


achieving 篇1

前人已经做过大量基于语料库的英语学习者中介语的研究 (Lu 2005; Wang and Wang 2005; Wei 2006) , 但鲜有研究根据Sinclair (2004) 提出的扩展意义单位理论对中国学习者在近义词对上的掌握情况做全面的对比分析。“拓展意义单位研究, 即将词语的形式与意义综合一体的最大路径研究 (张绪华2010) ”, 其主要内容包含5 个要素:节点词、类联接、核心搭配、语义选择趋向、语义韵 (Stubbs 2009) 。本文在此理论基础上, 以gain和achieve为例, 探究中国英语学习者对近义词对的使用情况。并试图回答以下三个问题:




1 研究方法

1.1 语料库及研究工具

本研究共使用两个语料库:以英国国家语料库 (British National Corpus, 简称BNC) 和中国英语学习者语料库 (Chinese Learner English Corpus, 简称CLEC) 。BNC共包含112, 181, 015字符, 书面语和口语共存, 是现代英式英语的代表。为了使两个语料库更具对比性, 本文只选取该语料库的书面语部分作为研究对象。CLEC包含1, 084, 464 字符, 收集了中学生、大学英语4 级和6 级、专业英语低年级和高年级在内的5 种学生的书面语料。

本文选取Sketch Engine作为研究工具来确定准确的、最相近的近义词对。该引擎自动总结了一词的语法和语义搭配行为, 是一款语料库驱动查询系统, 由Adam Kilgarriff在2003年建立。同时本文还使用Wordsmith 6.0来检索具体的索引行。

1.2 研究过程

本文的具体研究过程如下: (1) 从Sketch Engine同义词典的版块下选取gain一词; (2) 通过Sketch Engine和wordsmith 6.0 计算出近义词对在两个语料库的频数; (3) 检索出近义词对的相应索引行, 并观察它们的类联接、核心搭配、语义趋向以及语义韵;每个节点词都会从两个语料库中各随机抽出100个索引行进行研究, 并且只选取节点词的动词词形。

2 研究结果和讨论

2.1 近义词对的确定

表1 显示的是Sketch Engine在BNC中搜索出的分数最高的前五个近义词。可以看出achieve在这五个近义词中分数最高, 因此被选为本研究中gain的近义词。

2.2 总体频率

表2 显示gain和achieve在两个语料库中的绝对频数和相对频数。

表2 显示gain在两个语料库的对数似然函数值为+88.46, achieve为-7.79。结果表明与BNC相比, gain在CLEC中显著地被过度使用, 而achieve则被少用。



结果显示gain共有3 个主要的类联接搭配:V n, V from以及V in。其中V n出现的频数最高, 在CLEC中出现95 次, 在BNC中出现88 次。结果同时表明比起英语母语者, 中国英语学习者显著地少用了类联接形式V from (对数似然函数值为-6.93) 。

本研究检索出gain搭配词并按互信值 (mutual information, 简称MI) 的高低进行排列。表4 显示了BNC中gain的30 个最高频的搭配词 (括号中的数字为该词出现的频率) 。

检索结果显示experience、confidence、understanding以及advantage为gain在BNC中的最高频搭配词。根据随机抽取的100条的索引行来看, gain经常和以下4个语义群的名词搭配:资质/能力、良好情感、经济实体和积极状态。以下是该4 个语义群的具体搭配词:

1) 资质/能力:

experience (8) , advantage (3) , access (3) , skill (2) , knowledge (2) , aptitude, mastery, attainment, insight, nomination, expertise, flexibility, independence

2) 良好情感:

understanding (4) , confidence (4) , favor, satisfaction, loyalty3

3) 经济实体:,

taxes, compensation, possession4

) 积极状态

stature, supremacy, altitude, momentum

从语法角度来讲, 这些名词都为动词gain的宾语。从语义层面来讲, 这些名词大多会伴随具有积极评价意义的形容词修饰语, 包括better (2) , new (2) , greater, genuine, improved, competitive, complete, maxim, intrinsic andtemporary等。具体例子如下:

(1) This is an opportunity for the public to gain a better awareness and understanding of the work of the artist.

