
关键词: 缺口 听力 剑桥 商务英语








1. 力争在第一遍就完成80%以上的缺口,在第二遍时完成并校对所有缺口。

2. 缺口顺序完全按照行文顺序。

3. 在听力开始之前仔细阅读第一项文字部分,尤其是缺口部分前的字句,理解其意思,因为不要指望说话人会在提及缺口内容之前说出与缺口部分前的字句完全一致的字句。说话人往往说出与缺口部分前字句意思相同的其他表达,包括使用近义词,近义句等。

4. 缺口部分包括:单个名词或形容词(通常词形比较复杂);两个名词构成的结构;一个形容词和一个名词构成的结构;动词加名词的结构;数词

5. 缺口是名词(或名词结构)的标志是:缺口前有介词的出现

6. 缺口是形容词的标志是:缺口后有名词的出现

7. 缺口是动词(或动词结构)的标志是:缺口后有介词的出现

8. 缺口是数词(或数词结构)的标志是:缺口前后有number、percentage等提示词的出现

9. 当缺口处单词(或结构)过长时,可以在第一遍时进行速记,第二遍时完成。

10. 当确实掌握了缺口处单词的中文意思但又想不出英文时可以用同义词代替。



1. 掌握每一选项的中文意思,想象在每一选项表达或描述的情况下说话人可能使用的字句。

2. 若听到文中内容与某选项完全一致,一般大胆排除该选项。

3. 正确选项中的表述与文中某部分内容存在同义关系。(某部分内容或者只是一个单词或词组;或者是一个句子)

4. 注意说话人语气。(该方法尤其适用于判断说话人的态度)

5. 考生在平时要多了解各种商业场合的语言运用。





3.提示性词语的使用。一般说话人所使用的提示词有:but;but I think;real„;fact is that„;„not the case;it is „ which/that„;

4. 某些词语与答案中的词语为同义词。






8. 结合以上几点,不难发现在本项的正确答案都是间接的给出,通常要经过说话人2到3步的阐述






本项考试内容:涉及个人信息的诸多方面,考官的提问更是千变万化,但一定设计个人信息的某个方面。通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/can you spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray.That’s R-A-Y, Ray.本项考试的目的是:考官借助于对考生个人信息的提问,核对考生考试资格,并通过与考生





2.听清考官所问之问题。若没有听懂,可以要求考官重复其问题。方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型















Opening sentence:______________________________

Main points




Supporting ideas




Concluding sentence:______________________________________________



A.所选择的观点本身是特殊疑问句的格式。例如:how to fill a key vacancy

使用:to„, we should„/ we should„in order to„/we can solve the problem by doing„等句型。例如:To fill a key vacancy, we should„./We should„in order to fill a key vacancy./We can solve the problem by„.B.所选择的观点本身短语的格式。例如:the importance of having a good CV

使用:I think „ is „/In my opinion, „ is „/From my point of view, „ is „等句型

例如:From my point of view, the importance of having a good CV is that„

4.结尾总结时所用的句型:Therefore,„/In a word,„/That’s my opinion./



第三项 问题的讨论和解决



















语言的丰富化与口语化不是一日之功,但也要总结规律。比如,用一些语气词如“well,right?”等和反义疑问句可以使语言较为自然。一些口语化的词组如“icing on the cake,sell like hotcakes,ballyhoo,shelf sitter”等也可以给会话增色。当然粗俗的俚语在商务会话中是不允许的。另外,书面用语如“ne ertheless,furthermore,in addition,utmost”等非但不会让考官欣赏,反而显得做作、不自然。正所谓“过犹不及”,要做到恰到好处,必须对词汇和短语的色彩有精确体会。必须指出的是,口语化不等于散漫化。BEC口语的目的还是为商务主题服务的,所以决不能沦为聊天式的极其随便的对话。要学会运用会话模式,如开题质询观点扩展型对话,并掌握有效的相关口语技巧,如Echo,Objection,Proposition,De elopment,Hypothesis,Definition,Interrogation,Repetition等。关键在于应做到“casual without losing focus”,即“外松内紧”。要注重积累商务案例。对于任一题目,只说一大堆理由,是很难得高分的,即使理由本身非常正确。关键在于必须有活生生的例子说明问题。这一点上,临时抱佛脚是没有用的,务必平时注意收集并在会话中运用恰当的例子。

















