关键词: 应聘
咨询项目信函 Engagement Letter
尊敬的 [姓名] 对于您决定在贵公司[公司名称]实施经营业绩改善项目(BPIP项目),我们表示感谢并致以热烈祝贺。我们相信您一定会对项目成果感到满意。
Thank you and congratulations on your decision to proceed with the Business Performance Improvement Program for [Company Name].I am sure you will be delighted with the outcomes.正如我们已经讨论过的那样,您的投资是无条件得到保证的。在每月的月末,我们将会听取公司方面的建议。如果在任何时候您认为您的投资没有得到相应的价值回报,在双方同意的情况下,你方有权力要求我方退还前一个月的收费。我们希望我们的服务不会对你们构成任何风险。
As already discussed, your investment is unconditionally guaranteed.At the end of each month we will review the advice from this firm.If at any time and at your complete discretion, you do not believe you have received value for your investment, upon mutual agreement we will refund the last month’s fee.Our intention is that the service we provide is at NO risk to yourself!
Overview of the Business Performance Improvement Program 本项目的目的是在财务和运作方面改善您的经营业绩。
The purpose of this program is to improve the performance of your business, both financially and operationally.经营业绩改善项目由八个模块构成,目的在于帮助促进贵企业长期成长、获得财务上的成功,并实现您个人和职业的目标。
The Business Performance Improvement Program is broken down into eight modules IFC-CPDF
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that will assist your business to facilitate long-term growth, financial success and the accomplishment of personal and professional goals.模块一 ― 了解您的企业及其所从事的商业活动
Module 1 – Understanding What Business You Are In
The initial module of the BPIP is focused on information gathering.This stage assists to lay the foundation of our on-going relationship, through the transfer of knowledge.BPIP的模块一包括以下的组成部分
Module 1 of the BPIP involves the following elements 确定您个人和职业目标,并制定企业宗旨和远景目标;
Defining your personal and professional goals and developing the Mission and/ or vision for your business; 确定财务和非财务运营指标;
Ascertaining the financial and non-financial performance of your business; 根据商业发展的生命周期,充分了解企业所处的位置;
Gaining an understanding of the position of you business in relation to the business growth lifecycle; 理解系统化对企业的影响;
Understanding the impact that systemisation can have on your business; 进行SWOT分析,确定企业目前的位置并构建企业有潜力达到的位置;
Performing a SWOT analysis to establish the current and potential position of the business; 确定可以立刻实施的行动点用于改善经营业绩;
Identifying immediate action points to improve the performance of your business;and IFC-CPDF
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Identifying the elements of your business that you want to improve through the BPIP.模块二 - 了解客户、市场和产品
Module 2 – Understanding the Customers, Markets and Products 在第二个模块,您将关注于从客户处得到反馈来确定他们对于企业运作的感觉。您也会从公司的员工那里得到帮助,将项目向前推进。
During module two, you will focus on seeking feedback from your customers to ascertain how they feel about your business and its operations.You will also enlist the help of your team members, and get their support to move ahead with the program.BPIP项目的模块二包括以下部分:
Module 2 of the BPIP involves the following elements: 将员工分派投入到这个工作过程;
Engaging and committing team members to the process; 理解客户的需求、需要;
Understanding the needs and wants of customers; 确定在哪些领域顾客及员工希望实现改善;
Identifying the improvements that customers and team members would like to see; 将顾客的需求和愿望应用到现在的产品组合;
Applying the needs and wants of customers to the current product mix; 评估产品,市场和竞争战略;
Evaluating product, market and competitive strategies; 分析公司对于客户服务质量及其承诺;
Analysing of the organisations commitment to customer service;IFC-CPDF
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评估目前的客户基础,Evaluating the current client base, and 将客户群按照客户选择标准进行分类。
Categorising the client base in accordance with the client selection criteria.模块三 - 确定商业模型
Module 3 – Defining the Business Model 模块三的重要性体现在它将确定企业将来的运作模式。在这个阶段,我们将分析所在行业领域的竞争特点。
Module three of the program is essential in determining the way in which the business will operate in the future.In this stage the competitive nature of the industry will be analysed.BPIP的模块三包括以下的部分:
Module 3 of the BPIP involves the following elements: 理解企业运作所处的竞争环境;
Understanding the competitive environment in which the business operates; 理解影响企业的关键因素;
Understanding the key influences working on the business; 建立现在和将来的企业竞争战略;
Establishing the current and future competitive strategy of the business; 初步准备企业的收入模型;
Drafting the initial revenue model for the business; 完成远景目标; Finalising the vision; 确定将来在流动资金方面的要求;
Establishing the working capital requirements moving forward;and IFC-CPDF