(2) We gain anewsense of loyalty, steadfastness and fidelity that are not our own.

同时, 从对左边的共现搭配来看, gain通常会吸引具有努力或困难的意义的动词词组, 包括try to (3) , help (3) , manage to (2) , attempt to, in an effort to and strive to, 具体例子如下:

(3) Soviet officials stillmade an effortto gain support for them from the Indian Ocean Third World states and the non-aligned nations in general.

(4) ...eachstriving togain the upper hand in military might and ideological influence over the developing countries.

表5显示的是shows 30 the most significant collocates of gain在CLEC中30 个最高频的搭配词, 其中最高频的为experience (7) , knowledge (6) , success (6) , improvement (2) , achievement (2) , benefit (2) and nothing (2) 。

根据随机抽取的100 条的索引行来看, gain经常和以下4个语义群的名词搭配:资质/能力、良好情感、经济实体和进步/成功。以下是该4个语义群的具体搭配词:

1) 资质/能力:

experience (7) , knowledge (6) , insight, degree, independence, health

2) 良好情感:

admiration, approval, smile, enjoyment, interest, confidence, happiness

3) 经济实体:

profit, benefit, award, wage, wealth, fortune4/

4) 进步/成功:

success (6) , advancement, achievement, improvement, victory, reputation

很明显, gain在两个语料库中的前三个搭配语义群呈一一对应关系, 但其中具体的搭配词并不相同。除此之外, 和BNC相同, 从语法层面来看这些名词都作为动词gain的宾语出现。语义上来讲, 许多名词也都会伴随具有积极评价意义的形容词修饰语, 包括fresh (3) , best (2) , good, great, better, tranquil and equal等。具体例子如下:

(5) Then I'm sure that developing countries will gain good health even more than that of developed countries.

(6) They want to learn from them the way to treat life and death, and then to gain atranquilmind.

尽管如此, 不难发现比起英语母语者, 中国英语学习者在形容词的使用上数量更少, 语义范围也更单一。这一差别有可能归结于中国英语学习者在词汇量以及语言能力上的匮乏。此外, 检索结果还发现了一个中国英语学习者独有的特点, 除了使用描述性形容词, 他们还较多使用了指示数量意义的形容词或词组, 例如more (17) , large, high, ample, plenty of/ a lot of, wide等。具体例句如下:

(7) The developing countries will gainmuch moreimprovement of health.

(8) Hence, he will gainampleexperience through practice.

通过以上对于gain在BNC和CLEC中搭配词及语义趋向的分析, 我们可以发现在这两个语料库中, 大部分的搭配词都具有积极语义韵。表6显示了其具体信息。

据表6, gain在两个语料库中的积极语义韵强度均为0.89, 并且三组对数似然函数值也并未显示统计学意义上的显著差异。因此我们可以得出结论, 即中国英语学习者和英语母语者在使用动词gain时都会表现出强烈的积极语义韵。

2.4 近义词achieve


结果表明在BNC中只有一种类联接搭配, 即V n。显然中国英语学习者语料库出现了4次错用, 将错用为achieve不及物动词;同时对数似然函数值也证实了这一错用的结论。


结果显示objectives (4) , balance (4) , goals (3) , independence (2) 等为BNC中achieve的最高频搭配词。100 条随机索引行显示achieve经常和以下3 个语义群的名词搭配:积极状态、目标和经济实体。以下为具体的搭配词:

1) 积极状态:

balance (4) , independence (2) , efficiency (2) , effects (2) , adulthood, breadth, integration, greatness, accuracy, stability, attainment, dominance, relevance, compromise, solutions, acquisition

2) 目标:

objectives goals aims, ends, ideal3

3) 经济实体:

surplus, inflation, welfare, coverage, standards, data

语法上说, 这些名词都是作为动词achieve的宾语出现。语义上说, 正如gain一样, 这些名词的前面都会共现具有积极评价意义的形容词修饰语, 包括:higher, particular, agreed, legendary, acceptable, all-time, historic, independent, desirable, enhanced, improved, full, positive以及right. 具体例子如下:

(9) ...and aimed at achievingdesirablefiscal limits.

