, 迎接自己的将会是美丽的彩虹, 这教会孩子不懈地追求和奋斗。
结语:总之, 儿童正处于人格塑造的特殊时期, 童话是儿童文学中饱含人生哲理的体裁创新, 童话故事的阅读在儿童心理图示构成过程中发挥着重要的作用。通过阐述儿童阅读童话的心理图示的内涵, 深刻地研究和探讨了构筑儿童阅读童话的心理图示脉络的重要性和必要性, 并提出了积极引导和正确推进儿童阅读童话时的心理图示形成的措施, 以期提高儿童的语言表现能力, 利用童话故事为儿童提供一个消极情绪宣泄的释放口, 提高儿童的抽象思维能力, 有效地解决儿童的心理冲突, 能够在童话的旅程中, 感悟到成长的艰辛和需要付出的代价, 获得珍贵的成长经验, 促进自身的健康成长。
摘要:童话是儿童文学体裁中的一种饱含着人生哲理的体裁创新, 是能够通往儿童内心世界的桥梁, 是人类千百年以来智慧的积淀。童话故事让儿童能够在充满着梦幻的世界中去不断地认识自己, 感知社会, 憧憬未来。童话故事的阅读儿童在心理图示构成过程中发挥着重要的作用, 无可替代。本文以安徒生童话为例, 通过详细地阐述儿童阅读童话的心理图示的内涵, 深刻地研究和探讨了构筑儿童阅读童话的心理图示脉络的重要性和必要性, 以期有效地解决儿童的心理冲突, 在童话的旅程中, 感悟到成长的艰辛和代价, 获得珍贵的成长经验, 促进健康成长。
The Most Incredible Thing
THE one who could do the most incredible thing should have the king’s daughter and the half of his kingdom.
The young men, and even the old ones, strained all their thoughts, sinews, and muscles; two ate themselves to death, and one drank until he died, to do the most incredible thing according to their own taste, but it was not in this way it was to be done. Little boys in the streets practised spitting on their own backs, they considered that the most incredible thing.
On a certain day an exhibition was to be held of what each had to show as the most incredible. The judges who were chosen were children from three years old to people up in the sixties. There was a whole exhibition of incredible things, but all soon agreed that the most incredible was a huge clock in a case marvellously designed inside and out.
On the stroke of every hour living figures came out, which showed what hour was striking: there were twelve representations in all, with moving figures and with music and conversation.
“That was the most incredible thing,” the people said.
The clock struck one, and Moses stood on the mountain and wrote down on the tables of the law the first commandment, “There is only one true God.”
The clock struck two, and the garden of Eden appeared, where Adam and Eve met, happy both of them, without having so much as a wardrobe; they did not need one either.
On the stroke of three, the three kings from the East were shown; one of them was coal-black, but he could not, help that,—the sun had blackened him. They came with incense and treasures.
On the stroke of four came the four seasons: spring with a cuckoo on a budding beech-bough; summer with a grasshopper on a stalk of ripe corn; autumn with an empty stork’s nest-the birds were flown; winter with an old crow which could tell stories in the chimney-corner, old memories.
When the clock struck five, the five senses appeared sight as a spectacle-maker, hearing as a coppersmith, smell sold violets and woodruff, taste was cook, and feeling was an undertaker with crape down to his heels.
The clock struck six; and there sat a gambler who threw the dice, and the highest side was turned up and showed six.
Then came the seven days of the week, or the seven deadly sins, people were not certain which; they belonged to each other and were not easily distinguished.
Then came a choir of monks and sang the eight o’clock service.
On the stroke of nine came the nine muses; one was busy with astronomy; one with historical archives; the others belonged to the theatre.
On the stroke of ten, Moses again came forward with the tables of the law, on which stood all God’s commandments, and they were ten.
The clock struck again; then little boys and girls danced and hopped about. They played a game, and sang, “Two and two and seven, the clock has struck eleven.”
When twelve struck the watchman appeared with his fur cap and halberd: he sang the old watch verse:
“Twas at the midnight hour
Our Saviour He was born.”
And while he sang, roses grew and changed into angel-beads borne on rainbow-coloured wings.
It was charming to hear, and lovely to see. The whole was a matchless work of art—the most incredible thing, every one said.
The designer of it was a young man, good-hearted and happy as a child, a true friend, and good to his old parents; he deserved the Princess and the half of the kingdom.
The day of decision arrived; the whole of the town had a holiday, and the Princess sat on the throne, which had got new horse-hair, but which was not any more comfortable. The judges round about looked very knowingly at he one who was to win, and he stood glad and confident; his good fortune was certain, he had made the most incredible thing.
“No, I shall do that now!” shouted just then a long bony fellow. “I am the man for the most incredible thing,” and he swung a great axe at the work of art.
“Crash, crash!” and there lay the whole of it. Wheels and springs flew in all directions; everything was destroyed.
“That I could do!” said the man. “My work has overcome his and overcome all of you. I have done the most incredible thing.”
“To destroy such a work of art!” said the judges. “Yes, certainly that is the most incredible thing.”
All the people said the same, and so he was to have the Princess and the half of the kingdom, for a promise is a promise, even if it is of the most incredible kind.
It was announced with trumpet-blast from the ramparts and from all the towers that the marriage should be celebrated. The Princess was not quite pleased about it, but she looked charming and was gorgeously dressed. The church shone with candles; it shows best late in the evening. The noble maidens of the town sang and led the bride forward; the knights sang and accompanied the bridegroom. He strutted as if he could never be broken.
Now the singing stopped and one could have heard a pin fall, but in the midst of the silence the great church door flew open with a crash and clatter, and boom! boom! the whole of the clock-work came marching up the passage and planted itself between the bride and bridegroom. Dead men cannot walk again, we know that very well, but a work of art can walk again; the body was knocked to pieces, but not the spirit; the spirit of the work walked, and that in deadly earnest.
The work of art stood there precisely as if it were whole and untouched. The hours struck, the one after the other, up to twelve, and the figures swarmed forward; first Moses: flames of fire seemed to flash from his forehead; he threw the heavy stone tables down on the feet of the bridegroom and pinned them to the church floor.
“I cannot lift them again,” said Moses, “you have knocked my arm off! Stand as you stand now!”
Then came Adam and Eve, the wise men from the East, and the four Seasons; each of these told him unpleasant truths, and said “For shame!”
But he was not in the least ashamed.
All the figures which each stroke of the clock had to exhibit came out of it, and all increased to a terrible size; there seemed scarcely to he room for the real people; and when at the stroke of twelve the watchman appeared with his fur cap and halberd, there was a wonderful commotion; the watchman walked straight up to the bridegroom and struck him on the forehead with his halberd.
“Lie there,” he said, “like for like! we are avenged and our master as well! we vanish!”
And so the whole work disappeared; but the candles round about in the church became great bouquets, and the gilded stars on the ceiling of the church sent out long, clear beams, and the organ played of itself. All the people said it was the most incredible thing they had ever experienced.
“Will you then summon the right one!” said the Princess, “the one who made the work of art; let him be my lord and husband.”