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Commencing documentation of the Strategic Business Plan.模块四 - 员工授权
Module 4 – Team Empowerment
Module four of the BPIP is aimed at motivating employees to ensure their actions are aligned with the future goals and objectives of the business.This section of the program encourages team members to actively take part in the decision making process.模块四包括以下地几个部分:
Module 4 of the BPIP involves the following elements: 了解目前经营员工受到的激励水平和快乐的程度;
Understanding the current levels of team motivation and happiness; 衡量公司目前对于顾客的服务程度;
Measuring the organisations current commitment to customers; 确定在哪些领域对客户的关注度不够; Identifying areas of perceived indifference; 在经营活动中架设交流的渠道;
Engaging communication channels within the business; 分析整合的人力资源战略的影响;
Analysing the impact of an integrated Human Resource Strategy;and 制定员工的服务标准和主要业绩指标。
Developing team service standards and Key Performance Indicators.IFC-CPDF
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模块五- 市场营销战略计划
Module 5 – Strategic Marketing Plan
Module five of the BPIP involves the identification of opportunities for the business to expand both existing and potential, product, service and industry markets, through the construction of a Strategic Marketing Plan.BPIP项目的模块五包括以下内容:
Module 5 of the BPIP involves the following elements: 按照客户选择标准,将客户进行分类;
Categorising clients into classifications, using client selection criteria; 对产品和服务进行评估分析,使其与目标市场相符合;
Reviewing product and services lines and analysing their assimilation into the target market; 制定定价和定位战略;
Formalising the pricing and positioning strategies; 运用头脑风暴的方式讨论有关产品的承诺; Brainstorming the use of guarantees; 评估目前营销战略的成功之处以及将来战略成功的可能性;
Reviewing the success of current marketing strategies and the potential success of impending strategies;and 对目前的销售战略进行评估,设计将来12个月的营销和促销的活动一览表。Reviewing current sales strategies and designing a marketing and promotional calendar for the next twelve-month period.IFC-CPDF
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Module 6 – Business Independence.本模块的目的在于将商业运作系统化,并增加企业价值。
The purpose of this module is to systemise the business, and make it more valuable.BPIP模块六包括以下内容:
Module 6 of the BPIP involves the following elements: 设计清晰和适当的文档系统;
Designing clear and appropriate system documentation; 明确各公司职员的角色;
Clarifying team member roles; 确认并消除系统的瓶颈;
Identifying and removing system bottlenecks;and 掌握公司职员的知识产权,使其成为有形的资产。
Capturing and making tangible the intellectual property of team members.模块七-组织结构、知识、环境管理和技术战略
Module 7 – Organizational Structure, Knowledge, Environmental Management and Technology Strategies 该模块注重于内部经营的系统化,运用这样的方法,您能够通过使您的员工参与知识战略的制定和运用,增加企业的价值。
This module of the BPIP focuses on systemisation within the business, and the ways in which you can increase the value of your business through involving your team members in the development of a knowledge strategy.BPIP模块七包括以下的内容:
Module 7 of the BPIP involves the following elements: IFC-CPDF
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Ascertaining the current level of systemisation, including the identification of system weaknesses; 理解员工所面临的问题;
Gaining an understanding of team member frustrations; 通过对于问题“根源”的确认,促使问题得到解决;
Facilitating problem resolution through the identification of the “root” cause; 制定一个针对将来所需资源的技术行动方案;
Developing a technology action plan for required resources moving forward; 理解环境对商业运作所产生的影响;
Gaining an understanding of the impact of the environment on business operations;and 执行一项以持续改善为目的系统。
Implementing of a system for continuos improvement.模块八-反馈和持续改善
Module 8 – Feedback and Continuous Improvement.在BPIP的最后阶段,是要将项目整合为一体,并开发工具来帮助日常经营活动的开展。The final stage of the BPIP is about putting the whole program together and developing tools that assist in the day-to-day running of the business.BPIP模块八包括以下内容:
Module 8 of the BPIP involves the following elements: 确认经营活动中的关键成功因素(CSFs);
Identifying the businesses Critical Success Factors(CSF’s);
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Developing Key Performance Indicators(KPI’s)to monitor the performance of the business; 制定、实施平衡积分卡系统;
Developing and implementing the balanced scorecard system; 掌握“动态财务”原则;
Learning the “financial dynamics” principles;and 制定战略计划一览表
Developing an annual Strategic Planning Calendar.我方对你方承担的义务 Our Commitment to You 双方一致同意,我们的工作目的在于增加企业财务上的回报,并使您在商业经营中获得个人满足。