BEC高级考试由读、写、听、说四个部分组成。每个部分都单独评分,分为四个档次:由好至差依次为:Exceptional, Good, Borderline, Weak。没有达到Weak的为Fail,一项Fail,就拿不到证书了。BEC高级考试的题型和我们习惯的中国式英语考试(如高考,四六级)和托福有很大区别,因此难度也相应增加。除非你是大牛,一般都要花一定的精力去准备。第一部分、培训班和复习资料


BEC考试官方教材:新编剑桥商务英语(高级)pass Cambridge BEC3学生用书 经济科学出版社,有配套磁带,强烈推荐。里面的内容与真题极为接近,是必备的参考书。考高级的同学中级的教材不妨也买来看看,可以增加商务背景知识,对写作和口语都是有好处的。

听说复旦大学出版社的《剑桥商务英语考试必备高级》(配套磁带)也很不错,我没有用过。另外,有空也可以看看businessweek,the economist等英文杂志。






第六部分是类似于6级的改错题,主要考查语法,难度还是有一点的。做阅读题状态是关键,也就是说考前一定要休息好,让大脑处在清醒的状态。否则文章一长,再加上你可能不熟悉的商务背景,很有可能怎么读都读不懂。第一第二部分是最难的,做不好很容易影响心情。可以在做模拟提的时候就尝试先迅速把后面的题目做掉,留下多点时间来仔细考虑句子填空等难题。考试的时候尽量用自己习惯的顺序做题,以免算不准时间。BEC高级考试一年考两次,5月和11月的第三个周六,整体难度介于六级和高口之间,由读写听说四个部分组成。每个部分都单独评分,分为四个档次:由好至差依次为:Exceptional, Good, Borderline, Weak。





第一部分 简单介绍产品的销售状况:2个月内总销量多少,比之前下降多少,问题严重不得不引起重视等等。

第二部分 具体分析销量下降的原因: 1替代产品出现 2广告投入减少 3未及时开辟新的市场

第三部分 提出建议:1进一步细分市场,改良产品,扩大市场份额 2增加广告投入,提高知名度 3开发新市场,培育新的消费者





第一部分听一个人独白,填12个空(up to 3 words or a number)


第三部分听一段长的对话,做8道三选一的单选题。难度比上面一题稍微低一点。过了,这时要把注意力放在下一题。根据经验,很多复习材料的听力难度远远低于实际考试的难度(包括新东方教材)。而经济科学出版社的教材与考试难度相当。所以好好研究这本教材的听力题是很重要的。关于语音,BEC是英国考试,所以听力自然是BRITAIN ENGLISH。平时听VOA的,可以改听BBC磨耳朵。为了考试只好这样切换,但若你立志学美音,这时要千万警惕不要发生口音掺杂的现象。

主题: 剑桥商务英语考试解题技巧和策略之攻略zt







BEC初级:阅读、写作90分钟,听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间),口试12分钟; BEC中级:阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟; B EC高级:阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试16分钟。临考应该做些什么

刘军认为,今年的考试无论是初级、中级还是高级,其题型、所要考查的知识点与历年相比都不会有太大变化,对此广大考生不必担心。马上就要考试了,考生应当保持一种比较平和的心态,相信自己平时老师上课所讲的内容,力求能够消化一遍,然后好好静下心来对题型进行分析,因为 BEC考试的题型跟考研及英语四、六级考试不太相同。




他提醒广大考生,在有了一定的基础之后,要想取得好成绩,B EC考试还要有一定的解题技巧和策略:








Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps .

For each gap 9– 14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet .

Do not use any letter more than once .

There is an example at the beginning .(0)

Your Career Path Can Lead You Anywhere

We used to be advised to plan our careers. We were told to make a plan during the later stages of our education and continue with it through our working lives.(0)_____ some people still see careers in this way. However, to pursue a single option for life has always been unrealistic.

Planning for a single career assumes that we set out with a full understanding of our likes and dislikes and the employment opportunities open to us. (9)____ For most people this degree of certainty about the future does not exist.

Our initial choice of career path and employer is often based on inadequate knowledge and false perceptions. But with age and experience, we develop new interests and aptitudes and our priorities alter. The structure of the employment market and, indeed of employment itself, is subject to change as both new technologies and new work systems are introduced (10) _____ We must face the uncertainties of a portfolio career.

It is clear from the recent past that we cannot foresee the changes which will affect our working lives. The pace of change is accelerating , as a result of which traditional career plans will be of very limited use. (11)_____ They will need updating to reflect changes in our own interests as well as in the external work environment. Flexible workers already account for about half the workforce. (12)______ We are likely to face periods as contract workers, self-employed freelances, consultants, temps or part-timers.