(10) ...and to request the UN to assist in achieving anacceptablesolution.

同样, achieve会在左侧吸引一些指示困难或努力意义的动词、动词词组或副词, 例如assist/help (4) , attempt to (2) , finally, eventually, largely, have problems in, be difficult to以及work hard to。具体例子如下:

(11) ...until a state of health can sometimeseventuallybe achieved.

(12) The first two solutions were difficult to achieve.


结果显示CLEC中achieve的搭配词明显不如BNC中的丰富, 少了近三分之二之多。同时结果还显示了一个有趣的现象, 中国英语学习者还很“独具特色”地重复用词, 例如achieve achievements。此外, CLEC中和achieve频繁共现的名词可大致分为2个语义群:目标以及进步/成功:

1) 目标:

goal aim purpose scores degree

) 进步成功: (16) ,

success (16) , achievement (3) , development (2) , improvement

正如英语母语者, 中国英语学习者也会使用一些形容词修饰语来描述名词性搭配词, 如great (4) , stronger (2) , equal (2) , high, better, eternal, historic and fast;同时也会使用一些动词词组来表达achieve暗含的困难度, 例如try to (12) , help (3) , take lifetime to, strive to, be anxious to等。尽管如此, 对于这两个群体所使用的修饰语对比可以揭示中国英语学习者在词汇丰富度上的极度匮乏。

通过以上对于achieve在BNC和CLEC中搭配词及语义趋向的分析, 我们可以发现在这两个语料库中, 大部分的搭配词都具有积极语义韵。表10显示了其具体信息。

表10 显示achieve在CLEC和BNC中的积极语义韵强度分别为为0.91和0.96, 因此其具有强烈的积极语义韵。并且对数似然函数值也并未显示两个语料库在这三种语义韵强度对比上有显著差异, 因此中国英语学习者和英语母语者在使用achieve及其共现搭配上时都表现出十分积极的评价态度。

3 结论

首先, 对于英语母语者, gain和achieve都具有明显的积极语义韵并且暗示了完成这两个行为的困难度。然而这两个近义词对在类联接搭配和语义趋向上却又明显差异。除了类联接搭配V n, gain也会和特定介词共现, 即in和from. 在语义趋向层面, gain经常和具有情感意义的名词搭配;然而achieve会和具有目标意义的名词搭配, 因此这一对近义词并不能混淆使用。

其次, 与英语母语者相比, 中国英语学习者过度使用了gain但却显著地少用了achieve。这一现象有可能归结于在实际课堂上gain先于achieve被介绍给学生。

最后, 中国英语学习者已经习得了gain一词的积极语义韵的使用, 以及其主要的类联接搭配。但他们出现了错把achieve当作不及物动词使用的现象;并且他们并没有完全掌握这对近义词的核心搭配, 即他们忽视了gain的“积极状态”这一语义趋向, 并错误地使用了“进步/成功”这一语义趋向。

因此中国英语学习者出现的过度使用、少用或者错用的现象揭示了他们在语言能力及词汇积累上的不足, 这些问题也会造成他们不能用英语充分地、精确地表达自己的观点。同时我们也应该高度重视在实际课堂上, 学生及老师都只重视词汇的表面意义, 忽视在句法、语义和语用上综合学习的现象。


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achieve的用法和搭配 篇2


They had achieved a lot in a short space of time.


She achieved some measure of success with her first book.


They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force.


You can only achieve success through hard work.