We both agree that the objective of the work we’re about to do is to increase the financial reward and personal satisfaction you get from your business.我方会在为你方、以及你我双方一道所进行的所有工作中,保持诚实、遵守诚信。We will act honestly and with integrity in everything we do for you and with you.我方将为我们的工作关系严格遵守保密条款。
We will respect the absolute confidentiality of our working relationship.我们保证在24小时内回覆你方的电话,即使不在上班的时间。负责你方业务的主要联系人休假时,我们将提前通知你方,并在我公司安排另外人选负责回答您的任何询问。We will return your phone calls within 24 hours, even when we are out of the office.When your primary contact is on holiday, we will advise you in advance and arrange for another person in our firm to look after your inquiries.IFC-CPDF
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We will meet the deadlines we set with you or we will advise you in advance of our inability to do so for reasons absolutely outside our control.我们将对咨询工作的每一阶段都给出我们的预算,如有任何必要的调整,我方将和你方商议解决。
We will give you a firm estimate of the fee for each phase of the assignment, and will discuss any variation that may be necessary.你方对我方承担的义务 Your Commitment to Us 你方在任何时候都应保持开放和坦率的态度,在我方为你方所做工作的任何方面,你方将通知我方您所存有的任何疑虑。
You will be open and frank with us at all times, and you will advise us of any concerns you have with any aspect of the work we do for you.你方将向我方提供我们要求的所有信息,并在双方同意的时间安排我方与你方的成员会面。
You will provide us with all the information we require and give us access to your team within the time frames we agree.你方同意参与的有关工作,你方将尽可能地投入时间,在出现你方不可控制的问题的情况下,你方也将在预定截至日期前完成你方的有关工作。你方同意BPIP项目的成功依赖于你方的对项目的投入,同时依赖于我们双方为完成预定的项目结果和目标所付出的共同努力。
You will make time available to attend to any aspect of the assignment that you agree to work on, and you will meet the associated deadlines subject to problems that are beyond your control.You understand that the success of the BPIP depends on your commitment to making it work, and that we will work together to achieve the outcomes and goals we plan for.在BPIP项目的每一个模块结束时,我们将与你方会面,讨论在该模块完成的工作。我们将要求你方确认对所完成工作的表示满意,并愿意支付双方之前认可的费用。对于所讨IFC-CPDF
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At the end of each module of the BPIP, we will meet with you and discuss the work we have done together during that module.We will be asking you to confirm that you are satisfied with that work and that you happy to pay the agreed fee for it.If you have any concerns about the work done in the stage we are discussing, we will agree together how we can remedy that situation.Only when you are totally happy with the work done and the value you have received, and you have paid us for that work will we then proceed to the next stage.你方将听取我方所提出的任何建议,但是我方认同你方拥有拒绝建议的绝对权力。
You will listen to any advice we offer, but we acknowledge your absolute right to reject it.你方将按照双方同意的条款,每月向我方支付费用。
You will attend to our account on the terms we agree upon, which are monthly with payment by direct debit.你方将考虑向至少两位您认为能够从我们的工作中获益的商业人士介绍我方的服务。You will give consideration to referring us to at least 2 other business people who you believe would benefit from the work we do.投资
Investment 你方对于商业经营改善项目(BPIP项目)的投资为每月[填入金额]。该金额包括在[月数]内的固定费用,在此期间我方将不会提高价格。如前所述,我们的费用为无条件保证,我们将在每月末,对于已完成的部分作出评估。
Your investment into the BPIP is [insert investment amount] per month.This allows for [number of months] at a fixed fee during which no price rises will be levied to you.A discussed before, our fees are unconditionally guaranteed, and the progress we have made will be reviewed at the end of each month.IFC-CPDF
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Responsibility 敬请你方注意,我方为你方所做的工作是以你方提供的信息的准确性为条件的。所以,作为BPIP项目的组成部分,你方将在所有时间负责信息的准确性。报告的准备要求你方准时完整地向我方信息。任何的延误都将影响我们工作的开展,导致无法得到相应的工作成果。
You will be aware that our work performed for you is subject to the accuracy of the underlying information.Therefore, responsibility for accuracy of the information, which makes up the BPIP, will at all times be the responsibility of you.The preparation of reports will require the presentation of information to us on a timely and complete basis.Any delay will inhibit the work we are able to perform for you and the subsequent results.受时间和费用所限,对你方和你方的代理人(除非明确指出)所提供给我方的事实、信息和解释,我方将不再进行任何确认、调查、和调研。我们将依靠你方提供的文件和电子文本信息。我方将核对、组织提供给我方信息,并用来准备前面所述及的各项报告。Due to time and cost restraints, we will be unable to carry out any verification, inquiries and investigation of facts, information and explanations given to us by you or your agents(except as indicated).We will rely on the documents and computerised information given to us.The information provided to us will be collated, organised and used to form reports for the purpose set out above.协议