Many employers encourage staff to write a personal development development (PDP) (13)_____ Although some people use it only to review the skills needed for their job, a PDP could be the nucleus of wider career plan –setting out alternative long-term learning needs and a plan of self-development.

A report issued by the Institute of Employment Studies advises people to enhance their employability by moving from traditional technical skills towards the attainment of a range of transferable skills. (14)_____ Instead, special schemes should be established to encourage people to examine their effectiveness and to consider a wider range of needs.

0 A B C D E F G H

A This dual effect means that the relationship between employers and workers has evolved to such and extent that we can no longer expect a long-term relationship with one employer.

B. It carries an implicit assumption that we ourselves, and the jobs we enter, will change little during our working lives.

C. This growth suggests that a career plan should not be expressed only in terms of full-time employment but should make provision for the possibility of becoming one of the.

D this is a summary of one’s personal learning needs and an action plan to meet them.

E Consequently, they must now accommodate a number of objectives and enable us to prepare for each on a contingency basis.

F However, it warns that employers often identify training needs through formal appraisals, which take too narrow a view of development.

G . Such a freelance of consultant would be constantly in demand.


· For each question 31 - 40 write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

How to make more of meetings

You should know what ends you want to achieve in a meeting before it starts and prepare for it (0)……reading any papers circulated beforehand, and carefully thinking about (31)…… you want to say. This may sound rather boring, but solid preparation is the key to successful meetings: A great (32)……of time and energy can be wasted through simple lack of planning.

The most important issues are not always given the most time in the general running of meetings. People are often unwilling (33)…… discuss important budgetary matters because they do not fully understand them, but (34)…… becomes an expert when it comes to discussing the colour of the new curtains, or what type of coffee to buy The discussion of (35)…… trivial matters as these, therefore, should be saved until the end of the meeting.

During the meeting it is essential to stick to the agenda so (36)……to avoid the common problem of repetition. At the same time you (37)…… to be sensitive to other people s ideas and feelings, and never lose your temper. Be prepared to accept (38)…… implement a suggestion that is contrary to (39)…… own ideas if it is an improvement on them; such honesty and flexibility are signs of good leadership and earn respect.

Finally, remember that when a decision is made it is important to act (40)…… it and to honour all the commitments you have made in the meeting.


Questions 41 - 50

· In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.


1. Customer Relations: the importance of making customers feel valued

2. Company growth: the importance to a company of controlling expansion

3. Marketing: how to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company

4. Time Management: the importance of planning work time effectively

5. Project Development: how to ensure inter-departmental co-operation on new projects

6. Purchasing: how to evaluate and select new products

7. Personnel Management: the importance to a company of having well motivated staff

8. Strategic Planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises

9. Sales: how to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately

10. Communication Skills: the importance of foreign language training for selected employees

11. Advertising: how to select a suitable agency to handle a company’s advertising

12. Finance: how to decide whether to float a company on the stock-market

13. Marketing: the importance to a company of offering its products on the world-wide web

14. Staff Training: how to evaluate the effectiveness of company training programmes

15. Company Growth: how to decide when it is the right time for a business to expand

16. Public Relations: the importance to a company of sponsoring well-known personalities from the arts and popular culture

17. Recruitment: how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected

18. Information Management: how to analyse and make effective use of information

19. Sales: the importance of brand image in ensuring that products or services sell well

20. Technology: the importance to a company of keeping up-to-date with internet developments

21. Quality Control: how to ensure that a company consistently maintains quality control standards

22. Product Promotion: how to make effective use of the media when promoting a new product or service

23. Product Management: the importance of teamwork for the effective management of projects

24. Health and Safety: how to develop a responsible attitude among staff to the health and safety requirements of accompany

25. Technology: the importance of computer skills for the workplace of the future

26. Communications: how to ensure that e-mail is used appropriately by staff for internal and external communications

27. Staff Development: how to administer a staff budget effectively

28. Market Research: the importance of finding out about customers’ habits and attitudes

29. Financial Management: how to identify ways of reducing costs in a company

30. Communication: how to achieve an effective working relationship between different departments within a company

31. Communication skills: the importance of understanding cultural differences when working in an international environment

32. Personnel Management: the importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions

33. Company Growth: how to ensure that company growth proceeds at the optimum rate

34. Time Management: how to manage a heavy workload effectively

35. Health and Safety: the importance to a company of having a Health and Safety policy

36. Human Resources: how to ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate feedback on individual performance


1、Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company’s products

As is know to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. I think a company should try every possible way to retain its current customers.