The firm has achieved a dominant position in the world market.

achieving 篇3

China has a long tradition of stressing filial piety, and filial piety forms the core of family values. Some people welcome the filial piety standards, holding that it’s beneficial to passing on the traditional virtue in modern society. However, some said those standards may not be so easy to implement. For example, one standard requires children “to express love to your parents verbally.” This is not easy for the majority of Chinese, who do not have the Western habit of saying “I love you” to people around them, including their parents. The following are excerpts of some opinions:

Updated code of conduct

Fu Dalin (The Beijing Times): The purpose of putting forward the filial piety standards is to promote the traditional Chinese virtue of respecting the elderly.

The filial stories in old times have been passed down from generation to generation, but in the process of modernization, these stories are losing their esteem as the status of filial piety in society is being shaken. In some extreme cases, children refuse to support their elderly parents and even abuse them. These unfortunate elderly people don’t feel any filial piety from their children.

Compared with the traditional filial devotion, these new standards are more up to date and relevant to modern society. They emphasize the psychological care for the elderly, for instance. However, in modern society based on the rule by law, inner moral discipline is being replaced by external legal regulation. In this case, filial piety—which depends on people’s moral sense and inner discipline—seems unable to prevail in modern society. What we need now is a code of conduct that helps to persuade people to practice filial piety.

These standards do not intend to force people to obey filial principles by law and do not demand that everyone strictly carry out every item. Instead, it offers a guideline for the country’s youth to trace back to the roots of China’s family-oriented culture and practice filial piety in their own flexible ways.

Yuan Guangkuo (www.xinhuanet. com): The filial piety standards are actually an innovative way of inheriting the essence of filial culture. It’s easy to see that many items in the old filial code of conduct are out of date. For example, one story tells of a son lying down on the surface of a frozen river in order to thaw the ice to catch a fish for his stepmother. Today it is necessary to update the code of conduct while leaving the core message of filial piety unchanged.

The most striking highlight of the new standards is its close connection to modern life, which reflects what the elderly people need the most in modern times. For example, it is mentioned that children should teach their parents how to use the Internet or buy suitable insurance for their parents. These two items embody the change and development of society. Besides, the new standards also mention that children should encourage a single parent to get remarried. This is a breakthrough for traditional Chinese thinking, fully demonstrating children’s care for their parents’psychological and spiritual health.

Doubts and controversies on the new filial piety standards are to be expected. Actually, as a moral requirement for human beings, filial piety is unlikely to have perfect standards. The standards are not rigid doctrines, but a kind of reminder and suggestion to value the family. The new standards can be seen as an objective. People should strive for the goal, but we needn’t force anyone to honor all of the items.

Unrealistic goals

Shao Junguo (Jinan Daily): The new standards are very specific. However, most lowincome people will find the new standards too ambitious. To what extent can we expect these people to attain these filial objectives?

Real filial piety is not something to be shown off to others, but something buried deep in one’s heart—an expression of gratitude. Due to different living and working environment, the ways of practicing filial piety are of course different.

Actually, parents do not have too much to demand from their children. The young generation only needs to try their best to fulfill their parents’ basic material needs and respect their free choices. When these things are done, even if there are no filial standards to determine what the children must do, elderly people can still live a fulfilling life with their children.

Xiao Fuxing (The Beijing News): Filial culture is something that is supposed to take shape and develop naturally among ordinary people. As for the government, it can try to steer the society toward filial devotion by building up more state-run nursing homes, which will have a more tangible effect than issuing filial standards.

China has entered the aging period, faced with pressing demographic problems. As the traditional model of family supporting the elderly is still mainstream, whether children respect their elderly parents will decide if the old people can live a happy life in their final years. The issuing of the new filial standards shows that this social problem is being noticed by the majority, but the question is, what is the use of issuing such items like, “teach- ing parents to use the Internet,” “supporting a single parent to get remarried,” or “calling your parents every week?”

I doubt whether such a set of standards of filial devotion can help to reverse the trend of slipping filial piety in society. The foundation of filial piety is morality. Today, many factors have led to the deterioration of the society’s moral standards, so it’s quite doubtful that the new filial standards can really reach the expected goal.