Agreement [联系人姓名],我方非常高兴你方决定参加商业经营改善项目(BPIP项目),我们将期待将来和你方的合作。
[Contact Name], we are delighted that you have decided to join us on the Business Performance Improvement Program and are looking forward to working together during the coming months.顺颂商祺![公司名称]
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[顾问的姓名] [职务]
We agree to the above terms and the Terms and Conditions of Engagement.__________________________________ [客户姓名]
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A Letter
Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter based on the following instructions. You should write at least 120 words.
You want to study in a new university. Write a letter to your former teacher to ask him/her to write a reference for you. Tell him who you are, why you choose the subject and some de tails about the subject.
With the release of The Scarlet Letter in 1850,Nathaniel Hawthorne became well-known around the world as the greatest writer living of his age and his reputation as a major American author has been increasing ever since.The number of his readers has been accumulating in the past few years,leading a large number of people to study the novelist and his novel.Over the years going by,a great many biographical and critical studies have been written concerning him and his novel,and almost all aspects of his life and work have been treated marvelous care and attention.There is no denying that his novel is also well received among Chinese readers.
1 Main plot of characteristic development in hero and heroine
Now let us take a further insight into The Scarlet Letter where all elements of his thinking and aesthetics seem to find a comprehensive and vivid expression.The plot of the story is simple but very touching.According to the description of the novel,an aging English scholar sends his beautiful young wife,Hester Prynne by name,to make their new home in New England with their daughter by them.When he returns two years later,he is puzzled to see his wife wearing a scarlet letter A on her breast,holding her innocent child in her arms.At that moment,he realizes what happened to his wife and makes a secret plan of revenge.Determined to find out who her lover is,the old scholar disguises himself as a physician and changes his name to Roger Chillingworth.With clear intention and secret plan,he uncovers that the villain is no other than the muchrespected splendid young clergyman,Arthur Dimmesdale.Torturing himself ruthlessly for his sin,Dimmesdale finds his conscience no less ruthlessly preyed upon by Chillingworth.Feeling completely guilty,He cuts off himself from community and breaks down mentally as well as physically with the truth uncovered gradually.On the contrast,Hester Prynne’s reaction to the scarlet A is a positive one,which has a significant influence on the people around her,leading them to understand her and accept her little by little.Though living on the fringe of the community,she does her best to establish her fellowship with her neighbors on a friendly and honest basis.She helps her neighbors with selfishness or as skilled embroideries in an unobtrusive and undemanding way,finally winning their love and respect.This is the point which gives me a deep impression.At the beginning of the story,due to her adultery,she is mocked and laughed at by the people living around her;but she doesn’t feel discouraged and depressed and hated,she tries her best to help people in need from the bottom of her heart.Generally,people may disconnect or be far away from others when meeting this kind of difficulties or trouble,but Hester Prynne chooses to stay with them and gets along with them well and does some good deeds for them,making people accepting her and the scarlet letter on her breast.At last,she doesn’t feel embarrassed about her scarlet A at all.So I think that whatever difficulties we meet,whatever misunderstanding happens to us and whenever we are discouraged,we should follow Hester Prynne as example,strong willed,courageous,true.That is,not what we think,but what we do determine what others will treat us.In a word,gather the courage to confront everything facing us,no matter how struggling it is to deal with.