First, it should always make sure that it provides its customers with quality goods and after-sales service. Second, it should lay enough emphasis on the feedback from its current customers and take prompt action to take care of their needs and demands. Third, if possible it may provide some incentives to its old customers. For example, it can grant a certain discount to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strategies include product diversification and upgrading.

All in all, a company should try its utmost to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of the market through product and pricing strategies.

2、How to fill a key vacancy

In order to fill a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure.

It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on.

Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter.

Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through the company’s recruitment processes. This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.

The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want.

Background Information

3、Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companies

Career Planning

Even after a job is offered and accepted, career decisions must be made. On-the-job experience may affect the desired path. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural. The planned career path to that position may involve either a series of promotions within the firm or switching to a different firm. While planning a career path is a useful motivator, the plans should be achievable. If everyone planned to be president of a company, most plans would not be achieved. This can cause frustration. A preferable career path would include short-term goals, since some ultimate goals may take twenty years or longer. The use of short-term goals can reinforce confidence as goals are achieved.

Career Development: the importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your career

It is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career development. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who don’t and therefore has more chances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside his company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In addition, a person with a range of skills is more likely to work his way up to the top of the corporate ladder.

4、Human Resources: how to provide effective support for new members of staff

Training: The importance of a continuous programme of staff training within a company

Staff Management: how to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforce

Motivating Employees: Employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they are provided (1) compensation that is aligned with their performance, (2) job security, (3) a flexible work schedule, and (4) employee involvement programs. Firms should offer job security, compensation that is tied to employee performance, more flexible work schedules, and more employee involvement programs. To the extent that job satisfaction can motivate employees to improve their performance, firms may be able to a higher production level by providing greater job satisfaction.

5、Marketing Research

Managers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations. For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of Barat, how they heard, what they know, and how they feel about Barat. In such situations, the marketing intelligence system will not provide the detailed information needed. Managers will need marketing research.

We define marketing research as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Every marketer needs research. Marketing researchers engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from market potential and market share studies, to assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior, to studies of pricing, distribution, and promotion activities.

A company can conduct marketing research in its own research department or have some or all of it done outside. Although most large companies have their own marketing research departments, they often use outside firms to do special research tasks or studies. A company with no research department has to buy the services of research firms.

6、Marketing: the importance of packaging products appropriately

In recent times, numerous factors have made packaging an important marketing tool. Increased competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages now must perform many sales tasks-from attracting attention, to describing the product, to making the sale. Companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. For example, in an average supermarket, which stocks 15,000 to 17,000 items, the typical shopper passes by some 300 items per minute, and 53 percent of all purchases are made on impulse. In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller’s last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a “five-second commercial.” The Campbell Soup Company estimates that the average shopper sees its familiar red and white can 76 times a year, creating the equivalent of $26 million worth of advertising.

7、Market Research: the importance of doing market research before launching a new product

Sales: How to sell a product effectively in international markets

Product Promotion: the importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitions

Communication: the importance in business of maintaining contact with clients

Public Relations: the importance of adequate supervision and training of staff who deal with the public

8、Management: How to run a meeting successfully

Transport Management: the importance to a business of an efficient public transport system

Any distribution of products from producers to wholesalers or from wholesalers to retailers requires transportation. The cost of transporting some products can exceed the cost of producing them. An efficient form of transportation can result in higher costs and lower profits for the firm. For each form of transportation, firms should estimate timing, cost, and availability. This assessment allows the firm to choose an optimal method of transportation. The most common forms of transportation used to distribute products are truck, rail, air, water, pipeline.

Transport Management: the importance of using environmentally friendly means of transport whenever possible

9、Health & Safety

Employee Safety: Firms ensure that the workplace is safe for employees by closely monitoring the production process. Some obvious safety precautions are to check machinery and equipment for proper working conditions, require safety glasses or any other equipment that one can prevent injury, and emphasize any special safety precautions in training seminars.

Firms that create a safe working environment prevent injuries and improve the morale of their employees. Many firms, such as Allied Signal, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Levi Strauss and Company imposes safety guidelines not only its U.S. facilities but also on Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks Coffee Company has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries.

10、Life Skills: the importance of being able to cope with stress in a job


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