The aging population is a social problem that demands an urgent solution. However, the solution does not lie in the issuing of these new filial standards, but in the restoration of social morality and filial ethics.

Deng Haijian (China Youth Daily): The ambitious new filial standards seem out of reach for the vast majority of Chinese.

These new standards are easier to understand and more up to date and thus will surely help to promote filial piety and even the overall moral level in the Chinese society. But, there are still critical questions about them.

Are these standards really the ideal for elderly people in their late years? For example, the new standards require that children should always bring their parents to important activities, teach them to use the Internet, take photos and hold birthday parties for them. The fact is that for the elderly parents living in China’s vast rural areas, these items are absolutely impossible. These goals are not even easily attainable for people living in urban areas. What the elderly people need is not occasional grand ceremonies, but humble yet sustainable care. Photo taking, banquets and other important occasions—is this really the so-called filial piety they need?

achieving 篇4


achieve的用法1:achieve常用作及物动词,基本意思是“取得”“获得”,如取得成就、成果或获得胜利、成功等; 也可以表示经长期努力而“实现”“达到”“完成”,如实现目标、愿望,达到目的,完成计划等。achieve多用于美好的事物,一经获得便永远受益且不易丧失,一般不与贬义词连用。


achieve的用法3:achieve偶尔也用作宾补动词,接以“as n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。

achieving 篇5

Mr. Thomas J. Donohue, Presi-dent and CEO of the U.S._Chamber of Commerce, Mr.Yasuo Hayashi, Chairman and CEO ofthe Japan External Trade Organization,and Mr. Madhav Sharma, Chief Repre-sentative of the Confederation of IndianIndustries Shanghai RepresentativeOffice, will have a busy late October asall of these senior officers will take partin the 2007 China (Wuxi) InternationalCooperation Forum for Commercial As-sociations & International Business Ex-change Conference. The event will takeplace on October 18 and 19 in Wuxi, abeautiful city in Southern China's Ji-angsu Province.


achieving 篇6

【Key words】A survey on the correlations; FLA; college students

1.foreign language anxiety

Foreign language Anxiety is a specific anxiety. It is the feeling of tension, uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt and apprehension specifically associated with speaking, listening and learning in foreign language learning contexts. Horwitz et al. presents the three major components of foreign language anxiety: communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation.

2. Methodology

2.1 Research questions

1)How does foreign language anxiety correlate with subjects’ English achievement?

2)What implications can be drawn for college English teaching and learning from the study?

2.2 research subjects

There are 349 students who are randomly chosen in Liaoning University of Technology. However, 24 of them did not answer the questions completely. Therefore, the subjects for the study are 325 college students.

3. The correlations between FLA and English achievement

3.1 Data analysis

3.1.1 The correlations between learners’ overall FLA and their English achievement

3.1.2 Correlations between four categories of FLA and English achievement

In the Table 2, Pearson correlation is performed to detect the relationship between subjects’ four categories of FLA and their English Achievement. The result presents that there is a strong correlation between test anxiety and achievement, communication apprehension and general anxiety are weakly correlated with English achievement, while Fear of negative social evaluation have no correlation with CET3 score with r= -.101 and Sig=.082.

3.2 Discussion

3.2.1 Discussion on the correlations between learners’ overall FLA and their English achievement

As to the correlation between language anxiety level and achievement, the correlation coefficient is-.302. The result shows that there is a medium negative correlation between the FLA and the achievement. That is, the higher the learners’ achievement is, the lower the learners’ language anxiety is. This result is in consistent with these of many previous studies as proficiency increase, anxiety declines in a fairly consistent manner. Poor foreign language achievement, in turn, reinforces foreign language anxiety. Consequently, these two variables affect each other constantly. A student interviewed said: “Because my English is poor, I feel nervous and worried when doing class activities. As a result, without a relaxed emotion and enough confidence, I cannot perform well and get enough practice, so I get involved in a vicious circle.”

3.2.2 Discussion on correlations between four categories of FLA and English achievement


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