2 Enlightenment from the characters
After reading the whole novel,we can find Dimmesdale totally isolates himself from society.Deeply limiting himself to his own world,he lives a stranger among his admirers.As a consequence,whereas Hester is able to reconstruct her life and wins a moral victory,Dimmesdale experiences the tragic experiences of physical and mental disintegration,which directly leads to the tragic end.He dies as an honest man,which is true,but dies in part of his own hand.In the characters Hawthorne creates in the novel,he has the clear intention to point out the moral implication that the best policy for man is to be true,honest,and even ready to show one’s unknown part to the outside world.Luckily,Hester does it throughout her life,using her strong will to overcome all kinds difficulties in life.Supposed that Dimmesdale accepts the truth as Hester did,probably he will not be admired so much by his fellow people,even they think he is a fallible person and he can’t be a clergyman,but he will not feel uneasy in conscience and will not be tortured by Roger Chilling worth and will not lead to a tragedy at last.
3 Conclusion
Comparing Hester with Dimmesdale,from my point of view,when facing destiny,one chooses the positive way to face it while the other chooses the negative one.And the result is clear in the novel.According to this,I can see that when we meet some unfortunate things in life,we should keep optimistic to face it and deal with it.We should also affirm that people have courage to overcome every difficulty and everything will be fine after the storm.Life is full of hinders and troubles,and as a person in the world,we should wear smiles all the time to meet it and get rid of it.Only in this way can we behave ourselves in life and work.
摘要:After reading the novel the scarlet letter,I get an idea that the characters of hero and heroine in the novel give the readers a deep impression,showing different attitudes when facing difficulties.Besides,the development of the characters of the hero and heroine in the novel lead readers to know more about it and get great enlightenment from it.
[1]Blair Walter.American Literature:A Brief History[M].Glenview:Scott,Foresman and Co.1974.
[2]Chang Yao xin.A survey of American Literature[M].Tianjing:Nankai University Press.2001.
篇4:Amazing Letters
Sample Text如果令:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 分别等于百分之 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
那么Hard work (努力工作)
H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
L+O+V+E = 12+15+22+5 = 54%
L+U+C+K = 12+21+3+11 = 47%
不! M+O+N+E+Y = 13+15+14+5+25 = 72%
不! L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P = 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+8+9+16 = 97%
A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
Dear WeiHAOran: My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow.I went to your house,but you weren t in.I need some help.Could you please feed my dog?And cuold you give him water and wash his bowl.Don t forget to clean his bed.See you next week. Thanks, TangKang 第一次写,不是怎么太好优秀作文 作文人,请大家多多支持!谢谢!
I hear that you have a younger brother now and you face some problems because of him.Here is my advice for you.
First,you should understand your parents.They have to take care of your younger brother because he is too young to look after himself.
Also,sharing things with others is a happy thing.You need to be dangerous enough to share everything with your brother.
What‘s more,you should try to calm down when your younger brother is crying.You can also close the door of your study,or you can go to your friend’s home to do your homework.
I hope you think my advice is worth taking.
Best wishes!